The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups

VIDEO: Chicago Teenage Girl Has Healthy Breasts Surgically Removed to Become Transgender ‘Male’ – Chicago Children’s Hospital’s ‘Trans’ Activism

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Threat of youth suicide drives radical, body-disfiguring “sex reassignment” surgeries on minor children–should this be legal?

Emily Pascal as a teenage girl, before her transgender "sex reassignment" surgeries to become like a man.

Defying Nature: Emily Pascal as a teenage girl, before undergoing her transgender “sex reassignment” surgeries to appear like the male she thinks she is. Paschal, 17, now identifies as “Emmet” (see video below) after having her healthy breasts surgically removed. Both Pascal’s parents and the medical professionals at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago cite her potential suicide as a key reason for pursuing the body-disfiguring operations as a minor.

 “We don’t offer anything that would have any long-lasting negative or irreversible effect unless this is truly a kid who’s older, who can make a wise decision, whose family is supportive.”— Dr. Scott Leibowitz, child and adolescent psychiatrist with Lurie Children’s Hospital’s Gender and Sex Development program

Folks, I am stunned at what passes for science and medical care these days. Emily Paschal, a 17-year-old girl from Gurnee, Illinois featured in these WYCC (PBS-Chicago) video segments, had her healthy adolescent breasts surgically removed as part of her “transitioning” process to become her male persona, “Emmet.” Her parents allowed the radical surgery in the name of helping their daughter become like the transgender “male” she thinks she is. They were assisted by Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, in a program led by an open homosexual, Dr. Robert Garofalo, who heads up the hospital’s “Gender and Sex Development Program.”

Last month I was interviewed by WYCC for this “In the Loop” segment,  “Raising a Transgender Teen,” without knowing the specifics of the Emily-“Emmet” Pascal story. WYCC is the lesser known of two PBS TV stations in Chicago, and this program aired September 24, 2015. WYCC used only a tiny portion of my interview, which is a shame because the reporter who interviewed me–not “In the Loop” host Barbara Pinto, who narrates the piece–was very fair and asked no “gotcha” questions. Note: I am identified here with “Center For Morality,” which will be a project of Americans For Truth as we transition to our new home in the Washington, D.C. area.

How tragic it is that the threat of suicide drives this entire process whereby panic-stricken parents–working with doctors who double as de facto LGBTQ activists–allow their child’s confused feelings to guide and rationalize the pursuit of permanent body-disfiguring operations.  Speaking of rationalizations: what would feminists say about Emily’s (“Emmet’s’) father Dirk Paschal recalling her leadership skills as a girl in the neighborhood as evidence that she was really a “boy.” Can’t girls be leaders?

The bottom line here is that doctors have become activists and pop-culture philosophers in pushing these extreme experimental “solutions” on vulnerable youth and their vulnerable parents–even though, as Dr. Garofalo admits (see 3:18 mark), the doctors are far from having all the answers. Most importantly, as he acknowledges, some kids overcome their sense of “gender nonconformity”–so why rush the operations and puberty-blocking drug “treatments”? And will we all one day as taxpaying Americans be subsidizing these horrific procedures through Obama-care? I question whether these radical “transgender” surgeries should even be legal for minors. More coming on this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Some highlights of the video are transcribed after the videos and the page jump:

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Brought to You by Walmart: New York City ‘Gay Pride’ Parade Exposes Kids to Nudity, Lewdness, Vulgarity, even an S&M Float

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

AFTAH Exclusive: NYC parade belies SCOTUS claim that homosexual marriage “safeguards children”; homo-fascist tells AFTAH president that freedom doesn’t apply to him because ‘you’re anti-gay”

