The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups

Fumento Was Right on the Myth of Heterosexual AIDS

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

International AIDS funding massively disproportionate to other diseases

There is no precedent in history for such myth-driven “democratization” of a disease, nor for the abominable unfairness in allocating funds away from so many curable illnesses.Michael Fumento

The full New York Post column by Michael Fumento appears HERE. Emphasis added below:

A Myth that Kills

By Michael Fumento

New York Post, July 3, 2008 –THE Senate is near to passing a massive $50 billion Emergency Plan for HIV/ AIDS Relief — a bill whose priorities are based on myth, just like virtually all anti-AIDS efforts worldwide.

The world’s top AIDS bureaucrat recently admitted the truth: “It is very unlikely that there will be a heterosexual epidemic” outside Africa, Kevin de Cock, director of the World Health Organization, told London’s Independent newspaper. His bosses at the United Nations issued an official denial — but couldn’t truly challenge his science.

The effort to “democratize” AIDS dates back to the mid-1980s, when the media and health officials began a desperate and concerted effort to divert attention and make it seem everyone was at risk. The 1985 Life magazine cover, blaring “NOW NO ONE IS SAFE FROM AIDS” in huge red letters, represents this effort. Surgeon General Everett Koop coined the term “heterosexual AIDS explosion” in 1987, while in 1993 HHS Secretary Donna Shalala told Congress that AIDS may leave “nobody left.”

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Americans For Truth Supports AFA’s McDonald’s Boycott

Monday, July 7th, 2008

mcdonalds_boycott.jpg Millions of Americans are not “lovin'” McDonald’s promotion of the homosexual and transsexual activist agenda. So far McDonald’s is not budging in its pro-homosexual advocacy. American Family Association has officially launched a boycott of the fast food chain. Homosexual activists are already vowing to buy the fattening food to spite AFA. You can contact McDonald’s HERE.

By Peter LaBarbera

We’re back from vacation — just in time to state our support for American Family Association’s boycott of McDonald’s. Actually, Americans For Truth has unofficially encouraged a boycott of the fast-food giant for the last few months — after AFA publicized McDonald’s budding, cozy relationship with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

Today I went on Janet Folger’s “Faith2Action” radio program to express AFTAH’s support for AFA’s boycott. We will be detailing the many ways in which McDonald’s supports homosexuality and gender confusion. The Oak Brook, Illinois-based corporation has an 85 percent ranking in the 2008 “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard put out by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading homosexual pressure group.

You can contact McDonald’s HERE, and we urge you to stop in at the local McDonald’s restaurant that you would normally visit and explain to them in person why your family will no longer be eating there. Here’s one approach:

“My family spends at least __ hundred dollars a year at your restaurant but we will not be visiting again until McDonald’s stops supporting and financing the homosexual agenda. Homosexuality is a sin, and I don’t want my consumer dollars going to subsidize the unhealthy and immoral sexual agendas that undermine marriage. Please convey to McDonald’s national executive team that their decision to promote homosexuality is costing the company business.”

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Normal People Do Not Behave Like This — Boston Dyke March 2008

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008


dyke_vulgarity_bostondykemarch08.jpgVulgarity on display at Boston “Dyke March” June 13. All photos shown here were shot by MassResistance. Click HERE to see their complete photo-story and video on the obscene “Dyke March.”

Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada of MassResistance report on the vulgar Boston “Dyke March” June 13. (Lesbian activists evidently can call themselves “dykes”; for the rest of us that’s potential “hate speech.”) Somebody report Camenker and Contrada to nudity_boston_dyke_march08.jpgthe Gay Thought Police for using the phrase “normal people.” Actually, they make a valid point: this in-our-face “dyke” movement — a combination of radical feminism and homosexual militancy — has zero to do with “civil rights” and everything to do with attacking normality by promoting perversion. Worst of all, its front-line activists seem to glory in corrupting youth and especially young girls and women with their deviant, God-defying messages. How sad to see grown women involved in this immature spectacle. Click HERE to see the entire MassResistance photo-story and video.

We’re showing these MassResistance photos unedited so as to accurately convey the messages presented in front of children and the Boston public. — Peter LaBarbera

MassResistance writes:

“Gay Pride Week” Boston Dyke March: Parade of obscenity and weirdness through downtown streets.

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‘Gay’ Money-man Tim Gill, ex-Log Cabin Leader Guerriero Lead Stealth Campaign to Turn State Legislatures Democratic

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

patrick_guerriero.jpgThe former head of the homosexual activist group Log Cabin Republicans, Patrick Guerriero, is now working to defeat mostly REPUBLICAN pro-family, conservative state legislators across the nation.

