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Media Promotion
Wednesday, August 15th, 2007
Statement by High Point Church in Dallas, Texas
Mr. Cecil Sinclair was not a member of High Point Church. Neither was anyone in his family except for the deceased’s brother, Lee Sinclair who is an employee of the church.
Lee recently requested the church to pray for his brother who was ill. The church prayed for Mr. Sinclair both enthusiastically and faithfully.
Lee called an employee of the church to inform him that his brother was in the hospital in critical condition. When the High Point Church employee arrived at the hospital, Mr. Sinclair had already passed. The church employee reached out to the family and tried to comfort them the best he could. The church did offer the family, free of charge, the use of its facility for the memorial service. It was not clear at this time that the family desired a memorial service that would openly celebrate the homosexual lifestyle of Mr. Sinclair.
The family requested that the church produce a video of Mr. Sinclair’s life for the memorial service. When the photos were presented to the church the day before the scheduled memorial service, there were some inappropriate images that alerted the church to the homosexuality of Mr. Sinclair. One photo showed a man with his hand touching another man’s genitalia. The phrase “like hugs and kisses” used by a staff member to describe to the pastor the blatant homosexual reference was mild at best.
The family desired an associate of an openly homosexual choir to officiate the service and for the choir to sing. They also desired an open microphone format to allow anyone in attendance to speak. High Point Church ministers would not be directing or have control over what was said or emphasized. It became clear to the church staff that the family was requesting an openly homosexual service at High Point Church – which is not our policy to allow.
The decision was made to retract the offer to host the memorial service based on the fact that the service requested would be an openly homosexual service celebrating the homosexual lifestyle. It is important to emphasize that this was not a funeral service with a body to be buried, but a memorial service. The family was informed of the decision.
The decision had nothing to do with the fact that Mr. Sinclair was a veteran. High Point does now, and has always, supported our men and women in the military. This decision was not based on hate, or discrimination, but upon principle and policy.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bible, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Media Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, August 14th, 2007
Let’s all pretend that lesbian “mommies” are normal and good for kids….
By Peter LaBarbera
One of the more irritating things about Politically Correct culture is when the media pretend that abnormal is normal — and then expect the rest of us to play along. That’s sort of what being PC is all about, right? Nobody can judge anything — except the “judgers” (that would be us “religious right” folks). It’s perfectly OK for liberals and homosexual activists to slam us because, well, we’re so intolerant of things like Hollywood stars intentionally creating fatherless households and becoming lesbian “mommy” role models who are going to confuse the heck out of these children who, through no fault of their own, are now part of some bizarre social experiment called “same-sex parenting.”
We yearn for the good old days when lesbian radicals railed against “patriarchal” marriage and family, mocked “breeders” (heterosexuals with kiddos), and said the great thing about being a lesbian was that you didn’t have to reproduce. At least then innocent children were not dragged into the “Gay” Revolution.
P.S. Note that even FOX (through Variety) is now “reporting” a biological fantasy: Gilbert did not have her first child, Levi, “with” her lesbian partner — a man was involved. If she did, that would truly be news.
Here’s the report from FoxNews.com:
LOS ANGELES — Sara Gilbert has given birth to a baby girl.
The 32-year-old actress, who played surly teenager Darlene Conner on the hit ABC sitcom “Roseanne,” and her partner Allison Adler welcomed daughter Sawyer on Aug. 2, according to Variety.
Gilbert’s publicist, who confirmed the birth, didn’t provide further details.
The actress also has a 3-year-old son, Levi, with Adler, Variety said.
“Roseanne” ended its prime-time run in 1997. Recent work by Gilbert includes a recurring role on NBC’s “ER.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Posted in Conception, FOX News, Homosexual Parenting, Media Promotion, News |
Thursday, August 9th, 2007
Chicago’s CBS affiliate joins other local media by fielding a float in the city’s annual “gay pride” parade. It’s up to us to tell the truth about homosexuality as a sin that can be overcome — since the media and political liberals have decided to celebrate it, casting aside God’s Word.
“Perhaps there is no sin which so deeply shows the depravity of man as this; none which would so much induce one ‘to hang his head, and blush to think himself a man.'” — Nineteenth-Century Christian Commentator Albert Barnes describing the “shameful sin of Sodom,” as condemned by the Apostle Paul in the Book of Romans.
