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Click HERE to watch an online video of Americans For Truth’s press conference in Washington, D.C., calling on Nancy Pelosi to take action against illegal nudity and perversion taking place on the streets in her district.
Our good friends at Concerned Women for America (CWA) have have graciously posted an online video of Americans For Truth’s Dec. 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. At the event, we showed our video exposing the illegal behavior involved in the sadistic “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco — and called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to denounce it and take measures to stop such illegal activity in the future. Note that our six-minute video of uncensored footage from Folsom is not included in the online video.
As we expected, the major media was a no-show at the event, although FOX’s Hannity & Colmes the Michael Savage Show later covered it.
“Transgender” confusion and perversion — such as the anti-Christian, drag-queen mock “nuns” who make up the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — follow in the footsteps of the homosexual variety. In Massachusetts, a very confused female student who considers herself a “gay male” is suing for the “right” to use the men’s locker room. The local newspaper uses the pronoun “his,” bowing to the female student’s (current) “gender identity.”
Talk radio host Michael Savage doesn’t mince words. He often says that “liberalism is a mental disorder.” He’s right. Liberal ideology and political correctness, infused with public policy, begets social insanity.
Case in point: A recent report on a popular homosexual “news” site declares, “A transgendered student says he is the victim of discrimination at a small Massachusetts community college because he is biologically female.”
Say what? “He” is “female”? Welcome to PC-ville. Come for the oxymoron, stay for the cognitive dissonance.
In other news, “French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte says he is the victim of discrimination because he is biologically Bob from Detroit.”
Apparently, this clearly confused 20-year-old woman who “presents as a male and wears male clothing” is upset that Northern Essex Community College in Haverhill, Massachusetts, will not allow her to undress, shower or otherwise cavort with the fellows in the men’s locker room. She’s reportedly filed an “affirmative action complaint” against the school.
Even Haverhill’s local newspaper, the Eagle-Tribune, plays along, saying that she was “denied the use of the men’s locker room … because of his female anatomy.”
“His female anatomy”!?
Okay, wait a minute. … Is this one of those, “it depends on what the meaning of the word ‘his’ is” moments?
But it gets worse. The paper goes on to explain that this young woman – er, man … whatever – actually identifies as a “gay male.” It explains that her, “public unveiling as a transgender gay male happened as an adult two years ago. His designation means he has a female body, but identifies as a male and is sexually attracted to men.”
Geeze-oh-Pete! My head hurts. Can this be for real? How can any newspaper that wants to be taken seriously report this with a straight face? A “gay” man trapped in a woman’s body? And all this time I thought they were just straight gals in Dockers and flannel. When I was a kid we called them “tomboys.” They were great fun to play softball with, but they still had to shower with the rest of the girls. What unenlightened bigots we were back then. ….
Recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) appeared before a massive fundraiser put on by the largest homosexual pressure group in the world, the Human Rights Campaign, to accept their 2007 National Equality award. In her speech — which you can watch by clicking HERE — Pelosi praised HRC “for being a powerful and positive counterbalance to the voices of hate.” Thus she confuses, as does the group that honors her, defense of marriage and the natural family — and opposition to homosexuality — with “hate.”
Here is how Speaker Pelosi ended her speech:
“Thank you, HRC. May God bless you. God has certainly blessed America with the work of the Human Rights Campaign.”
Support AFTAH with a Year-End Gift!
Will you support Americans For Truth with a year-end gift to sustain us in our daily battle to answer the lies of the homosexual movement and their powerful allies? Click HERE (http://www.americansfortruth.org/donate/) to donate by credit card or Paypal. Or you can send your tax-deductible gift of $500, $100, $50 or whatever you can give to: Americans For Truth (AFTAH), P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
Please forward this appeal on to your friends and family members:
A Note from Americans For Truth to Our Supporters:
They have the schools, the universities, the professional organizations, the corporate “diversity” programs.
