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Homosexual conservative Dave Rubin (left) confirms dual surrogacy with “husband” David Janet on Twitter March 16, 2022.
Folks, I love this video by conservative activist and YouTuber Mark Dice. Here’s why:
Dice understands that if top “conservatives” like PragerU and Glenn Beck’s The Blaze [see the 6:00-minute mark above] have reached the point where they’re CONGRATULATING a homosexual man and his male lover (Dave Rubin and “husband”) for acquiring (buying) children through surrogacy–to create an intentionally motherless household–then there is no sellout too big for these compromised leaders.
He goes to the language, which has been utterly corrupted by LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) activists working hand-in-hand with their morally-corrupt “media” allies. How can any serious “conservative” say a man has a “husband”? (And so what if that’s currently “the law,” per Supreme Court dictate? So is abortion-on-demand since 1973 and conservatives don’t accept that as legitimate.)
Dice calls out the ongoing moral phoniness of Conservative Inc. Today the current outrage is transgender nonsense, but remember when the hill worth dying on was homosexual “marriage”?! Now so many on the Right have “moved on” from that cultural issue, and here we are seven years after Obergefell celebrating intentionally motherless homosexual-led households.
Lastly, Christian conservative Allie Beth Stuckey did produce a video on why she cannot congratulate Dave Rubin; also, see also Dice’s Twitter feed for his exchange with Matt Walsh.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; (here’s my tweet echoing Dice on Rubin)
The following was sent out Dec. 23 in the AFTAH e-newsletter:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
“Precious in the site of the Lord is the death of His godly ones.” (Psalm 116:15)
Using the FBI to Harass AFTAH: Adam Flanders, a homosexual activist and convicted sex offender, “reported” AFTAH’s president Peter LaBarbera to the FBI, leading to an October visit by an FBI agent to LaBarbera’s home. Flanders used the absurd and deceitful pretext that LaBarbera might harass or threaten him at his home in California. The agent told LaBarbera that he presumed the complaint was frivolous. To learn more about Flanders’ tactics and criminal past, click HERE.
We are coming to the end of another momentous year, and it has been a strange, sad and yet hopeful one for me. Four people whom I loved went on to be with the Lord Jesus this year: my father, Pat LaBarbera; my best friend Brian Fitzpatrick (shown below at an Americans For Truth rally); and AFTAH benefactors Peter Huizenga and Ray Young–two of the finest Christian men God has given me the pleasure of knowing.
The Christ of Christ-mas was, in the final analysis, their hope. He is mine, too, and I hope He is yours. My dad–who was a great husband to my mom and father to me, my four sisters and my younger brother Jimmy–humbled himself and accepted Jesus as Savior very late in life. For that I will be eternally grateful.
My friend Brian, once an atheist, was born again in the Lord (John 3) on May 24, 1987 (he put that date on his license plate), and lived for Him from that point onward. Please share his Christian testimony in this blessed holy season. I will miss him but we’ll meet again!
Ray Young and Peter Huizenga were faithful Christian family men and businessmen who put Christ first and never once even considered backing away from biblical Truth, in an age when so many find a way to do just that.
Brian Fitzpatrick, shown speaking at AFTAH’s rally at the Supreme Court June 26, marking the third anniversary of SCOTUS’ imposition of homosexuality-based “marriage” on the nation. Read Brian’s Christian testimony HERE.
In their honor but more in God’s honor, we at Americans For Truth press forward with our noble yet politically incorrect mission. This has been a very interesting year: AFTAH became a microcosm of the Left’s evil and homo-fascist “social media censorship” strategy designed to suffocate social conservatives in the Public Square. Heck, we even got a visit by the FBI! … read on:
Our Americans For Truth Facebook page was “unpublished” and then “erased” after leftist complaints.
My personal Facebook page has twice been put on 30-day hold after a frivolous “hate violation.” (I’m currently still in FB “jail” but I will be “set free” Monday–oh boy, thanks Mark Zuckerberg!)
My Twitter page was blocked based on an absurd “hate” warning about a post showing a nasty, anal-sex-promoting “gay” activist giving his critics the finger.
AFTAH’s website was taken down for two weeks following a frivolous and deceitful complaint by “gay” activist and convicted sex offender Adam Flanders (shown at upper right).
