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Food, Beverage, & Household Brands
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
All Folsom Street Fair photos by Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; permission to reprint given provided that credit be given to “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, www.americansfortruth.org”; contact us at americansfortruth@gmail.com.
By Peter LaBarbera and Allyson Smith, Americans For Truth exclusive
S Man bares all at Folsom Street Fair (he was wearing sneakers); right, entrance sticker given to attendees (by Christianity-mocking, drag-queen “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”) reproduces blasphemous, sadistic “Last Supper” photo that drew national attention to Folsom.
SAN FRANCISCO — How do you describe the most depraved public event in the most depraved city in America? Well, we’ll let the pictures do the talking — with our strategically-placed black boxes so as not to reward the perverted exhibitionists who invaded the city’s streets Sunday for the “Folsom Street Fair.” The Fair is an annual street party for BDSM enthusiasts (meaning bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism — or domination/submission) held on several blocked-off city streets here, that reportedly draws hundreds of thousands of “leather” practitioners and curious spectators every year. All frontal nudity is blocked below.
At left, a young boy looks on at a booth sponsored by Steamworks, a local bathhouse (in Berkeley) where men go to engage in anonymous sodomies with other men. Organizers warned that Folsom was an event for adults, but parents were allowed to bring their young children. Steamworks also has branches in Chicago, Toronto, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Keep in mind as you look at these documented public acts of perversion that San Francisco police took a very passive, “hands off” role at the Fair — despite the national outrage and unprecedented media attention on Folsom following revelations that organizers used a perverted mockery of Da Vinci’s Last Supper painting as their promotional artwork. (The Last Supper rip-off adorned the small stickers given to every person who paid the $5 to get into Folsom; see photo above.)
Indeed, we watched as police standing on the street or just outside the blocked-off perimeter of Folsom did nothing as men walked by baring their genitals (only the men did this; some women bared their breasts). One extended orgiastic scene we witnessed involving several men (see photo below) took place on crowded Folsom Street as hundreds if not thousands of people walked by — yet police took no action.
We spoke with several policemen and security guards and the consensus was that rampant nudity and public sex are expected every year at Folsom Street (this was the event’s 25th year) and that it is the city’s politicians — from the Mayor on down — who are to blame for allowing it. (Mayor Gavin Newsom greeted Folsom Street attendees in a letter published in the Fair’s program, warmly telling them to “have a great day and enjoy this wonderful and exciting event.”) It seemed to us that the police, as law “enforcers,” were put in the very awkward position of overseeing sexual anarchy and general lawlessness, as clearly there was no expectation that laws would be enforced to stop the public sex and nudity — assuming such anti-lewdness laws exist in San Francisco and California.
In addition to the nudity and public sex acts, there were public whippings and spankings. Some were held at booths: the AIDS Emergency Fund was hawking charity spankings for $5 each — and others apparently occurring spontaneously, if you can say that about an act of consensual, “erotic” violence. We witnessed one man whipping his “partner” on a sidewalk, the “whippee’s” back becoming a brighter red with each round of punishment — done out of love, we are told by the sadists.
The annual Folsom Street Fair takes place in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) San Francisco district. Speaking to a local “gay” newspaper through her spokesman, Pelosi refused to condemn the blasphemous Folsom 2007 promotional logo — which mocked Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting by substituting “leather” men and women for Christ and His disciples. Click HERE to view the blasphemous ad, which was reproduced on Folsom’s stickers for paid attendees.
And we witnessed many “master-slave” “couples,” one leading the other around with a dog collar, of both the homosexual and heterosexual variety. The Folsom Street Fair began as an event mainly for homosexual sadomasochists, but it now attracts many straights, as evidenced by the thousands of women visible at this year’s event.
Gawkers and photo-takers were everywhere at Folsom, adding to the surrealness of the experience. Twice we witnessed people posing for photos with totally nude men, one who had been masturbating at a curb, as if the latter were celebrities. The fair/freak show was truly an exhibitionists’ dream, made possible by San Francisco’s moral and legal laxity.
So pervasive was the public (mostly male) nudity that it seemed the more “modest” homosexuals were the ones wearing only underwear or leather chaps exposing their behind.
