National GLBTQ Activist Groups

VIDEO: Hunky Jesus Contest 2014 – San Francisco’s Deviant Values – Brought to You by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Warning: Vulgar Sexual References and one instance of Rear Nudity

For the record, below is the longest YouTube video we could find of the annual uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” contest, held on Easter Sunday (April 20, 2014)–which coincidentally fell this year on the annual day (“4-20”) celebrating pot use. Hunky Jesus is sponsored by the mock, drag-queen “nuns” groups, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which is a perverse “charity” funding homosexual causes in San Francisco, with chapters across the world. This video was created by

As you can see, to many on the pro-LGBT Left, the most extreme anti-Christian bigotry is hip and cool, even as they scold the Right about alleged “hate.” Now that takes chutzpah. What’s also interesting is the degree to which the homosexualist (“gay”) movement in the United States has been joined to that of the gender-confused–“transgenders,” transvestites and transsexuals–which makes sense if male homosexualism is rooted in a masculinity crisis. Behold the God-haters of the urban Secular Left. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. Please be warned that this is a highly offensive video (frontal nudity is fuzzed out), but one that conveys San Francisco’s twisted values better than most:

VIDEO: America’s Survival TV – LaBarbera and Kincaid Discuss Hollywood Homosexual Pedophile Scandal and Canada ‘Hate’ Politics

Saturday, April 26th, 2014
Michael Egan

Michael Egan

This interview with America’s Survival President Cliff Kincaid aired on AS’s Roku channel April 24, 2014. In discussing homosexuality and pedophilia, Kincaid references a video by homosexual Walter Lee Hampton complaining about seeing so many homosexual men in thir 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s in sexual relationships with minor boys [go HERE to view]. At about 17:45 the discussion shifts to LaBarbera recounting his run-in with Canada’s homosexuality-affirming “hate” politics, culminating in his arrest for protesting peacefully with Bill Whatcott at University of Regina, in Satchatchewan. [Go HERE to watch this on YouTube.] America’s Survival writes:

Pedophiles Exposed! Peter LaBarbera on Gay Media Power

The mother of the alleged victim of a powerful Hollywood pedophile ring says she tried for years to interest the media in the story. Michael Egan’s mother Bonnie Mound said, “I wrote every news channel, every magazine, every talk show host, everybody, from Oprah to ‘20/20‘ to ‘60 Minutes‘…. Nobody wanted to do anything because of the high-profile people involved.” Although Egan attorney Jeff Herman said the suits are not about homosexuality, but rather pedophilia and child abuse, Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth notes that the founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a communist who supported the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). LaBarbera was recently arrested and jailed in Canada for distributing pro-family values literature on the campus of the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada.

VIDEOS: ‘Hunky Jesus Contest’ 2014 – Look How Pro-LGBT San Francisco ‘Progressives’ Celebrate Easter Sunday

Friday, April 25th, 2014

Bashing Jesus and Christians is fair game but Islam goes untouched by profane homosexual “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”


GOD-HATING ‘GAYS’: A man in bunny ears attends the homosexual “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” “Hunky Jesus” contest mocking the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Drag queen “Sisters” like this fellow have been mocking Jesus Christ and His followers for 35 years. Note that cowardly “gay” activists would never spew their vulgar hatred at Muhammed. Large crowds turn out in San Francisco every Easter Sunday for the annual, blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” event. Photos: Facebook page, “Sister Ambrosia Discordia.” Click to enlarge.

“How long will the wicked, O LORD, how long with the wicked be jubilant?”Psalm 94:3


Here are two short videos (under two minutes) and some photos covering Easter Sunday’s uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus Contest” 2014 in San Francisco [watch on YouTube HERE]. The annual Resurrection-mocking event is sponsored by the San Francisco-based “charity,” Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. [See previous AFTAH coverage of  the “Sisters'” “Hunky Jesus” contest HERE.]

The “Sisters”–who are popular in the homosexual Mecca by the Bay and raise money for mostly homosexual- and transgender-related causes–are a bunch of (mainly) homosexual men who dress up in drag and paint their faces to appear as deviant “nuns.” As such, they mock the Catholic Church specifically and Christianity in general. Their urban popularity testifies to the godlessness, insensitivity, bigotry, and immaturity of snarky modern “progressives”–who strangely view themselves as more sophisticated than the rest of America.