We have the Truth. And the simple truth is that homosexual behavior is always wrong, but it can be overcome — like any sin — in a person’s life through the power of the Christ of Christmas, who came not to “condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” (John 3:17)
Photo on website of the “The Crew Club,” a 24/7 homosexual bathhouse where men go for anonymous sodomitic encounters with other men. Homosexual media like the Washington Blade — which ran a full-page Crew Club ad next to a “World AIDS Day” ad — promote “AIDS awareness” and homosexual promiscuity at the same time. The Crew Club should be shut down as a public health hazard.
By Peter LaBarbera
On November 30, 2007, the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade ran the following side-by-side, full-page ads: 1) PAGE 2: ad highlights “World AIDS Day 2007,” paid for by the Whitman-Walker Clinic; and 2) PAGE 3: ad for “Crew Club,” a 24/7 bathhouse in Washington, D.C., where men go to “hook up” sexually with other men.
PAGE 2, Washington Blade: “World AIDS DAY 2007” … After 26 years of HIV/AIDS:
500,000 Americans dead of AIDS
1,000,000 Americans HIV-positive
15,000 dead in the DC area
30,000 in DC area HIV-positive
“Join Whitman-Walker Clinic for World AIDS Day. Cherish those lost. Remember those still living. Renew hope for a future free of HIV/AIDS….”
“…Private Rooms, Gym & Cardio, Steam Bath, Lockers, Sauna, Much More, 24-7” [shows man grasping another man], The Crew Club, 1321 14th St., NW, DC….
Editor’s Note: “private rooms” are for sexual encounters. An international homosexual “cruising for sex” website describes Crew Club as: “Bathhouse with limited facilities. Open 24 hours.” The comments from the cruising site make clear that men go to the Crew Club to find sex with other men. (I state this obvious point because homosexual activists like Rick Garcia of Equality Illinois sometimes pretend to the media not to know what goes on at these perversion centers.)
Federal funding spent on AIDS research vis-a-vis other deadly diseases is once again in the news. Check out this website of the FAIR Foundation (Fair Allocations in Research) to learn more about the massively disproportionate taxpayer spending on HIV/AIDS: http://www.fairfoundation.org/.
Hannity stunned; Colmes tries to shift issue away from Pelosi
Well, FOX’s Alan Colmes was carrying water for (Democrat) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in tonight’s FOX “Hannity & Colmes” segment featuring Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth. But despite his attempt to make ME the bad guy, we succeeded in alerting people across the nation to the shocking depravities that occurred in broad daylight in Speaker Pelosi’s district.
For the record, Alan: we would welcome Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s — or any public official’s — condemnation of the grotesque “Folsom Street Fair”; and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsomis linked to Folsom because he praised it as a “wonderful and exciting event” in an official welcoming letter in the event’s program
Note Sean Hannity’s near disbelief at our report (and he didn’t even see the video excerpts from the sadistic Folsom “Fair“). This is the reaction of normal America, which remains largely ignorant of the perversions that occur in big cities like San Francisco that celebrate homosexuality. We’ve as yet gotten no response back from Speaker Pelosi:
TAKE ACTION: Write or call Speaker Nancy Pelosi and urge her to do the right thing by condemning the public nudity and perversions — and blatant anti-Christian bigotry — that occurred in her Congressional District at the “Folsom Street Fair” in San Francisco September 30. Contact Speaker Pelosi at 202-225-0100 or through her online contact page. Educate others about liberal tolerance run amok in San Francisco.
Americans For Truth is delivering the following letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) by courier today. On Wednesday, I will be in Washington, D.C., “speaking truth to power” at the National Press Club, as AFTAH publicly airs our video footage (shot by Allyson Smith) of the obscene “Folsom Street Fair” (See this link: WARNING: OFFENSIVE IMAGES: “Tolerance Gone Wild in San Francisco”) — with its police-tolerated public nudity and street orgies — held in San Francisco September 30.
Most of the city of San Francisco lies within Pelosi’s Eighth Congressional district, which she has represented since 1987. Speaker Pelosi is second in line to the presidency of the United States, behind Vice President Dick Cheney.