By Peter LaBarbera
Tonight, America witnesses the sad spectacle of the major Democratic presidential candidates gathering for a “debate” built around the acceptance of homosexuality. The “debate” is being sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s leading homosexual pressure group, and HRC’s President, Joe Solmonese, will serve as one of the questioners. Needless to say, there will be no open critics of the homosexual activist agenda asking questions to balance Solmonese’s pro-“gay” queries.
The mere occurrence of this “debate”/panderfest has significance well beyond the realm of politics. The “pride” and arrogance of homosexual activists is swelling in direct proportion to their growing power in American culture. Who could have imagined this scenario in U.S. politics even a decade ago? Just remember: God is never mocked.
Fact is, a large swath of the American nation is fleeing God, Who, if you believe the Bible, is quite clear in His condemnation of all homosexual behavior as sin. (That hasn’t stopped liberal Lutherans affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Having already won the ordination of “gay”-identified clergy, the ELCA’s pro-“gay” wing pushed this week to build upon that heresy by fighting for the “right” of said clergy to be involved in “committed same-sex relationships.”)
Memo to Christians tempted to backpeddle on moral issues: the ELCA’s treacherous debacle is further proof that the liberal, activist wing of ‘christianity’ cannot be appeased. It is man-centered, sin-tolerant, Bible-denying and always on the offensive; if you concede one point to this errant movement, it will only demand further concessions. Ditto for the aggressive homosexual lobby’s modus operandi in all aspects of culture. So it’s best not to give in one inch.
Man knows best?
The sum and substance of the modern liberal, “gay”-affirming argument on homosexuality is that man thinks he knows better than God. Nothing new there — haughtiness and disobedience toward God fills the Bible’s pages. But let’s not kid ourselves that America’s trendy embrace (tolerance) of homosexuality and, lately, gender confusion, is not a serious sign of our moral and spiritual decline as a nation.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, C - Heroes for Truth, Candidates & Elected Officials, CBS, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, HRC, Media Promotion, MTV, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Presbyterian Church, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, August 8th, 2007
There are many practical, secular-oriented arguments against creating legal rights based on aberrant sex and gender-confused “identity.” I encourage you to read my friend John Biver’s excellent series, “Bad News for the Gay Rights Movement,” on the Family Taxpayers Network (FTN) website. John (info@familytaxpayers.net) is FTN’s president, and a very smart guy who is not religious but would risk going to jail to defend my religious freedom to oppose homosexuality. I’d do the same for him.
We who are religious should understand that you do not have to be a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Jew, to see the absurdity of revolutionizing civil rights law to accommodate historically taboo and destructive sexual behaviors that can be changed. Please share these articles with your friends. — Peter LaBarbera
Click on the individual links below for each article:
Bad News for the “Gay Rights” Movement
Get over your Moralityphobia
Right and Wrong isn’t Dead Yet
Privacy v. Revolution
Successes, Parades, and Leaven
The Broken Window Theory
Psychology and Morality
The Plight of the TriSexual (A Parody)
Gender Identity Disorder
Friends, Family, and Children
Health Realities
Resetting the Proper Context
Morality and the “Gay Rights” Debate
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Adoption & Foster Parenting, Born that Way?, Court Decisions & Judges, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Log Cabin Republicans, Media Promotion, Mental Health, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Pro-Homosexual Media, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Mayor Naugle is pictured above to the direct left of President Bush (he is facing the camera). At left, homosexual activists’ “Flush Naugle” website mocks his stand against homosexual public bathroom sex.
TAKE ACTION: Watch yesterday’s Sun-Sentinel video of Ft. Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle’s press conference in which he apologizes for not doing more to stop homosexual “sex” in the city’s public and beach restrooms. Naugle also opposes housing a homosexual library collection containing hard-core pornographic items in a public library. E-mail Mayor Naugle at mayorjames@aol.com, and thank him for refusing to be intimidated by a vocal fringe and the liberal media. And contact the Ft. Lauderdale city commissioners and urge them to support the Mayor’s push to protect children and uphold decency.
A note on the Naugle story: will the day ever come when LEADERS of the proud “gay” lobby apologize for their community’s own excesses — e.g., tolerating or encouraging men to commit anonymous sodomies with other men in public restrooms, parks, and bathhouses (sex clubs)?
Kudos to Mayor Naugle. I almost fell off my seat watching this video. Finally, a public servant with the courage to stand up to the homosexual militants and their fellow travelers in the media. Imagine: a big-city mayor tries to stop gross perversions from occurring in public places — and the pro-“gay” lobby says HE is the problem and is embarrassing the city! — Peter LaBarbera
From today’s Florida Sun-Sentinel Newspaper:
Fort Lauderdale mayor issues apology, but not to gay community
FORT LAUDERDALE — Mayor Jim Naugle issued a public apology on the steps of City Hall Tuesday afternoon, but it wasn’t the apology the gay community was looking for.
