The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups

VIDEO: Matt Lauer’s Arrogant Interview with Carl Paladino

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Media analysis

It’s hard not to despise the liberal media when they behave like NBC’s Matt Lauer did in this Oct. 11, 2010 Today Show segment — scolding interviewing Republican New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, who went off the Politically Correct reservation while speaking at an Orthodox Jewish gathering. Sorry to break it to you, Matt, but most parents would not bring their children to a “Gay Pride” parade — especially if they knew what actually goes on there. (Over the years I have witnessed open nudity at several homosexual “pride” parade, and a sickening homosexual sex act that was allowed to go on in the street right in front of a row of cops at a Chicago “pride” parade.)

And no, Matt, homosexuality is not equal to normalcy. (I wish a few politicians had the guts to say so, even when the liberal PC Enforcers like Lauer come after them.) I wonder: what drives straight liberals like Lauer and Jon Stewart to be so obsessed with promoting homosexuality? The modern American liberal has a religious-like devotion to normalizing sexual perversion — why? Since when did Affirming Homosexuality become so sacrosanct? — Peter LaBarbera,

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Pathetic: Joe Jervis Tries to Link LaBarbera to KKK

Saturday, October 9th, 2010

GLBT-award-winning homosexual blogger Joe Jervis.

By Peter LaBarbera,

Wow. The analytical powers of atheist, homosexual perversion-defender Joe Jervis’ (of the Joe. My. God. blog)  are in full display as he exposes the sinister, long-concealed “truth” that AFTAH has been trying to hide for decades — that we are aligned with the … KKK … yeah, that’s it … the KKK! Joe alone had the analytical skills to pull together the story: AFTAH (and by extension FRC, AFA, Liberty Counsel, ADF, PFOX, etc.) have partered with the Klan to stop gay equality!!

I jest, of course. But Joe is serious–that’s the sad part. (Apparently he didn’t get the memo that the first one to call the other guy a “Nazi” in a debate is the automatic loser — that is, unless your opponent, like Wayne Besen, is actually behaving like a Nazi.) Try to focus so you can comprehend at least a portion of GLBT-award-winning Jervis’ sophisticated political equation:

  1. Peter LaBarbera opposes the un-American idea that committed Christian students like Jennifer Keeton would become ineligible to get a college degree in counseling because they refuse to deny their faith by affirming homosexuality.
  2. The Ku Klux Klan — hateful racists that they are — rallies against the same misguided idea.
  3. Ergo, Peter LaBarbera and the KKK are comrades-in-arms.

Jervis ends his piece: “Peter LaBarbera and the KKK, both on the same side of hate. Feels like a perfect match.” 

Such finely-honed logic. Such depth of reasoning and discernment. The nuances alone are worth pondering and studying for years to come. Joe, here’s the deal: your hatred of Americans For Truth and this writer (but more important, for the God who lovingly created you) is getting the best of you. Next time you set out to discredit AFTAH, try using a line of argumentation that wouldn’t embarrass a smart 5th-grader if he or she tried it.

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Rutgers Student Newspaper: Media Exploit Tyler Clementi Suicide Tragedy

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

The following is a reprint of an editorial in The Daily Targum, the student newspaper for Rutgers University (and one of the longest-operating student newspapers in the country). Clearly, those (non-homosexual-activists) closest to the scene recognize that “gay” groups are cynically exploiting this tragedy — even before all the facts are in — to advance their political and cultural agenda. Per the usual, it’s all about the Homosexual Lobby (see this shockingly arrogant release redefining morality by the homosexual lobby Human Rights Campaign). Even homosexual- and “nonmonogamy” advocate Dan (‘Three-Way”) Savage [his blog HERE] is in on the act. (God help us if the twisted, Christian-hating Savage becomes a role model for America’s youth.) Stay tuned as we address Exodus International’s stunning and incredibly ill-timed capitulation on the Day of Truth. — Peter LaBarbera,


Media exploits University tragedy

By The Daily Targum
Published: Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The death of University student Tyler Clementi might have been properly mourned if it were not for the massive rallies and aggressive news coverage that altered the nature of the situation. The truth is that an 18-year-old boy killed himself – he was a student just like the rest of us, someone just trying to receive an education. Yet people’s relentless agendas took his death and turned it into a cause based on false pretenses.