The “Sisters”–spouting perverse names like “Sister Tillie Swallows” –get it? “‘Till He Swallows”: an allusion to homosexual oral sex–are now 35 years old [see their “Sistory” HERE], with “orders” in various other cities like Los Angeles and Boston.

Psalm 94:3 gives me comfort, because I know that God is just. Imagine that all these lost people who mock the resurrected Son of God on the most important date on the Christian calendar will have to answer directly to Him some day! I hope some of the “Sisters” and their fans grow up, repent, and see that Jesus Christ and the Resurrection are real, rather than fodder for raunchy “gay” double entendres–Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

P.S. My tweet about how we’ll never see a “Hunky Muhammed Contest” follows the video, and under that (after the jump)  is another short video of Hunky Jesus 2014:

My tweet April  23:



This second YouTube video captures the vulgar and twisted nature of the event and also the large crowds that show up for it every Easter in San Francisco:

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Bill Muehlenberg, Mark Steyn, John Hayward on GLAAD’s Duck Dynasty Defeat – A Culture of Bullying and Intolerance

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

By Bill Muehlenberg

Reprinted from [Muehlenberg is based in Melbourne, Australia and is one of that nation’s leading pro-family advocates]

We now know without the slightest doubt that the homosexual militants are a pack of bullies who thrive on intimidation, stand-over tactics, and thuggery. And they are clearly one of the most intolerant groups on the planet. They have declared war on every single person on earth who refuses to bow down before their agenda.

They have perfected the art of bullying, belligerency and brow-beating, and all opposition will face the wrath of the pink mafia. The examples of these are of course legion, with the most recent battle fought over a few guys who make duck calls for a living and happen to be forthright about their Christian faith.

For having the audacity to actually proclaim in public what the Bible says about the issue of homosexuality, all hell has broken loose, with the A&E network suspending Phil Robertson from his own show a few weeks ago. A storm of protest rightly erupted over this nasty bit of intolerance, and the network was forced to back down.

It all serves as yet another clear illustration of the culture of intolerance and bullying which has sprung up all over the West, primarily at the hands of the militant homosexual lobby. They think they own the world, and can push their agenda with impunity, and smash all dissent along the way.

But the public outrage at the homonazis in general, and the activist groups like GLAAD in particular (which launched this assault on Duck Dynasty), shows that for every action there is a reaction, and most folks in America at least have had a gutful of these bullies trying to coerce everyone else to embrace their perverted agenda.

There has been a mass of commentary on all this in the past few weeks, including my own take on the story:

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Rose Parade’s Homosexual ‘Wedding’ Float Corrupts Children – AFTAH’s Seven Lessons for Christians

Monday, December 30th, 2013

AmericansForTruth Press Relase

GIVING PERVERSION A PLATFORM: The Tournament of Roses is making immoral history for America by including a float featuring a "live" homosexual "wedding" in its annual New Year's Day Rose Parade. The "gay marriage" movement is becoming a huge platform from which to corrupt innocent children into accepting homosexualism as normal and good. This image -- from a homosexual activist blog -- is blocked for decency.

GIVING PERVERSION A PLATFORM: The Tournament of Roses is making immoral history for America by including a float featuring a “live” homosexual “wedding” in its annual New Year’s Day Rose Parade. The “gay marriage” movement is becoming a huge platform from which to corrupt innocent children into accepting homosexualism as normal and good. This image is adapted from one posted by homosexual activist and GLAAD spokesman Jeremy Hooper on his “Good as You” blog. Hooper (right) chose to use his “marriage” for LGBT activism. We have blocked his image for decency.

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787;; on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera

TAKE ACTION: to contact Tournament of Roses organizers about celebrating homosexual perversion in the storied parade watched by countless children, call (626)449-4100 or go HERE.

Read this release on Christian Newswire HERE


CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera offers the following seven lessons from the first-ever homosexual “wedding” float at the annual Rose Parade in Pasadena on New Year’s Day — another tragic marker of America’s moral decline.