PART ONE: WARNING: Offensive images, expletives and graphic descriptions

Homosexual Sadomasochistic "Pride" - Brought to You by Walmart: This float for the New York city homosexual "leather" bar The Eagle rolls down Fifth Avenue at the New York City "Pride" parade Sunday. Note the black-and-blue flag at left symbolizing "leather pride"--the S&M counterpart to the rainbow-colored flag symbolizing "gay pride." Sadistic/masochistic "leather" sex involves extreme behaviors that glorify domination, brutality and human degradation. This includes "master-slave" couplings in which one partner becomes the "sex slave" of another "master." Homosexual leathermen revel in some of the vilest practices invented by mankind, including hand-arm-rectal "fisting." Click to enlarge. Note the police looking on at lower left: one wonders what they are thinking. Photos may be reproduced provided credit given as follows: "Photo:"

Homosexual Sadomasochistic “Pride” – Brought to You by Walmart: This float for the New York city homosexual “leather” bar The Eagle rolls down Fifth Avenue at the New York City “Pride” parade Sunday. Note the black-and-blue flag at left symbolizing “leather pride”–the S&M counterpart to the rainbow-colored flag symbolizing “gay pride.” Sadistic/masochistic “leather” fetishes involve extreme behaviors that glorify domination, brutality, pain and human degradation. This includes “master-slave relationships” in which one partner becomes the “sex slave” of his “master.” Homosexual leathermen revel in some of the vilest practices invented by mankind, including hand-arm-rectal “fisting.” Note the policemen looking on at lower left: one wonders what they are thinking. Photos may be reproduced provided credit given as follows: “Photo:”


TAKE ACTION: Call Walmart’s Corporate Offices: 

Call Walmart’s headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., at 479-273-4000 and choose ext. 3, then ask for the office of CEO Doug McMillon. Or call 1-800-WALMART (925-6278). Write Walmart online HERE (click the “Community and Giving” option). When I called the first number I was routed to Customer Relations. Send the CEO a fax: fax CEO McMillon directly at 479-204-0798. Urge Walmart to STOP financing the celebration of sexual immorality and extreme gender confusion like New York City “Pride.” Tell them that you are offended as a customer that Walmart would sign on as a top-level funder of a New York City’s debauched homosexual “pride” parade that featured nudity, perversion, vulgarity, gender rebellion and even an S&M float being flaunted in front of young children. See also this past AFTAH article on Walmart’s capitulation to the LGBTQ agenda. 

Walmart_Pride_logoBy Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Americans For Truth Exclusive

New York City’s annual homosexual “Pride” parade–sponsored Sunday (June 28, 2015) for the first time at the highest “Platinum” level by Walmart Corporation–featured nudity, lewdness, vulgarity and even a sadomasochism float–subjecting the many young children who either marched in or viewed the parade to behaviors and messages that are highly inappropriate for their age and emotional immaturity. [See photos below.]

This AFTAH writer observed most of the parade, which was dominated by major corporate sponsors. One of the bases for the Supreme Court’s stunningly radical June 26 ruling creating a “constitutional right” for homosexual “marriage” is that it “safeguards children and families.” But in truth homosexual parenting harms kids in a variety of ways. It was precisely homosexual (and pro-“gay”) parents who brought impressionable children to observe this highly-sexualized parade glorifying immorality and gender confusion. This is just one example, but a very troubling one, of how “gay parenting” harms children.

I asked a woman who was hostile to me being there about the propriety of exposing kids to lewd behaviors and vulgarity. She said she didn’t agree with everything that goes on at the “pride” parade but that nobody was forcing people to attend it. However, that right to choose does not extend to minor children, who are taken to such bawdy events by their parents and subjected to the perverseness and homo-eroticism that naturally flow from a parade celebrating deviant sex and gender. One such child was a girl standing next to me who appeared to be about 10 or 11; she was evidently dropped off by her father (I saw a man check on her once), who left her alone for hours to view the “pride” parade.

Walmart Champions "Pride" in Homosexuality: Walmart marchers at New York City's homosexual "Pride" parade carry massive "rainbow flag" symbolizing the celebration of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism (extreme gender confusion). Walmart was a top-level "Platinum" corporate sponsor of Heritage Pride, which runs the parade and the extended "pride" activities in late June in the Big Apple.

