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Media Promotion
Thursday, September 27th, 2007
“The leaders of America’s anti-gay industry are directly responsible for the continuing surge in hate violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. … The right went into demonic, anti-gay hyperdrive following the Supreme Court’s Lawrence v. Texas decision in July of 2003. Since then, church pews have been awash in ugly, anti-gay rhetoric and fear-mongering. … The literal blood of thousands of gay people physically wounded by hatred during 2004 is on the hands of Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Tony Perkins and so many others who spew hate for partisan gain and personal enrichment.”
–Statement from Matt Foreman, Executive Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, April 26, 2005, blaming “anti-gay crime” on “America’s anti-gay industry”
Dear Readers,
The preposterous and astonishingly bigoted rant above by Matt Foreman, head of the second largest homosexual organization in America, illustrates the dangerous potential of pro-homosexual, pro-transsexual “hate crimes” legislation, S. 1105, which reportedly could come up for a vote before the U.S. Senate TODAY.
TAKE ACTION : Call your U.S. Senators today at 202-224-3121, or write then via www.congress.org. Urge them to oppose the Kennedy-Smith-Reid Hate Crimes Bill, S. 1105. Pass this message on to your friends and contact list.
A strengthened federal “Hate crimes” law — which would include transsexuals (perceived “gender identity”) for the first time in federal law — would provide a powerful foundation for politically-motivated, pro-homosexual prosecutors to go after people of faith, based on their alleged “anti-gay” speech.
Foreman is lying about the link between Christians and violent, despicable crimes, just as the homosexual lobby is lying about the supposedly pressing need for this legislation (see below). The last thing America needs is to put the power of the federal government behind a system of law that creates a politically correct hierarchy of victims — in a country where homosexual victims already receive far more media attention than religious victims like Mary Stachowicz.
S 1105 would also spend YOUR tax dollars on biased “anti-hate” programs that invariably discriminate against faith-based opposition to homosexuality.
No need for this bill
A thorough report on S 1105 by the Traditional Values Coalition states that S. 1105 “makes the following fraudulent and ridiculous claims in [its] Findings:
- Homosexuals are fleeing across state lines to avoid persecution;
- Perpetrators are crossing state lines to commit crimes against them;
- Homosexuals are so persecuted they have trouble purchasing goods and services or finding employment. [now that’s a whopper–Editor]
- These false claims about homosexuals fleeing across state lines are being used as a hook to justify federal involvement in local law enforcement through the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution.
- No Epidemic Of Hate Crimes Exists! S. 1105 falsely claims in The Findings, without any evidence, that “the incidence of violence motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability of the victim poses a serious national problem.”
- FBI statistics from 2005 (the latest available) reveal that there is no national epidemic of hate against minority groups or against homosexuals:
- According to the FBI, in 2005 there were only 5,190 hate crimes directed against all persons. Of this figure, only 1,171 were sexual orientation bias crimes. Out of this 1,171:
- 301 were listed as “intimidation.”
- 333 were listed as “simple assault.”
- 177 were listed as aggravated assault! There was one forcible rape and no murders based on sexual orientation in 2005.
- 1 forcible rape; 30 robberies; 10 burglaries; 27 larceny-theft; 2 motor vehicle theft; 1 arson; 275 damage/vandalism; 3 other; 5 crimes against society.
- Nationwide there were 862,947 aggravated assaults against all persons. (Source: FBI Crime in the United States 2005, Aggravated Assault)
- Out of 862,947 cases of aggravated assault, only 177 were motivated by sexual orientation bias. This is 0.000205 percent of all aggravated assaults in 2005.
- In a nation of 300 million, this is no epidemic of hate against homosexuals that needs federal involvement in local law enforcement. (Source: Tables 2 and 4, FBI Hate Crime Stats, 2005)
My good friend Bob Knight lays out the basic problems with expanded, pro-homosexual federal “hate crimes”, arguing that legislation like S. 1105:
- violates the concept of equal protection under the law by designating special classes of victims, who get a higher level of government protection than others victimized by similar crimes.
- politicizes criminal law, leading to pressure on police and prosecutors to devote more of their limited resources to some cases, at the expense of other crime victims’ cases.