  • THE HOMOSEXUAL “MARRIAGE” MOVEMENT IS EVIL: Moral-minded Americans need to face the truth of what the homosexual “marriage” movement is: a social evil – anti-Christian to the core – that celebrates what the Bible calls an egregious sexual sin as a moral good. Homosexual activists’ are desperate to “normalize” their aberrant lifestyle; their movement has become the Left’s vanguard in undermining and redefining civilized Judeo-Christian principles. The LGBT Lobby has become what historian Paul Johnson calls a “Monster in our Midst,” trampling over and appropriating society’s wholesome traditions and institutions – even Christianity itself — to achieve its godless goals.
  • PLATFORM TO CORRUPT CHILDREN: The homosexual “marriage” movement corrupts impressionable children by teaching them that wrong is right (Isaiah 5:20) and that erotic “love” between two people of the same sex is “equal” to natural marital love as ordained by God. Jesus Christ had strong words for anyone who promotes sin and corrupts the souls of innocent children.
  • EVEN “CONSERVATIVE” ASPECTS OF LGBT AGENDA ARE RADICAL: The Rose Parade’s live homosexual “wedding” again illustrates that even the supposedly “conservative” side of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) agenda is revolutionary and destructive – primarily because legalized, “domesticated” homosexualism provides a very public platform from which to redefine God’s wonderful institutions of marriage and family. “Gay” activists and their liberal allies co-opt noble institutions like the Rose Parade and use them to indoctrinate children in the Big Lies that homosexuality is: 1) just another kind of love; and 2) a mere “civil rights” issue. Similarly, schools across America are being used to promote immoral same-sex conduct as an “equality” issue.
  • SYMBOLIC OF AMERICA’S DECLINE: The “gay wedding” float is symbolic of America’s ongoing moral disintegration: in the name of “tolerance,” “diversity” and “inclusion,” we proudly parade our sin down our streets – defying our Creator and aggressively corrupting the minds and souls of future generations. As historians have documented, sexual immorality, escalating fornication and the abandonment of fidelity in marriage bring about the collapse of civilizations; the United States will be no exception. No wonder developing nations like Jamaica don’t want to emulate us.
  • FOLLY OF SECULAR (PRO-“GAY”) “CONSERVATIVES: The homosexual “wedding” float clearly demonstrates the folly of secular “conservatives” (like atheist S.E. Cupp) and libertarians who argue that legalized homosexual “marriage” is a conservative proposition. Radically remolding God-given institutions to celebrate sin – and modeling such deviance and confusion as normal to impressionable children – is hardly “conservative.” In fact, it is the essence of the Left’s destructive Sexual Revolution. Republicans will seal their own demise if they foolishly embrace counterfeit “marriage” and other aspects of homosexualism, replacing their pro-family Platform.
  • Tournament-of-Roses-logoDEMONIZING CHRISTIANS AS “HATERS” AND “BIGOTS”: As the Phil Robertson/Duck Dynasty controversy shows, homosexual groups like GLAAD regularly smear moral and religious critics with malicious slurs like “Bigots, Haters, and Homophobes.” Opposing homosexualism (the ideology of proud homosexuality as a “civil right”) in all its forms is not “hate.” Rather, it is being faithfully obedient to our loving, holy Creator. True Christians should offer the hope of the life-changing Gospel – not counterfeit “marriage” – to homosexuals. Jesus has helped many people like Michael Glatze abandon homosexual sin.
  • FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS MUST SPEAK OUT NOW: The unbiblical “progressive evangelical” and liberal Catholic movement to affirm unrepentant homosexuals as “Christians” serves Satan’s agenda, not God’s. (Substitute another sexual sin for “gay” and see if it makes sense: would the Rose Parade allow a live incestuous “union” atop one of its floats?) Bible-believing Christians must speak out against the agenda to normalize homosexuality — especially since children are its target. If Christians will not resist the evil specter of homosexual “marriage,” who will?