Walmart Champions “Pride” in Homosexuality: Walmart marchers at New York City’s homosexual “Pride” parade carry massive “rainbow flag” symbolizing the celebration of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism (extreme gender confusion). Walmart was a top-level “Platinum” corporate sponsor of Heritage of Pride, which runs the parade and the extended “pride” activities in late June in the Big Apple.

“Gay” Bully Exercises Special Rights
At one point half-way through the parade, as I stood near the corner of Fifth Avenue and 10th  Street (near the homosexual “pride”-celebrating Church of the Ascension), two homosexual activists, a man and a woman–started verbally challenging me, escalating to outright harassment. They had figured out that I was not a homosexual enthusiast and were upset that a moral critic was taking photos at “their” parade, even though it was a very public event.

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If You Can Be Transgender, Why Can’t You Be Transracial? – Michael Brown

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

Feelings vs. Reality: ‘Trans-racialist’ Rachel Dolezal, a woman born white who wants to live as a black person. Click to enlarge.

Folks, I’m tempted to say that only by falsely labeling Michael Brown as a ‘Transracial-phobe’ could one reject his sound arguments below. — Peter LaBarbera,


First published on CharismaNews, 6/15/2015

By Michael Brown

I do not for a moment want to minimize the very real struggles of those who identify as transgender nor do I want to ignore those individuals who have genuine biological or genetic abnormalities.

I simply want to state once again—really, I want to shout it from the rooftops—that perception does not change reality, and so Bruce Jenner is no more a woman than Rachel Dolezal is black.

In the last week, a steady stream of articles has drawn comparisons, both positive and negative, between Jenner and Dolezal, with not a few stating that Dolezal’s actions are harmful to the transgender cause. (The opening lines of Ben Shapiro’s fairly comprehensive article, detailing many other claims made by Dolezal and dripping with sarcasm, are classic.)

Obviously, I have no idea whether Dolezal genuinely believes she is black or simply chooses to identify as black, but what’s clear, if all the reports are true, is that she is not black.

How can I be so dogmatic?

It’s because skin color is verifiable.

It is not based on perception.

It is not based on feelings.

It is based on provable data.

The same is true when it comes to gender (again, putting aside the question of how to best help those with biological or genetic abnormalities that are not so easily categorized as male or female).

Some people are genetically and biologically male while others are genetically and biologically female, and to alter their physical appearance through cosmetic surgery no more changes their real identity than wearing leopard skins transforms a human being into a big cat.

Bruce Jenner (posing for Vanity Fair as "Caitlyn" above) is a biological male who wants to live as a woman--and claim that fictitious identity despite his male DNA.

Living Out a Lie: Former Olympic star Bruce Jenner (posing for Vanity Fair as “Caitlyn” above) is a biological male who wants to live as a woman–and claims that fictitious identity despite his male DNA. Click to enlarge.

The same is true when it comes to hormonal treatments: You can pump up Bruce Jenner with all the female hormones in the world but that does not make him into a woman. (To date, we have not been presented with any evidence that he is a genetic female in any form.)

In the words of Dr. Paul McHugh, one of the nation’s most respected psychiatrists yet a man despised by many in the transgender community as out of date and out of touch:

“Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.'”

Not only so, but in many ways, the transgender movement is based on fundamental contradictions.

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Janet Mefferd on Matthew Vines and the Homosexual-Christian ‘Dialogue’

Thursday, June 18th, 2015
Matthew Vines is working hard to win Christians to the idea that homosexual relationships can be blessed before a holy God. For espousing that heresy, he cannot and must not be seen as a "brother in Christ."

Sin Advocate: Young and winsome Matthew Vines is working hard to win Christians to the idea that committed homosexual relationships should be blessed before a holy God. Despite his apostasy, Vines was recently welcomed as a “brother in Christ” by Rev. Caleb Kaltenbach, lead pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, CA. See Vines’ curiously named “Reformation Project.

“We are to have no fellowship with darkness. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with any professing Christian who’s in open rebellion against the Word of God. We can’t ‘dialogue’ with anybody who is deceiving and misleading the Body of Christ on any sin while claiming to be a Christian!”–Janet Mefferd


I welcome my friend Janet Mefferd to the pages of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Janet is a former longtime radio talk show host with the Salem Radio Network–and, I must say, as someone who cumulatively chatted a few hours in on-air interviews with Mefferd over the years–she was one of the best in the business (Christian and secular). We look forward to seeing what’s next in Janet’s career, but until then we are delighted to publish her work.