This may be the most important political article you read this election year. Even homosexual journalists like this reporter for the “gay” magazine The Advocate are weary of the secretive nature of the Gill Action Fund and its plan to use out-of-state homosexual donors’ money strategically to knock out pro-family state legislators across the country. If this were a “Christian Right” group stealthily using Christian millionaires’ money to displace liberal, pro-homosexual politicians, the mainstream media would be all over it.

We’ll have much more to say about the Gill Action Fund and this article, but note that the man Gill chose to run his operation is Patrick Guerriero, former executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group working to make the GOP more homosexuality-friendly. Log Cabin operatives like to call themselves “conservative,” but their national ex-leader has been busy for the last three years running a stealth campaign to take out mostly pro-family, conservative Republican state legislators in places like Iowa, Pennsylvania and New York. More evidence that the GOP’s “Big Tent” policy of simultaneously trying to appease both its grassroots base of millions upon millions of pro-family Republicans — and a tiny special interest group of homosexual activist Republicans whose loyalty is first to their own “gay agenda” — is an exercise in futility. — Peter LaBarbera


Here are the first three paragraph’s of the Advocate piece “The Gay Goodfellas” (emphasis added):

The Gay Goodfellas

Inside the Gill Action Fund, the most effective pro-gay political weapon you never heard of

tim_gill_jpg.jpgBy Kerry Eleveld, The Advocate, June 19, 2008

Patrick Guerriero and Bill Smith of the Gill Action Fund [photo of founder Tim Gill at left] have a problem. Guerriero, former leader of the Log Cabin Republicans and onetime candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, and Smith, a political consultant and former employee of Karl Rove, want LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered] people to understand their strategy for winning equal rights — a targeted approach to developing what they call “fair-minded majorities” in state legislatures across the country. During the 2006 election, the first cycle in which the organization set its sights on state legislative races, control of 13 state chambers switched hands. Ten were Democratic takeovers — chambers that are now more likely to make gay-friendly decisions.

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Androgynous Mens Fashion Trend Glitters in Paris

Monday, June 30th, 2008

gender-bending-model.jpegWhat would John Wayne have said about this?

We certainly concur with Phil Magnan of Biblical Family Advocates, who observed regarding this story on gender-bending fashion trends: “I tell you the world has gone mad.” More “progress” from the Human Wrongs (not  “gay/transgender rights”) Movement:

AP reports:

Men’s Paris Fashions Blur Gender Boundaries

By JOELLE DIDERICH, Associated Press Writer
PARIS – The French menswear collections ended on Sunday in a sea of sequins, silk and all things pink, challenging the adage that boys will be boys.

Fine fabrics like silk, gazar and crepe de Chine crept into the male wardrobe for spring-summer 2009 as Paris designers increasingly blurred gender boundaries.

“The most striking thing is the amount of crossover from women’s collections that seems to be happening,” Michael Roberts, fashion director of Vanity Fair magazine, told The Associated Press.

“A little bit of that goes a long way as far as I’m concerned. I just find it a little bit annoying that I’m supposed to be here for a week watching men’s shows, and I keep having to pinch myself to remind myself that I’m not in the women’s pret-a-porter,” he added.

Case in point: the Dior Homme show, where models paraded in gold-sequined pants with bright jewel appliques, or a metallic bomber jacket in this season’s ubiquitous fuchsia pink.

Click HERE to read the full AP story

Should Chicago ‘Gay Catholic’ Group AGLO Even Exist within Church?

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

‘Gay and Lesbian Outreach’ group set to march in bawdy Chicago ‘gay pride’ parade

UPDATE: We learned June 26 from a Catholic, pro-family advocate who contacted the Chicago Archdiocese that AGLO has now been denied permission to march officially in this year’s homosexual “pride parade.” Stay tuned for more on this story.

chicago_topless_transsexual_2007.JPG [Click on photo to enlarge.] Topless transsexual bares his (presumably hormone-induced) breasts at last year’s (2007) Chicago “gay pride” parade. The “man” rode exposed like this for blocks along the parade route, as the crowd lining the streets cheered him on. Faithful Catholics in Chicagoland are outraged that a church-affiliated group called AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) may march in this year’s homosexuality-celebrating parade. (AGLO is listed as #114 in the parade line-up.) Photo: AFTAH. Click HERE to contact the Archdiocese of Chicago regarding AGLO.