Educate Your Church and Social Network

Peter LaBarbera (on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera) has more than two decades experience fighting and exposing the powerful, well-funded homosexual lobby. He is available as a speaker on a number of topics surrounding the “gay/transgender” agenda and the promotion of biblical sexual morality, such as:

  • Gay Power vs. Religious Liberty;
  • Pro-Homosexual Indoctrination in Schools;
  • Reclaiming Uncompromising Biblical Sexual Morality;
  • Pro-“Gay” Media Bias;
  • Homosexual Activism and the “Criminalization of Christianity”; and
  • The Slippery Slope of  “Gay Rights”: From Tolerance to “Gay Marriage” to Criminalizing Opponents.

Write or call AFTAH at 312-324-3787 to book LaBarbera at your church or group event.

Ex-‘Gay’ Michael Glatze Is Thankful to God for the Gift of his Wife, Rebekah

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

AFTAH Exclusive: Glatze responds with grace to homosexual attacks on his marriage

Michael and Rebekah Glatze at their recent wedding.

Michael and Rebekah Glatze at their recent wedding.

We are happy to pass along this statement by my friend Michael Glatze, a former “gay” activist who left the lifestyle and recently married his bride, Rebekah. Their marriage has attracted the scorn of hateful homosexual activist Wayne Besen (who cruelly called Rebekah Michael’s “prop”) and the skeptical interest of other LGBT advocates. More is coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

[To congratulate or contact Michael, write him at]:

Note from Michael Glatze:

Dear friends and prayer warriors: I am so grateful for all the prayers that have gone up to God for myself, and for Rebekah, as we have been so blessed to have gotten married in the past month. It has certainly been a journey! Going from being involved in the gay community, to traveling through various spiritual searches, to finding myself (personally) in many tumultuous situations, to meeting the woman that God provided for me, to being able to have a healthy relationship, to building relationships with parents and friends, and to finally have our families and friends converge in a beautiful wedding… all has been a difficult, powerful, and awesome journey!

I am SO grateful for the fact that God has allowed me the privilege of being married. I am 38 years old. I live, every day, with a sense of profound gratitude for His provision, and His protection on my life. I am grateful that, though I have failed time and time again, He continues to pick me back up, dust me off, and show me HOW MUCH He truly loves me. And, now, praise God, I am able to share that divine love with Rebekah. This is the greatest present Our Father has given me… it is unspeakably awesome.

There are so many who have wanted to “pick apart” my life. Heck… there are people who pick apart every subtle appearance in every photograph of me ever taken! It is strange to say the least. But, I guess when you become an individual that seems to “stand for” something larger, you can expect that kind of treatment. For instance, it was never my intention to be labeled a “racist” or a “homophobe,” let alone “deranged,” and “crazy.” But, all of these things continue to travel through the airwaves of our strange world – without any of those accusers ever seeing fit to contact me, directly, whether it could be possible for them to express their concerns to me or not. Has anyone asked me what I *really* said about President Obama back in 2009? No. It is easier for them to paint me as a radical racist, which I am not. [Editor’s Note: Michael recommends listening to his 2011 podcast interview with the Theopologetics blog for his take on what he really said regarding the “racist” accusation and other attacks by LGBT activists.] Has anybody ever contacted Rebekah, or myself, to ask us how we *really* feel about each other? No. And, in some cases, even if they did contact us directly, they would doubt that we were telling “the whole truth.” They would assume that in our “Christian blindness,” we were only saying what we were supposed to say, or “wanted to believe.” In a world where people REFUSE to listen to other people, there is not a lot of room for legitimate harmony.

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Truly SCAAARRRY ‘Gay’ Activist Quotes

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Radical quotations and LGBT writings reflect a revolutionary and destructive sexual/gender movement

Photo from the NAMBLA website of the late "gay" icon Harry Hay speaking at a 1984 meeting of the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Hay says "gay" boys benefit from sexual relationships with adult homosexual men.

Photo from the NAMBLA website of the late “gay” icon Harry Hay (far right, wearing hat) speaking at a 1984 meeting of the North American Man/Boy Love Association in San Francisco. Hay said “gay” boys ages 12-15 benefit from sexual relationships with adult homosexual men.

