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The above is a photo of videos sold at one of the many pornographic booths at the International Mr. Leather 2008 convention, held in the Hyatt Regency Chicago Hotel (Patrick Donnelly, Gen. Man.: 312-565-1234) over the Memorial Day weekend. Click HERE to listen to an online CWA interview with this writer. (I walked through the IML “vendors market,” open to the public, in a lower-level conference room at the Hyatt, where I shot this photo. )
Note that we’ve covered up the pornographic images. The bestiality titles (e.g., “Goat Fever,”“Amateur Animal 1,” speak for themselves. “Scat,” according to one online (and sexually explicit) “Robert Scott’s Gay Slang Dictionary,” refers to “A gay male who gets sexual gratification from acts involving faeces.” That is, excrement, which to us at Americans For Truth is proof that Satan is alive and well in this world.
Youth walk in Boston’s annual “Gay/Straight Youth Pride March” holding a banner for BAGLY, the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth. The group is run by a cross-dressing, male-to-female transsexual activist adult. Kudos to MassResistance for exposing the corrupting influences on Massachusetts youth.
We’ve just found out that the [Massachusetts] Senate Ways and Means Committee will be meeting tomorrow – Wednesday, May 14 – to decide on the 2009 budget appropriations. This includes the $750,000 now earmarked for homosexual activism targeting children in schools. Click HERE to contact the Ways and Means Committee to oppose the use of Massachusetts taxpayer dollars for this agenda.
Massachusetts citizens: want to know where your tax money is going? Read on:
1. Homosexual “Youth Pride Day” includes hardcore “gay” anti-religious propaganda. Speaker incites crowd to attack photographers.
This past Saturday was homosexual “Youth Pride Day” in Boston, run by the tax-funded Massachusetts Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. It included a “celebration” on the Boston Common followed by a parade past the State House and a “transgender prom” that evening at BostonCity Hall.
Kids were bussed in from all over the state. Homosexual activists were everywhere.
There is a yawning chasm between the values and priorities we piously claim as our national heritage and those we have chosen to live by.
Our survival as a democracy is in our hands. We too must come out of the closet of cloistered Christianity and come to the rescue of our constitutional rights.
By Lee Taylor
Gay pride was not born in a vacuum. Timing and social upheaval formed the vortex in which it was born and bred. Hanging from the shirttails of the Civil Rights, women’s liberation, and anti-war movements, it exploited the vulnerability of a nation in turmoil. Fueling its fraudulent claims and outrageous demands from our national guilt complex and introspective conflict of values, the Gay Liberation Front exploded onto the American scene. The soul-searching ‘60’s exposed a nation fraught with self-doubt, self-recrimination, anxiety, addiction and ideological conflict, a nation at odds with itself. The sexual revolution accelerated the erosion of both marriage and the family as we struggled with the values and priorities of our national identity.
We were still recovering from the Viet Nam War and had only begun to realize the implications of racial integration when homosexual opportunists executed a strategically timed and targeted blitzkrieg on American society. We were caught napping, and the initial homosexual coup was a resounding success. Adopting the Civil Rights, anti-war and women’s liberation movements as its own, forming its political platform by drawing heavily from each, the Gay Liberation Front took aim at our Christian values and democratic institutions.
So Chelsea Clinton partied with 2,000 boys (can we call them men?) in dresses at Portland’s annual “Red Dress Party” on April 12? Can’t say I’m surprised given the polling data on how “gay-friendly” youth are these days. But instead of the usual shock and outrage, let’s dwell for some moments on what these photos say about the social movement that so accurately calls itself “queer.” (See Willamette Week excerpts from the Portland event at bottom.)
Homosexual Men in Dresses
According to this article in the Willamette Week, the Red Dress Party “started years ago as a way for gay guys to wear girlie gowns and get stinkin’ drunk.” Like they needed an excuse. Why is it so easy to get homosexual guys in a dress anyway? Could it be because they are confused about their God-given masculinity to begin with? Sorry, my digression has taken me into overlapping phobias: I don’ t know which I’m more guilty of: homo- or trans-phobia? (Both, you Bible Bigot! I’m reporting you to the Thought Police.)
Sometimes you just have to laugh at a homosexual world that is so utterly lacking in seriousness. We’re dealing with a movement that is filled with overgrown adolescents who still have the gall to compare themselves to the Black civil rights movement. (Shhhh! — don’t tell anyone about the annual Aspen “Gay Ski Week” or how homosexuals travel abroad more (“especially for leisure purposes”) than straights — they’re VICTIMS — VICTIMS OF DISCRIMINATION, I tell you!)
CLICK ON GRAPHIC TO ENLARGE. Unfortunately, this Folsom Street Fair Program Guide cover from last year is for real. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who represents San Francisco, refused to condemn this Christianity-mocking artwork substituting sadistic “leathermen” and fetishists for Christ’s 12 apostles inDa Vinci’s Last Supper painting. Note that “sex toys” have replaced the traditional Last Supper dinner objects. The black-and-blue flag is the official “Leather Pride” flag — again, no joke.
