The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups

AFA: Sotomayor Concurred on NYC Ruling that Banned Biblical Billboard against Homosexuality

Friday, June 26th, 2009

So we don’t have free speech, after all? Leviticus 18:22 banned in Big Apple


Rev. Kristopher Okwedy, a Nigerian immigrant, thought he would have the freedom to proclaim Biblical truth about homosexuality in the “the land of the free and home of the brave,” but alas, New York City politicians banned his billboard (left). Judge Sonia Sotomayor joined a Second Circuit order that denied Okwedy’s free speech. The ruling was obviously hostile to religion despite the Court’s claim otherwise. 


American Family Association Press Release


June 26, 2009

SOTOMAYOR: It’s okay for Government to ridicule Holy Bible

In 2003, Judge Sonia Sotomayor joined a Second Circuit order that excused government hostility toward religion.  In 2000, Rev. Kristopher Okwedy and Keyword Ministries, Inc. –– a Christian Church –– put up a billboard sign quoting a verse of the Holy Bible, Leviticus 18:22, that says, “Thou shall not lie with a male as with a female –– it is an abomination.”  The sign included the postscript, “I AM YOUR CREATOR.”  After three days and much public outcry, Staten Island Borough President Guy Molinari called the display “mean spirited” and said the Bible verse “conveys an atmosphere of intolerance which is not welcome in our Borough.”  He then attempted to have the sign removed or covered up.

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Should Children Attend Lewd ‘Gay Pride’ Parades? LaBarbera Asks Biased Chicago Tribune Reporter

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

chicago_tribune-bias-gay-pride-children.jpgGay Pride Parades Good for Kids? That’s the strange thesis of the Chicago Tribune, which put this photo and caption alongside its biased puff-piece about Chicago parents who pushed to include their children’s elementary school in the city’s annual “gay pride” parade (which takes place this Sunday, June 28). Below right is one of AFTAH’s photos from the 2007 “Pride” parade, in which open nudity was allowed to be flaunted without any punitive action by police or parade organizers. AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera also witnessed two men engage in a revolting “gay” sex act directly in front of police (on the street) at the 2004 Chicago “gay pride” parade. Police did nothing to stop the illegal public sex act.

TAKE ACTION: Call or write Nettelhorst Elementary’s principal, Cindy Wulbert, at or (773) 534-5810.

I send the following note to Rex Huppke of the Chicago Tribune, reporter who wrote the article: “Chicago School to March in Pride Parade” (reprinted below):

Mr. Huppke, have you ever been to a Gay Pride parade?…

… If you had, you might have covered the issue of rampant and inappropriate sexual misbehavior that goes on at such events.  In the past few years observing Chicago Gay Pride parades as a critic of the organized homosexual movement, I have witnessed:

New York City Plays Host to Folsom-East Deviant Sex-Fest — Violating Lewdness Laws

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

Mayor Bloomberg panders on “gay marriage” then gives homosexuals special rights to violate city anti-nudity laws

WARNING: Graphic Behaviors Described

Note on Nudity and Numbers: an atheist homosexual leatherman, Joe Jervis, has challenged our source’s reporting on the number of leatherman who exposed themselves at “Folsom Street East.”  Jervis, who mocks Jesus Christ (by calling him “Jeebus”) and revels in repeating the lie that AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera is a closeted homosexual, attended the event … as the judge of a “porn star contest.” (He says he cannot show the photos from that — as if to prove our point.) We checked back with our New York videographer and he estimates that the number of men who walked around with genitals and/or buttocks exposed at 50 to 200. Whether the figure is 25 or 175, the photos below speak for themselves. And it is shocking that such illegal public nudity and lewd acts were allowed to go on at all. Click HERE to watch AFTAH’s video on Folsom Street East. — Editor]


“Shocking” Public Perversion in Big Apple: a sadistic homosexual engages in “electro-torture” by remote control of another man (exposed genitals covered up in all photos) at New York City’s “Folsom East” block party. (The hand-held remote control device is circled in photo.) New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg supports legalizing “gay marriage” but apparently he decided not to enforce anti-nudity and anti-lewdness laws in his own city on Sunday, June 21st. Click on photos to enlarge.

