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The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups
Friday, March 16th, 2007
Excerpted from MARTA Chair Arrested for Sex Acts, published Mar 15, 2007, by Associated Press:
Ed Wall, board chairman of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (pictured right), has been arrested after an undercover police officer said he saw him performing sex acts in an airport bathroom with a man he met over the Internet.
Wall, 43, and the other man [Michael Pettry, 25] were engaging in oral sex in a handicapped bathroom stall Tuesday at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, police said. But they left the door slightly ajar, allowing the undercover officer to see them.
Police say the other man is Michael Pettry, 25, of Indianapolis. The two met through a website and arranged to meet at the airport, police said…
Wall, who is married with three children, was appointed to MARTA’s board in 2002 and is in his second year as board chairman.
Continue reading at 11 Alive…
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Down Low, News, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? |
Friday, March 16th, 2007
Either General Peter Pace is right: Homosexual acts are immoral.
Homosexual activist Matt Foreman is right: “Pace is immoral, gays are fabulous.”
Which is it, America?
Excerpted from Rabbi arrested at New York demo over gays in the military, published Mar 15, 2007, by The Raw Story:
…Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce chief Matt Foreman were detained after sitting down in the road to block traffic passing a military recruiting station in the bustling Times Square intersection.The ad hoc group of around 50 demonstrators were protesting comments made by the US military’s top officer, General Peter Pace, who said in an interview published Tuesday that homosexual acts were immoral.
Shouting “Pace is immoral, gays are fabulous” and “military bigots have got to go,” protesters, some wearing t-shirts saying “Queer Guerilla” and waving placards calling for Pace to quit, wrapped themselves in a giant rainbow flag.
Former New Jersey governor and gay activist Jim McGreevey condemned the US military’s official policy on gays in the military, known as “don’t ask, don’t tell,” saying it treated homosexuals as second class citizens.
Continue reading at The Raw Story…
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, ACT-UP, Activists, Homosexual Hate Speech, Military, News, Task Force |
Friday, March 16th, 2007
MSNBC aired a debate on Sat, Mar 10, 2007, between Matt Foreman of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (Task Force) and Peter Sprigg, Vice President for Policy at Family Research Council (FRC) — and the topic was Deerfield High School’s “Freshman Advisory” which includes presentations by students who identify as homosexual, bisexual, or “transgendered.”
Watch the MSNBC debate HERE.
Matt Foreman suggested the “gay” panel was simply part of broader program that includes blacks, Latinos, etc. (We’re not sure how he knows that since District 113 officials have refused to release the curriculum to local parents.) He claimed that “gay” students are disproportionately the victim of bullying & violence.
Peter Sprigg said that FRC would prefer that the school do away with whole program, in part because they’re presenting only one side (which is viewpoint discrimination) which may encourage kids to prematurely label themselves as homosexual or bisexual. He pointed to studies that demonstrate younger kids are often unsure/confused but later heterosexual.
Matt Foreman asserted that only a small minority of parents object and claimed that opponents are spreading “lies & myths” about the panel — “this is part of gay agenda,” homosexual students are recruiting, etc.
Peter Sprigg suggested that anyone interested in learning about the homosexual agenda might go to www.frc.org.
Matt Foreman said to Peter Sprigg: “Your propaganda creates bullying and violence against gays — Why are you so obsessed with gays?”
Peter Sprigg said, and we agree: “We believe all kids should be protected against bullying & violence.” He went on to say that most bullying occurs because of appearance & body size and asked “Are we going to have a panel of obese students telling kids it’s good to be overweight?”
Posted in Activists, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gay Straight Alliance, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Homosexual Hate Speech, NBC, News, Task Force |
Thursday, March 15th, 2007
From Exodus International, published Mar 15, 2007:
Montel Williams reveals his bias and hostility towards former homosexuals on today’s show, “Homosexuality . . . Can it be Cured?” Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International, accepted an invitation to discuss homosexuality and the option of change in the hopes that it would bring a message of hope to a broader audience, but instead, found himself the target of malicious questions, unfair accusations and open hostility.
Former Exodus Board Member, Tom Cole, and his wife Donna, both former homosexuals, were slated to be guests as well, but were thrown off the show for having told Montel Williams that their stories were just as valid as those on the pro-gay side of the argument. Williams became irate, immediately removed them from the panel and had them thrown off the studio premises.