Americans For Truth renews its Halloween tradition of delivering some very scary – or at least highly disturbing — quotes from LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists and publications. (There is also a frighteningly evil quotation from LGBT “straight ally” Eve Ensler.) Whether it’s promoting pedophilia, sullying Christianity, telling the awful truth about the realities of homosexual sodomies – or one of the biggest Heroes of Homosexuality saying that bestiality is OK (as long as the animals don’t mind, of course) – the following quotations and writings testify to the perverse nature of modern homosexualism. Needless to say, they are not likely to find their way into the liberal media or politically-correct history books taught to schoolchildren.

Most of what homosexual activists and their liberal, straight cheerleaders say about “homophobia” is tendentious nonsense, designed to demonize people like you and me. But Americans and moral-minded folks the world over certainly should fear the real-life ramifications of normalizing sexual perversion and gender confusion in the culture. To quote pro-family advocate Gary Morella, “A civilized society must justly ‘discriminate’ in favor of health over disease, right over wrong, moral over immoral, and discriminate use of sexuality over indiscriminate sexual expression.” People suffer and societies crumble when immoral, unhealthy behaviors are not just tolerated, but fostered and even celebrated by the State and corporate/cultural elites.

So be scared. Be very scared. And please pass around these decidedly “queer quotes” to educate others. – Peter LaBarbera,

[Warning: A few of quotations below contain explicit descriptions of homosexual acts]


One Lesbian’s ‘Better Two-Thirds’

“Lucky that on this national coming out day I can safely be a proud queer woman blessed with two awesome partners.”

Olga Tomchin, taken from testimony in Transgender Law Center post on “Coming Out,” October 11, 2013 (Oct. 11 is deemed “National Coming Out Day” by LGBT activists);


Bad News for Straight Soldiers

Military-oriented pornography is apparently very popular among homosexual men. Lesbian Camille Paglia says it is absurd to argue that homosexual men will not ogle and lust after straight soldiers in military showers and barracks.

Military-oriented pornography is apparently very popular among homosexual men. Lesbian Camille Paglia says it is absurd to argue that “gay” men will not ogle and lust after straight soldiers in military showers and barracks. The nudity on this video cover above –from a “gay” porn video website — was blocked for decency.

“It is ridiculous to assert that gay men are interested only in other gay men and would never ogle straight men in barracks showers. When I heard this on TV, I burst out laughing. Anyone who belongs to a health club knows better. Sexual tension and appraisal are constants, above all among gay men, who never stop cruising everything in sight. Seduction of straight studs is a highly erotic motif in gay porn.”

Camille PagliaVamps & Tramps, pp. 87-88. (Vintage Books: 1994). “Cruising” is a popular “gay” term for searching for sex partners. Paglia’s assessment is confirmed by the popularity of homosexual pornography with military themes.


They’re Here, They’re Queer, They’re Reporters with a Clear Conflict of Interest

“We Here! We’re Queer! We’re on Deadline.”

— Slogan of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA). See author’s report for America’s Survival, Inc.: “Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid: Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.” Perhaps appropriately, the NLGJA slogan plays of the old “Queer Nation” street activists’ chant: “We’re here! We’re queer! Get used to it!”


Agenda-driven Homosexual Journalists Tout ‘Born Gay’ Myth as Fact

Sexual orientation: Innate sexual attraction. Use this term instead of ‘sexual preference.’ See lifestyle….

Sexual preference: Avoid. Politically charged term implying that sexuality is the result of a conscious choice. See sexual orientation.”

NLGJA “Stylebook” entries, showing the organization’s politicized application of the unproven “born gay” theory. The homosexual journalists’ group uses the Stylebook to guide (pressure) “mainstream” journalists on how to write (and think about) homosexuality. Obviously, this biased definition – beyond being an opinion and not factual — encourages the notion that homosexuals have no responsibility for their same-sex behavior, thus negating the idea that homosexuality itself is a moral issue. Studies show that people who think “gays” are “born that way” are less likely to resist the LGBT activist agenda. For the best refutation of “born gay” ideology and pro-“gay”-politicized science, see the website of Dr. Neil and Briar Whitehead, co-authors of My Genes Made Me Do It: See also author’s “Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid” report.


Black Women, Beware: ‘Down Low’ Men Hate Condoms

“Women involved with DL men [‘Down Low’ denoting men who act straight in public but secretly practice homosexuality] are being infected with HIV because these men do not believe in wearing condoms and they don’t know their HIV status. Condoms take away from the very thing they are seeking—the thrill of spontaneity. Condoms take away that feeling when having man-to-man sex….