- vastly expands the power and jurisdiction of the federal government to intervene in local law enforcement matters, once a crime is called a “hate crime.”
- has a chilling effect on free speech by making unpopular ideas a basis for harsher treatment in criminal proceedings. More than half of the so-called “hate crimes” in the last U.S. Justice Department report were categorized as “intimidation” or “simple assault,” which do not necessarily involve anything more than words.2 In terms of the proposed national hate crimes bill, this makes name-calling literally a federal case.
- confuses law enforcers, because the definition of what constitutes a “hate crime” is clear in some instances but unclear in others. This burdens prosecutors and opens up endless opportunities for defense attorneys to invoke technicalities.
- is not necessary. There is no evidence to substantiate the claim that “hate crime” victims are receiving less justice than other crime victims.
The last thing America needs is to expand federal power unnecessarily while creating the foundation for dubious federal “rights” based on homosexuality and gender confusion. Read the full TVC report on S. 1105 HERE. And call your Senators today at 202-224-3121, or e-mail them at http://www.congress.org/.
This “hate crimes” bill has already passed the House, so if it passes the Senate, we will be urging President Bush to wield his presidential veto: call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 or use the Contact Page on the presidential website.
Thank you for standing up for truth and freedom.
Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Canada, Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Government Promotion, Media Promotion, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Pending Legislation, Pro-Homosexual Media, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, UK |
Tuesday, September 25th, 2007
From my good friend Robert Knight, director of the Culture & Media Institute, a division of the Media Research Center that examines how media bias undermines faith and traditional American values–PL:
Posted: 09/21/2007, Human Events Online
Most liberal media outlets reacted in similar fashion to Tuesday’s major Maryland Court of Appeals ruling, which upholds the state’s law defining marriage as one man-one woman. They presented it through the lavender lens of homosexual activism.
CBS News’ Web site ran this headline: Maryland Court Upholds Gay Marriage Ban
Calling the law a “gay marriage ban” is as misleading as describing it as a “ban on polygamous marriage,” or a “ban on incestuous marriage” or perhaps a “ban on interspecies marriage.” For the record, the Court in Conaway vs. Deane notes that neither the 1973 law nor the legislative debate at the time address “sexual orientation” nor any “gay” issue. All the law does is reiterate the fundamental nature of marriage for legal purposes.
To liberal journalists, however, a law merely acknowledging the timeless definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is unacceptable. Such a law must be depicted only as a negative, as a ban rather than an affirmation.
The CBS article itself was straightforward at the top, but devolved into passages like this:
Many of the plaintiffs have children, and they argue that their families are being denied the stability and legal protection that comes from having married parents.
Lisa Kebreau, 39, and her partner, Mikki Mozelle, 31, who live in Riverdale, have three children – ages 17, 2 and 20 months.
“We really wanted them to understand how normal and good their family is – that their family is just like any other family,” Kebreau said.
CBS quoted no pro-marriage spokesman in response who might have argued that kids deserve to have both a mother and a father. The story also did not explain the court’s key finding that “sexual orientation” is not a civil rights class such as sex, race and ethnicity.
The Baltimore Sun ran this headline: Court Upholds Md. Gay Marriage Ban
The story, a cardinal example of advocacy journalism, was devoted to homosexual activists and liberal jurists complaining about the ruling or vowing to create “gay marriage” by other means. Not a single pro-marriage spokesperson was quoted.
The Washington Post’s article gave a more balanced account, but spent most of its ink criticizing the decision and discussing how to circumvent it. The opening sentence reflects the Post’s bias, describing Maryland’s marriage law as “the state’s ban on gay marriage” and “the controversial law.”
In fact, the marriage law is not controversial, at least outside homosexual activist and liberal media circles. All 50 states have laws defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman (even Massachusetts, which still has no business issuing same-sex marriage licenses without a change in the law).
What is controversial is Baltimore Circuit Court Judge M. Brooke Murdock’s nutso January ruling striking the law down. Murdock wrote that the law violates a state constitutional provision guaranteeing equal rights. By her reasoning, any specific definition of a relationship or status could violate the rights of somebody who does not qualify. Perhaps we should all be considered “doctors,” not just those folks who graduated from medical school.