Regarding this issue of “dialogue” or “bridging” with homosexuality advocates, I recall an article by the late Alan Medinger–a man who walked away from homosexuality with the help of the Savior he loved, Jesus Christ. Medinger, who founded Regeneration Ministries in Baltimore, wisely cautioned against an internal Church debate over homosexuality because there is nothing compelling it except outside, anti-biblical agitation. The sinfulness of same-sex behavior is a settled matter in both the Bible and thousands of years of Church/Old Testament tradition, argued Medinger, and we need not debate it now within Christendom any more than we should debate, say, adultery.

Read this beautiful tribute to Medinger by Regeneration’s Josh Glaser–then decide if the same Spirit of Christ that impelled Alan lies with Matthew Vines, who–by trying to redefine Christianity to accommodate homosexual relationships and “gay marriage”–propels the very same debate that Medinger rejected on principle. Below Mefferd ably applies what I call the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Enough with the “Dialogue,” Already

By Janet Mefferd; first posted June 17, 2015 on Mefferd’s blog; Twitter: @JanetMefferd

Evangelicals Open Door to Debate on Gay Rights.” Just the kind of headline I never enjoy, but it ran June 8 in The New York Times over a story about “influential evangelicals” meeting with homosexual activist Matthew Vines at Biola University last month, complete with a Times reporter and photographer on hand.

Vines, you may recall, is author of 2014’s controversial “God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships,” which manipulates biblical terminology in an unconvincing attempt to argue against the sinfulness of homosexuality.

Worse, the book was published by Crown Publishing Group’s Convergent imprint, which shared staff and operations with and was a sister imprint of evangelical Christian publisher WaterBrook Multnomah. Among other repercussions for printing such unbiblical garbage, WaterBrook Multnomah resigned its membership from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). (Crown later separated the two imprints.)

Vines also runs an apostate group called The Reformation Project, which claims to exist “to train Christians to support and affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Through building a deep grassroots movement, we strive to create an environment in which Christian leaders will have the freedom to take the next steps toward affirming and including LGBT people in all aspects of church life.”

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Statements by Hackett, Costello and Komaniecki on Chicago S&M ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives

Friday, June 12th, 2015

Joyce Kilmer Elementary School (right) is located on Greenview Ave., just three blocks from the deviance-honoring “museum,” Leather Archives (left), which sits at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., near Devon Ave., in  Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood. Two other public schools are also within walking distance of the mainly homosexual-oriented sadomasochistic perversion “museum”–which celebrates “fisting’ and other depraved homosexual acts, including porn that eroticizes adult-child sadistic sex. See AFTAH PDF Flier about the despicable “museum” HERE.

The following statements were issued by Illinois pro-family leaders at the Americans For Truth press event held May 22, 2015 directly in front of the Leather Archives & Museum at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., down the street from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. Links to related stories on the LA&M S&M “Perversion Musuem” are at bottom:

Mary Anne Hackett, President, Catholic Citizens of Illinois:

“We were shocked to hear that there is a museum in a Chicago neighborhood, Leather Archives & Museum, dedicated to celebrating obscene and offensive sexual practices. Does tolerance have any limits? Are families supposed to welcome a museum dedicated to perversion in their neighborhood? Can parents protect the innocence of their children from exposure to behaviors that should not even be practiced or celebrated in private? The Leather Archives & Museum is located in a neighborhood of families. Children walk to the Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and the Roger C. Sullivan High School within blocks of the ‘Museum.’

“This weekend, the annual International Mr. Leather convention will take place in Chicago and it is anticipated that thousands of homosexuals will arrive in our city to ‘celebrate’ this event. We call upon the Mayor of Chicago and the people of Chicago to stand against the degradation of our communities and to uphold standards of decency to protect families and children.”