Folks, I cannot help but commend this brilliant response from my friend Gary Morella to the news that Chicago Cardinal George is allowing (at least for now) a so-called “gay Catholic”-oriented group called AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) to march in this Sunday’s “Chicago Gay Pride” parade. (AGLO is listed as #114 in the parade line-up.) Morella is a Catholic pro-family, pro-life activist and research mathematician at Penn State, who catches enormous flack for his stubborn insistence on proclaiming truth at that academic den of iniquity.

Gary as a Catholic and I as an evangelical disagree on some points of theology, but we are completely in accord on the need to combat all worldly attempts to transform the sinful yet changeable behavior of homosexuality into some kind of inherent and innocuous “identity.” — Peter LaBarbera,

P.S. I learned from my friend Susan Jordan, a Chicagoland Catholic, that AGLO has marched in other Chicago “gay pride” parades.


gary_morella_headshot.bmpGary Morella (left) writes:

In regard to the report of a Chicago “AGLO” group marching in a “Gay Pride” parade, some seminal Catholic truths apply in regard to the “bottom line,” not the least of which is the following. The Chicago Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach is misnamed. There is nothing “gay” about being inclined to unnatural acts that are so revolting as to cause extreme revulsion when accurately described! We are talking about sexual perversion that has not evolved to sexual deviance to sexual preference to sexual orientation, which is the politically correct lie of those practicing same in order to anesthetize society that they must accept the vices of a radical fringe under force of law – to heck with the common good! Rather, we’re talking about aberrant behavior that remains sexual perversion, regardless of the devil’s packaging! Accordingly, there is nothing Catholic about celebrating such perverse behavior that is condemned by traditional Catholic teaching rooted in Sacred Scripture, PERIOD! This truth should be obvious to anyone who is Catholic in more than name only in the recognition that the common good leads ultimately to a supernatural good in accord with God’s Divine Plan for His Creation. To thwart the common good is to do the work of the devil!

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Massachusetts ‘Transgender Pride’ — As Tragic As It Gets

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

Women who want to be men march shirtless to display their flat chests after ‘transgender’ breast removal surgeries

transgender_2_boston.jpgCAUTION: VERY DISTURBING. This is a woman who had her (healthy) breasts removed to appear like the transgender “man” she wants to be. “Transgender” is the “T” to which homosexual activists refer when they promote “GLBT youth.” The pro-family organization MassResistance took this photo during a recent June 7 “transgender pride” parade in Northampton, Massachusetts. Click HERE for the full MassResistance report on this perverse parade.

The shocking photo-story by our good friends at MassResistance is one of the most tragic things I have ever seen. Once before at a transgender conference in Washington, D.C., I witnessed the pitiful spectacle of “transgender men” — that is, women who want to become “men” — showing off their flattened chests after their healthy breasts were removed in accordance with their perceived “gender identity.”

My heart aches for this poor woman — yes, woman — who is so deceived that she has permanently mutilated her own body to pursue a false “gender identity.” This is what happens when (wo)man’s “feelings” and confusion — and ideology — are elevated above nature itself, not to mention God.

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AFTAH Defends Gen. Peter Pace Against Latest Homosexual Attack

Thursday, June 19th, 2008

‘Gay’ groups condemn Bush for giving general Presidential Medal of Freedom


gen_peter_pace_foto_final.jpg“General Pace did nothing wrong in stating his moral and religious opposition to homosexual acts as immoral….Pace also said adultery is wrong, and yet I don’t see two ‘pro-adultery’ organizations out condemning him.” –Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

Here is more evidence of the sheer hatred that fanatical homosexual activists have for Judeo-Christian teachings on sex. Gen. Peter Pace’s “crime”? He affirmed the historic teachings of his Catholic faith that homosexual sex is immoral. You’d have to be blind or brainwashed not to see the goal of homosexual militants: intimidate good people and especially public servants into silence on the moral question of homosexual practice. AFTAH is mentioned in the following Cybercast News Service article, “Homosexual Activists Oppose Medal for Retired General,” excerpted below:

Homosexual Activists Oppose Medal for Retired General
By Randy Hall Staff Writer/Editor
June 19, 2008

( – Two homosexual advocacy groups are criticizing the decision to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to retired General Peter Pace. He’ll be honored on Thursday.

“Honoring General Pace with the country’s highest civilian award is outrageous, insensitive and disrespectful to the 65,000 lesbian and gay troops currently serving on active duty in the armed forces,” said Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), in a news release on Wednesday. …

“Honoring General Pace for using his personal prejudice to meddle with military matters is just plain wrong,” PFLAG [Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays] added. “There should be no medal for bigotry and intolerance.”

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