Naugle apologized for underestimating the problem of men having sex with each other in public restrooms, and urged people to call police to complain when they come upon it. He also said Broward County leads the nation in the incidence of new AIDS cases involving men having sex with men, and questioned whether the county tourism office should be welcoming them here.
Naugle alerted the media that he was holding a news conference that would include “an apology.”
Gay activists and others have been calling for a public apology form the mayor, and for his resignation, since the South Florida Sun-Sentinel published Naugle’s comments earlier this month about gays. In article about a proposed self-cleaning, automatic toilet the city was going to buy for the beach, Naugle said an added benefit would be that it would deter men from using it for “homosexual activity,” which he said was a problem in public restrooms.
Click HERE to read the rest of the Sun-Sentinel story (and watch Mayor Naugle’s press conference)
Posted in Bathhouses, Down Low, Gay Culture, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Media Promotion, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, South Florida |
Thursday, July 26th, 2007
MTV’s “gay” LOGO network is sponsoring the homosexual presidential debate August 9th.
By Peter LaBarbera
In trying to put into perspective the stunning yet sad news of the first-ever “gay” activist-sponsored presidential “debate” — to be held in Los Angeles on August 9, and aired over the MTV-owned homosexual network LOGO — we ask: when is the follow-up debate for those advocating sex outside marriage? (After all, people once said to be “living in sin” are now a sizeable minority in America.) How about one tailored specifically to the pro-drug legalization crowd? Is a Planned Parenthood-sponsored debate, complete with Gloria Steinem as lead questioner, around the corner?
Pardon our dismissive tone, but homosexual behavior is wrong — at least half the country still regards it as such. It is one of several sexual sins opposed by God (can I still say that without being charged with a “hate crime”?). Because same-sex acts are so unnatural, they can be highly destructive — witness the high percentage of AIDS cases — 71 percent — linked to MSM (“men who have sex with men”). Homosexuality is also changeable, as testified by the many men and women who once proudly identified as “gay” or “lesbian” but who have walked away from homosexuality and are living happy lives today.
We know that it’s not Politically Correct to say these things. Fine, but last I heard, God is not rewriting His moral code according to the dictates of the Democratic Party. Or the GOP, or even the smug scribblers on the Washington Post’s editorial pages, for that matter. For the record, He hasn’t declared unborn babies mere blobs of tissue, either — though many politicians and reporters would love to be rid of that moral irritant.
So why does the homosexual lobby get its own special presidential lovefest … er, debate? Because the Democratic Party has sold its soul on homosexuality. And we fear some in the Republican Party are rushing to catch up.
The “gay presidential debate” is so wrong on so many levels. The country is still divided on homosexuality — despite the media’s best efforts — yet all the questions presumably will come from ardently pro-“gay” advocates — that is, proud, practicing homosexuals.
One of the reported questioners is lesbian rock star Melissa Etheridge. Another is Joe Solmonese, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s biggest “gay” lobby organization and a group that regularly disparages people of faith opposed to homosexuality as haters and bigots. Yep, lots of journalistic objectivity here.
Will there be a corresponding, “gay”-positive GOP presidential debate — hosted by the Log Cabin Republicans? Where does the pandering end? Who represents the tens of millions of Americans who morally object to homosexuality, and who stand to lose their religious and First Amendment freedoms if HRC’s radical agenda is enacted? (I hereby volunteer my services as a conservative questioner if the organizers care to make a pretense of journalistic objectivity.)
Even if one could conceive of a reason to have a “homosexual presidential debate,” why would the questioners all be of the liberal-left persuasion? (I confess I don’t know much about Etheridge’s political leanings, but how about at least including a “gay” libertarian like Rick Sincere to mix things up?) Is there any doubt that HRC is sponsoring this debate to push the candidates further toward embracing its radical statist agenda, including “gay marriage,” “hate crimes” and “transgender rights”?
“We’re honored to give the presidential candidates an historic opportunity to share their views directly with the LGBT audience,” says Brian Graden, President, Entertainment, MTV Networks Music Group, and President of LOGO. “This forum continues MTV Networks’ tradition of engaging vital niche audiences with voting and the electoral process.”