NEW YORK CITY — Americans For Truth About Homosexuality has obtained shocking video footage of a sadistic homosexual street fair in Manhattan Sunday (June 21, 2009) in which hundreds of men walked around naked and engaged in public lewd and sadistic acts in violation of state decency laws — as police did nothing, apparently under orders from New York City’s governing authorities.

folsom-east-2009_tasered-guy-writhing_genital_nudity_covered.jpgAbove is a photo of a man engaging in a public “electro-torture” of another man (his exposed genitals covered up in our photo) at the “Folsom East” street festival in New York City. The ‘torturer” is holding a remote control device (like a TV remote, circled in the photo) which sends an electrical current shock through the body of the man bound to a St. Andrew’s cross — who writhed in pain every time the torturer pressed the button (see photo at right). Dozens of men looked on with satisfaction at the grotesque spectacle.

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Sally Kern: Obama Proclaims Whole Month of ‘Gay Pride’ Yet Will Not Acknowledge a National Day of Prayer

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

Says President does not know the difference between God-given rights and sinful, changeable behavior

sally_kern-2.jpgThe following are the remarks of Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) at AFTAH’s pro-family coalition press conference in Chicago June 17 highlighting President Obama’s radical homosexualist agenda (links added):

The homosexual agenda is only one symptom of the real problem in America. The problem is that we have forsaken the Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded. Noah Webster declared: “The principles of genuine liberty and of wise laws and administrations are to be drawn from the  Bible.”

There are two conflicting worldviews vying for power. The secular humanist worldview versus the Judeo-Christian or Biblical worldview. Humanism sees the world as impersonal matter shaped by chance with man just another animal. There is no basis for values or laws. The Biblical worldview recognizes a Creator who established moral laws and absolute truth as revealed in the Bible. Man, made in God’s image, is priceless.

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AFTAH Press Conference: Obama’s Appointments and Policies Reflect Extreme Homosexual Agenda

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

HATE CRIMES ALERT:  FoxNews and the “gay” press are reporting that the Senate could vote today or tomorrow on “Hate Crimes” legislation. It reportedly will be attached to an innocuous bill, S. 1023, the Travel Promotion Act.  Please call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 ( and urge them not to pass “Hate Crimes” legislation, which would create unequal protection and federalize “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (transsexual “rights”) in the law.  After “hate crimes” laws invariably come “hate speech” laws (e.g., in Canada and Great Britain), so this bill represents a grave threat to our First Amendment liberties. Please forward this e-mail on to your network. — Peter LaBarbera,


Media Advisory

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

June 16, 2009; Contact: Angela at 847-722-5330;

Coalition Press Conference: Obama’s Appointments and Policies Reflect Extreme Homosexual Agenda

CHICAGO, Ill. – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is organizing a news conference Wednesday, June 17th at 11:00 AM, to highlight President Obama’s radical homosexual appointments and overall “gay” agenda:

Where: 29 South LaSalle Street, Suite 610, Chicago, IL
When: Wednesday., June 17, 11:00 AM
Who: Scheduled speakers:

Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel;
Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R);
Hiram Crawford, pro-family, pro-life advocate, Chicago;
Mary Ann Hackett, Catholic Citizens of Illinois;
Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania;
David Smith, Illinois Family Institute;

Pastor Larry Rogers, Israel Methodist Community Church, Chicago;
Tom Brejcha, Thomas More Pro-Life Law Center;
Pastor Calvin Lindstrom, Church of Christian Liberty, Arlington Heights, IL

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Chastity Bono, Transsexuality and the Church

Friday, June 12th, 2009

chastity_bono_ny-daily-news.jpgReport of Chastity Bono’s “gender change” in the New York Daily News.

Folks, this news story is so sad. Chastity Bono is now and will always be female, as God made her, but we can expect the media to repeat the GLBT Lobby’s praise of Bono for her “courage” as a celebrity “trailblazer,” blah, blah, blah. We certainly echo Laurie Higgins’ call to pray that Ms. Bono will never go through with a body-disfiguring “sex change” operation. Please pray for this woman. — Peter LaBarbera


By Laurie Higgins, reprinted from Illinois Family Institute

Chastity Bono’s publicist announced that Chastity is pursuing a “sex change.” Chastity, as everyone knows, is the only daughter of Cher and the deceased Sonny Bono. Many years ago, Chastity made the decision to embrace homosexuality, and as of March, she has begun the process of “changing sexes.”