“But for the most part, a man on the DL isn’t even thinking about all that. He’s not thinking about a condom or diseases. DL men look at themselves as invincible, strong black men. They ain’t catching that ‘gay disease.’”

J.L. King with Karen Hunter, On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men who Sleep with Men,” pp. 25-26; (Broadway Books: New York: 2004).


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Is Pope Francis Naive about the Homosexual Agenda?

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Is the pope using language that is easily exploited by the aggressive Sin Movement that calls itself “gay”? Read his full interview HERE.

Dear AFTAH Readers,

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality works closely with conservative Catholics from across the nation, indeed the world, in opposition to the homosexual activist movement. It is my experience that wherever the Catholic Church still has influence, if the Church or its leaders takes a strong stand against pro-“gay” legislation, the bills usually fail — but if Church leaders compromise on doctrine or go AWOL (public policy-speaking), homosexual activists triumph.

Having said that, I acutely recognize — from my perspective as an evangelical (who was raised Catholic) — that there has always been a “friendly distrust” or competition between ministry and the defense of morality. Between Christians who believe that the primary role of believers is compassionate Gospel outreach to lost homosexuals — and “culture war” Christians who (although also loving the Gospel) see religious traditionalists as a crucial force resisting the Sin Movement of homosexuality that so profoundly threatens our culture.

In this context we ponder the meaning and ramifications of Pope Francis’ new rhetoric on homosexuality. Below we reprint portions of an article from our good friends at LifeSiteNews — a Catholic pro-life, pro-family news site and one of the top social conservative websites in the world — on Pope Francis’ much-discussed interview released yesterday [available HERE or as a PDF document HERE]. We note LifeSite’s apprehensive take that:

“Most major media are reporting the statements [by Pope Francis] as a direct challenge to the Church’s way of operating on the moral issues. The comments are very different from those of his two predecessors.”

Yesterday, I sent out the following cautionary tweet in response to the pope’s comments — both in the new interview and a previous one — about the Church being more “welcoming” and less judgmental toward homosexuals:


The tragic reality is that a lack of proper moral “judgments” toward and vigilance regarding homosexually-inclined priest candidates contributed greatly to the horrifying homosexual-predator crisis that has so devastated the Catholic Church. This was exacerbated by liberals such as Milwaukee’s notorious homosexual Archbishop Rembert Weakland (see my report for America’s Survival on Fox News’ pro-“gay” bias).

I dare say that a more sinister plot to undermine the Catholic Church and its reputation could not have been carried out had Satan’s earthly minions spent $100 million devising one:

  1. Homosexual men take advantage of more lax standards to enter priesthood.
  2. Homosexual priests and male Catholic school officials use their authoritative role to seduce and molest mostly male teenagers and boys.
  3. Homosexuals like then-Archbishop Weakland and their sympathizers in the Church cover up priest abuses and transfer predators to new, unsuspecting parishes, where they molest more boys.
  4. The homosexual-predator scandal blows up in the media — alienating millions of Catholics from the Church and doing untold damage to its reputation and moral, spiritual and political influence.
  5. Homosexuals and liberal allies who advocate for acceptance of homosexuality turn around and say Church is now discredited because it harbored “pedophiles.” Meanwhile, Church officials resist full disclosure of the scandal, thus perpetuating it.
  6. Lastly, “gay” activists and their liberal allies continue to insist that the male-on-boy priest abuse scandal has little or nothing to do with homosexuals — but rather was a “pedophile” or “ephebophile” (adult who is sexual attracted to adolescents) problem.

My hunch is that each and every one of those complicit Church apologists for homosexuality, like Weakland, would consider himself “more compassionate” and “more Christ-like” than “anti-gay Catholics” who have been scandalized by the homosexualist advances in their Church. Such is the arrogance of liberals. This despite the untold suffering of boys victimized by sexual deviants masquerading as pastoral guardians of others’ souls. (See Catholic writer Randy Engel’s Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church — one of the best books ever written on homosexuality  and Leon PodlesSacrilege: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church [available through AFTAH; see below to order].)

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