Click HERE to read the entire article in Human Events Online
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", CBS, Court Decisions & Judges, Government Promotion, Media Promotion, News, Washington Post |
Thursday, September 20th, 2007
Anti-Christian bigotry prevails: Human Rights Campaign’s Daryl Herrschaft threatened to boycott a DiversityInc Magazine forum on “Religion in the Workplace” if Americans For Truth were allowed to participate. The magazine caved in.
By Peter LaBarbera
“How do you balance the need to create an open and equal workplace for LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] employees with the religious beliefs of those who oppose same-sex relationships?”
— proposed discussion question for DiversityInc “Religion in the Workplace” roundtable that includes an atheist and a homosexual activist but dropped Americans For Truth after being lobbied by pro-“gay” panelists
Today I was scheduled to fly to Newark, N.J., to participate in a “Religion in the Workplace Roundtable” discussion sponsored by DiversityInc Magazine. But I won’t be going to Newark – because three of the panelists decided that true diversity was something they simply could not tolerate.
On Friday, I received an awkward call from Barbara Frankel, DiversityInc’s Executive Editor, who had originally invited me to take part in the roundtable — along with Daryl Herrschaft, Director of the Workplace Project at Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual activist group, and several other panelists including the president of American Atheists.
An embarrassed Ms. Frankel said she was forced to disinvite me, less than a week before the event, because Herrschaft and two other panelists (she wouldn’t say whom) had threatened not to come if I were allowed to participate. (I had already bought my airline ticket and received planning materials for the discussion.) Ironically, one of the proposed questions for the roundtable was: “How do you balance the need to create an open and equal workplace for LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] employees with the religious beliefs of those who oppose same-sex relationships?”
Frankel apologized and said that she was very upset about this development, but that her hands were tied. Of course, she could have stuck with the original plan and told Herrschaft and his two allies to take a hike, or at least a refresher course on genuine diversity.
Frankel’s decision to cave in to HRC’s demands represents a triumph of the new, Intolerant “Tolerance” over real tolerance. In originally inviting me and Americans For Truth to participate, Frankel – representing the very pro-“gay” DiversityInc — was, to her credit, practicing old-fashioned tolerance: people with divergent worldviews listening and talking respectfully to one another about each other’s viewpoint, in a spirit of civility.
The New Tolerance – epitomized by Herrschaft’s arrogant threat – is “tolerant” in name only. It is driven by ideology and power. Here’s the formula: certain viewpoints that the Left finds intolerable – e.g., that homosexuality is wrong and changeable behavior – must be denied public expression, or at least be marginalized. All to build a “hate-free” society, you see. (Conservative college students know well this counterfeit brand of “tolerance and diversity.”)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, GLAAD, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Parenting, HRC, HRC Corporate Equality Index, Media Promotion, News, Pro-Homosexual Media, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Thursday, September 20th, 2007
By J. Matt Barber
Posted by Concerned Women for America, Sept. 14, 2007
“They feel kind for a season, but remain blind to all reason.” — Matt Barber, just now
Such is the nature of political correctness. And in that spirit, lawmakers — who are purportedly sane — plan to take us all on a “long strange trip” through a mystical fantasyland where the impossible is possible and the objectionable is obligatory.
A vote is expected soon on H.R. 2015, the so-called “Employment Non-Discrimination Act” (ENDA). If passed, the bill would grant special employment rights and protected minority status to individuals who define themselves based upon chosen sexual behaviors and others who — among other things — suffer from clinical self-delusion. It would force employers to abandon their First Amendment civil rights at the workplace door.
More on that later…
In the meantime, two stories. One is fiction, the other is real. Both are fantasy:
Sean was a redheaded, freckled lad of pure Irish descent. Growing up, he always felt something was wrong. He didn’t like green beer, corned beef hash or any of the other things the Irish were supposed to like. Rather, he was fascinated by African-American culture and eventually made the self-determination that he was, in fact, a black man trapped in a white man’s body. No, not like Vanilla Ice, Eminem or other posers; Sean actually believed it.
