The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups

Catholic Priest Describes Crisis Caused by ‘Same-Sex Celibacy’

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008


MILITARY MEN AS HOMOSEXUAL SEX OBJECTS? Above is an ad for one of the many “gay” military-oriented porn websites: American male soldiers do not bunk and shower with women; should they be forced to shower and bunk with men who identify themselves as sexually attracted to other men? TAKE ACTION: call 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 or contact your U.S. Representative and Senators online to voice your opposition to opening up the military to homosexuality. Read below about how homosexual men with their same-sex attractions compromised the Catholic practice of priestly celibacy.

Allyson Smith of AFTAH sends along this compelling essay with obvious parallels to putting homosexual men in the military. Rev. James Haley’s logic presumably would extend to (public) restrooms — not just for the “transgendered” but for all suffering from what some are calling “same-sex attraction disorder.” Rev. Haley of The Roman Catholic Faithful writes in “The Real Story about Celibacy”:

Excerpted from the article by Rev. Haley:

The Real Story about Celibacy

…By assigning religious men to live only with men, and religious women to live only with women, the bishop or abbot is apparently also following the tradition and moral prudence, or one can more properly say, the moral necessity, of keeping religious men and women separated from one another – a very prudent practice because, in the words of an honest speaker concerning human nature and Christian love: “There is nothing more naturally attractive for a Christian man in love with God, than a Christian woman in love with God.”

But that same-sex living assignment quickly and clearly runs seriously afoul when the sexual orientations and desires are reversed from their norm and, even more so, when those sexual orientations remain hidden from the outside world – that leads to the very improper, imprudent and secret situation that the Church was trying to prevent. In other words: There is nothing more “naturally” attractive for a homosexual man in love with God, than another homosexual man in love with God.

So ironically, tragically, inexplicably, it is the Church itself, the model and guide to moral life, that is encouraging, advocating and requiring the perpetual near occasion of sin for homosexual priests, and, in turn, creating an extremely uncomfortable situation for the heterosexual priests who are not interested in forming one of those personal, lifelong, secret, exclusive, intimate and emotionally fulfilling relationships with other men. And this non-interest from the heterosexual priest is a frequent cause of alienation, resentment and bitterness from the homosexual priests who would prefer to live with, and associate with, other homosexual priests, especially when so many other homosexual priests are afforded that “secret” privilege. In simple terms: the straight priest is neither wanted nor welcome among the homosexual priests….

Click HERE to read the full article, “The Real Story about Celibacy”

What Would George Washington Think of Homosexuals in the Military?

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

Building public acceptance of homosexuality is coincident with a general moral unraveling of our society, with all its destructive consequences


Star Parker makes a great point here: the undeniable reality that momentum is on the side of the homosexual activists does not make their agenda a good thing for America. Historically, societies in which sexual immorality flourishes are unhealthy, declining societies, so don’t buy the Left’s definition of “progress.” — Peter LaBarbera


By Star Parker, founder and president of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), July 23, 2008

For the first time since the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law was enacted in 1993 by President Clinton, the House Armed Services Committee has scheduled hearings to review it. The law disqualifies gays from serving in the military.

Individuals are deemed gay, according to this ruling, if they publicly state so. However, the military is prohibited from asking. Thus, “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Activists are now pushing for change to allow gays to serve openly.

We can anticipate a technical discussion. Does the presence of openly gay soldiers undermine cohesiveness of units, morale, and discipline? How would retention rates of troops or enlistments be affected?

We can be sure, though, that a discussion about the general moral implications of such a policy will not take place.

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Chicago Media Black Out McDonald’s Boycott Press Conference

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Nearly 200,000 have signed AFA’s “” petition

cbs-in-pride-parade-2004.jpgCLICK ON PHOTO TO ENLARGE. Chicago’s CBS TV affiliate fields a float every year at the city’s bawdy homosexual “pride” parade, but CBS and other major Chicago secular media were no-shows at AFTAH’s pro-family coalition press conference yesterday highlighting a huge and growing pro-family boycott of McDonald’ s (based outside Chicago). McDonald’s was given a high 85% rating by a homosexual lobby group for its pro-homosexuality and pro-transsexuality policies. Photo courtesy Illinois Family Institute.

Dave Diersen, an Illinois Republican activist, has provided a summary of the coverage of our press conference in front of McDonald’s’ world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. Predictably, I suppose, we were completely blacked out by Chicago’s and Illinois’ major media — which had no excuse since they were inundated with press releases about the event by four pro-family organizations taking part: Americans For Truth, American Family Association, Illinois Family Institute and Liberty Counsel. It appears that the Fox News item below came from AP.