Nick Costello, Board Member, Catholic Citizens of Illinois:

“The ‘cultural’ underpinning the Leather Archives & Museum reflects the general disintegration of our sexual sanity as a nation. Of course, proponents of this “leather” deviance (rooted in sadomasochism) will present it with a smile as harmless sexual expression, while hiding the harmful effects spiritually, psychologically, and physically on those who practice it. This museum should be nowhere near Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and area parents must be put on notice. If the proprietors do not have the decency to close this ‘museum’ or relocate to an area unfrequented by children, then area parents have every right and duty to demand it. May God’s Holy Spirit lead us to a just and peaceful resolution to this pitiful situation!”

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Mike Heath of Maine Recounts Murder Linked to Chicago Sadomasochistic ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

“The sin of homosexual perversion took Fred Wilson to a place called a dungeon. It cost him his life, and it showed him the horrors of hell.”

–Mike Heath, at AFTAH press event exposing Chicago’s “Leather Archives” perversion “museum”

Rev. Mike Heath stands next to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at press event in front of Chicago's "Perversion Museum," the sadomasochism-celebrating Leather Archives & Museum. At right with microphone is Monte Larrick, the former Moody Radio reporter who now does media reports for Illinois Family Institute.

Calling Evil, Evil: Rev. Mike Heath stands to the left of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera at press event in front of Chicago’s homosexual “Perversion Museum,” the sadomasochism-celebrating “Leather Archives & Museum.” At right with microphone is Monte Larrick, the former Moody Radio reporter who now is on staff Illinois Family Institute. See Part One of AFTAH’s report on the vile collections housed at the “museum”–which include works celebrating “fisting,” urination “watersports” and BDSM–including the eroticization of such perversions engaged in between adults and minors. See AFTAH’s PDF flier alerting Chicago residents to the uber-perverse “museum” HERE.

The following statement on Chicago “Leather Archive and Museum” was made May 22, 2015, at a press event held directly in front of the Leather Archived & Museum at 6418 N. Greenview Avenue in Chicago:

Chicago, Illinois

Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) Press Conference

Friday, May 22, 2015

By Rev. Michael S. Heath, President, Helping Hands Ministries Augusta, Maine


My friend Peter LaBarbera and I are here today to expose a grave, and up to now, a well­-hidden evil.

Christianity teaches that evil thrives by cloaking itself in what is pleasing and what is good. Hence, sodomy is called being “gay.” The word “gay” is like the name on the front of this building “LA&M.”

It sounds pleasant, lamb­like almost. The vile movement that is honored by this “museum” chooses to hide their evil, their malice and their contempt for community standards behind the name “LA&M.”

Bruce LaVallee-Davidson

Bruce LaVallee-Davidson

But no evil can be concealed for very long. Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God, Very God in Human Form, said “What is done in secret shall be shouted from the rooftops.”

We are here to shout it from the rooftops. Fred Wilson could not be here today to tell his story. Fred Wilson is dead, He was a donor to this temple, this shrine to sadomasochism, and he was shot and killed in a sadomasochistic orgy. Four days later, his killer testified on behalf of same sex “marriage” at a public hearing in Maine.

I published an article on the matter in 2012:

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Chicago’s Homosexual S&M ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives – Features Pedophile Porn, Incest Fantasies and ‘Man-Boy Love’ Advice from NAMBLA

Friday, June 5th, 2015

AFTAH Exclusive: Perversion “museum” — part of Chicago’s “gay community” — sits near three schools and a day-care center; houses BDSM works eroticizing adult sadistic sex with minors

WARNING: Some stories about the homosexual movement are so grotesquely perverse that they are difficult to report. This article by necessity describes some deeply disturbing sexual “fetishes” involving homosexual adult sadistic sex with children and teenagers–and vile, unnatural acts like “fisting” practiced for decades by by sadomasochistic homosexual “leathermen.” One book cover below contains an obscenity, another a highly offensive image. Keep in mind that the “Leather Archives & Museum” in Chicago that houses and celebrates these depraved works is located in the middle of a residential neighborhood within a short distance of three public schools and a day-care center. 