Wasting the FBI’s Time & Resources: Flanders later complained to the FBI and they actually sent an agent to my home on Oct. 26! The agent asked if I planned to harass or threaten Flanders in California. I said of course not, and alerted him to Flanders’ history of harassing conservatives with false “stalking” charges. The agent knew that the complaint was meritless but said the Bureau was obligated to check it out. The litigious Flanders is now threatening to sue me (and other social conservatives).
Despite all this, we at Americans For Truth keep on doing exactly what the LGBTQueer Lobby is trying to stop us from doing: speaking out in the media against a nefarious and revolutionary sexual agenda that threatens to silence Christian conservative speech even as it corrupts the hearts and minds of young children.
We’ll never quit, because the LGBTQ Lobby never quits, and because it’s God’s Truth, not ours. I echo what my friend the late Peter Huizenga told me, “I will never give up on God’s Truth.” I am not intimidated by this Sin Movement, which must be resisted aggressively, even as its errant followers need the love and forgiveness of Jesus. (AFTAH from its inception has boldly defended EX-“gays” like my brother in Christ, Stephen Black.)
Here is the AFTAH media page link, which contains only a portion of our many media appearances this year. Americans For Truth reached hundreds of thousands of people in 2018 — citizens hungry for someone to give it to them “straight,” unapologetically, about Big LGBTQueer.
These days, even many “conservatives” are afraid to oppose homosexuality–and the Republicans have nearly abandoned this crucial moral issue. But not AFTAH.
The Americans For Truth website is a go-to site for people all over the world who are looking for someone to communicate the “Truth About Homosexuality,” minus the LGBTQ Left’s and the media’s propaganda filters. (And believe me: we still have not gotten close to conveying the full depravity of the Lesbian-Gay-Bi-Trans-Queer agenda.)
Will You Help Us? Please Donate to AFTAH with a gift of $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $500 or $1,000, if you are able. Consider signing up as a monthly giver. And of course I covet your prayers, as we truly are fighting against “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Click HERE to give safely online or send your check to:
AFTAH, PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522
God bless you and may you have a Blessed Christmas as we celebrate the miraculous birth of the Savior of the world!
Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) has declared that passage of the LGBTQ “Equality Act”–essentially adding homosexuality and transgenderism as the bases for new federal “civil rights”–a top priority in 2019.
Click HERE to listen to today’s interview between Jim Schneider of VCY America’s “Crosstalk” and AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera. The program description is below. Read Prof. Robert Gagnon’s article on the evangelical groups’ compromise in support of federal LGBTQ rights HERE.
Date: December 18, 2018 Host: Jim Schneider ?Guest: Peter LaBarbera Listen: ?MP3 ???| Order
Peter LaBarbera is the president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality.
Jim began this program with a shocking fact. Today there are evangelical groups that are linking arms with the LGBT movement to assist in closing churches that condemn homosexuality.
He cited WND.com that has noted two major organizations, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and the National Association of Evangelicals, that have endorsed adding sexual orientation and gender identity protections to federal non-discrimination laws.
Peter described this effort as proposing a compromise that would carve out religious exemptions for them, while at the same time creating federal gay rights and transgender rights that would be imposed on the rest of the nation.
This issue is based upon 3 points. The first is that God created human beings in His image (male and female) and that sexual relations be reserved for the marriage of one man and one woman.
Point number two urges Congress to support long-standing civil rights laws and First Amendment guarantees that protect free religious exercise.
Point number three communicates that no one should face violence, harassment, or unjust discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.
It’s the third point that raises concerns. Who defines ‘unjust discrimination’? What about the Christian baker, florist, photographer or wedding venue owner? What about the violation of their religious beliefs and convictions?
This third point is the central theme of discussion and you can hear how it played out when you review this important edition of Crosstalk.
More Information:
National Association of Evangelicals
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
Peace in Our Time? Apparently some evangelical “leaders” are taking their cues from 20th-Century British appeaser Neville Chamberlain in seeking to work out an unbiblical compromise with the powerful homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby–supposedly to preserve their religious freedoms. No Christian should support the creation of “rights” based on sinful sexual behaviors that are changeable and do not define a person.
“Jesus didn’t formulate the Golden Rule to provide special legal protections for, and promotion of, immoral behavior.”
* * *
“These Evangelical appeasers have the ‘innocent as doves’ demeanor down but not the ‘wise as serpents’ part.”— Prof. Robert Gagnon
Take Action: Contact the National Association of Evangelicals at their DC office at 202-479-0815 (or online HERE), and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities HERE (Phone — choose option #8: 202-546-8713). Voice your opposition to their unbiblical compromise that would create and recognize federal “rights” based on immoral homosexual and transgender lifestyles.