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‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Are Plaintiffs in Federal Judge’s Ruling Striking Down Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell as Unconstitutional

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Why are Republican leaders like Sen. John Cornyn courting this radical group?

The homosexual activist group Log Cabin Republicans is listed as Plaintiff on the 86-page decision by District Court Judge Virginia Phillips striking down the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule against self-avowed homosexuals in the military as "unconstitutional." Several prominent Republican lawmakers led by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) are slated to speech at a Log Cabin event in Washington, D.C., Sept. 22nd.

Like we always say: homosexual activists first, Republicans second. What do you do when your Democratic Commander-in-Chief is ramming the pro–homosexual agenda down the military’s and the nation’s throat? Make the Republicans more pro-perversion — yeah, that’s the ticket!

Perhaps the GOP could get a leg up on the Democrats by pushing immediately for the admission of open transsexuals (in addition to homosexuals) into the Armed Forces — with military-covered “gender reassignment surgery” (aka sex-change operations) for gender-confused transgender soldiers as a recruitment incentive. Sen. Cornyn, I’m being facetious…. Read the activist judge’s ruling HERE. — Peter LaBarbera,



Federal Judge Deems Military ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Rule ‘Unconstitutional’

By Kathleen Gilbert, LifeSiteNews

RIVERSIDE, California, September 10, 2010 ( – A federal judge in California Thursday night ruled that the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy banning homosexuals from disclosing their sexual orientation while serving in the U.S. military is unconstitutional.

The ruling, which the judge vowed to follow up with a permanent injunction against the policy in two weeks, arrived less than three months before the results of a Pentagon study evaluating the possible detrimental effects of repealing the policy is due to be presented to Congress.

In an 86-page opinion, Judge Virginia A. Phillips claimed that the defendants, listed as the United States and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, have failed to prove that DADT “was necessary to significantly further the Government’s important interests in military readiness and unit cohesion.” The Log Cabin Republicans, a national homosexualist Republican group, was plaintiff in the case.

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Cornyn, Republican Pols Attend Log Cabin Event – Media Cheer

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

GOP official even pledges to assist homoseuxal activist group’s fundraising

The liberal media just eat it up when a sin movement (in this case, organized homosexuality) officially goes “bipartisan.” Check out this excerpt from (the giddy) The Atlantic. I suspect that The Atlantic’s (and CBS News’) Marc Ambinder — while sympathetic to the Stupid Republican Party’s current pro-homosexuality tack — wouldn’t agree with our description of homosexuality as sinful. Just a hunch, though. — Peter LaBarbera,

P.S. I just learned that a group of carefully-selected, right-leaning theologians are working on a version of the Bible (RSV – Republican Standard Version) that reinterprets all passages dealing with homosexuality so that only Democratic same-sex erotic behavior is proscribed. Whew. For a moment there, I thought these Republicans had decided that they were smarter than God.

Ambinder writes (emphasis added):

Top GOP Party Strategists Attending Log Cabin Event

Suddenly, it’s becoming less of a stigma for bigwigs to associate with gays in the Republican Party. Not only has former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman’s 9/22 fundraiser for gay marriage rights attracted numerous high-octane Republican donors and activists, but Sen. John Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Rep. Pete Sessions, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee will help the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay GOP group, raise money for its political action committee. (Part of this story was first reported last month.)

A glossy pamphlet advertising the Log Cabin Republicans’ national dinner at the Capitol Hill Club highlights an hour-long cocktail gathering with the two party committee chairs, both strong opponents of gay rights. But their attendance will add to the coffers of the LCR’s political action committee, which endorses Republicans who support gay rights.

The LCR national dinner, which follows the private fundraiser, will include Sessions, Rep. Judy Biggert, Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform. The Daily Caller’s Tucker Carlson will serve as Master of Ceremonies.

The Log Cabin Republicans’ Mission Statement proclaims fidelity to conservative principles like a “strong national defense” and “limited government” before it discusses marriage rights and an “inclusive definition of the family.” But in practice, the group does not endorse candidates who oppose gay rights…. [continued HERE]

Read the rest of The Atlantic article HERE.