On this day, April 1, we can’t resist toying with the decidedly “queer” organizers who put together the annual sadism spectacle known as the “Folsom Street Fair,” held in — where else? — America’s own Sodom-by-the-Bay, San Francisco. (You can see a copy of their actual e-mail soliciting ads for their 2008 Folsom program at bottom.) For more on Folsom, see our photo-story exposing rampant public nudity and even homosexual orgies on the crowded streets at last year’s Folsom event HERE.
And because we know that dedicated perverts (homosexual, bisexual, straight and [INSERT DEVIANT IDENTITY HERE]) are very serious about their perversions, we emphasize that the following ad rates are only an April Fool’s Day joke.–Peter LaBarbera:
Nancy Pelosi “See No Evil, Hear No Evil” Panderer’s Special 2/3 page ad — $600
Special “Crimes Against Nature” 1/2 pager — $400
4″ by 6″ ad attacking the Catholic Church — $200 or 3 for $500
4″ by 6″ ad poking fun at the Fundamentalists — $100 or 3 for $250 (bashing Catholics still draws more attention)
4″ by 6″ ad mocking Radical Muslims — UNAVAILABLE (what, are you crazy?)
Work your company’s logo into our blasphemous Program Guide cover (guaranteed to ignite controversy, enrage decent folk and get you in the news) — $500
Half Off for Haters ad (you supply the hate, we supply the space); half page ad — $250
Taboo-Busting special: 5″ by 7″ ad featuring perversions heretofore unknown to mankind (must not copy previous year’s perversions) — $550
Pure Evil Full Pager — $1,000
Corrupt Your Family Special: 4″ by 6″ photo of you and the kids – publish a snap shot of those cute little tots watching their first flogging (see children in photos from last year’s Folsom HERE; idea courtesy of notorious homophobe Matt Barber of CWA) — $200 or 3 for $500
FREE AD CONTEST: How many religions (except Islam), traditions, and standards of decency can you offend in one ad? Most offensive entry gets FREE full-page ad
[WARNING: OFFENSIVE AND BLASPHEMOUS CONTENT from a group celebrated in the nation’s homosexual Mecca]
By Peter LaBarbera
Here is pure evil of the sort that can only be found in America’s “queer” Mecca: you just have to see it to believe it. Originally, I was not going to post this satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence video of their 2008 “Hunky Jesus” contest — held on Easter Sunday in San Francisco, of course — because it is so offensive and blasphemous. But people need to see this homosexual hate in action to understand what we’re up against and what results from celebrating deviance.
The “Sisters” — homosexual men who paint their faces and dress up as mock nuns, often with perverted names like Sister Roz Erection — is no mere fringe group, at least in San Francisco. There, they enjoy widespread acceptance as a “charity” operation, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for AIDS-related groups and other causes. Somehow these bigots can’t manage to help the poor and needy without trashing the Son of God and Christianity in the process.
Which begs the question: what other social movement in our culture mocks and attacks Christianity like the homosexualists? Even radical pro-abortion feminists (“Keep your rosaries off my ovaries”) seem downright respectful toward the faith when compared to the twisted “Sisters” and their virulent anti-God, anti-Christian rhetoric.
I refuse to use the g-word [gay], in this discussion. I prefer SAD (Sodomy Attraction Disorder) because it describes a pathological condition in clinical and descriptive terms. The g-word is clearly prejudicial and self-serving. I, therefore, refer to a person suffering from SAD, a ‘SADist’ or a SAD person.
SADists have boldly proclaimed that SAD is inherited. The first person to do so was Magnus Hirschfeld, a SADist who lobbied to abolish laws prohibiting SADism in Germany in 1898 (1). He claimed that scientific evidence proved that SAD was inborn and irreversible. I do not know what evidence he had in mind. Nevertheless, since then, behavioral genetics has advanced greatly. The science has shown that a great deal of human and animal behavior results from genetic influence.
However, the SADists have played a trick on the public. By asserting that SAD has a genetic basis, they have diverted the topic into a discussion about nature vs. nurture. In my view, this is all wrong. It does not matter that SAD is genetic. It is still a disorder and pathology and requires treatment. Many disorders afflicting the human condition have a genetic basis and are difficult to correct.
While obviously we disagree with Al on some major points, we agree with him on the outrage that is the annual Folsom Street Fair — and the even greater outrage that this perverse spectacle was welcomed by San Francisco leaders including Mayor Gavin Newsom. (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi so far has refused to criticize the event, which occurred in her district, and which featured rampant full nudity and even orgies in the streets as San Francisco police stood by and did nothing.)
Al writes via the AFTAH website:
I cannot believe the city of San Francisco allows that Folsom Street public lewdness to take place. While I am a Christian man who also identifies as “gay,” I cannot agree with you more about that kind of behavior being allowed anywhere in this country. Certainly, no gay Christian man who loves the Lord would approve of that crap going on. While I don’t agree with you on some things, I heartily agree with your outrage on this most disgusting and shocking event. Get these numbskulls to keep their damned clothes on or else get arrested for indecent exposure. Damned fool idiots!