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The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups
Thursday, October 13th, 2011
AFTAH honoree Scott Lively responds to Gay Liberation Network lie that he supports violence against Ugandan homosexuals
“It is the central (but patently false) narrative of the left that all criticism of homosexuality leads inevitably to violence and murder.” – Scott Lively, recipient of AFTAH’s 2011 “American Truth Teller” Award; from his essay, “Murdering Uganda”
“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.”—Jesus Christ, in Matthew 5:11 (NASB)

Come out and support Scott, Dr. Lutzer and AFTAH! Please join us this Saturday, Oct. 15th at the AFTAH banquet with Dr. Lutzer (doors open at 6:00 PM at Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL; tickets $10; $20 at the door). Dr. Lutzer will address the escalating persecution against Christians under pro-homosexuality laws. (Dr. Lively also will give a brief speech as we present him with the 2011 AFTAH “American Truth Teller” award.)
Friday speech by Lively: There is a second opportunity to hear Scott Lively, who will give a speech Friday, Oct. 14 at 7:00 PM at Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL, (located on Route 83 just north of I-290) The event is FREE but there will be a freewill offering taken for Americans For Truth – to help us combat homosexual extremism as typified by GLN. This event will include time for Q & A with Scott. Thank you for standing with us!
By Peter LaBarbera
Dear AFTAH Readers,
A Chicago Marxist group, Gay Liberation Network, is pressuring Moody Church Pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer to pull out as keynote speaker at the Americans For Truth banquet this Saturday because AFTAH is honoring Scott Lively, who GLN falsely claims has a “history as a vicious gay basher.” At the October 15 event, AFTAH will present Lively with its 2011 “American Truth Teller” award for his years of defending truth on the homosexual issue.Scott Lively has been the target of a malicious homosexual campaign of lies claiming he supports violence against homosexuals.”]
 Scott Lively has been the target of a malicious homosexual campaign of lies claiming he supports violence against homosexuals.
Lively sent me (and Dr. Lutzer) the following two letters in response to GLN leader Bob Schwartz’s outlandish claims. A verbatim copy of the contents of the GLN letter, sent to Lutzer by certified mail September 27, 2011, follows Scott’s letters below.
In his letter to Lutzer, GLN’s Bob Schwartz writes:
“Are you aware of Lively’s history as a vicious gay basher?…In addition, as you may know, LaBarbera’s organization [AFTAH] and Lively’s Abiding Truth Ministries are both described as ‘hate groups’ by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Are these the kinds of organizations with which you wish to associate the Moody Church? …[W]e take you at your word when you say you oppose violence against gays. We therefore assume that you would not want to be associated with those, like Lively and LaBarbera, who either support violence outright, or honor those who do.”
This is a monstrous lie. From the beginning of my involvement in the homosexuality debate, I – like Scott – have repeatedly and consistently condemned all violence and genuine hatred directed at homosexuals. So when Schwartz and the GLN urged Pastor Lutzer not to “[associate] with those, like Lively and LaBarbera, who either support violence outright, or honor those who do” – they slandered me as well as Scott.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, C - Heroes for Truth, Chicago, Christian Persecution, Criminalizing Sodomy, Extremism, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Meccas, Left-wing activism, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, October 6th, 2011
From the AP report:
One of the three panelists, Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain, went out of his way in a concurring opinion to dispute that either the U.S. Constitution or the Supreme Court’s interpretation of it provided “a member of the armed forces (with) a constitutionally protected right to engage in homosexual acts or to state that he or she is a homosexual while continuing to serve in the military.”
O’Scannlain also criticized the lower court judge who invalidated “don’t ask, don’t tell” last year, U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips. He accused Phillips of willfully failing “to apply established law” so she could issue a ruling “that invalidated a considered congressional policy and imposed a wholly novel view of constitutional liberty on the entire United States.”