Man gets flogged at the “Mr-S-Leather” booth in the center of Folsom Street Fair as crowd watches and a man snaps a photo. Note the recipient’s red back.
After a day of walking through this bizarre and hellish “fair” — with occasional “normalcy breaks” to restore our sanity — what struck us was a sense of “tolerance gone wild” in the City by the Bay. If you can tolerate men having sex in the streets, then you can tolerate just about anything. During one respite, when I (Peter) complained to a San Francisco resident about the public sex and nudity going on at Folsom just a block or two away, he grew cold and said, “To each his own.”
To each his own? “I don’t prefer to have sex in the streets, but if that’s your thing, go for it”? San Francisco is a lesson in the evils of liberal, open-ended “tolerance.” On the one hand, the city’s supervisors and left-wing activists harass and condemn Christian youth who seek to promote virtue and a godly lifestyle to San Francisco teenagers. Then the same city leaders welcome with open arms — and emasculated law enforcement — the most perverted public street festival imaginable, with a strong dose of anti-Christian bigotry to boot.
More important than what Folsom says about sadomasochists — after all, those were proud perverts out on Sunday — is what it says about (mostly straight) social liberals and libertarians. Quick to bash — that is, judge — the “religious right,” they are deathly afraid of criticizing or “judging” anything homosexuality-related, even heinous perversion festivals where human beings are walked around with collars like dogs! How troubled are you that Speaker Pelosi has carefully couched her words so as not to offend those who would reconfigure the Last Supper to include sex toys and deviant “fetishists”?
More photos and incredible scenes we witnessed below:
Naked “leathermen” fondle each other in a public sex scene as passers-by stop to watch and take pictures. This scene (see next photo) went on for at least a half hour, as new men would come and join in the mutual masturbation. The smell of marijuana was in the air. And, yes, that is a baby stroller at the left of the photo. It occurred on the street directly in front of Weiss Welding (“since 1930”) at 1237 Folsom Street. At one point the man at left yelled out, “I’m seeing too many cameras and not enough dicks!” “Tolerance” has run amuck in San Francisco. Of course, it’s one-way: the same “Sisters” (see below) who welcomed the sadomasochists into Folsom Sunday protested vehemently against the Christian teen outreach group BattleCry, which held an evangelistic rally in San Francisco last year.
Man performs oral sodomy on another man in the same orgiastic street scene at 1237 Folsom Street above. When there is no law, perversion and lawlessness fill the void. The same principle applies toward sin and godlessness in the spiritual and moral realms. How can such open (and illegal) debauchery be allowed to go on year after year by the city supervisors and the mayor? One policeman said the city takes a laissez-faire approach just for Folsom, once a year, but other long-time San Francisco citizens said that public indecency is tolerated on other “special” days, like Halloween.
Hard-core pornography was easy to find, and buy on sale, at Folsom.
Man leads bare-breasted female slave “partner” around by a dog collar. It appears that in recent years, heterosexual perverts have joined their “gay” brethren at the “fair” in increasing numbers. Talk about a setback for women’s rights … On the flip side, women were also seen leading around their male “slaves” at the twisted “fair” (see photo below).
“They invent ways of doing evil” (Romans 1:30); “pony play” perversion on walking display at Folsom. What kind of movement — and city — celebrates human degradation of this sort? (And where is PETA when you need them?)
Miller’s full-page ad in the Folsom Street Fair’s program states: “Miller Brewing Company Proudly Sponsors the 2007 Folsom Street Fair.” That was until they got caught and hit with a boycott by the Catholic League — and now the company is rethinking its marketing strategy. Miller’s booth, above, was centrally located at Folsom.
We’ll end this segment with one of the “Sisters” … of Perpetual Indulgence, that is, since they greeted Folsom’s comers and goers. (At least one “Sister” was at every entrance.) The rabidly anti-Catholic and Christianity-mocking group — they’d deny that but trust us on this one — was a major beneficiary of this year’s Folsom Fair. The “order” of male drag queen “nuns” has now spread across America and abroad. This burly “novice” is Sister Mary Margaret MayHam of the “Missionary Order of the Grand Canyon Sisters,” in Arizona. The Sisters’ motto is, appropriately, “Go forth and sin some more!”