Alan Chambers then found himself the lone voice opposing the views of four guests representing the other side of the debate. The only other former homosexual was placed in the audience and allowed only a short amount of speaking time.
On today’s show, Montel Williams promotes the documentary, “Abomination: Homosexuality and the Ex-Gay Movement.” The film, produced by Alicia Salzer, the director of William’s after-care program, is an inaccurate portrayal of former homosexuals and shows individuals undergoing shock therapy in order to be “cured” of their homosexuality.
Chambers commented on today’s show, “The world is full of many, like Montel Williams, who are hostile to our message. Yet it does not change the fact that thousands of us have experienced change through the power of Jesus Christ. We will continue to share the hope we have found and the freedom that is available to all.”
PLEASE PRAY — Please pray that many will hear a message of hope despite the hostility that is expressed towards those who have experienced change. Please pray for Montel Williams and his staff as well.
PLEASE VOICE YOUR OPINION — The media must hear from individuals like us who value personal freedom and the option of change. Please use this opportunity to voice your views in a manner that reflects Christ’s love.
Posted in Born that Way?, Christian Persecution, E - Praying for the Lost, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, News, Television |
Thursday, March 15th, 2007
In our ongoing quest to Help Lesbian Blogger Pam Spaulding Find “The Gay Agenda” we give you…
From the website of Human Rights Campaign, their legislative agenda:
Lobbying Current Legislation
The Human Rights Campaign, along with tens of thousands of advocates, works around the clock to lobby members of Congress on critical legislation that would greatly affect the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans.
For a quick view of all legislation HRC lobbies on in Congress and to find out where your representative and senators stand on the issues, visit this page.
Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Military Readiness Enhancement Act (MREA)
The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act
Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations
Uniting American Families ACT
Appropriations for HIV/AIDS Programs
Early Treatment for HIV Act
Responsible Education About Life Act
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", HRC, Military, News, Pending Legislation, Physical Health |
Thursday, March 15th, 2007
From Media Homosexuals Target Pace, by Cliff Kincaid, published Mar 15, 2007, by AIM:
The Washington Post claims in an editorial that there is an “uproar” over General Peter Pace expressing his view that homosexuality is immoral. This is another manufactured “scandal” designed to put a top official, in this case the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, in a bad light. This “uproar,” such as it is, has come from papers like the Post and homosexual rights activists. It is an effort at intimidation, pure and simple, and thought control.
At this point in the media-generated controversy, Pace has not apologized but has been forced to say he should not have emphasized his own personal views on the subject. Some stories are saying Pace has expressed “regret” or “mild regret.”
Whatever the outcome, and it is still possible that Pace could be forced to resign over this, the message has been sent: do not offend the powerful homosexual lobby, including the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA), which on Thursday, March 15, will be sponsoring a New York benefit hosted by ABC News reporter Brian Ross. The “special guests” will include Natalie Morales and Meredith Vieira of NBC News, Martha MacCallum of Fox News, Soledad O’Brien of CNN, and Robert Lipsyte of the New York Times. Corporate sponsors include ABC News, CNN, and NBC Universal.
As the NLGJA website puts it, the event is a “special evening for a great cause,” bringing together “a glittering collection of some of the brightest names in media, journalism and entertainment.”
Is it any surprise that the media have made the Pace comments on homosexuality into a national controversy, even scandal? The national media and the homosexual rights movement seem to be one and the same. But that’s a story that news consumers aren’t being told.
Leading the charge, the Post found Pace guilty of making “public expressions of intolerance.” The subheadline of the editorial was, “Gen. Peter Pace denounces gays and lesbians who are busy defending their country.” But he said nothing of the kind, and the paper knows it. The deceitful editorial is another attempt to intimidate people into not expressing opinions that contradict the politically correct views of the radical left. The Post, which runs announcements of homosexual “weddings,” will not be content until homosexuality is celebrated in the military and the schools as just another alternative lifestyle. Pedophilia, of course, can be defined by its apologists in that manner.
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth points out that the Pace view is consistent with the writings of the Apostle Paul, who denounced homosexuality as an unrighteous behavior that would keep someone out of heaven. So if the Post finds what Pace said objectionable, it is also taking issue with the traditional Christian view of homosexuality. Of course, it’s easier for the Post to write an editorial denouncing Pace than attacking a disciple of Jesus Christ who doesn’t serve in the Bush Administration.