Per the usual, the Log Cabin Republicans put their pro-homosexuality activism way ahead of loyalty to the conservative Republican Party platform. (After all, for homosexual activists, it’s all about “me.”) The question now is: will the same conservative Republicans and GOP candidates who rightly pledge to repeal Obama-care also work to reinstate the homosexual military exclusion policy – or will they capitulate to the Left’s (and libertarians’) radical social agenda for the Armed Forces? If they surrender, pro-homosexual “diversity” policies will turn the Pentagon into massive “gay rights” bureaucracy that undermines religious freedom and the very conservative values that make our military strong. We shall see. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Excerpted from the Sept. 29, 2011 Associated Press article by Lisa Leff (emphasis added):
Appeals court tosses gays in military lawsuit
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal appeals court refused Thursday to decide the constitutionality of the military’s now-repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy banning openly gay troops, saying the issue has been resolved since Americans can enlist and serve in the armed forces without regard to sexual orientation.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Court Decisions & Judges, Government Promotion, Log Cabin Republicans, Military, News, Republican Party |
Thursday, September 29th, 2011
Folks, if you want to understand how ridiculous, extreme and evil the self-described “Queer” movement can be, take a look at this freakish cover of the “Official Program Guide” for the annual San Francisco “Folsom Street Fair,” held last Sunday. As if the leather-leash-biting guy on the tricycle isn’t bad enough, notice the older white fellow (the “Master”) with his younger, shackled African American (sexual) “Slave.” (So much for “liberation.”) We couldn’t attend this year’s Folsom event to report firsthand the full nudity and outrageous perversions that occur there [see these AFTAH reports from previous Folsoms: 2009; 2008; 2007; WARNING: they’re very offensive]. But cultural artifacts such as this attest to the Pandora’s Box that is the modern homosexualist (“gay”) movement. And this is just the beginning of what we will report to you on the über-depraved “San Francisco values” on display at the city’s just-concluded “Leather Week,” which culminates every year in the deviant-sex fair of Folsom: – Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Posted in African-Americans, California, Folsom Street Fair - San Francisco, Gay Culture, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, News |
Thursday, September 8th, 2011
 "The Stoning of Sally Kern: The Liberal Attack on Christian Conservatism -- and Why We Must Take a Stand"
This is the first of a Two-Part interview with Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) [click HERE to listen]. It was pre-recorded August 31 and aired September 3, 2011. Sally Kern is Christian conservative Republican lawmaker in Oklahoma who was deluged with hate-mail and hate-calls after the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund (GLVF) published excerpts from a secretly-recorded 2008 speech she gave in which she said, among other things, that “the homosexual agenda is destroying this nation,” and that it’s a bigger threat to America than terrorism. [Listen to GLVF’s SELECTIVELY EDITED video excerpting Kern’s speech HERE.]
 Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern
Sally talks about her new book, “The Stoning of Sally Kern,” [available from AFTAH at the discounted price of $20 including postage; send check specifying “Kern book” to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.] She describes the day, March 7, 2008, that changed her life forever — when thousands of hostile homosexual e-mails flooded her inbox. (Angry phone calls jammed her office phone system, and then started coming to her home.) Ironically, homosexual militants who denounced Sally’s alleged “hate” subjected her and her family to the sort of vicious attacks that most Americans could hardly conceive of — including publishing false reports that her son Jesse was a homosexual — and smearing Sally’s husband, Pastor Steve Kern, as a past member of the KKK. Sally discusses the role of her and her family’s Christian faith in sustaining them in the face of the hate-campaign, and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera praises Kern for not backing down in the face of such evil attacks.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
9-3-11, Sally Kern, Part One
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Baptist, C - Heroes for Truth, Christian, Christian Persecution, Conservative Leaders, Extremism, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Gay Protests, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Sally Kern, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Victory Fund |
Thursday, September 1st, 2011
A Special Appeal by Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth
 Walt Heyer, here shown as he is today living as a man, is helping gender-confused men and women avoid the mistake he made of undergoing "gender reassignment surgery." AFTAH's four-part interview with Walt greatly expanded awareness of his ministry.