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Bathhouses, BDSM, Celebrities, Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Miller Beer, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, September 27th, 2007
Miller Brewing Company has been catering to the perverted sadistic sex movement for years; here they’ve created a “leather” version of their “Miller Lite” logo for use at largely homosexual “S&M” events.
Americans For Truth alerted the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and its director, Bill Donohue, to the Folsom Street Fair’s annual funding of the anti-Christian and Catholic-mocking ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,’ and the now the Catholic League has launched a boycott of Folsom sponsor Miller Brewing Company.
The following statement was issued Wednesday by Donohue and the Catholic League emphasis added):
September 27, 2007
National Boycott of Miller Begins; over 200 Religious Groups Contacted
Catholic League president Bill Donohue announced a national boycott of Miller Beer on this morning’s “Fox and Friends.” He explains why today:
“Never have we experienced greater corporate arrogance than in this dispute with the Miller Brewing Company. Miller is sponsoring an incredibly outrageous and palpably anti-Christian event in San Francisco: the Folsom Street Fair (see its website at folsomstreetfair.com and be prepared to see the shocking photos of what goes on). Be sure to access our website at catholicleague.org to see the pictures not only of the fair, but of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an anti-Catholic group that is holding a mock Last Supper dinner tonight in San Francisco. The Sisters is one of the organizations that is receiving funding from this Miller-sponsored event.
“This all started when we learned that Miller was sponsoring an event that featured an obscene ad thrashing the Last Supper. After being pressured, Miller offered a lame statement of regret and said it was pulling its logo from the ad. Not only has it not done so—it is still posted on the website of the street fair—Miller refuses to withdraw its sponsorship. To top it off, when we informed them that some of the money being raised at this festival was being funneled to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, they were unimpressed.
“Accordingly, Miller leaves us with no options: we are calling on more than 200 Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu organizations to join with us in a nationwide boycott of Miller beer. We feel confident that once our religious allies kick in, and once the public sees the photos of an event Miller is proudly supporting, the Milwaukee brewery will come to its senses and pull its sponsorship altogether. If it doesn’t, the only winners will be Anheuser Busch and Coors.”
Contact: Miller spokesman Julian Green at green.julian@mbco.com
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), BDSM, Bullying & Victimhood, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, Miller Beer, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Public Indecency, San Francisco, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, September 27th, 2007
Americans For Truth alerted the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and its director, Bill Donohue, to the Folsom Street Fair’s annual funding of the anti-Christian and Catholic-mocking ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,’ and the now the Catholic League has launched a boycott of Folsom sponsor Miller Brewing Company.
The following statement was issued Wednesday by Donohue and the Catholic League emphasis added):
It Really Is “Miller Time”: Collision Course between Miller and Christians
September 26, 2007
Yesterday [Tuesday], we contacted the Miller Brewing Company protesting an obscene ad for an event it is sponsoring in San Francisco on September 30; the ad for the Folsom Street Fair depicts a sadomasochistic scene where sex toys are placed on the table of the Last Supper, flanked by half-naked homosexuals. Miller now says, “We understand some individuals may find the imagery offensive and we have asked the organizers to remove our logo from the poster effective immediately.”
Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded this way:
“Miller’s response (some might find mocking the Last Supper offensive?), while limp, would normally have been enough to get us off their back. But we have subsequently learned that some of the monies being raised at this event are being funneled to a notoriously anti-Catholic and misogynist group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (click here). After this development was brought to the attention of Miller, spokesman Julian Green responded that Miller was standing by the event. That’s fine with us. We just hope he knows that it really is ‘Miller Time.’
“Tomorrow night, the group that Miller is funding via the festival will hold ‘The Last Supper With the Sisters,’ an event that will ridicule this sacred moment in history. Indeed, on its website it describes this sick stunt as the best way ‘to prepare your mortal flesh for the kinkiest weekend on Earth.’ (Its emphasis.) On Friday, the Sisters will bring in porn stars to entertain the leather crowd. The big day is on Sunday, or what the Sisters call ‘the biggest and baddest fetish fair fundraiser in the world!’ Pictures from last year’s event (click here) show naked men and women, simulated sex, a huge phallic glass sculpture, etc.
