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“Why do these adult activists so desperately want little children to learn all about homosexuality and gender deviance? Without parents present? That fits the definition of grooming.”
Be Your ‘True,’ Deviant Self? Leading homosexual-bisexual-transgender pressure organization Human Rights Campaign’s digital booklet, “Coming Out Authentically: Living as Bisexual+,” encourages youth to embrace aberrant and sinful identities in the name of “truth.” HRC is a leading opponent of the Florida pro-parental-rights-in-education bill just signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Folks, if there’s anyone in the USA who has a right to say, “I told you so” about the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, [__Insert current, trendy perversion HERE__]) lobby’s penetration of our educational system, it’s my good friend and longtime pro-family warrior, Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America. Please share this important piece far and wide.–Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.News; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
‘Don’t Allow Grooming’ Bill Exposes ‘LGBTQ” Child Agenda
By Linda Harvey, reprinted by permission from MissionAmerica.com, March 30, 2022
There are times when many of us would really love to say, “We told you so.” Despite the mocking and scorn over the years, it turns out there actually is a “gay” agenda directed toward children– depraved and aggressive– and it’s now more obvious than ever.
The Florida Parental Rights Bill (HB 1557) reveals the crass, exploitative underbelly of “gay” activism and is a threat to the prize target of many wayward adults—vulnerable children.
This important bill recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis protects children in kindergarten through third grade from homosexual and gender deviance indoctrination in lessons, books and so on. It also prohibits schools from withholding physical/mental health information from a parent.
The law makes perfect sense and my hope is that we can pass many such bills in other states. I wish lawmakers had extended it to all grade levels, but perhaps that seemed an unreachable goal. Yet the measure is a good start. It also helpfully elicited a furious reaction from the “LGBTQ” community.
The sexual anarchy lobby named the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and even organized walkouts of mostly high school students, showing a limited understanding of what the bill does.
Human Rights Campaign, for instance, is already selling “Ok to Say Gay” T-shirts—but ironically, none in sizes for small children. Doesn’t HRC believe these “youth” should have the “right” to identify as “LGBTQ”? Or is that just for backroom discussions?
Once again, it’s all about the adults and their preferences/depravities, and child human shields are mostly unimportant, except for perhaps the hard-to-locate gender-confused 6-year-old, who will be sadly paraded as a literal poster child in upcoming court cases in the hope of overturning this bill.
Does the sustained outrage mean that Big Gay will now openly push small grade schoolers to identify as LGBTQ? There’s a term for that: grooming.
Dr. Brown notes Big LGBTQ silence as perverse “drag” culture is promoted to children
Liberals Love Gender Confusion:Instagram photo of 11-year-old “drag kid,” “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. See the videos below of Desmond doing a “drag show” at a San Francisco “gay” club, and being celebrated (read: exploited) by ABC’s Good Morning America.
Folks, I can’t find the words to express my dismay at this, the latest cultural atrocity emanating from the immoral LGBTQueer movement. Our friend Dr. Michael Brown focuses below on the lack of “gay” activist criticism of the shocking spectacle of “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. In future posts we will hone in on other disturbing factors, including:
1) the media’s activist role in uncritically ushering in ALL aspects of the gay/bi/trans agenda, no matter how radical, even sexualizing and corrupting young children; and
2) the role of “progressive” parents/enablers, including those in homosexual-led households, in foisting adult immoralities on the children in their care.
This poor boy is being abused and exploited by his own mom, in addition to countless other sexual “progressives.” Today’s liberalism is bad for kids because it seemingly has no moral boundaries.
America is becoming a very dark place, as large segments of our society collectively give God the finger, as it were. This is what a post-Christian society looks like after 50 years of “gay” revolution. (Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York City that birthed modern homosexual activist radicalism.)
A terrific column by Dr. Brown follows after the jump and these two appalling videos: 1) A shameless puff piece on ABC’s recent “GMA Day” featuring the Napoles and some adult male “drag queens”; and 2) video of the boy doing a “drag” performance at a homosexual club in San Francisco as men throw and give dollar bills to him as he prances on stage!
No wonder so many nations don’t want to be like America anymore. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Was a man then, is a man now: Bruce Jenner on the cover of the Wheaties cereal box after winning gold in the decathlon in the 1976 Olympic Games. One’s sex is not subjective.