Dear AFTAH Supporter,
In this David-and-Goliath fight against the Homosexual Lobby – which is 1,000 times better funded and organized than the ragtag band of pro-family warriors fighting the normalization of homosexuality — you might wonder if supporting an organization like Americans For Truth really does any good. You bet it does! Please read below for two examples of how YOUR gifts to AFTAH make a big difference.
1. Make you gift of $250, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can give to www.americansfortruth.com/donate/, or mail your check to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
2. Sign up for our dinner-banquet Saturday, Oct. 15th – at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL — featuring revered Moody senior pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Tickets are just $10/person (and $20/person at the door). Buy 5 tickets ($50) or 10 tickets ($100) for your friends and family so they too can attend this exciting Truth Telling event! (RSVP to americansfortruth@gmail.com.)
3. Send this e-mail to your network of family, friends and co-workers, introduce them to AFTAH, and ask them to consider supporting our life-changing work;
4. Pray for AFTAH as we prepare for some big changes that will lay the foundation for the long-term health of our VITAL ministry.
Transsexuals Need Christ, NOT “Sex Change” Surgery
Recently I had the pleasure of doing an in-depth, four-part radio interview with Walt Heyer, a Christian man and FORMER transsexual who once lived as a “woman” named “Laura” (see before-and-after photos above). Walt had the Gender Reassignment Surgery – yes, the one that makes men wince at the mere thought of it. (It is frequently called a “sex-change” operation even though, as Walt stresses, a person cannot change their biological sex.)
Walt discovered too late that finally “becoming Laura,” as it were, through a body-disfiguring operation didn’t solve his severe “gender” problem. But thank God he ultimately DID find healing through the grace of the Lord — who labored through faithful and loving Christians who stood by Walt and helped restore him to the man he was created to be. Now Walt has dedicated the rest of his life to helping others avoid this awful surgery and the “sex-change regret” that he had; instead, he directs them to the healthy CHANGE available through Jesus Christ.

- Walt Heyer as “Laura,” his former fantasy-female identity. Heyer underwent radical “gender reassignment surgery” but now warns others not to undergo the disfiguring operation.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), C - Heroes for Truth, Gay-Pedophile Associations, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GOProud, Gospel evangelism, Health & Science, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Mental Health, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Promoting Gender Confusion, Sex-change Operations, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Transgender-General |
Friday, August 26th, 2011
 Walt Heyer as the man he is today -- living in his God-given gender.
This is the fourth and final part of our interview with Walt Heyer [listen HERE], a former transsexual who went through a body-disfiguring “gender reassignment surgery” (to live as “Laura”) only to regret it — and ultimately returned to his God-given gender as a male. This interview was pre-recorded and aired August 20, 2011. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Heyer discusss his book, “Paper Genders: Pulling the Mask Off the Transgender Phenomenom.” The book describes the extremism and fraud of the early “fathers” of the “sex-change” phenomenon – including Dr. John Money, who said it was not necessarily “pathological” for a 10- or 11-year-old boy to be in a sexual relationship with a man in his twenties or thirties. Money also covered up the failures of early transsexual operations in his zeal to popularize the idea of “sex-change” in the media. (Heyer emphasizes that it is impossible to change one’s sex.) LaBarbera reads from several letters found in Heyer’s book from men who regretted their “gender-change” surgeries.
You can order the book through Heyer’s website, www.sexchangeregret.com. (Heyer’s autobiography, “Trading My Sorrows: A True Story of Betrayals, Bad Choices, Love and the Journey Home,” is available on his site, www.TradingMySorrows.com.) We encourage you to promote Walt’s amazing story — to get out his message that destruction of one’s sexual organs is NOT the answer to gender confusion, and that many people who undergo such surgeries come to regret them.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
8-20-11, Walt Heyer, Part Four
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Health & Science, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, San Francisco, Sex-change Operations, Sexology, Sexual Revolution, Suicide, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, August 19th, 2011
 This is Walt in his fantasy identity as "Laura." Heyer's grandmother dressed him up as a girl when he was a young boy.