“Apparently, Miller has decided to side with a small band of depraved and bigoted gays against Catholics (25 percent of the population) and Protestants (60 percent of the nation). This is an ethical and marketing fiasco of colossal proportions. I will announce within the next day exactly what our game plan will be. The collision course that Miller wants with Christians is now on.”
Posted in Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Mental Health, Miller Beer, News, San Francisco, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence |
Thursday, May 31st, 2007
Truth in labeling from one comic book vender at IML 2006.
Graphic photos below with offensive depictions of real-life homosexual depravities
By Peter LaBarbera
1) MOST IMPORTANT: Contact Hilton Hotels Corporation World Headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, and Hilton CEO Stephen Bollenback (stephen_bollenbach@hilton.com; 310-278-4321) and politely express your dismay that Hilton would allow its good name to be associated with the sadistic sexual perversion-fest known as “International Mr. Leather.” If you feel so led, tell them that you will certainly never stay at the Palmer House Hilton — who would knowing that disgusting homosexual orgies have gone on in their rooms? — and you also will not be staying at other Hilton hotels while this deviant association continues.
I also spoke with a nice Hilton HQ executive, Trina Owens (trina_owens@hilton.com; 901-374-5041), to whom you can also express your concerns over Hilton promoting perversion. Here’s the full contact information: Hilton World Headquarters, CEO: Stephen Bollenbach: Fax: 310-205-7655; phone 310-278-4321), Brand Performance & Franchise Development, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills , CA 90210; Development Hotline: 800-286-0645; or call 1-800-HILTONS.
Sign reads: “Due to the entire hotel being reserved for a private convention [International Mr. Leather], all hotel facilities are closed to the general public until Tuesday, May 29th. Thank you for your cooperation. The Palmer House Hilton.”
2) Write or call Palmer House Hilton General Manager Peter Lynn (peter_lynn@hilton.com); phone 312-726-7500 (ask for Peter Lynn’s office); ask him how they sterilize their rooms after the perverse IML orgies, and express your outrage that they would profit off this sadism spectacle through 2009. Fax: 312-917-1707; 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago , Illinois , United States 60603.
3) From now on, book your hotel through www.cleanhotels.com (hotels that are porn-free), so you can rest easy knowing that you are not rewarding the pornography industry through your stay.
The following are photos — there are others that we could not publish — from the “vendor fair” at International Mr. Leather 2006 and 2007, held on Memorial Day weekend (both years) at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The photos were taken by this writer, walking through the IML vendor fair, which was open to the public:

Man gets tied up in IML 2006.

This man at IML 2006 was bound and gagged and bounced around with bunny ears on from one Palmer House room to another, to satisfy some twisted fetish.

Diaper fetish. The “orientation” of this grown man in a diaper and sucking on a baby pacifier is “infantilism.” He was photographed in the lobby of the Palmer House Hilton at IML 2006.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Bathhouses, BDSM, Chicago, Gay Culture, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, Miller Beer, News, Physical Health, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Wednesday, March 14th, 2007
While you were eating lunch after Sunday worship, Folsom Street Fair (part of San Francisco’s sadistic “leather” subculture) was hosting a “Spanking Party” (at 1 pm on Mar 11, 2007) — just a regular event. The site is far too vulgar for us to link, as are all things Folsom. (Every year, Folsom sponsors two sadomasochism-celebrating “street fairs” in San Francisco — complete with open displays of whipping, bondage, etc. — which are blocked off by the city. Yes, truth is stranger than fiction.)
