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CNN’s Pro-Homosexual Debate Ploy Backfires

Friday, November 30th, 2007

‘Gay’ Ret. Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr allowed to critique Republican candidates’ answers

brig_gen_keith_kerr.jpg CNN flew in Retired Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr — a homosexual activist and Log Cabin Republicans member who now crusades for allowing admitted homosexuals in the U.S. military — to its GOP presidential debate Wednesday, so he could CRITIQUE the candidates’ responses to his question about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” At left is how Kerr — who calls the GOP candidates “partisanly homophobic” — appeared on video during the CNN/YouTube Republican debate. CNN also had another Log Cabin activist ask a pro-homosexual question at the debate. Photo: CNN/YouTube.

cooper_anderson.jpg CNN’s pro-homosexual presidential debate was moderated by Anderson Cooper. A major homosexual magazine, OUT, has “outed” Cooper as one of the nation’s most influential homosexuals. Though Cooper is mum on his “sexual orientation,” his pro-“gay” bias is abundantly clear at CNN, as it was again at Wednesday’s debate. Homosexual activists would come harder after Cooper if his reportage was not so “gay”-friendly. See AFTAH’s adjoining story, “Does CNN’s Anderson Cooper Have a Conflict of Interest on ‘Gay’ Issues?”

TAKE ACTION: Write CNN News at and/or Anderson Cooper at to comment on their egregious pro-homosexual and anti-Republican bias and lack of professionalism in the CNN/Youtube presidential debate Wednesday.


By Peter LaBarbera,

Dear Americans For Truth Reader,

The liberals over at CNN are so committed to open homosexuality in the U.S. armed forces that they flew in a retired homosexual Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr to participate in their Republican presidential debate Wednesday — so he could critique the GOP candidates’ responses to HIS OWN loaded YouTube question opposing “Don’t’ Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Is it just me, but could you in your wildest imagination picture CNN recruiting Stephen Bennett, a pro-family, EX-“gay” Christian, to ask Democrat presidential candidates a question opposing homosexuality, and then flying him in to critique their responses?

If Kerr’s sneak attack wasn’t bad enough, CNN followed it up a second YouTube question from a homosexual activist — this time it was David Cercone, a Florida Log Cabin Republicans member who, it turns out, is backing [another democratic presidential contender].

Needless to say, no conservative questions on the homosexual issue were heard from the floor or YouTube at the debate.

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Does CNN’s Anderson Cooper Have a Conflict of Interest on ‘Gay’ Issues?

Friday, November 30th, 2007

TAKE ACTION:  Write CNN News at and/or Anderson Cooper at to comment on their egregious pro-homosexual and anti-Republican bias and lack of professionalism in the CNN/Youtube presidential debate Wednesday.

cooper_anderson.jpg CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who moderated CNN’s scandal-ridden, pro-homosexual presidential debate Wednesday, was listed by the homosexual magazine OUT as one of the nation’s most influential homosexuals. Though Cooper is mum on his “sexual orientation,” his pro-“gay” bias is abundantly clear at CNN, as it was again at Wednesday’s debate. Would homosexual “outers” go after Cooper if he were less pro-homosexual in his reporting?

By Peter LaBarbera 

Does Anderson Cooper, who moderated CNN’s woefully biased Republican presidential debate Wednesday — with its planted questions from pro-Democrat partisans, including two homosexual activists — have a conflict of interest when it comes to covering homosexual issues?

Cooper has been the target of periodic “gay” outing speculation but he remains mum on his “sexual orientation.” At CNN, Cooper’s pro-“gay’ sympathies are not hard to discern, as exemplified by his recent grilling of a pro-family spokesman on the question of same-sex parenting.

Homosexual “outing” activists like Mike Rogers target for public exposure alleged “closeted” homosexuals who publicly criticize or act against the homosexual political agenda — while leaving alone those who do not. This puts added pressure on the likes of Cooper to engage in pro-homosexual advocacy. (Ditto for alleged secret homosexual politicians like Rep. David Dreier (R-CA), who recently broke ranks with the GOP House majority by voting FOR the pro-homosexual ENDA bill.)

Rogers told me once that he doesn’t “out” legislators who toe the “gay” line politically. His strategy is illustrated by his note below on his own blog begging for alleged homosexual “outing” targets on Capitol Hill (most of Rogers’ victims have been Republicans):

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me — at — the names of:




2. Staffers of Democrats who are GAY and work for Democrats who FAVOR THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT or MARRIAGE PROTECTION ACT.