Folks, this is a devastating announcement by San Francisco-based Twitter, which if enforced could lead to the expulsion of hundreds if not thousands of conservatives from the social media platform through politicized “hate violations.” See the recent social media corporate actions taken against AFTAH: by Twitter HERE; and by Facebook HERE and HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @Peter LaBarbera
PS. Bruce (“Caitlyn”) Jenner can never be a woman, because he was born male and will always be a man, possessing male DNA.
I recently did a little computer-generated test to help determine my “physiological age” as compared to my “chronological age.” (Thankfully, I was 8 years younger than my chronological age, 55 rather than 63.) One of the first questions I was asked was whether I was male or female. Why? It’s because – brace yourself! – men are biologically different than women. What a revolutionary concept!
But if a computer program is going to determine your physiological age vs. your chronological age, it needs to know something about your biology since, to repeat, men are different than women.
But it appears Twitter no longer understands this.
So, Twitter has updated its terms of service, adding further information under the category of “Repeated and/or non-consensual slurs, epithets, racist and sexist tropes, or other content that degrades someone.”
Specifically, Twitter explains
“We prohibit targeting individuals with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.”
Note carefully that last sentence, which singles out “misgendering” and “deadnaming.”
So do biological gender differences matter, or is any reference to “biological sex” bigoted?
Now biological men can get periods? In this tweet, “Trans Women” means biological men who are “identifying” as “women” through the modern “transgender” cult. The tweet links to an article in the leftist, pro-trans website “Everyday Feminism,” in which the writer links the effects of “HRT” (Hormone Replacement Therapy) drugs to menstrual symptoms of real women. This sort of idiocy results from a reality-denying movement that uncouples one’s sex (gender) from his or her biology. Note the responses to the initial tweet: “Nausea and cramps and mood swings and other generic symptoms can be a sign of LOTS of things. Most likely drug side effects in trans case.” … “How would trans women get period symptoms if they lack the organs responsible for menstruation?”
“Teaching children they might be born in the wrong body is psychological child abuse.”
By Cathy Ruse
First published in The Stream, 11-7-18
One of the most liberal school systems in the country wants parents to know that boys and girls are built differently. Except when that truth is not politically convenient.
The Fairfax County (Virginia) School Board announced an upcoming workshop for parents. It’s called “Jack’s Brain, Jill’s Brain: Gender Differences and Why They Matter.” The workshop will feature child psychologists discussing how “girls and boys learn differently.” Apparently, “rapidly emerging research” shows that “the brains of females and males are developmentally, structurally and functionally different.”
But, do they really mean this? After all, this is the school board that voted to teach children that biological sex is meaningless.
A Search-and-Destroy Mission
Last spring by a vote of 10-2, the nation’s 10th largest school system made a search-and-destroy mission through its 80 hours of Sex Ed (per student). Every reference to human beings having a “biological sex” of male or female was removed. Children are now taught that “sex is assigned at birth” and subject to change.
Parents and taxpayers in Fairfax County tried to stop them. When the proposal was open to public comment, over 1,000 comments came in and 83% opposed the change. But the school board had no interest in the views of parents and people who pay their salaries. Only in pushing their brand of sex politics on the children under their control.
No one is born a boy or girl. Some girls have penises. Don’t be a hater.
It’s impossible to square the curriculum changes with the upcoming parent workshop. The school board is either lying to the children or they’re lying to the parents.
Well, they’re lying to the children; but it’s even worse than that.
Below is a graphic about the recent act of Facebook censorship against Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s (AFTAH) FB page. Our commentary at right was not a part of the original deleted post. The circled portion is Facebook’s notification to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera; it reads:
“Only you can see this post because it goes against our standards on hate speech.”
Honestly, I don’t know what triggered the left-leaning techies at Facebook (or that FB “algorithm” we keep hearing about in the news): was it the use of the word “queer,” even though I was just paraphrasing a widely used slogan by the homosexual group “Queer Nation”? (Note: almost all major LGBTQ groups and websites use that word.) Or was it that I covered up the indecent “gay kiss”?
Either way, FB’s oppressive application of leftist “hate” politics is deeply troubling. The Soviet Thought Police had nothing on these morally-challenged techies.