You may be interested to learn that this filthy organization receives corporate sponsorship from:
- Miller Genuine Draft
- Miller Lite
- Cuervo
Given the beer and liquor industry’s huge support of organized homosexuality, maybe this is a good time to become a tee-totaler, if you aren’t already…. — Peter LaBarbera
Posted in BDSM, Cuervo, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Miller Beer, News |
Friday, March 2nd, 2007
A followup to AFTAH’s exclusive special report on Out & Equal’s radical agenda…
From the Out & Equal website:
Out & Equal Workplace Advocates is proud to display our ever-increasing list of corporations who support LGBT workplace equality by encouraging and fostering their own employee resource groups (ERGs). With such valuable workplace groups in place, employees in one ERG can turn to leaders in other groups to share resources and establish good workplace practices for LGBT employees. LGBT employees trust their employers are keeping their interests in mind when making key business decisions that affect all employees…
True Out & Equal Workplace Leaders
The following companies have already joined the Out & Equal ERG Registry:
Aetna — Agilent Technologies — Air Products and Chemicals — Alcatel-Lucent — Alliant Energy
Ameriprise Financial — AMR/American Airlines — AOL — AstraZeneca — AT&T
Bain and Company — Bank of America — Barclays Capital — Best Buy — Boeing
Booz Allen Hamilton — BP — Bristol-Myers Squibb — Bryan Cave LLP — BT
Cargill — Caterpillar Inc. — CH2M Hill — Charles Schwab — Chase — Chevron — Chubb
Cingular Wireless — Cisco Systems — Citigroup — Clorox — Coca-Cola — Consolidated Edison
Convergys — Coors — Credit Suisse — CSAA — Cummins — CUNA Mutual Group
DaimlerChrysler — Deloitte — Deutsche Bank — Diamond — Disney — Dow — DuPont
Eastman Kodak Company — Equality Cincinnati — Ernst & Young, LLP
Faegre & Benson, LLP — Fairview Health Services — Finger Lakes LGBT Workplace Alliance
Ford — Freescale
Gap Inc. — GE — GM — Google
Hallmark — Harris — Hewitt — Honeywell — HP — HSBC
IBM — ING — Intel — ITT Space Systems Division
James Madison University — JCPenney — Johnson & Johnson — JPMorgan Chase
Kaiser Permanente — Kimberly-Clark — KPMG LLP — Kraft Foods
Lockheed Martin
McDermott Will & Emery LLP — McDonald’s — McGraw-Hill — Medtronic — Mellon Financial
Merck Merrill Lynch — Microsoft — Morgan Stanley — Motorola
National Nuclear Security Administration, DOE — Nationwide — NCR
New York Life Insurance Co. — Nike, Inc. — Novartis
Owens Corning
PepsiCo — Pershing — Pfizer — Portland General Electric — Pratt & Whitney
PricewaterhouseCoopers — Principal Financial Group — Procter & Gamble — PSEG
Raytheon Company — Reuters
Safeway Inc — Shaw’s Supermarkets — Shell — SODEXHO — Space Coast Advocates’ Network
Starbucks Coffee Company — State Farm Insurance — Sun Microsystems — SUPERVALU
Teamsters — Texas Instruments — Thomson West — Time Warner — Toyota — Tropicana
University of Michigan Health System — University of Rochester — University of Virginia
Verizon — Visa
Wachovia — Waggener Edstrom Worldwide — WalMart — Wells Fargo — Wyeth
Posted in Aetna, Agilent Technologies, Air Products & Chemicals, Alcatel-Lucent (EQUAL), Alliant Energy, American Airlines (GLEAM), Ameriprise, AOL, AstraZeneca, AT&T (League), Bain & Co (BGLAD), Bank of America, Barclays Capital, Best Buy, Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, BP America, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cargill, Caterpillar, CH2M Hill, Charles Schwab, Chevron, Chubb, Cingular, Cisco Systems, Citigroup, Clorox, Coca Cola, Consolidated Edison, Convergys, Coors, Credit Suisse, CSAA, Cummins, CUNA Mutual Group, Daimler Chrysler, Deloitte & Touche, Deutsche Bank, Diamond, Disney (LEAGUE), Dow Chemical, DuPont (LEAGUE), Eastman Kodak, Ernst & Young (bEYond), Faegre & Benson, Fairview Health Services, Ford (GLOBE), Freescale, Gap, General Electric, General Motors, Google, Hallmark, Harris Bank, Hewitt Associates, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, HSBC, IBM (EAGLE), ING, Intel (GLBTE), ITT Space Systems, JC Penney, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, Kaiser Permanente, Kimberly Clark, KPMG, Kraft, Lockheed Martin, McDonald's, McGraw-Hill, Medtronic, Mellon Financial, Merck, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft (GLEAM), Morgan Stanley, Motorola, National Nuclear Security Administration, Nationwide, NCR Corp (LEAGUE), New York Life, News, Nike, Novartis, Out & Equal, Owens Corning, Pepsi, Pershing, Pfizer, Portland General Electric, Pratt & Whitney, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Principal Financial Group, Procter & Gamble (GABLE), PSEG, Raytheon, Reuters, Safeway, Shaw's Supermarkets, Shell, SODEXHO, Starbucks, State Farm, Sun Microsystems, Supervalu, Teamsters, Texas Instruments, Thomson West, Time Warner, Toyota, Tropicana, Universities & Colleges, Verizon, Visa, Wachovia, Waggener Edstrom, Wal-Mart (PRIDE), Wells Fargo, Wyeth, Xerox |