Three clues as to which oversized “niche audience” is getting the shaft this presidential campaign season. (Here’s one clue: LOGO’s and HRC’s websites will be taking questions from the public for the debate, but somehow I don’t think a social conservative’s question will make it on air.)
The MTV-LOGO debate is a sham, but the sad thing is: if “mainstream” journalists were substituted for the homosexual activist questioners, the tenor of the evening likely would remain the same. Because these days it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish between the “gay”-cheerleading media and “gay” activists themselves.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Candidates & Elected Officials, Celebrities, Freedom Under Fire, HRC, Media Promotion, MTV, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Politicians & Public Officials, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Will the Church of England be forced to hire John Reaney, a homosexual man, as a youth worker despite its beliefs about sex and marriage?
We’ll have much more on this case and other cases evincing the growing threat of homosexual legal activism to basic religious freedoms:
Bishop Loses Gay Employment Case
BBC, July 18, 2007
A gay man has won his case for unlawful discrimination after he was refused a youth official’s job by a Church of England bishop.
The employment tribunal said John Reaney, 42, was discriminated against “on grounds of sexual orientation” by the Hereford diocesan board of finance.
Mr Reaney, from Colwyn Bay, Conwy, said he was “delighted” at the decision.
The Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Rev Anthony Priddis, said he was “naturally disappointed” and may appeal.
During the tribunal in Cardiff in April, Mr Reaney said he was questioned by Bishop Priddis on his previous gay relationship during a two-hour meeting on 19 July 2006
It came after he was told he had emerged as the outstanding candidate for the job during an eight-man interview, the hearing heard.
Mr Reaney, whose case was supported by Stonewall, also told the tribunal he was left “very embarrassed and extremely upset” following the meeting and said he felt like “a total waste of space”.
During his evidence, Bishop Priddis said he had made clear to Mr Reaney that a person in a committed sexual relationship outside of marriage, whether they were heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or transgender, would be turned down for the post.
But the tribunal found that the bishop should only have considered the present lifestyle of Mr Reaney, who is single, and he should have not questioned his future relationships.
Delivering the judgement, the tribunal said the case would now be listed for a remedy hearing.
“The respondents discriminated against the claimant on the grounds of sexual orientation,” said the judgement.
To read the full BBC story and watch related BBC videos on the case, click HERE
Posted in BBC, Christian Persecution, Court Decisions & Judges, Freedom Under Fire, Media Promotion, News, Religious Leaders, UK |
Wednesday, July 18th, 2007
From American Family Association’s OneNewsNow news. Click HERE for a link to OneNewsNow where there is an audio link to this story:
A pro-family activist says the frontrunners for the Democratic presidential nomination are “pandering to the gay lobby” by agreeing to take part in a televised debate moderated by homosexual activists.
The top three Democratic presidential candidates … plan to take part in a one-hour debate August 9 devoted solely to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender” (GLBT) issues. The debate will be televised live from Los Angeles on the Viacom-owned homosexual television network “LOGO.”
According to Peter LaBarbera, director of Americans for Truth Action, Joe Solmonese — president of the Washington, DC-based Human Rights Campaign, one of the country’s most powerful homosexual activist groups — will be moderating the debate. HRC is coordinating the debate through a partnership with LOGO.
“The whole thing is structured to be pro-homosexual — and one wonders what candidates are doing to be sensitive to the pro-family people who still believe homosexuality is wrong,” exclaims LaBarbera.
The family advocate notes that polls that are “probably politically correct” show that half the country still believes homosexual behavior is wrong. “[The percentage is] probably much higher than that,” LaBarbera says, “but this is just astonishing that this development is happening and it’s being treated as a serious debate.”
The White House hopefuls will be asked questions by a panel that includes Solmonese and lesbian singer Melissa Etheridge. Questions will reportedly cover topics such as same-sex “marriage,” “hate crimes” legislation, and the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. One news report indicates individuals will also be able to submit questions online.
LaBarbera calls the debate “one of the most extraordinary developments in our country’s history.” He laments the societal mindset from which such an event would even occur.
“A debate framed from a pro-homosexual perspective — when homosexual behavior, for centuries, [for] thousands of years, was regarded as deeply sinful by Christians and people who believe in God,” he says. “It’s just astonishing. I’m waiting for the adultery presidential debate or maybe the pro-drug use presidential debate.
“Who ever heard of framing a presidential debate around a sin?” he asks.
Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Celebrities, HRC, MTV, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
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