How can conservatives go on in the most popular social media platforms under these conditions? Talk to almost any pro-family advocate on Facebook who defends biblical sexuality and you will find similar stories of heavy-handed and often petty acts of FB censorship. It has happened to us before. Perhaps it’s time to break up these leftist de facto monopolies.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Working Together: Americans For Truth has worked closely with Brian Camenker and MassResistance for two decades. MR has branches in many states and volunteer activists all over the world. To read more about LaBarbera joining the MassResistance team, go HERE. AFTAH will continue to operate as an independent organization, publishing exposés educating the public on the hard truths about homosexuality, “transgenderism” and the powerful LGBTQ Lobby that many other groups shy away from.
The following is an Americans For Truth press release on AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera joining the pro-family group MassResistance:
AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera Joins MassResistance, Leading Grassroots Pro-Family Group Fighting LGBTQ Agenda
Contact: Peter LaBarbera at AFTAH: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
April 13, 2018
Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org), issued the following statement today on joining the Boston-based pro-family organization MassResistance (MR) as assistant director. AFTAH, based in Chicago, will continue to exist as an independent organization producing no-holds-barred exposés on the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda. See the MassResistance article on LaBarbera coming on board HERE.
Statement by LaBarbera:
I am thrilled to be joining the MassResistance team with Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada. MR is the leading national grassroots organization opposing the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement.
I have worked with Brian, Amy and the MR staff for more than two decades and my admiration for them has steadily grown over the years. In a world darkened by suffocating political correctness, they stand out as principled truth-tellers, supremely dedicated to fighting the lies of the powerful “gay” and “trans” lobbies. Moreover, like the fanatical LGBTQ activists they oppose, they will never quit.
Camenker understands that merely exposing LGBTQ cultural aggression is not enough: we must build and organize a worldwide resistance to this sin/deviance movement before it engulfs America and other nations with its perverse ideology–which corrupts everything it touches, including marriage and Christianity. He also understands that the endless defensiveness of conservatives on LGBTQ issues inevitably leads to further defeats.
Contrada is a first-rate researcher who, leading up to the presidential election of 2012, had the guts to expose then-GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s long record of capitulation to homosexual activists. See her book “Mitt Romney’s Deception.” Like AFTAH, MassResistance never caters to the “Republican gay agenda.”
In 2017, MassResistance published a 600-page book on the “Health Hazards of Homosexuality” – meticulously loaded with research and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reports laying out the massive, disproportionate health risks linked to sodomy and other LGBTQ behaviors. “Gay” activists immediately lambasted the book as “hateful” without reading its contents.
Camenker and MR operate from the truthful presumption that the powerful, proud LGBTQ activist movement is evil. For decades, “gay” ideologues have aggressively targeted young people—even toddlers and elementary school students—with their nefarious propaganda promoting homosexuality and gender rebellion as “normal and natural.”
He also understands that the other side never backs down—so why should we? Homosexual activists and their liberal enablers routinely mock and vilify anyone who publicly opposes homosexualism and transgenderism. Worse, they push for oppressive laws that trample over citizens’ constitutional rights to pursue wholesome, pro-heterosexual change and freely live out their beliefs about natural marriage and sensible, Judeo-Christian morality.
The sad reality is that Christians and other conservative moral advocates have been outhustled, outmaneuvered and outlasted time and again by the “Gay” Lobby—whether it’s in the courts, in corporations or in schools. That must end if we are to preserve not only our liberty in the freest nation on earth, but the innocence and well-being of future generations of children.
Yours with any gift of $100 or more to AFTAH. Give online HERE.
Learn the hard truth, help AFTAH: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is offering a copy of the MassResistance book, “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals,” for your gift to AFTAH of $100 or more.
This is not a book for the faint of heart, nor for those who seek to deny the politically incorrect reality about destructive homosexual behaviors. (That includes most “progressives” and the LGBTQ Cheerleading Squad otherwise known as “the media.”) Its nearly 600 pages are loaded with CDC data and medical reports about the dangers of homosexual practices–i.e., the disturbing, unmentionable facts that lie beneath the “gay”-affirming veneer used to sell homosexuality to youth and the larger culture. That’s why sexual perversion activists HATE this book and don’t want you to read it. We need to get it into every library in the world.