Wednesday, February 28th, 2007
TAKE ACTION — Pass this article forward to the executives at your company and contact your elected officials in Washington, D.C. (Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121) to express opposition to the “ENDA Our Freedom” Bill. (ENDA is the pro-homosexual, pro-“transgender” Employment Non-Discrimination Act.) Also, call President Bush at 202-456-1111 or 456-1414 and ask him to veto any and all pro-homosexual bills that emerge from the Democrat-led Congress.
“I am happy to take the white man’s money and use it to subvert
[everything he stands for].”
— a homosexual activist expresses her willingness to exploit corporations at National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s “Creating Change” conference in Nov 2006
Amy Andre, program manager for Out & Equal, presented a workshop at the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s Creating Change conference, November 8-12, 2006, in Kansas City, Missouri, entitled 15 Steps to an Out & Equal Workplace. (AFTAH’s reporters went undercover at the conference because the Task Force ejects critical observers at its events.)
One key initiative revealed by Andre: the promotion of a “spousal equivalency policy” that would require employers to pay homosexuals a higher salary than married heterosexuals.
These are the steps that homosexual activists are recommending for American corporations (our comments are in bold and italics):
(1) Support and attend the annual Out & Equal “Workplace Summit”
(2) Start an “employee resource group” — This employee group will be used to pressure the company to complete the remaining steps.
(3) Offer domestic partner benefits — O&E supports domestic partner benefits for cohabitating heterosexuals as well as homosexual partners.
(4) Include “sexual orientation” in your company’s EEO policy — Such a policy would prevent the company from “discriminating against” homosexuals or bisexuals.
(5) Include “gender identity and expression” in your company’s EEO policy — This policy would prevent an employer from “discriminating against” a transvestite (cross-dresser) or transsexual (who might be considering a “sex change” operation or might be partially or completely “transitioned”), even if this situation creates a problem with clients. (For example, these policies have been used to ensure that a teacher who cross-dresses or proceeds with a “sex-change” operation cannot be fired. Instead, children are expected to understand and cope with this outrageous situation.)
(6) Include LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] workplace diversity training — “Knowing someone who is LGBT changes attitudes” so O&E recommends having the trainer or another employee “come out” during the session — a manipulative tactic.
(7) Support the LGBT community through corporate giving — Although homosexual activists generally express disdain for corporate America, executives are urged to contribute money to promote the normalization of homosexuality.
(8) Recruit and develop LGBT employees
(9) Market to the LGBT community
(10) Create LGBT-specific advertising
(11) Provide LGBT leadership development opportunities
(12) Develop spousal equivalent policies for LGBT employees — See below — this one is very important.
(13) Include LGBT-owned businesses in your supplier diversity program — O&E recommends the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s certification program. This policy results in business moving from family-oriented companies to pro-homosexual companies. (Case in point: Wal-Mart.)
(14) Promote an LGBT-friendly corporate culture
(15) Share best practices around LGBT workplace issues
Out & Equal convinces companies that homosexuals comprise both a vital source of talent and a uniquely attractive target market segment. Using data from Witeck-Combs, a pro-homosexual firm, O&E suggests that homosexuals comprise 6 to 7 percent of the population. (Their number far exceeds more scientific estimates that put the figure at 1-3 percent.)