Americans For Truth is calling on Speaker Pelosi to publicly condemn the Folsom event and to use her considerable power to help stop similar affronts to public decency from occurring in San Francisco. We are also asking her to denounce the anti-Christian bigotry of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — a San Francisco group of men who dress in drag as mock “nuns” — which works directly with Folsom organizers and is a major beneficiary of that sadomasochistic event.
For a reminder of just how bizarre and offensive the Folsom event is — and what San Francisco is willing to “tolerate” — see our photo-story (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES WITH NUDITY COVERED), “Tolerance Gone Wild in San Francisco.” Unlike the Folsom photos that we posted on our website, the shocking video footage we will show to the media Wednesday will be uncensored — just as it was allowed to occur without police intervention on September 30th.
To view Speaker Pelosi’s adoring speech to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest homosexual lobby group — in which she boasted about San Francisco values — click HERE. — Peter LaBarbera
Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker
House of Representatives
United States Capitol Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Madam Speaker:
Because you frequently extol San Francisco’s values to the rest of America, we are compelled to call your attention to what actually takes place at the Folsom Street Fair and other egregious and offensive “gay pride” celebrations in your Congressional District.
I was in San Francisco with a videographer on Sunday, September 30 and verified but a small segment of the most immoral and outrageous sexual behavior that ever disgraced the streets of any American city. On Wednesday, December 5, at 1:00 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, we will release the un-retouched DVD of the public debauchery which we videotaped during the city’s Folsom Street Fair just two months ago. Included is raw and unedited verification of:
• Large numbers of men walking on public streets either fully or partially naked;
• Groups of men engaged in orgies on the public street, including acts of oral sex and mutual masturbation, as crowds waked by and snapped pictures.
• Fully exposed men “greeting” other men by grasping other men’s genitals and massaging them in full view of passers-by. The police stood by and did nothing;
• A man sitting on the curb in broad daylight masturbating as crowds of people gawked and took pictures (he even posed for photos with others as he sat there naked and aroused);
• Theatrically dramatic sadomasochistic whippings and floggings – drawing blood and turning the willing “victim’s” skin bright red;
• Abundant flaunting of female nudity and real or simulated sexual acts;
• “Master-slave relationships” in which one man or women would “walk” their subservient “slave” with a dog-collar and chain. Others imitated animals (dogs and ponies) as yet another “fetish” on display: we talked to one woman whose mouth was bridled like a horse;
• Blatant anti-Christian bigotry in the form of “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” men dressed in drag mocking Catholic nuns, greeting incoming attendees at Folsom; one male “Sister” wore a shirt that read “Bottom for Jesus” (“bottom” refers to his position in anal sex); entrance stickers featured a twisted, S&M-fetish version of DaVinci’s “Last Supper” painting;
• Young children with their parents witnessing this perverted and revolting spectacle.
‘Gay’ Ret. Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr allowed to critique Republican candidates’ answers
CNN flew in Retired Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr — a homosexual activist and Log Cabin Republicans member who now crusades for allowing admitted homosexuals in the U.S. military — to its GOP presidential debate Wednesday, so he could CRITIQUE the candidates’ responses to his question about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” At left is how Kerr — who calls the GOP candidates “partisanly homophobic” — appeared on video during the CNN/YouTube Republican debate. CNN also had another Log Cabin activist ask a pro-homosexual question at the debate. Photo: CNN/YouTube.
The liberals over at CNN are so committed to open homosexuality in the U.S. armed forces that they flew in a retired homosexual Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr to participate in their Republican presidential debate Wednesday — so he could critique the GOP candidates’ responses to HIS OWN loaded YouTube question opposing “Don’t’ Ask, Don’t Tell.”
Is it just me, but could you in your wildest imagination picture CNN recruiting Stephen Bennett, a pro-family, EX-“gay” Christian, to ask Democrat presidential candidates a question opposing homosexuality, and then flying him in to critique their responses?
If Kerr’s sneak attack wasn’t bad enough, CNN followed it up a second YouTube question from a homosexual activist — this time it was David Cercone, a Florida Log Cabin Republicans member who, it turns out, is backing [another democratic presidential contender].
Needless to say, no conservative questions on the homosexual issue were heard from the floor or YouTube at the debate.