Cooper is not a politician, but the same forces may be at work in his situation. “Outing” remains controversial among homosexuals, but note the word choice of this homosexual letter-writer who is complaining (anonymously) about an article by Michael Musto in the homosexual magazine OUT that labeled Cooper as “gay”: “There was nothing in the article that indicated Mr. Cooper is doing anything against our community that would require an outing.”

Require an outing? Translation: if Cooper were to do a hard-hitting piece against homosexual “marriage” or “gay parenting” — or perhaps if he were to start treating pro-family guests on his CNN “360” program with the same respect he accords pro-homosexual guests — then the “gay” outing machine could swing into action against him, without the polite playfulness characterizing questions about his “orientation” today.

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Coach Daubenmire: ‘I’m Homo-Nauseous’

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

If you have a beef with this, take it up with the Coach: I think he speaks for many millions of people across the country who are sick and tired of in-your-face homosexual activism and, now, its “transgender” cousin.– Peter LaBarbera 

I’m Homo-Nauseous

By Coach Dave Daubenmire, Pass the Salt Ministries, 11/08/2007 

Warning:  Commentary is not politically correct 

I’m sick of it. I really am.

I’m not homo-phobic. I’m not homo-hateful. I’m not homo-latent. I’m homo-nauseous. I really couldn’t care less where a man desires to put his appendage.

But I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of talking about it. I’m sick of it being force fed to me on TV. 

In all of my life I have never seen such deviancy so openly celebrated.  They are deviant, you know?  No matter how many names they will try and call me, no matter how many “sensitivity” classes they try and send me to, no matter how much tolerance they try and cram down my throat (sorry), the fact remains homosexuals are deviant.

Deviant — One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

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Matt Barber, Keith Boykin Debate ENDA on CNN

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

The great irony here is that Barber himself was fired by Allstate for criticizing homosexuality (of course, Allstate denied that was the reason for terminating him), but he cannot discuss the case because his settlement with the insurance giant includes a confidentiality clause. This debate occurred before the House vote passing ENDA

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Matt Barber Answers Charge that Christians Focus Too Much on Homosexuality

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

barber-2.gifMatt Barber lost his job at Allstate due to pro-homosexual activism. He says it’s a canard that Christians are “focusing too much” on this issue. Why do some Christians feel guilty about opposing a homosexual lobby that is so brazen it now openly promotes homosexual activity as normal to innocent, young children? (See page from “King and King” children’s book below.)


Folks, my good friend Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues at Concerned Women for America and Americans For Truth Board Member, is right on in this excellent essay rebutting the increasingly common complaint that Christians are focusing too much on homosexuality. 

I find it curious at this juncture in American history when the homosexual lobby is at the zenith of its power — and on the verge of passing an oppressive, sweeping federal bill creating special workplace privileges based on people’s inclination toward aberrant sex — that Christians of all people would urge a de facto public policy and cultural retreat in opposing that movement.

Why are so many people of faith riddled with guilt in opposing a sin-based movement that threatens everybody’s religious and First Amendment freedoms? Perhaps it’s because many Christians, far from “hating gays,” as the trendy accusation goes, are intimidated by the liberal media and no longer agree with their Creator  that homosexual acts are an egregiously sexual sin.

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Larry Cirignano: I’m No Saint (But I Try)

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Victim of harassment lawsuit tells his story

larrycirignano-mikegilleran.jpg Larry Cirignano (right) in courtroom with Michael Gilleran, the attorney who helped him beat bogus charges by ACLU activist Sarah Loy that he assaulted her after she disupted his pro-marriage rally. Click HERE for more on the case, and HERE to read about a Worcester, Mass. reporter who helped smear Cirignano but who refuses to recant his discredited story. For MassResistance’s comprehensive account of Cirignano’s trial and Sarah Loy’s fraud, click HERE.

By Larry Cirignano

This week we celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  The Catholic Church venerates saints as role models for all of us to emulate, and to encourage us to strive to defend our faith and principles as they did, despite each of them being a sinner.

In early American history, back in 1597, five Franciscan friars were martyred, in what is now Georgia, for standing up against polygamy and defending marriage.

In early church history St John the Baptist, St John Fisher and St Thomas More were all beheaded for standing up for marriage. 

If we are going to continue as a society, we need to stand up for marriage as these brave saints did, by promoting families raising children, and by protecting our children as our most precious resource.

The family is an essential building block for society.  Families are the first protectors of children as the first providers of food, shelter, health care and education. The home is the domestic church and serves as the first hospital, school and restaurant that most kids will know.

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Truly SCAAARY ‘Gay’ Health Quotes for Young Men
(2nd Annual Halloween Edition)

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Why Aren’t Teenage Boys Warned of These Health Risks? 