“[S]landerers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil….” (Romans 1:30, NIV)


EVIL IN THEIR MIDST: Young children evidently attending a nearby day-care center file by the Chicago “Leather Archives & Museum” (see “LA&M” building in the center of the photo). [Take Action: view and distribute the AFTAH flier alerting the local Rogers Park neighborhood to this deviant institution HERE.] The BDSM “museum”–which is listed in the official Chicago “Visitors Guide”–houses some of the most vile sadomasochistic material imaginable–including pornography centered around adult-child sadistic sex. Other works glorify vile S&M perversions such as “fisting” and “watersports.” One “gay sex” book housed in the Leather Archives gives advice from NAMBLA to adult male “boy lovers” on how to avoid entrapment by police (see graphic in story below). The “museum” also caters to heterosexual BDSM enthusiasts, but it is a product of the “gay” sexual revolution, which has deep roots in the Windy City. We have blocked the faces of the children in this AFTAH photo; click to enlarge.


TAKE ACTION: Download the AFTAH PDF flier alerting residents to this “Perversion Museum,” the Leather Archives & Museum, at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., near Devon Ave., in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. [Click HERE for flier.] Contact the Chicago Alderman in whose ward the “Leather Archives” sits, Ald. Pat O’Connor: 312-744-6858; e-mail:


“The wicked strut about on every side when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.” (Psalm 12:8; NASB)

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

If you need convincing that the homosexual (LGBTQ) movement is about immoral, unnatural behaviors rather than innate “identities” and “civil rights,” keep reading this article.

Chicago’s Leather Archives & Museum–a de facto “museum” of mostly homosexual sadomasochistic perversions–contains numerous works that eroticize adult sex with underage children–including man-boy sodomies and parent-child incest, AFTAH has learned. One book even offers advice from NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man/Boy Love Association, for adult “gay” men on how not to get entrapped by police in their “boy-love” pursuits.

The “museum” sits in the middle of a residential neighborhood in the heavily homosexual north side Chicago neighborhood of Rogers Park–within a half mile of three public schools (two elementary schools and a high school), as Americans For Truth previously reported. [See AFTAH’s PDF flier, which we distributed last week alerting residents to this perverse establishment.] There is also a day-care center nearby and young children evidently in its care are walked by the Leather “Museum” as part of their daily activities (see photo above).

The "Leather Archives" has prominently displayed the lesbian S&M book "Macho Sluts," which includes a fictional short story about a 40-something mother who sadistically tortures her own young daughter.

Sadism, Incest & Pedophilia on display: The “Leather Archives” has prominently displayed the lesbian S&M book “Macho Sluts,” which includes a fictional short story about a 40-something mother who sadistically sex-tortures and beats her own young daughter, who doubles as a her slave “lover.”

The homosexual “leather” world is so hellishly twisted and perverse that it is difficult to research and describe it without corrupting minds and souls. I venture to say that the uber-deviant fetish depravities honored and carefully documented by this “museum”–celebrating “fisting,” “watersports,” body-punishing “sex play,” masters-and-slaves, etc.–are simply inconceivable to the average human being. However, as depraved as BDSM (mostly homosexuals “Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) acts between consenting adults are, their wickedness and horror are magnified exponentially when involving children. In this case, that includes fictionalized pornographic fantasies glorifying adult sexual domination of minors, as in “Macho Sluts” –a work this writer saw on display when I toured the “museum” several years ago. The younger the child, the greater the evil.

Because AFTAH has been tracking the homosexual movement with its “leather” subculture for many years, we had some knowledge about the depraved and disturbing works possessed and made available by this “museum.” The mostly “gay” BDSM “erotica” opens a window into the history of modern homosexuality and its overlap with pedophilia and ephebophilia (adults who pursue sex with adolescents)–as well as other extreme behaviors once dubbed, in saner times, as anti-social and deviant. Ironically, the “leather” archivists and other homosexual historians have helped preserve and document this creepy, predatory reality of “gay history”–and LGBT perversions in general–for the wider public.