There were others who felt the same way, and a movement was formed. They called themselves “transracial.” They made up fancy, official sounding terms like “race identity” and “race reassignment surgery.” They demanded special rights and government-mandated benefits such as affirmative action and reparations.
Okay, that hasn’t happened yet (that I know of). The whole idea is pretty ridiculous, right?
Try this on for size:
Sean was a burly truck driver. Growing up, he always felt something was wrong. He preferred Barbie to G.I. Joe and didn’t like football or the other things boys were supposed to like. Rather, he got twitterpated by the way pantyhose felt against his skin and eventually made the self-determination that he was, in fact, a woman trapped in a man’s body.
There were others who felt the same way, and a movement was formed. They called themselves “transgender.” They made up fancy, official sounding terms like “gender identity” and “gender reassignment surgery” and demanded they be granted special rights and government-mandated benefits.
Get the picture?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Government Promotion, HRC, Media Promotion, Mental Health, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Pro-Homosexual Media, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
This column was originally published by Concerned Women for America:
By J. Matt Barber
Heard the one about the U.S. senator who walked into the toilet with an undercover cop on perversion patrol?
Of course you have. Everyone’s heard it, but unfortunately, it’s not just a bad bar room joke.
Still, liberals in Congress and their friends in the press are laughing themselves cross-eyed. There’s another Republican involved in a “gay” sex scandal, so predictably the “mainstream” media’s all aflutter. They want to keep the story alive as long as they can, hoping to recreate the Foley effect in 2008.
For all six of you who haven’t heard, Craig pled guilty to disorderly conduct after he was accused of soliciting an undercover male police officer for “gay” sex in a public restroom.
Craig has denied the allegations saying he “overreacted” by pleading guilty in hopes that he could just “make it go away.”
It didn’t go away.
This story’s got that sexy, salacious stuff that makes the Pavlovian media pant: Another Republican fall from grace and a fresh, imagined batch of hot, gooey “hypocrisy” with which to broadly tar the entire GOP.
Of course, when liberal Democrats like Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Gerry Studds are caught, it’s just a “personal matter involving sex.” But when it’s a Republican – especially one with a conservative voting record like Craig – then, holy restroom romance Batman! It’s front page news for weeks.
But whether or not the allegations against Craig are true, the scandal serves to remind us that sexual deviancy is a bipartisan dilemma. There have now been several high profile cases of politicians – Democrats and Republicans – busted while “looking for love in all the wrong places.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Down Low, Gay Culture, Media Promotion, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? |
Friday, September 7th, 2007
I confess to being such a square that I had never heard of Tila Tequila until today. But neither had MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson until he did the following 2006 interview with her, now posted on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL98DlGyThE. On that video — which alone is an education in the awesome power of the web — Tequila (Tila Nguyen) talks only about finding a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. Apparently she’s “evolved” since then, as politically correct liberals love to say (even though promoting homosexual behavior seems to run counter to Darwin’s theory).
Nobody ever charged MTV — which has relentlessly promoted “alternate” sexual lifestyles — with caring about Biblical morality. But how tragic that a top video youth network would stoop to using bisexuality to titillate its audience in the quest for viewers.
Advice to parents: if you have cable, don’t allow a TV in your kids’ rooms; better yet, find a way to kick MTV out of your house altogether. — Peter LaBarbera
AP reports today from Los Angeles:
MTV to air bisexual dating show
‘A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila’ airs Oct. 9
A bisexual dating show featuring a woman who gained fame on MySpace is in the works for MTV.
“A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila,” in which 16 men and 16 women will compete for Tequila’s affections, is set to debut Oct. 9 on the cable channel, Television Week reported Thursday.
“Tila Tequila made a name for herself by doing things her way, captivating legions of fans online, both men and women,” said MTV executive Tony DiSanto. “Now she is taking that attitude and sex appeal to her own TV series where she is looking for a mate … by again, captivating a group of both men and women.”
Tequila’s MySpace page includes racy photos, her music and a Time magazine description of the singer-model-actress-blogger (born Tila Nguyen) as an Internet sensation and “the Madonna of MySpace.”
Posted in 02 - Lesbian, 03 - Bisexual, Celebrities, Media Promotion, MTV, News, Pro-Homosexual Media |
Friday, September 7th, 2007
This FOX News Channel ad ran in the program guide of the recent National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association conference in San Diego.