WARNING: Graphic Homosexual Descriptions


“[An] anus is the highest risk place for STDs [sexually transmitted diseases].”
— Dr. Stephen Goldstone, homosexual author and “gay” advocate, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men,” p. 16.

The following is adapted from the Fall 1999 issue of the Lambda Report, the printed publication monitoring the homosexual activist agenda that preceded the formation of Americans For Truth. (LR was launched in 1993.) We have been remiss in not putting any of the old printed Lambda Report issues online; they shed much light on the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) movement –– often using firsthand information, including homosexual writings like those from “” founder Dr. Stephen Goldstone.

Our headline makes light of Halloween, but clearly what you will read below is no laughing matter. We do not delight in reporting these sobering facts. Rather, we seek to bring some balance to the ubiquitous pro-homosexuality messages that dominate today’s media, academia, and pop culture — celebrating a lifestyle centered around wrong and destructive behaviors. What opinion-making elites don’t like to talk about is that God has helped many men and women leave this lifestyle: click HERE for Stephen Bennett’s websiteHERE for James Hartline’s site; HERE for ex-lesbian Charlene Cothran’s testimony at our recent banquet and HERE for her Venus Magazine site.

As we reported last year, radical homosexual groups like the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force decry Christian Halloween “Hell Houses” that teach children by linking homosexuality and other sins to destruction ending in hell — an eternal destination from which they hope to scare the kids away. But the following shows that the churches and their old-fashioned morality are not the problem; it’s homosexuality advocates who should be made to answer for marketing this unhealthy lifestyle as hip and glamorous to young men.

For as you will see, there is nothing cool and glamorous about homosexual practices and what they do to the body. — Peter LaBarbera 

REPEAT WARNING: Graphic Homosexual Acts Described; Why Aren’t Teenage Boys Warned of These Health Risks?

Adapted from the Lambda Report on Homosexuality (Fall 1999):

Is Homosexual Sex ‘Safe’?

Note from Lambda Report publisher, Peter LaBarbera (1999): We apologize in advance for the uncomfortable subject matter described in the following excerpts from a book about “gay” male sex by homosexual doctor Stephen Goldstone (“The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men”; Dell: New York, 1999). Foes of homosexuality are often charged with hating “gay” people, but in reality most just are repulsed by the idea of men having sex with men, or women with women. And for good reason. No amount of pro-homosexual propaganda or condom use can eradicate the health risks of homosexual sex, especially between men.

The following is but a small sample of the many warnings found in Dr. Goldstone’s book. These excerpts focus on anal sodomy. Keep in mind that this is not a “religious right” source: Goldstone is a “sex positive” homosexuality advocate who dedicates his book to his “gay” lover, Bruce.

Editor’s note for today: as I re-read these quotes from a practicing homosexual and proud “gay” advocate, Dr. Goldstone, it is a sad reminder of the ongoing delusion of homosexuality activists, who complain bitterly when we expose the special health risks associated with male homosexual behavior. Clearly, these dangers are manifold, but due to political correctness they remain an “insider’s secret” that rarely is broached in public.

The truth that homosexual ideologues deny is as obvious as it is simple: the body was not made for homosexuality – and homosexuality-mimicking acts such as straights practicing anal sex. Now we are witnessing a resurgence of HIV, including among young men. (A New York City health department report found that the “group with the fastest-growing rate of H.I.V. infection comprised males between the ages of 13 and 19, for which H.I.V. diagnoses doubled from 2001 to 2006.”) 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in June in its Fact Sheet, “HIV/AIDS among Men Who Have Sex with Men” (emphasis added):

In the United States, HIV infection and AIDS have had a tremendous effect on men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM accounted for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents in 2005 (based on data from 33 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting), even though only about 5% to 7% of male adults and adolescents in the United States identify themselves as MSM.

Please read this excellent column by Janice Crouse, which tries to restore some sanity to the AIDS discussion: HIV/AIDS: Anybody Can Get It?. Allso, check out this AFTAH picture-story, Graphic Youth Flier Guides “Queer” “Boyz” on How to Engage in Homosexual Sodomies, which demonstrates the risks that “gay” activism poses to teenage boys.

The truth is, Nature itself discriminates against homosexuality.  

How tragic that boys are joining the “gay” movement in droves with no inkling of the dangers that will befall them when they actually start practicing homosexual sex. The quotes below make for very difficult reading, but please don’t run from the truth: read them carefully. Then ask yourself how misguided it is – and incredibly irresponsible from a public policy standpoint — that adults and school authorities are promoting homosexuality (“gayness”) as a natural “identity” to impressionable teenagers and even younger children. —Peter LaBarbera

Anal Sex: Sign of Gayness
“Many men view anal sex as the final step on their path to gayness. (Once you’ve done it you must be gay.) For some it’s a sign of their first true love….”
— Stephen Goldstone (“The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men”; Dell: New York, 1999), p. 2.; emphasis author’s.

