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Here is a recent (March 22, 2018) interview I did with Christian talker Janet Mefferd. Click on the play button in the graphic below, which takes you to the SoundCloud site; once there, place your cursor just below the sound bar and go to the 24:45 mark in the audio. We discuss HBO late-night host John Oliver’s nasty rant against Vice President Mike Pence and his mock-book homosexualizing Pence’s daughter Charlotte Pence’s“Marlon Bundo” children’s book.
Janet plays excerpts from Oliver’s on-air rant, the video of which is also below (after the jump). If you click the play button below, it starts playing the entire Mefferd show, beginning with an excellent interview with Christian author Josh McDowell and his new book, “Set Free to Choose Right.” My interview starts in the second half, on the SoundCloud site, at 24:45. Also, a link containing audio from many of my radio interviews–on Mefferd’s show and others, including the leftist “Right Wing Watch,” can be found HERE (and HERE under a misspelling).–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
AFTAH in the News: intolerant “progressive” LGBTQ cheerleaders have become more “fundamentalist” than Christian “fundamentalists”
HBO late-night host John Oliver’s “children’s book mocking one by the vice-president’s daughter, Charlotte Pence, promotes homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” to children.
The following piece about HBO late-night host John Oliver’s nasty stunt, featuring comments by AFTAH, is from One News Now, the daily news site produced by our friends at American Family Association (AFA founder Don Wildmon received the first Americans For Truth “Truth Teller” award in 2009).
I am struck by the sheer meanness of self-righteous “progressives” and their obsession with homosexualism (and gender rebellion), which seems to have surpassed unlimited abortion as their Holy Grail. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
P.S. The main problem with Charlotte Pence’s response to Oliver’s mock-book is that we should never applaud a book that corrupts children, as his does (by celebrating homosexual “marriage” and demonizing those who oppose it). Also, the LGBTQ group that benefits from Oliver’s book, Trevor Project, is hardly a “charity” as it pushes for laws to shut down pro-heterosexual change therapy for minors. But who can blame Charlotte Pence for trying to pivot away from the hateful attacks of “progressives” against her father and her family?
Pence’s Daughter One-betters Late-night Host
By Steve Jordahl, One News Now, March 19, 2018
A mean-spirited late-night host is mocking a children’s book simply because the authors are related to Vice-president Mike Pence.
Second-Daughter Charlotte Pence and her mom, Karen, wrote a kids book about Charlotte’s pet rabbit, Marlon Bundo, who has become popular on social media. It’s called, A day in the Life of the Vice President.
But late night television host John Oliver appears to believe that no one with the name Pence should be allowed out in public.
I would love to say, ‘Fine, it’s a fun, sweet book about a rabbit … Who gives a [expletive]?’” Oliver expressed on his show. “But unfortunately, one of the stops on that book tour is at Focus on the [expletive]-ing Family. So, congratulations, Pence, you’ve even managed to ruin Marlon Bundo.”
Not being content to just harangue the Pences with foul language, Oliver then decided to hit where he thought it would hurt the Pences most.
“We also wrote a book about Mike Pence’s rabbit that has also been published,” the vitriolic host continued. “You’ll notice right away that our rabbit has a bow tie, so there’s that. Also, our story is about Marlon Bundo falling in love with another boy rabbit because our Marlon Bundo is gay.”
Focus on the Family Vice President Paul Batura says the ministry is honored to have the Pences stop by.
“I’m not shocked that late-night TV would spoof or would mock, but I think it sort of goes to a new low to do it with a children’s book – to try and politicize something that’s clearly positive and fun and innocent, really,” Batura shared.
Meanwhile, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth insists that celebrating homosexuality has become the Holy Grail to the left.
“Ironically, they despise biblically faithful Christians, but they’re more fundamentalist in their anti-faith than most Christians are with their faith,” LaBarbera insisted.
Shining above Oliver, Charlotte Pence is taking the high road. On her twitter feed, she has a picture of Marlon with a bow tie. On it, she wrote, “Not gonna lie, I do look pretty fly in a bow tie. The only thing better than one bunny book for charity is TWO bunny books for charity.”
Media: All Trans, All the Time: The dominant secular media have pushed the “transgender” agenda relentlessly in recent years, as illustrated by this 2014 TIME magazine story celebrating the alleged cultural “Transgender Tipping Point.” Pictured on the cover is biological male and “Orange Is the New Black” star Laverne Cox, who claims to be a woman and who crusades for “trans rights.” Click to enlarge.
The following news release was sent out by the pro-family legal group Liberty Counsel March 26, 2018:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump issued a new memorandum last Friday disqualifying “transgender” individuals from serving in the military, stating that the Defense secretary and the Homeland Security secretary should “exercise their authority to implement any appropriate policies concerning military service by transgender individuals.”