Related info:
NAE compromise proposal (obtained by WORLD mag): [HERE]
Ryan Anderson’s article in Daily Signal: “Misguided Proposal From Christian Leaders and LGBT Activists Is Anything but ‘Fairness for All’”
Folks, the largely Christian social conservative movement never seems to learn that by constantly “playing defense” and backing up in the face of a hyper-aggressive LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) movement, we will always lose. Now a group of “leaders” from two evangelical associations are getting in the game, floating a disastrous and cowardly compromise with “gay” and “transgender” activists that if enacted, will only help advance the normalization of sex-and-gender perversion in the United States. Prof. Robert Gagnon, probably the world’s leading authority on the Bible and homosexuality, ably responds to their misguided proposal below. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Dr. Robert Gagnon’s Response to Evangelical Leaders’ Compromise with LGBT Activists
In a blog post titled “‘Fairness For All’: Smart Politics, Or A Sellout?” (Dec. 13), Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative, reports a defense of the recent decision by the boards of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) to support “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” “federal anti-discrimination law in exchange for religious liberty guarantees written into the same law.” The defense was made by “a prominent conservative Evangelical political strategist who works at both the national and state levels” and whom Dreher calls “Smith.” Rod himself professes to be unsure about the whole subject; an uncertainty that appears to be fueled by his usual belief that voting Republican changes nothing.
The substance of the defense is essentially born of naïve utilitarianism, overlaid with a veneer of high rhetoric about standing up for the “rights” of LGBTQ persons. In effect: We are losing the battle over human sexuality in the culture so, while we still can, let’s cut a deal with proponents of all things “gay” and “transgender” that gives us something in return. They will (allegedly) recognize our good will and then become favorably disposed to protect our “religious liberties” in both the short- and long-term.
The problem with the argument is that it amounts to a policy of appeasement with sexual extremists who advocate (from our perspective) a grossly immoral sexual policy and have never exhibited a “we’ll stop here approach” before. It is an appeasement that requires us to sacrifice our basic principles to get some statutory assurance that can easily be retracted by legislative vote after a full-court indoctrination surge, predicated on the new law, overwhelms remaining resistance. In addition, it is an appeasement that provides only the narrowest of exemptions for religious institutions while throwing under the bus the vast majority of Christians who work and live outside those institutions.
This interview by LifeSiteNews founder and publisher Steve Jalsevac with conservative Catholic apologist Peter Kreeft is excellent. Kreeft concisely summarizes the weakness of modern American Christianity in the face of two much bolder foes: the LGBTQueer movement and fundamentalist Islam. Watch the full nine minutes: [to sign up for LSN’s superb daily pro-life/pro-family news email, go HERE]. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
The full LifeSiteNews story on the Kreeft interview can be found HERE.
Social media giant cites “safety” concerns and being “respectful,” but by not respecting and tolerating Christian conservatives’ views, is Facebook guilty of ‘hate’ and bigotry?
Facebook ‘hates’ conservatives (or at least their ideas): This is the notice AFTAH received Sunday from Facebook. Jason Salamone is an administrator of the AFTAH FB page. We are appealing the decision. Facebook has “unpublished” AFTAH’s or Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera’s pages on previous occasions.
Fight Leftist Censorship; donate securely to AFTAH online: [Click HERE], or mail a gift to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522
Folks, leftist social media censorship is accelerating, because “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (Lord Acton). On Sunday, [Nov. 18, 2018,] Facebook took down–“unpublished”–AFTAH’s (Americans for Truth About Homosexuality) Facebook page, saying we violated their “hate” standard. We are appealing the decision but unlike Twitter, Facebook does not even let the groups they banish make a case for why the ban is wrong and should be reversed. This ban is beyond Orwellian: Facebook provides no specific examples of *how* our AFTAH posts violated their alleged “hate” standard, but you can see what sort of posts “triggered” these progressive-techie snowflakes HERE, or below.