Anal Fissures
“An anal fissure is a tear or cut in the anal lining and usually begins as an extremely painful event… Anal fissures most often result from a hard bowel movement tearing the sensitive lining of the anal canal … In gay men, other common causes of fissures are trauma from anal intercourse or fingers and [sex] toys as well as ulcers related to HIV … If a fissure occurs during anal sex, stop immediately. Avoid any attempt at further intercourse or manipulation of the anus until healing occurs. If pain is severe or if fever develops, it could mean that a penis (or toy) tore through your sphincter into the delicate tissue surrounding your anus. Seek medical attention immediately, because infection will usually result and antibiotics and/or surgery will be required….”
— Dr. Stephen Goldstone, ibid., pp. 35, 37; emphasis added.

STD Danger Zone
“[An] anus is the highest risk place for STDs [sexually transmitted diseases].”
— Dr. Stephen Goldstone, ibid., p 16, urging condom use.

Battering Ram
“Just as your internal sphincter muscle involuntarily relaxes when feces enter your rectum, it involuntarily contracts when a penis or other object attempts to enter from the outside … An anal tear can occur during the initial phase of anal sex precisely because your partner pushes his penis through a closed sphincter. Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.”
— Dr. Stephen Goldstone, ibid., p 4, (emphasis author’s).

Incontinence from ‘Injurious’ Anal Sex
“In one medical study of men who practiced anoreceptive intercourse [being the receiving “bottom” in anal sex], 25 percent reported at least isolated episodes of fecal incontinence. An age-similar group of heterosexual men had only a 3 percent incontinence rate. … What does this mean to men who enjoy anal sex? Although the threat of incontinence is small, it is present nonetheless. Incontinence in men who practice anal sex is thought to result from repeated injury to their internal sphincter muscle. … Again, although a penis is often the size of a large bowel movement, your sphincter involuntarily relaxes to allow the bowel movement to pass and your muscle is not injured. Insertion of a penis, however, causes your muscle to contract involuntarily. Repeated insertion through a contracted internal sphincter muscle may cause cumulative damage so that the muscle loses its ability to seal the anorectal canal tightly.
— Dr. Stephen Goldstone, ibid., p 21-22; emphasis added.

‘Direct Injury’ and Sphincterotomies
“Gay men who practice anoreceptive intercourse may develop an acute fissure from direct injury …Most often men who have had anal intercourse have already stretched their sphincter (I’m sure you can figure out how) and spasm is rarely present. The fissure usually will heal if the surgeon removes the scar tissue and closes the tear with a few stitches. Keep this in mind if a surgeon tells you a sphincterotomy is necessary. In this instance, you might be placing yourself at a higher risk for incontinence because your sphincter is already loose. You can always go back for a sphincterotomy if your fissure doesn’t heal after a simple closure.”
— Dr. Stephen Goldstone, ibid., p 40; emphasis added.

‘Homophobia’ or Just Plain, Common Sense?
“I remember standing in horror as a physician I worked with berated a gay man he treated with a terse ‘Your [a—hole] is for [defecating], not [having sex]!’ Well, this is not the case. Anal sex can be both pleasurable and safe if practiced properly. Unfortunately, homophobia has clouded the issue….”
— Dr. Stephen Goldstone, ibid., p. 2.

MSNBC’s Dan Abrams Embarrasses Self in Interview with Bob Knight

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

abrams_dan.jpg MSNBC’s Dan Abrams recently sought to make a fool of Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Media Institute, in an interview about Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s “outing” of the beloved Dumbledore character. But Abrams’ overwrought attempt to mock Knight backfired, with Abrams himself looking like the fool. It’s painful, but click HERE to listen to the segment. You can also watch it by going to the homosexual website Queerty (WARNING: vulgar language: on many “queer” and lefty websites, commenters can’t seem to make a point without cussing or alluding to sex or male anatomy). 

We commend Knight (my former boss) for keeping his composure: how many of us could calmly withstand the over-the-top pummeling from the smug (and very unfunny) Abrams like Bob did on this broadcast? We don’t know about “homophobia,” but it seems more and more liberals are coming out as “homo-snobs”: those so committed to supporting all things “gay” that they won’t acknowledge that there are any rational arguments against homosexuality. (And of course there is no need to marshal arguments to defend homosexuality since that is self-evidently “true.”) To the committed homo-snob, any attempt to defend traditional sexual mores or protect children from moral corruption is just a big joke. — Peter LaBarbera

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