The following is Allyson Smith’s first installment on the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) conference in San Diego — which she attended representing Americans For Truth. Note the casual mixing of homosexual media with “mainstream” media – all sharing and strategizing around a pro-gay perspective — and the complete lack of opposing voices present at the NLGJA panels. (Allyson tells me that at one panel on “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell,” the moderator said that opponents of homosexuals in the military were invited to speak but declined to attend.)
All this begs the question of whether homosexual reporters working in establishment media can truly be objective — i.e., fair and balanced — especially when they are assigned to cover homosexual-related issues. Also, note that for ease of reading, we have not put quote marks around the word “gay” as we would normally do. – Peter LaBarbera
By Allyson Smith
Gay Activists & Journalists Mingle and Strategize Together at National Gay Journalists Conference: Day 1 at the NLGJA
On Thursday, August 30, I attended the first of three days of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention, held at the Westin Horton Plaza Hotel in downtown San Diego. Although I have been to many homosexual conferences and events since the dawn of the millennium, at times using my real name and at other times an assumed name, this would be my first time to attend such a convention as a totally “out” Christian conservative reporter under the auspices of an organization many homosexual activists hate: Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), headed by longtime pro-family activist Peter LaBarbera.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ABC, Authors & Journalists, CBS, CNN, Down Low, FOX News, Homosexual Quotes, Media Promotion, MTV, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, NBC, New York Times, News, NLGJA, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Truth Wins Out, Viacom, Washington Post |
Friday, September 7th, 2007
The photo at right appeared in the homosexual newspaper Dallas Voice’s story on Allyson Smith, who attended the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA) conference in San Diego representing Americans For Truth. Smith received a lot of attention at the annual event as a lone voice opposed to homosexuality. The NLGJA event is financed and sponsored each year by “mainstream” media corporations, including FOX News, which also recruited there.
The following article first appeared on the blog of Mike Heath, who directs the Christian Civic League of Maine, and who is Chairman of the Board of Directors at Americans For Truth. As one who has both attended several National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) conferences (openly, as a critic), and even spoken as a panelist at one, I will add that the NLGJA events have an odd mix of activism and journalism. They prominently feature activists like Besen who can fairly be described as pro-homosexual culture warriors, but they also are attended by professional journalists who claim to be objective, mostly as open homosexuals. (I would suspect that the typical media consumer has no clue that the NLGJA reporter they’re reading, watching, or listening to is “gay.”)
Wayne’s predictable jibes are far less important than the question of whether openly (or “closeted”) homosexual journalists can cover homosexuality-related issues with any semblance of objectivity and fairness. — Peter LaBarbera
A ‘Christian Crusader’ amidst the World of ‘Gay Journalism’
By Mike Heath | September 7, 2007
Most of us don’t even know that there is such a thing as a homosexual press. If someone told us there was one we’d look at them askance and wonder which airport bathroom stall they just crawled out of. Alas, not only is there such a thing … it is thriving. How do I know? It wasn’t FoxNews that told me. Turns out FoxNews sponsors the homosexual press, and recruits from their ranks. Fox was one among many familiar news sources who showed up to sponsor the National Gay and Lesbian Jounalist Association convention in San Diego a couple weeks ago.
One intrepid truth teller took time to show up. Allyson Smith, a San Diego resident, attended the entire conference representing (openly) Americans For Truth. It is important to know that Allyson lives in San Diego. Truth tellers about homosexuality in the west have learned to live on fund-raising fumes. It is harder to raise funds for truth telling about homosexuality than it is for Larry Craig to figure out his “intent.” If Smith didn’t live in San Diego, the important and underrated organization Americans for Truth wouldn’t have had anybody at the conference. They don’t have the money. It is easy to raise money by loving all things gay, hating gays or helping gays. It is hard to raise money to tell the truth about the so-called “gay” movement.
Send your check today to Americans for Truth by visiting their website HERE.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ABC, Activists, CBS, CNN, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, FOX News, Government Promotion, Homosexual Quotes, Media Promotion, NBC, New York Times, News, Washington Post |
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