AFTAH Interview: Pastor Calvin Lindstrom and Lynn Thomas Discuss Truth Academy

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

In this interview, which aired Saturday, August 14, 2010, we talk with Pastor Calvin Lindstrom of the Church of Christian Liberty, affilated with the Christian Liberty Academy (CLA) in Arlington Heights, Illinois. CLA hosted the debut AFTAH Truth Academy. Also on the program is Lynn Thomas, creator of Cao’s Blog and a conservative activist in Illinois. The two discuss the successful Truth Academy and the angry protest against it led by the Marxist homosexual hate group Gay Liberation Network. (Thomas compares the protesters to spoiled children having a fit.)

In the interview, the guests and Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera discuss the attendees’ and speakers’ outreach to Eric Posey, one of the pro-homosexual “spies” who attended the Truth Academy. Far from hating and ejecting this young homosexual activist, several attendees spent hours talking with him out of evident care for his soul. Pastor Calvin also discussed the need for more pastors to get informed on and involved in the battle over homosexuality — as the GLBT movement is the leading spear in the Left’s war on American religious freedom. To order CDs of DVCs of the full Truth Academy, go to our Online Order Form.

By the way, CLA — which is one Christian institution that does not cower before the noisy and intolerant Left — will also be hosting the 2010 fundraising banquet for Americans For Truth, scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 13th. Keynoting the AFTAH banquet will be former NFL football star Ken Hutcherson, who pastors Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, WA.   

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an  mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

8-14-10, Lynn Thomas & Pastor Cal Lindstrom, All

LaBarbera to Ann Coulter: Reconsider Appearance at Event for GOProud — Phony ‘Gay Conservatives’

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Would Ann Coulter speak at an event for “Republicans For Responsible Porn Use,” or “Republicans for Higher Taxes,” or Republicans for Choice (Abortion) -- if such groups took legitimately conservative positions on other issues like gun rights?

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631; e-mail: ; August 10, 2010

CHICAGO — Americans For Truth About Homosexuality President Peter LaBarbera today urged conservative pundit Ann Coulter to reconsider her appearance at “Homocon,” a September event for the homosexual Republican group GOProud

LaBarbera said: 

As a fan of Ann Coulter, it pains me to see her cave in to political correctness and lend credibility to the phony homosexual “conservatives” over at GOProud. Worse, Coulter is sending a dangerous message to young Americans that homosexuality is OK. (It’s actually a sin.) Fully half of GOProud’s top 10 federal priorities center on using the Government to advance homosexuality, including: 

#4 – “Repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’” – Homosexualizing the military is reckless, especially in wartime. GOProud claims to defend “individual liberty,” but what about the privacy rights of normal soldiers who don’t want to bunk and shower with men who lust after other men? Moreover, if DADT is repealed, the military will become a massive government bureaucracy for pro-homosexual “diversity” – subjecting millions of tradition-minded servicemen to Orwellian, same-sex propaganda to enforce its new lavender crusade. (Chaplains: beware.) 

# 7 – “Opposing any anti-gay federal marriage amendment.” Coulter must know that America might be just one Supreme Court justice away from legalizing oxymoronic homosexual “marriage” – which would undermine religious freedom in every state in the nation. A Federal Marriage Amendment could be the only way to stop this Roe v. Wade-like disaster. And since when did state-enforced homosexual “marriage” – with its corrosive effect on liberty and linkage to Homosexuality Promotion in schools — become “conservative”? 

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VIDEOS: Hate Abounds in Gay Liberation Network Protest against AFTAH Truth Academy

Monday, August 9th, 2010

GLN leader says hopefully that Academy instructor Cliff Kincaid “could get hit by a car”

The following is video of the August 5 protest against the AFTAH Truth Academy by a coalition of pro-homosexuality groups led by the Marxist Gay Liberation Network. The Chicago-based GLN attempted to smear the Truth Academy as “teaching hate,” but the real hate came from some of the protesters — not Truth Academy instructors like Ryan Sorba (featured prominently in this video). Several Academy presenters including Matt Barber, Greg Quinlan and AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera joined Sorba in wading into the crowd, engaging various protesters on the question of “hate.” The first video below was shot by Illinois conservative Lynn Thomas, creator of Cao’s Blog, and Janet Aldrich [a second YouTube follows the jump]:

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