I tweeted this:
From Twitter: [Sunday] the cowardly yet proficient anti-conservatives at Facebook took down (“unpublished”) our AFTAH (Americans For Truth) FB page, citing violations of their spurious “hate” standards. We are appealing. Look for a piece on this in WND…
Of course, the “hate” charge is spurious and ultimately effectively precludes all MORAL opponents of homosexuality from using Facebook. AFTAH, a Christian educational organization, has from its inception condemned real hatred and violence against homosexuals (or anyone). We have long denounced groups like Westboro Baptist Church with its preposterous “God Hates Fags” message. Please help us spread the word on this cowardly social media censorship of ideas that run counter to “progressive” sacred cows. Thanks. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Here is an example of an Americans For Truth post that Facebook deemed “hateful”; see full story HERE:
Christ Helps ‘Homosexuals’ Change: Stephen Black, who once lived as a “gay” man before accepting Christ and leaving the homosexual lifestyle, is among the speakers at the God’s Voice conference Feb. 22-23 in Oklahoma City. Black leads First Stone Ministries, which helps others overcome sexual brokenness. God’s Voice will be responding to “Revoice,” a July conference and movement that seeks to recognize (chaste) homosexuals as a “sexual minority” in the Christian Church. AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera, a speaker at God’s Voice, was disinvited and banned from attending Revoice by its organizer, Nate Collins. Black was also banned by Revoice.
I will be speaking on how trendy “LGBTQ-inclusive Christianity”–even if well-intended–merely puts a Christian facade on the revolutionary “gay” idea of an aggrieved homosexual “minority” deserving affirmation in their aberrant self-identity. That notion, first championed in the U.S. by one-time Communist Harry Hay, is built on the idea that there is a separate group of humanity (the “gay” minority) who live by different sexual rules than the rest of us, as opposed to all people living under the same God-given, universal moral code.
We now see clearly the expanding chaos that this subversive “gay” ideology has engendered: if “identity” and “minority” status are derived essentially from one’s subjective feelings, and then awarded full “civil rights” status under the law, how can we as a society say no to new identities and minorities, such as “pansexuals,” “asexuals,” “non-binaries” and “genderqueers”? And mustn’t we affirm “gay” and LGBTQueer youth in their “identities”? If “truth” is subjective and judging is wrong (except judging “bigoted” Christians, of course), then how can we affirm one sexual/gender “minority” and not the other(s)?
Now this chaos threatens the Church itself. I wonder: why is there no discussion of recognizing and affirming other sin-based “minorities” in the evangelical Church–say, lustful men (which I suspect is a rather common “orientation”)?
Christians are called to deny themselves, and especially their flesh (sins), for Jesus’ sake and to please God. Our identity is in Christ. But the “LGBTQ+ Christian” movement demands that the Church sympathetically recognize their non-biblical “identities,” even though they are rooted in sinful desires and self-deception (Romans 1/Jeremiah 17:9)). Invariably, the next step will be to demand, with ever greater zeal and vociferousness, that all “compassionate” Christians do the same, while shaming those who refuse to indulge homo-trans ideology.
It goes without saying that we should preach the Gospel and reach out with truth in the love of Jesus to all sexual strugglers. But LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) ideology–though seductive in our victim-mongering culture like the Sirens of Greek mythology–is an ungodly, incrementalist agenda that Christians must reject in toto.
Please consider making plans to come to the “God’s Voice” conference in Oklahoma City February 22-23, to gird yourself in biblical truth so that you can better withstand the serious and growing threat of “LGBTQ Christianity.” More coming on this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
P.S. Unlike the “LGBTQ Christian” Revoice conference, God’s Voice will not be preemptively banishing potential critics from attending. (I was disinvited by Revoice’s organizer, Nate Collins, after paying and signing up to attend; see AFTAH story HERE.)
God’s Voice Media Release
God’s Voice Conference to Equip Christians to Stand Against ‘LGBTQ+ Christianity’ Inside the Church
Contact: Don Otis, 719-275-7775
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Nov. 6, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ — In response to recent attempts to “revoice” God’s Word on the critical issues of human sexuality and identity, First Stone Ministries is pleased to announce the GOD’S VOICE Conference, taking place Feb. 22 and 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church in Moore, OK.
Subtitled: “A Biblical Response to the Queering of the Church,” the GOD’S VOICE Conference will be the Scriptural counter to a new “LGBTQ+ Christian” effort called Revoice, which has affirmed “gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other gender and sexual minority Christians,” “mixed-orientation marriages” and the concept of “redeeming queer culture.”
Organizer and conference speaker Stephen Black, executive director of First Stone Ministries, says, “it’s imperative that biblically faithful Christians, churches and denominations awaken to the threat of this new ‘LGBTQ+’ narrative, which radical activists and psychologists are pushing on our congregations.” In a continued response, Black says, “the church must once again listen only to the eternal, unchanging voice of God, whose Word alone conveys the truth about biblical sexuality and human identity.”