Of course, rational people realize that changing one’s name, cross-dressing, ingesting hormones naturally produced by the opposite sex, and electively amputating healthy parts of one’s sexual anatomy don’t really change one’s biological sex. The emperor was really wearing no clothes, and Chastity, who has assumed the moniker “Chaz,” will always really be a woman.

It’s utterly confounding that society en masse believes or pretends to believe that “transgenderism” reflects a real phenomenon of people actually trapped in the wrong body rather than a profound disruption in the development of a secure and proper sexual identity. Doctors who perform such surgeries are engaging in medical malpractice and violating the increasingly meaningless and antiquated Hippocratic Oath.

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Obama’s Iraqi ‘Gay Pride’ and Islam’s Love-Hate Relationship with Homosexuality

Friday, May 29th, 2009

bagdad_embasssy_gay_pride_invite.jpg Obama’s Lavender Diplomacy: The Muslim world has its own special problems with homosexual behavior, but most Muslims certainly don’t want to emulate the United States of America with its “open and proud” celebration of homosexuality and transsexual gender confusion. At left is the invitation for the first-ever “Gay Pride” party at the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. Click on graphic to enlarge.


I found this highly informative article from in a quick web search after reading that the U.S. Embassy in Iraq (under the Obama presidency) will be hosting its first-ever “Gay Pride” party tonight, May 29th, 2009.  President Obama’s “lavender diplomacy” is the latest embarrassment for the United States of America abroad — as we showcase our decadent values and give everyday Muslims in the Arab world another reason to hate the U.S.  Once again homosexual activists put their desires and “rights” ahead of the country’s national interest with this party that rubs our “gay pride” in the face of a people whose religion teaches that homosexual acts are shameful. Change, indeed. — Peter LaBarbera

P.S.  Other AFTAH articles dealing with Christianity, Islam and homosexuality:


Emphasis added below:


Islam’s Love-Hate Relationship with Homosexuality

By: Serge Trifkovic, January 24, 2003

On the one hand, Islam officially condemns homosexuality. But there is also a reason that the Moslem world enjoyed a reputation as a haven for sex with boys and men well into the twentieth century. . .

One in a series of excerpts adapted by Robert Locke from Dr. Serge Trifkovic’s book: The Sword of the Prophet: A Politically-Incorrect Guide to Islam [order from Amazon HERE]

sword_and_the_prophet-2.jpg“This sin, the impact of which makes one’s skin crawl, which words cannot describe, is evidence of perverted instincts, total collapse of shame and honor, and extreme filthiness of character and soul… The heavens, the Earth and the mountains tremble from the impact of this sin. The angels shudder as they anticipate the punishment of Allah to descend upon the people who commit this indescribable sin.” (1)

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TAKE ACTION: Illinois Homosexual Lobbyist Predicts Passage of ‘Civil Unions’ Wednesday

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

rick_garcia.jpgIllinois homosexual activist and anti-Catholic “Catholic” Rick Garcia (left) hasn’t a clue about what goes on at the 24/7 homosexual bathhouse (Rick calls it a “health club”) up the street from his Boystown Chicago office — but he’s “absolutely” sure that “civil unions” legislation will pass in the General Assembly Wednesday. TAKE ACTION: prove Garcia wrong by contacting your state representative and senator and urge them to oppose “civil unions” (HB 2234 in the House). Also, pass this on to your friends and ask them also to take action. Call the Capitol Switchboard in Springfield at 217-782-2000; you can find all of your state and federal representatives by plugging in your 9-digit zip code or address at

Folks, this is a wake-up call to stop “civil unions” in Illinois. Call your state representative and senator today or tomorrow morning (find your lawmakers at Homosexual lobbyist Rick Garcia (left) predicts passage of faux “gay marriage” (“civil unions”) in our state, but Garcia could be bluffing. And he’s hardly a truth-teller: some years ago he lied to told the Daily Herald that he didn’t know what goes on in the 24/7 homosexual bathhouse down the street from his office in “Boystown,” Chicago. (He called it a “health club” — good one, Rick.)  Kudos to Illinois Family Institute for its battle against “civil unions” and all the fine work it has done in the Land of Lincoln opposing the campaign to turn aberrant sexual behavior into a “civil right.” — Peter LaBarbera

P.S. What is the “AIDS Foundation” doing lobbying for homosexual “civil unions”?

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