The following is Part Three of my interview with Walt Heyer, a man who left the confused world of “transsexuality” — after he had gone through “gender reassignment surgery.” In this discussion — which aired August 13, 2011, we discuss Walt’s autobiographical book, “Trading My Sorrows,” and how faithful Christians reached out to him in the grace of God. Heyer’s websites are www.TradingMySorrows.com and www.SexChangeRegret.com. Go here to listen to Part One and Part Two of this fascinating interview. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
 Walt as he is today: the man God made him to be.
8-13-11, Walt Heyer, Part Three
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Americans for Truth Hour, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, C - Heroes for Truth, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Sex-change Operations, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, August 5th, 2011
AFTAH launches “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” informational campaign: “Anal sex is the riskiest sexual activity for getting/spreading HIV.”
WARNING: Graphic and Vulgar Descriptions of Homosexual Acts; NOT Suitable for Children
 RIMMING: Section on "Rimming" from flier produced for the California HIV/AIDS Hotline. "Rimming" is a slang term for oral-anal sexual stimulation, as depicted by the drawing above. The text reads: "You cannot get HIV from rimming. You can get Hepatitis A (but you can get vaccinated against it), shigella, herpes, and intestinal parasites. To reduce your chances of getting sick, clean ass before you eat it, or use a dental dam as a barrier between your mouth and your partner's ass."
TAKE ACTION: Share this disturbing information with your adult friends, family and co-workers — as well as your U.S. Senators and Congressman [Senate 202-224-3121; House: 202-225-3121; www.congress.org]. Urge your representatives in Congress to put the safety of Americans — and a pristine blood supply — ahead of the demands of the selfish Homosexuality Lobby. Also urge your representatives to launch a Congressional investigation into the health hazards of homosexual behaviors (just as the government studied the dangers of smoking). We need the government to regulate the commercialized “gay” sex industry (e.g. bathhouses) — which fosters anonymous perversions and a reckless culture of promiscuity that spreads diseases and ultimately endangers innocents.
“Infection with these parasites was a likely effect of anal intercourse, which was apt to put a man in contact with his partner’s fecal matter, and was virtually a certainty through the then-popular practice of rimming, which medical journals politely call anal-oral intercourse.” — Homosexual reporter Randy Shilts, who died of AIDS at 42,writing in his book, And the Band Played On, pp. 18-19.
By Peter LaBarbera
Here we reproduce portions of a flier produced by the Asian Health Services and funded by the California AIDS Clearinghouse — as AFTAH launches its “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” (KGB²) campaign against renewed lobby efforts to open up the U.S. blood supply to homosexuality-practicing men. Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), one-time Democratic candidate for president, has stepped up his efforts to overturn the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) current ban on blood donations from any ‘man who has had sex with a man’ (MSM) since 1977 (and any woman who has had sex with such a man).
In the House, Sen. Kerry is being aided by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Chicago), who represents the homosexual Boystown neighborhood in Chicago, and the two recently applauded Obama’s HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) for taking steps toward lifting the homosexual blood ban.
Sadly, Sen. Kerry and others crusading against the homosexual blood ban do so on the basis that the ban is mainly about “anti-gay discrimination” rather than preserving public health. Kerry previously cited the advent of legalized homosexual “marriage” as mitigating against the lifetime homosexual blood ban. Yet few seem interested in investigating — much less restricting — the actual high-risk homosexual practices and deviant behaviors depicted and described in this (pro-“gay’) flier, which crassly helps explain the immense heath risks of male homosexuality. We excerpt this flier — vulgar slang references and all — to help educate the public as to how this lifestyle is so dangerous that men who practice it must be kept from the nation’s blood supply.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Authors & Journalists, Bathhouses, Blood ban, Gay Culture, Health & Science, Homosexual Activist History, Homosexual History, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Quotes, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Rimming, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, Too Much Tolerance |

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