The memorandum said individuals with a history of gender dysphoria, defined as “those who may require substantial medical treatment, including through medical drugs or surgery,” are disqualified from military service “except under certain limited circumstances.” Those who are currently in the United States military may remain in the ranks, but the Pentagon could require them to serve according to their gender at birth.
In a memo to the president, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis cited “substantial risks” about military personnel who seek to change or who question their gender identity. He found that individuals with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria presented a risk to military effectiveness and “could undermine readiness, disrupt unit cohesion, and impose an unreasonable burden on the military that is not conducive to military effectiveness and lethality.” This new policy will enable the military to apply well-established mental and physical health standards—including those regarding the use of medical drugs—equally to all individuals who want to join and fight for the best military force the world has ever seen.
Mattis suggested three exceptions:
If a person diagnosed with gender dysphoria can demonstrate a period of at least 36 months where they no longer suffer from the psychological condition;
Those diagnosed with gender dysphoria who do not seek to “transition” (receive hormone drugs and undergo plastic and other surgery), and are deployable, may also serve; and
Those who have already been serving prior to the effective date of the new policy will not be discharged.
Two U.S. district courts, one in the District of Columbia and one in Maryland, previously blocked enforcement of President Trump’s proposed August 2017 ban on “transgender” persons in the armed services. According to the Defense Department, those courts required the branches to begin allowing such recruits to sign up for military service. A third order by a U.S. District judge also allowed the state to challenge the ban, stating that Washington has an interest in protecting its residents from discrimination.
This is an important segment (under four minutes) on Fox News about Big Tech’s escalating censorship of conservatives on social media. In it, host Tucker Carlson interviews Floyd Brown, founder of Citizens United and the Western Journal. Here is the Fox News write-up on the March 22, 2018 segment:
Tucker: Facebook isn’t neutral; it has an agenda. Earlier this year, Facebook altered its algorithms for what news stories its users see, and the results have been devastating for conservative-leaning outlets.
Obsessed with Mike Pence and Corrupting Kids: in HBO host John Oliver’s world, it’s a really good thing to teach toddlers that rabbits are “gay” and that only meanies (like Vice President Pence) are against homosexuality-based “marriage.” Photo is from his recent HBO rant against the VP.
Folks, this email article is by Micah Clark, the very able president of American Family Association of Indiana — the state where Vice President Mike Pence served as governor before being chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate. Clark cites an important piece by Matt Walsh of The Blaze, “The Left’s Insane Hatred of Mike Pence Is Nothing But Anti-Christian Bigotry,” regarding the escalating pro-LGBTQ campaign demonizing the VP. I discussed the same phenomenon on VCY America radio HERE and with Christian talker Janet Mefferd HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
I rarely send two emails in a week, particularly when the legislature is not in session. However, in the past couple of years, I have become increasingly concerned about a growing hostility toward religion, (and Christianity in particular) in our state and nation. Some of our biggest and most rancorous battles at AFA-IN now involve the defense of our religious freedoms.
I am sure that you remember the vitriol and hatred against people of faith on display during the RFRA [Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act] battle. You may also recall that two years ago, Indiana State Senator Travis Holdman nearly succeeded in passing two bills that not only would have opened up bathrooms and locker rooms to sexually confused men, placing women and children at risk, they would also, “decide who enjoys [religious] liberty and who will be denied liberty” according to a Liberty Council legal review of SB 100 and SB 344.
I want to pass along two articles that came out this week pointing out the bigotry against Christianity that has escalated with the election of Indiana’s own Mike Pence. The first article can be read here from The Indianapolis Star editorial cartoonist and columnist Gary Varvel. He observes:
“In this age of tolerance, there is one group that the preachers of tolerance will not tolerate – Christians.”
Obsessed with Celebrating Homosexuality: HBO late night host John Oliver uses Vice President Mike Pence and his Christian faith as a punching bag. Oliver created a version of Pence’s daughter’s children’s book about their pet rabbit by making the rabbit “gay.”
Folks, yesterday I was a guest on the Milwaukee-based VCY America “Crosstalk” radio program with host Jim Schneider. You can listen to the program on MP3 HERE. We discussed the raging intolerance of the homosexual-transgender movement. Below is VCY’s synopsis of the program. Suffice it to say that just when you think “progressives” couldn’t sink any lower, they do–now simultaneously demonizing the VP (and by extension, biblical Christians everywhere) AND promoting sexual perversion to toddlers! I’d say shame on Oliver but I don’t think the Left has any shame. Oh well, their meanness will backfire and rally more Americans to oppose leftist political correctness. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
LGBT Lobby’s Intolerance
Posted on March 20th, 2018
?Date: March 20, 2018
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Peter LaBarbera
?Listen: MP3 ?| Order
In an update to a recent story, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of NIFLA v. Becerra. This is one of 4 cases involving crisis pregnancy centers challenging a California law requiring them to post government prescribed, pro-abortion messages in their facilities and advertising or be fined (See Crosstalk-3/16/18).