Using their inflated numbers, O&E says the 14 to 16 million homosexuals will spend about $640 billion in 2006. They report that homosexuals are twice as likely to be professionals or managers, are early adopters of new technologies, are brand loyal, and have a higher discretionary income. That enticement, along with a little “social justice” guilt, deceives companies into implementing O&E recommended policies.
These policies, however, come with an enormous financial cost.
First, a corporation would incur additional expense to fund “domestic partner” benefits. Most corporations contribute a substantial portion toward the cost of an employee’s personal health care and some toward the cost of coverage for an employee plus spouse or employee plus spouse/children. O&E recommends that an employer make that same contribution for those who are not married — for instance, a live-in boyfriend/girlfriend or a homosexual partner.
Homosexual “Spousal Supremacy”?
Next, Out & Equal’s “spousal equivalency policy” would require the employer to compensate the homosexual employee for the absence of tax exemption on homosexual partner and children health insurance costs. An employee normally makes a contribution, deducted from his paycheck, toward the cost of his health care coverage. For a married man, that expense is paid with pre-tax or tax-exempt dollars. Because there is no federal recognition of “gay marriage,” although a homosexual may receive domestic partner benefits, his contribution is paid with taxable dollars.
In the example Ms. Andre used (and she did note that the figures would vary according to each unique circumstance), she estimated that the employer would need to pay a homosexual employee with a partner $3787.20/year extra to compensate for the different tax status; that figure would soar to $7006.32/year for a homosexual with a partner and children. The net effect of this concept would be to pay a homosexual with a “partner” thousands of dollars more than a married heterosexual.
And add to that the cost of employee time spent networking, calling or e-mailing, meeting to focus on their “victim” status, lobbying HR/management, etc.
Executives would do well to examine Eastman Kodak, Ford, and Wal-Mart as case studies and to note the negative effect of capitulating to GLBT demands — on corporate revenue, volume, and stock price.
Or they could simply heed the words of one (white, female) activist in a separate Task Force Creating Change session, who expressed disdain for American corporations and said:
“…I am happy to take the white man’s money
and use it to subvert [everything he stands for].”
Out & Equal’s 2007 Workplace Summit will be held September 27-29 at the Hilton in Washington, D.C. Human Resource executives would do well to take their calculators along.
Posted in Eastman Kodak, Ford (GLOBE), News, Out & Equal, Task Force, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
Wednesday, December 6th, 2006
Excerpted from Napa Winery to Donate Funds to Support Gay Marriage, by Chris Rauber, published Dec 5, 2006, by San Francisco Business Times:
O’Brien Cellars, a brand of O’Brien Family Vineyard, said Tuesday it’s started a “progressive” philanthropic program to donate 20 percent of revenues from its online Equality Wine Store to a civil rights group that supports an end to California’s ban on same-sex marriage.
The family-owned Napa vineyard and winery said it will automatically donate those funds to Equality California, a San Francisco-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization. Winery owners Bart and Barb O’Brien said their goal is to help wine lovers support equal opportunity…
“We hope to raise over $100,000 for EQCA in 2007.”
…Other business-related supporters of Equality California, listed on the advocacy group’s web site, include Contempo Homes, the Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Foundation, Proteus Fund Inc., Olivia Cruises and Resorts, Atlantis Events, Century Crowell Communities LLP, MTV Networks/Logo, Shadowrock Development Corp., AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Edison International, Foley & Lardner LLP, Gap Inc., Latham & Watkins and Wells Fargo.
Kors said the California State Automobile Association and Comcast have also signed up recently as sponsors of Equality California.
Continue reading in San Francisco Business Times…
Posted in AstraZeneca, Century Cromwell Communities, Comcast, Contempo Homes, Edison International, Equality California, Evelyn & Walter Haas Foundation, Foley & Lardner, Gap, Latham & Watkins, MTV, O'Brien Family Vineyard, Proteus Fund, Shadowrock Development, Wells Fargo |

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