So once again the major media are doing the work of the homosexual lobby. Many in the media have decided that the “gay” issue is settled, and the homosexual activists have won. (Remember when Big Media thought the abortion issue was pretty much over?) Yesterday’s non-coverage was appalling journalism, even by corrupt Chicago standards. Clearly, the boycott story is compelling — even from a pure business perspective: already, nearly 200,000 people have signed AFA’s boycott petition (

The people involved in this boycott of McDonald’s are good family people — not vegans, America-hating leftists, or some other fringe group. And the idea really seems to be catching on. As I said yesterday, millions and millions of Americans have had it with the elite media’s and pop culture’s promotion of homosexuality, but they don’t know what to do about it. Boycotting McDonald’s, an easy target but admittedly not the worst corporate offender — PepsiCo Foundation recently gave $500,000 to the homosexual group Human Rights Campaign Foundation, compared to McDonald’s $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce — is something simple to do to stand up for marriage and the natural family.

More coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera

P.S. Most major Chicago media either field floats or participate in the annual Chicago “Gay Pride” parade, and the local ABC affiliate televises it (see photo above). Now there’s some “news” with wide appeal in Chicagoland!


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Mass. Legislature Poised to Export Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Monday, July 14th, 2008

TAKE ACTION: stand against Massachusetts exporting counterfeit “gay marriages” across the nation: click HERE. Our good friends at report:

Mass. Legislature poised to export our “gay marriage” across the country by repealing “1913 Law.” National “gay” groups pouring in money to lobby. Pressure needed NOW to stop Senate vote Tuesday – (see our new fax feature!)

The national homosexual movement is funding a huge lobbying effort over the next few days to persuade the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal the “1913 Law” which would allow out-of-state “gay” couples to legally “marry” in Massachusetts — and then cause havoc in their home states. Currently, out-of-state couples can not marry in Massachusetts if that marriage would be illegal in their home state. (See our report with the language of the bill.)

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Wells Fargo Is a Huge Supporter of the Homosexual Agenda

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

wells_fargo.gifPart of the problem these days with pro-family corporate boycotts is that so many large companies have already sold out to the homosexual activist agenda. Wells Fargo is one of them. They are a Founding Sponsor of the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NLGCC) — along with:

  • American Airlines
  • American Express
  • Ernst & Young
  • IBM
  • Intel
  • JPMorganChase
  • Lehman Brothers
  • Motorola
  • Travelport
  • Wyndham Hotels & Resorts

Wells Fargo, based in San Francisco, earned a 100 percent ranking on the homosexual activist lobby Human Rights Campaign’s “2008 Corporate Equality Index” — it’s Wells Fargo’s fourth straight year with a perfect record. Click HERE to see the list of all 195 of the 100-percent Pro-Homosexual Companies, according to HRC. McDonald’s — target of a growing pro-family boycott started by AFA — got an 85 percent score this year; you can view HRC’s pro-homosexual criteria HERE in our McDonald’s article.

As an example of Wells Fargo’s aggressively pro-“gay” marketing strategy, the company sponsors the annual “NGLCC/Wells Fargo LGBT Business Owner of the Year Award.” (For the uninitiated, “LGBT” stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender.”) We suspect that many pro-family Americans — be they religious or not — would take their mortgage, loan or banking business elsewhere if they were to learn of Wells Fargo’s deep commitment to the Homosexual Lobby.

Do you want your money to end up supporting homosexual, bisexual and transsexual activism? Contact Wells Fargo through their online corporate contact page.

Belz to Christians: Stop Apologizing for Single Issue Advocacy

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

now-lesbian-activism.jpgNew Jersey NOW activists demonstrate for lesbian so-called “marriage”: there is no shortage of single-minded (non-apologetic) pro-homosexuality and pro-abortion activists on the Left.

Below is an excellent column by Joel Belz, founder of WORLD magazine, answering some of the current Christian gibberish critical of believers who fight for Truth in the public square. (Click HERE for the full column in WORLD.) While we’re at it, here are 20 more good reasons why Christians (or anyone) should never feel guilty about a single-minded focus in countering the homosexual/transsexual activist and pro-abortion lobbies:

  1. Human Rights Campaign (largest pro-homosexual PAC);
  2. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force;
  3. Lambda Legal;
  4. NARAL Pro-Choice American (formerly National Abortion Rights Action League, which cruelly defends even later-term abortions).
  5. GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation;
  6. GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network);
  7. NOW (they manage to promote both lesbianism and abortion-on-demand);
  8. MTV (obnoxious in its one-sided promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, etc.);
  9. Soulforce and other Bible-twisting, “queer theology”-promoting groups;
  10. Radical, reason-challenged, pro-homosexual websites like young Jeremy Hooper’s Good As You blog, Wayne (“Anything But Straight”) Besen’s ‘ex-gay’-hating Truth Wins Out, and lesbian Pam (“Jeebus”) Spaulding’s Pam’s House Blend;
  11. National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association;
  12. EMILY’s List (a pro-abortion PAC)
  13. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (working to open up the military to homosexuals);
  14. ACLU’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project;
  15. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
  16. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
  17. Tim Gill (homosexual money-man)
  18. Pro-homosexual activist groups like Equality Illinois fighting in all 50 states for radical legislation that undermines marriage;
  19. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
  20. PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians & Gays), a radical pro-homosexual group.


Belz writes for WORLD:

Stop Apologizing!
It’s not always wrong to be a “single-issue” advocate

It’s become an increasingly frequent reminder to us evangelical Christians not to let our cultural identity be framed by “single issues.”

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Colson on Dr. Norman Spack’s Barbaric Transgender Youth Procedures

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

Prepping Kids for Sex Change

norman_spack.jpgDr. Norman Spack: profiting off of gender confusion, endangering kids’ health.

“Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to give them a few more years to make up their minds if they want to be male—or female.”

We highly commend Breakpoint’s website, which is loaded with useful information and commentaries like this defending a Christian, pro-truth worldview. Note the excellent additional resources offered following this article.

We also recommend a terrific expose on the “transgender” agenda by Amy Contrada of MassResistance: see her 125-page report, “The Coming Nightmare of a Transgender Hate Crimes Bill.” Don’t read it unless you are serious about understanding this bizarre, aggressive movement and the threat it poses to children and society. Emphasis added in the Church Colson’s Breakpoint commentary below:


It’s a Sick, Sick World
By Chuck Colson
Breakpoint Commentary, July 8, 2008

Prepping Kids for Sex Change

He has been called “demonic,” “barbaric,” and has been compared to Nazi doctors. And when you read about his work, it is easy to see why Americans are so outraged. Dr. Norman Spack is a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. Not long ago, he opened a clinic for what he terms “transgendered” children. Incredibly, he is giving kids as young as seven drugs that delay the onset of puberty—the first step in sex-change surgery when they are older.

Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to give them a few more years to make up their minds if they want to be male—or female.

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McDonald’s Scores 85 Percent on Homosexual Group HRC’s ‘Corporate Equality’ Scorecard

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

HRC uses 11 criteria to rank corporations — including shunning pro-family groupsmcdonalds_boycott.jpg

By Peter LaBarbera

McDonald’s Corporation scored an 85 percent ranking on the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) “Corporate Equality Index.” HRC, the nation’s leading homosexual lobby group, publishes the corporate survey every year. The following are the 11 criteria used by HRC to evaluate whether a major company is sufficiently pro-homosexual and pro-transsexual; note that McDonald’s passed all but one test (a gender-identity ‘nondiscrimination’ policy– criterion 2a). (AFTAH has endorsed a nationwide boycott of McDonald’s.) See important explanatory notes at bottom:

2008 Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index Ratings and Breakdown:

  • Criterion 1a: [McDonald’s: YES] Prohibits Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation (15 points)
  • Criterion 1b: [McDonald’s: YES] Provides Diversity Training Covering Sexual Orientation (5 points)
  • Criterion 2a: [McDonald’s: NO] Prohibits Discrimination Based on Gender Identity and/or Expression (15 points)
  • Criterion 2b: [McDonald’s: YES] Provides Diversity Training Covering Gender Identity OR Has Supportive Gender Transition Guidelines (5 points)
  • Criterion 2c: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers at Least One Transgender Wellness Benefit (5 points) +
  • Criterion 3a: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers Domestic Partner Health Insurance (15 points)
  • Criterion 3b: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers Domestic Partners Dental, Vision, COBRA and Dependent Coverage Benefits (5 points)
  • Criterion 3c ++: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers at Least Three Other ‘Soft’ Benefits for Domestic Partners ++ (5 points)
  • Criterion 4: [McDonald’s: YES] Has Employer-Supported Employee Resource Group OR Firm-Wide Diversity Council (15 points)
  • Criterion 5: [McDonald’s: YES] Engages in Appropriate and Respectful Advertising, Marketing or Philanthropy (15 points)
  • Criterion 6: [McDonald’s: YES] Exhibits Responsible Behavior Toward the GLBT Community; Does Not Engage in Action That Would Undermine GLBT Equality. Employers Found Engaging in Such Activities Will — Have 15 Points Removed From Their Scores. (—) +++

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