“We are living in a day when Bible-believing churches are being hit with a tsunami of an ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ narrative,” Black said. “Many are being lied to by this messaging that LGBTQ+ people have a fixed orientation and that grace covers their same-sex attractions, leaving people stuck in sin and broken identities. This movement has a form of religion, but denies the power of the Holy Spirit, who transforms souls through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!”
Co-organizer and conference speaker Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, says “it is time for the church to take a firm and unwavering stand against the encroaching, unbiblical message of ‘sexual minorities’ and ‘sexual orientation.'”
LaBarbera continues by saying, “Standing on God’s infallible Word, our team of experts will dissect the web of lies that hold subversive ‘queer Christianity’ together. We will show how Revoice and the expanding, cunning ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ network are rooted not in the Bible, but in the same homosexualist ideology that has turned truth and God’s created order on their heads in our culture. We cannot stand by and allow this same LGBTQ+ ideology to be advanced in the name of Jesus Christ!”
Other GOD’S VOICE Conference speakers include Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, professor of humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; the Rev. Thomas Littleton, Southern Baptist pastor and evangelist; the Rev. Al Baker, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America; Andrea Minichiello Williams, founder and CEO of Christian Concern & Christian Legal Centre in the UK; and Janet Mefferd, host of the nationally syndicated, daily Christian radio talk shows “Janet Mefferd Today” and “Janet Mefferd Live.”
Black added that above all, the GOD’S VOICE Conference is designed to share the love of God and the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone who attends. “This conference will be filled with the Word of God and His testimonies of transformation to bless the believer and unbeliever alike,” Black said.
The GOD’S VOICE Conference is set for Friday evening, Feb. 22, and Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church, 301 Northeast 27th Street, Moore, OK.
First Stone Ministries is a 501(c)3, non-profit and non-denominational organization that ministers, educates and helps lead people to freedom from homosexuality and sexual brokenness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord.
For more information, interviews or media please contact Don Otis at: 719.275.7775 or you can use the contact form at First Stone Ministries www.firststone.org/contact-us.
Facebook puts Bible-and-homosexuality scholar in “jail” after post critical of conference recognizing homosexuals as “sexual minority”
Robert Gagnon
Folks, my friend Robert Gagnon, the world’s foremost authority on the Bible and homosexuality, last week penned this critique of the Revoice conference going on right now in St. Louis. Revoice aims to recognize and celebrate LGBTQ-identified celibate Christians as a “sexual minority” in the Church. It has been widely challenged by orthodox Christians for undermining Scriptural truth; see this article on Revoice’s speakers.
After publishing his piece on Facebook, Gagnon was was put in “Facebook jail” for 24 hours–the second time this has happened to him in recent weeks. That’s very troubling, as is the fact I and several other Christians were BANNED from attending Revoice after we were “checked out” by organizers.
Gagnon wrote in an email:
“I have been blocked again for 24 hours from Facebook, with a warning that the next time I am blocked it will be for 3 days. They blocked me for a mild post expressing concern about the upcoming Revoice Conference (pasted below). Could the Revoice people have complained about me?…”
We will be following this story very closely, as I share the belief of others that Revoice is the LGBTQ activist camel’s nose under the tent of the evangelical Christian church. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Concerns with the upcoming Revoice Conference and Spiritual Friendship Folk
By Robert A. J. Gagnon
While I am glad for the fact that persons at the upcoming Revoice Conference (July 26-28, St. Louis, in a PCA venue) and those who align with the “Spiritual Friendship” program want to refrain from engaging in same-sex intercourse and thereby uphold this part of the orthodox witness, I have seven consequential concerns about their views.
1. Inadequate engagement with the need for “renewal of the mind” as regards homosexual desires. Is there any asking of: “What is the false narrative that gives these impulses particular strength? Why am I viewing a person of the same sex as a sexual complement or counterpart to my own sex? Why am I aroused by the distinctive sexual features of my own sex, by what I already have? Am I thinking of myself as only half of my own sex? What kind of strategies for renewing my mind can I use to counter this false narrative beyond ‘washed and waiting’?” Instead, the benefits of a generalized “gay” perspective (minus the sex) are celebrated or lifted up. Even if one’s attractions may not change with such an evaluation, they can be disempowered by exposing the lie that lies behind attempts to gratify same-sex desire or (for “transgenders,” so-called) to deny one’s biological sex altogether. There is more to be addressed here than refraining from homosexual sex.