Jim also provided brief details on the latest school shooting that took place at Great Mills High School in Maryland.
Peter LaBarbera is the president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. Below is a sample list of stories he commented on that show the intolerance of some within the LGBT community.
–Milwaukee, WI., is seeking to pass an ordinance that would criminalize what’s known as ‘conversion therapy’ within the city. In their testimony before the Committee of the Common Council, LGBT activists kept pointing to religion, Christianity and ministries as the problem. The hearing was held with apparently no notice to pastors or churches. The matter passed by committee and now the Common Council is set to meet next week but it’s uncertain if this issue will be on the agenda.
–Vice President Mike Pence has come under fire from John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres and others because his daughter wrote a children’s book about giving a tour of the White House and the vice presidential living quarters.
–A religious studies major was barred from a Christianity class at Indiana University in Pennsylvania for communicating in class that there are only two genders.
–Mike Pompeo has been appointed by President Trump to replace the outgoing Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. LGBT groups are livid about this change.
–LGBTQ Nation mentions a study that allegedly finds a link between being brain damaged and being a religious fundamentalist. Peter believes promotion of such attacks against faith could backfire on the LGBTQ community and may actually put President Trump back in office for another term.
–The classic Louisa May Alcott book, ‘Little Women’ to be rewritten to develop a lesbian relationship within the storyline.
–There will be an Ohio 4-H LGBTQ+ Summit April 27th and 28th in Columbus.
–Fort Lauderdale, Florida, just elected a new mayor who is openly ‘gay’.
More Information
Americans for Truth about Homosexuality
“Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon is running in the Democratic primary for governor of New York, against two-term incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Nixon is an open lesbian, but a politically incorrect one, as she has long affirmed that she chose to be lesbian. She told the New York Times:
“I’ve been straight and I’ve been gay, and gay is better…for me, it is a choice… I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me.”
For more, see this 2016 HuffPo story. I abhor Nixon’s selfish and God-defying lifestyle choice but I respect her honesty about it. Of course, people choose to embrace sexual perversion, or any sin. She would call me a “bigot,” so I’m calling her what she is: openly and proudly immoral.
Let’s stop cavalierly using the LGBTQ activists’ strategic term-of-choice, “gay,” which implies that homosexuality is an innocuous, inherent (inborn) trait rather than a chosen behavior, thereby undermining spiritual and moral truth. Every person is responsible before God for their sexual behavior and their volitional thought life: what they choose to think (and fantasize) about.
P.S. Please pray for Cynthia Nixon, that she repents and leaves this proud, addictive sin behind, as countless women (and men) have, many through a born-again relationship with Jesus Christ. He can wipe her slate clean, although surely she would pay a hefty worldly price. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
You want to know where the “trans” insanity is taking us—I mean, besides co-ed private spaces everywhere, which means no private spaces anywhere?
Look no further than Regulation 225, a proposed amendment to the Delaware school code, which, if passed, will allow students of any age to “self-identify” their “gender or race” at school without their parents’ knowledge if students say their parents would not be “supportive.” Don’t believe me? Read it yourself in Section 7.4 and Sec. 7.4.1:
All students enrolled in a Delaware public school may self-identify gender or race…. A school may request permission from the parent or legal guardian of a minor student before a self-identified gender or race is accepted; provided, however, that prior to requesting the permission from a parent or legal guardian, the school should consult and work closely with the student to assess the degree to which, if any, the parent or legal guardian is aware of the Protected Characteristic and is supportive of the student, and the school shall take into consideration thesafety,health and well-being of the student in deciding whether to request permission from the parent or legal guardian.(emphasis added)
So, who will define “supportive,” “safety,” “health,” and “well-being”? “Progressive” school administrators, mental health “professionals,” and lawmakers who believe the nonsensical, anti-science superstition that humans can be “born in the wrong body” (which simply means someone wishes he were the opposite sex)?
Will these “progressives” define supportiveness as affirming children’s disordered desires to be the opposite sex (or race)?
Will a student’s distress over her parents’ assertion of the truth that her sex (or race) cannot change be evidence to Big Brother that the child’s “health” is jeopardized?
If a child claims that his parents will be angry if he uses the name “Mary” at school or if teachers refer to him by “she,” “her” or “ze,” will Big Brother deem his “safety” or “well-being” at risk?
And if the law determines that parental objections to Leftist language rules and co-ed private spaces constitute a threat to the safety, health and well-being of children who reject their immutable biological sex, how long will it be till the state justifies removing “trans”-identifying minors from their parents’ custody?
Oh wait, that’s already happened.
Last month in Ohio, a judge awarded custody of a 17-year-old girl who identifies as a boy to her grandparents after her parents refused to call her by the male name she’s chosen and because they refused to allow her to take cross-sex hormones that would leave her with irreversible voice changes and sterility.