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The California Supreme Court will not stay its decision authorizing homosexuals to “marry” in that state, even though voters will consider a constitutional amendment to ban the practice in November. The court issued its 4-3 decision Wednesday.
Attorney Matt Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, says the court’s refusal to stay their decision until the November election is very telling. “When the California Supreme Court denied this stay, especially in light of the marriage amendment being certified for the November ballot, it indicates a clear political agenda,” says Staver. “I believe that judges acting as judges, and not as legislators, would have granted the stay.”
Folk, there’s more common sense and wisdom in this three-minute video by country Gospel singers and songwriters Lewis and Lewis than in a thousand court briefings by Lambda Legal (the leading homosexual activist legal pressure group — you know, the group that enables men who “cruise” for anonymous sex with other men in public park and bathrooms by giving them legal tips on how to “cruise safely”).
Perhaps the reason why so many homosexual activists are so unreasonable and vicious is that they’re trying in vain to justify the unjustifiable: sex between two people of the same sex will always be wrong and unnatural, no matter how many court victories the Homosexual Lobby wins. (The good news is homosexuals can change.) And don’t forget these three words if you are tempted to allow American judges to decide your morality: Roe versus Wade. — Peter LaBarbera
Click HERE or on the YouTube video below to play the Lewis and Lewis music video “Come on Down to the Farm”:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzegger (R) chose to elevate political correctness over truth in responding to the California Supreme Court’s arrogant ruling for homosexual “marriage.”
The Dead Kennedys punk rock band prophetically sang in 1979:
Your kids will meditate in school!
Zen fascists will control you…
Now it is 1984
Knock-knock at your front door
It’s the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece…California über Alles.
Whether people recognize it or not, we live not in a California-created world but in a divinely-created world, where government gets its binding authority (the sword) from God to promote good conduct and disallow bad. This is why the state governor is introduced as “his Excellency.”
We now observe a “brave new world” of radical, “cool” diversity, where the word “excellence” is politically incorrect. It’s everywhere. Last week, the British government okayed the creation of animal/human embryos, legalized, for the sake of lesbian maternal desires, the elimination of the father as an essential part of a family, and the European Court on Human Rights agreed to hear a case brought by a chimpanzee (actually its handlers). By increments, our modern world abandons all belief in human dignity as bearing the image of God. In the same week, not to be outdone, California legalized gay “marriage.”
Frank Kameny — the “gay” pioneer revered by homosexual activists for his role in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association to effectively reclassify homosexuals as normal — now says that sex with animals is OK “as long as the animal doesn’t mind.”
Kameny responded to AFTAH’s article reporting on the sale of bestiality videos (and other hard-core pornography) at the recent “International Mr. Leather” convention — by defending sex with “consenting animals” and encouraging the use of “more and better and harder-core pornography” as manifestations of “Americanism in action.”
In his e-letter to Americans For Truth, Kameny, 83, stated:
“Bestiality is not my thing … But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should.”
We have many questions for Kameny, the first being: how exactly does an animal signal his or her “consent” to have sex with a human?
AFTAH criticized the notion that Kameny should be honored as an American civil rights hero. This writer has had several interactions with Kameny over the years, and I have interviewed him at length. He is civil but not afraid to confront “the enemy,” usually in stinging letters to pro-family leaders after watching them debate a “gay”-related issue in the media. Click HERE to read Wikipedia’s sympathetic bio of Kameny.
Let’s pretend we’re news editors at the TV networks and major newspapers.
This just in: The Boy Scouts of America have filed a lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia for threatening to evict the Cradle of Liberty Council from their headquarters in a city park.
If the Scouts don’t prevail, they face eviction from their 80-year-old building by Saturday, May 31.
Shouldn’t this be a national news story? It’s not.
None of the networks has mentioned the lawsuit, which was filed on May 23, and major newspapers have devoted as little as a couple of sentences to it based on wire reports. The only significant coverage has been in the local Philadelphia papers. And none of them gives readers any inkling as to why the Scouts (and parents) might not want to put children at risk by permitting homosexual men to serve as Scoutmasters….
The Scouts are fighting what amounts to an attempt at extortion. Given that tens of millions of American men have been in the Boy Scouts and that this story brims with David and Goliath drama, why is it being ignored? ….
The following was sent out today by Gary Bauer as his “End of Day” e-mail for the Campaign for Working Families. Click HERE to sign up for Bauer’s excellent publication, which I enjoy reading every day. For a take on the Left’s reaction, here’s the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s press release on New York Gov. David Patterson’s imperious, pro-homosexual-“marriage” act. (What an ally for the governor: keep in mind that the loony Task Force in February gave its annual “Leather Leadership Award” to a homosexual sadistic sex activist who specializes in “consensual” sexual “slavery.”) — Peter LaBarbera
As local organizations start mobilizing their troops to the front lines of marriage in California, FRC is launching a national effort to educate the public to the damage this ruling may do to democracy, the family, and religious freedom. Together with a broad coalition of pro-family allies, FRC has planned a strategic series of panel discussions on the implications of the California supreme court decision for the nation. Tomorrow, we’ll kick off the event at the National Press Club with legal and policy experts such as Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund, Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel, FRC’s own Ken Blackwell, and more. More people must recognize that this epidemic of judicial activism has sweeping consequences for children, businesses, the legal system, and every other facet of society. If you live or work in the nation’s capital, we encourage you to join us at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at 529 14th Street, NW for “California Same-Sex Marriage: Answering the Assault on Family and Society.” To RSVP, call 1-800-225-4008 or visit our website at www.frc.org. If you cannot attend, please log onto our site Thursday afternoon for video of the panel discussion.
Surely the homosexual (and atheist) lobby’s vindictive, selfish and shameless campaign against the Boy Scouts of America is one of the cruelest ever orchestrated by the Left. They could care less about this wonderful organization for boys, which they are helping to destroy and bankrupt through endless legal harassment.
Do you still have a problem saying that organized homosexuality is a force for evil in our society? Thank God that the Philadelphia Scouts’ Cradle of Liberty Council, which initially sought a politically correct accommodation with the city, is now fighting back. To sign up for Family Research Council’s terrific “Washington Update” and other e-mail publications, click HERE. — Peter LaBarbera
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient,Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent
Eight days shy of the eviction deadline imposed by the city of Philadelphia, the Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council is striking back. On Friday, Scout officials filed suit in federal court to end a longstanding struggle with the city over a building that the council built and has occupied since 1928 for $1 a year. In a public war over the Scouts’ membership policy which bars homosexuals from joining, Philadelphia’s leaders have threatened to pull the rug out from under the Cradle’s headquarters. City officials say their demands are entirely justifiable under a 26-year-old city ordinance that bans discrimination based on sexual orientation.