“Chicken” and chicken hawks

So pervasive is adult homosexual male lust for teenage boys that–through “gay liberation”–it earned its own slang category: “chicken” is “gay” slang for highly desired teen boys and “chick hawks” their adult sexual pursuers. (Boy Scouts of America: beware.) AFTAH will post future articles on the sickening and outrageous “gay” phenomenon that dehumanizes boys as “chicken” to be sexually devoured.

The following are brief descriptions of a sampling of selections from the Leather Archives & Museum; the items are available for perusal to patrons of the museum’s library. I apologize in advance for describing such awful deviance but it is our role to document and shed light on behaviors that are not only tolerated but honored, as it were, in the larger homosexual “community.” More will follow in future pieces:

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AFTAH Flier Alerts Chicago Neighborhood to Homosexual Perversion ‘Museum’ – Leather Archives – Located within Blocks of Three Schools

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

WARNING: Highly Offensive Subject Matter


Sadistic Perversion ‘Museum’ and its Innocent Neighbors: The “Leather Archives & Museum” (LA&M) is a essentially a perversion “museum”–celebrating and chronicling some of the most extreme and depraved (and dangerous) sexual fetishes ever invented by mankind. That includes hard-core (consensual) sadistic brutality, “master-slave” degradation–and even the eroticization of incest and adult sex with children. Part of Chicago’s “LGBT community,” LA&M is located at 6418 N. Greenview Avenue in the city’s Rogers Park neighborhood–just three blocks away from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School (6700 N. Greenview). Little children walk by the LA&M building every day to attend a day-care facility on nearby Devon Ave. There are two other public schools located within a half mile of the perversion museum–Hayt Elementary School and Sullivan High School. Click HERE to view AFTAH’s flier alerting Rogers Park residents to the Archives and its vile contents.

Click HERE or the the link below to view the Americans For Truth flier that was distributed in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood May 22, 2015–exposing a homosexual “perversion museum” (AFTAH’s description) known as the Leather Archives and Museum, located at 6418 Greenview Avenue, near Devon on the city’s north side. The “Leather Archives” chronicles the history of sadomasochism and is intricately connected to Chicago’s annual “International Mr. Leather” BDSM (Bondage& Discipline, Dominanc & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) celebration drawing thousands of mostly homosexual “leathermen” to the Windy City.



TOO CLOSE: Sullivan High School is located a block away from the “Leather Archives” perversion “museum.” The Archives contains at least one booklet that describes a teenage boy sodomized and “fisted” by an older man as a “chicken” — a “gay” slang term for adolescent boys pursued for sex by adult male “chickenhawks.”

More coming on AFTAH’s press event highlighting the “Leather Archives” perversion “museum.”

Below is the text of the AFTAH Flier [click here for PDF]; we passed out about 800 of them in Rogers Park but homosexual activists later went back and took many of them away:

Did You Know?

…That a Deviant
Perversion “Museum”
…Is Located in Your

…Within 3 blocks of
Kilmer Elementary
School and Sullivan
High School?

The “Leather Archives & Museum,” located at 6418 N. Greenview (near Devon), celebrates the most heinous and vile sadomasochistic behaviors ever invented by mankind—acts so twisted that we cannot even describe them here. This includes “Macho Sluts.” a book of “fiction” with a pedophilic-incest fantasy.

TAKE ACTION: Call your Alderman:
Ald. Pat O’Connor: 773-769-1140; email:

Children deserve better. A homosexual perversion “museum” that celebrates consensual sexual violence, human degradation—and even sexual “slavery” and pedophilia—should NOT be located near schools—period.

Flier created by Americans For Truth About Homosexuality; see; phone: 312-324-3787; email: Write: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567.

Caption: A Perversion “Museum”? The Leather Archives & Museum, located at 6418 N.
Greenview Ave. in Chicago, glorifies homosexual sadomasochism and the most extreme and depraved sexual perversions invented by mankind—including incestuous pedophilia and sexual “slavery.” Three Blocks Away: Kilmer Elementary School, 6700 N. Greenview Ave.


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