Yours with $100 donation: Give safely online HERE (request “Health Hazards” book in Comments section on form) or send your check for $100 or more to: Americans For Truth (AFTAH), P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, and we will send you a copy of “Health Hazards of Homosexuality.”
I challenge you to do what I’m doing: read this well-researched book by the end of the year. Then you will be better armed as a truthful change agent in our deceived culture. If you have further questions, ask for Brad Wallace by calling AFTAH at 312-324-3787 or write him at connops@yahoo.com. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com.
Walmart funds leftist homosexual groups and perverse LGBTQueer “pride” parades, markets “gay” products like “Heather Has Two Mommies”
Walmart Now Markets Homosexuality to Kids: Walmart’s online store sells the new edition of “Heather Has Two Mommies,” a “children’s” picture book that promotes the normalcy of lesbian parenting. Above is a screen shot of Walmart.com. The retail giant now scores a “100 percent” on Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–which punishes corporations for giving to pro-family organizations, yet rewards them for funding LGBTQ activist groups. To receive a “100-percent” score, corporations must be committed to funding grotesque, body-disfiguring transsexual “sex-reassignment surgeries” as part of their company’s “health” insurance plan for employees. Take Action: contact Walmart HERE or call 800-925-6278). Click to enlarge.
“Interestingly, unlike many other corporations adopting pro-homosexual policies, Walmart plays both sides of the social-issues “culture war.” It does this by cultivating good relations with both homosexual activists like [Human Rights Campaign] and Christian conservative organizations like American Family Association (AFA).”
Folks, below is a piece I wrote earlier this month for LifeSiteNews, an excellent pro-family and pro-life website (subscribe to their e-list HERE). Walmart’s capitulation to the demands of the leftist, anti-Christian–and very pro-Democrat–Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC) is the latest sign of how strategically important major corporations have become in driving the “gay-transgender” revolution.
If Walmart can go “all gay,” any corporation can, and sadly the Bentonville, Arkansas-based retail giant’s moral capitulation shows how complete and entrenched America’s godless homosexual revolution has become. Nevertheless, liberal (pro-) LGBTQ “snowflakes” in post-Trump distress everywhere are acting as if the USA is on the verge of becoming like Saudi Arabia–despite Trump being the most PRO-homosexual Republican presidential nominee ever!
Walmart’s new, immoral “values”: Walmart fielded a contingent in New York City’s 2015 homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, despite its sexually perverse nature. See this AFTAH photo-story and other photos below.
As it has in recent years, Walmart again sponsored New York City’s homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (LGBTQueer) “pride” parade in 2016 (see page 35 of the “NYC Pride Guide”; also, see AFTAH’s photo-story exposé on the 2015 NYC “pride” parade sponsored by Walmart). And Walmart was among the corporate sponsors at a far-left-biased “International LGBT Leaders” conference (attended by this writer) in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, put on by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute.
Walmart’s values? This nearly naked pervert marched in the 2015 New York City homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, at which many young children were in attendance. Click to enlarge photos.
Ironically, under HRC’s horribly skewed “Corporate Equality Index“ (CEI), if Walmart were to give a direct grant to AFA (or Americans For Truth), it would LOSE 25 points and fall off the CEI’s “100-percent” list (see story below). Having the leftist HRC judge corporations on homosexual and “gender” issues is about as fair as having the far-left, pro-LGBTQ Southern Poverty Law Center serve as an arbiter of “hate.” Utterly absurd, and yet the corrupt media honor both rankings and report them as objective “news.”
I’ll say this: you have to hand it to Walmart’s executives: cynically playing both sides of the LGBTQ-vs.-the-natural-family “culture war” and seemingly getting away with it. Or will they? I suppose that’s up to pro-family Americans, who correctly understand that the homosexual/transgender social-legal revolution is incompatible with the First Amendment and freedom of conscience. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera
TAKE ACTION: Call Walmart’s Arkansas headquarters at 479-273-4000 and choose ext. 3, then ask for the office of CEO Doug McMillon. Or call 1-800-WALMART (925-6278). Write Walmart online HERE (click the “Community and Giving” option). When I called the first number I was routed to Customer Relations. Send CEO McMillon a fax directly at 479-204-0798.