This controversy says more about the Post than it does about Pace. It shows that a major American newspaper has become a virtual house organ of the gay rights movement. And it shows that this paper will not hesitate to use its power and influence to try to intimidate those with different views. It is the Post, in fact, which is being intolerant.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ABC, AFT In the News, CNN, Military, NBC, News, NLGJA |
Wednesday, March 14th, 2007
News Release
Americans For Truth about Homosexuality
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631
Gay activists have adopted a ‘CSI’ tactic of ‘Censoring, Smearing and Intimidating’ moral critics like Gen. Peter Pace and Dr. James Dobson. By trying to silence critics and equating moral beliefs with hate, bigotry and “homophobia,” the homosexual movement is fueling a dangerous cultural clash between religious freedom and “gay rights.”
TAKE ACTION — Please call the White House comment line at (202) 456-1111 and express your support for General Pace, and call your Congressman and Senators at (202)224-3121 to oppose: 1) ending the military’s homosexuality ban; 2) pro-homosexual, pro-transgender “Hate Crimes” legislation; and 3) the “ENDA Our Freedom” bill: the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would make businesses more susceptible to harassing lawsuits by “gay” and “transgender” activists.
Naperville, IL –– Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera called on the media to be neutral in the culture war over homosexuality and to cover the “gay” movement’s disturbing “CSI” strategy of Censoring, Smearing, and Intimidating critics who publicly disagree with homosexual behavior.
“Gen. Peter Pace, USMC, gave voice to historic Judeo-Christian truth when he said homosexual acts and adultery are immoral, yet instantly he was accused of ‘blind prejudice’ and called a ‘homophobe,’” LaBarbera said.
“The same gay activists who denounce name-calling against homosexuals were quick to demonize Pace –– equating his sincere religious beliefs with hate, prejudice and fear,” he said. “Worse, the homosexual lobby is honing its strategy of trying to silence conservatives like Ann Coulter and Dr. Dobson by lobbying the media to drop them as contributors.”
The media — who despise censorship — should hold gay leaders accountable for trying to silence critics, and more seriously cover the growing clash between religious freedom and gay rights, LaBarbera said.
The following are recent conservative victims of homosexual intolerance:
Gen. Pace: Diversity magazine blasted Pace as a “homophobe.” The homosexual group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) assailed his “blind prejudice.” Does criticizing historically sinful behavior mean that you “fear” homosexuals or make you a bigot?
Ann Coulter: After poking fun at political correctness (AFTAH criticized Coulter for her F-word comment about a Democratic presidential candidate), GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and HRC sought to deny Coulter’s commentator role on CNBC. GLAAD intoned: “[N]o credible news organization should be associating itself with Coulter.” Should GLAAD, which regularly smears Christian groups like Americans For Truth as “hate” organizations, be denied media time?
Dr. James Dobson: After Dobson criticized homosexual parenting in a Time magazine guest column (“Two Mommies Is One Too Many”), GLAAD and HRC urged homosexuals to write and ask Time to deny Dobson a future platform to spread “misinformation.” Usually groups criticize their foes’ arguments; GLAAD seeks to silence them altogether.
Matt Barber: Now with CWA, in 2005 Barber was fired from his management position at Allstate Corporation after writing an online article against “gay marriage” –– on his own time.
Posted in Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, GLAAD, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Parenting, HRC, Media Promotion, News, Task Force |
Wednesday, March 14th, 2007
While you were eating lunch after Sunday worship, Folsom Street Fair (part of San Francisco’s sadistic “leather” subculture) was hosting a “Spanking Party” (at 1 pm on Mar 11, 2007) — just a regular event. The site is far too vulgar for us to link, as are all things Folsom. (Every year, Folsom sponsors two sadomasochism-celebrating “street fairs” in San Francisco — complete with open displays of whipping, bondage, etc. — which are blocked off by the city. Yes, truth is stranger than fiction.)
You may be interested to learn that this filthy organization receives corporate sponsorship from:
- Miller Genuine Draft
- Miller Lite
- Cuervo
Given the beer and liquor industry’s huge support of organized homosexuality, maybe this is a good time to become a tee-totaler, if you aren’t already…. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in BDSM, Cuervo, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Miller Beer, News |
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