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BBC Executives Admit Network Is Dominated by Homosexuals

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Excerpted from We Are Biased, Admit the Stars of BBC News, by Simon Walters, published Oct 21, 2006, in Daily Mail:

…A leaked account of an ‘impartiality summit’ called by BBC chairman Michael Grade, is certain to lead to a new row about the BBC and its reporting on key issues, especially concerning Muslims and the war on terror.

…At the secret meeting in London last month, which was hosted by veteran broadcaster Sue Lawley, BBC executives admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multiculturalism, is anti-American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the feelings of Muslims than Christians.

Continue reading in Daily Mail…

Oprah Celebrates Homosexuality, Again, as Audience Applauds

Friday, October 6th, 2006

By Sonja Dalton and Peter LaBarbera

The October 1, 2006, “Oprah” program was entitled “Wives Confess They Are Gay.” (Click on that link to read about or watch the show online.)

After years of suppressing her sexuality, Chris decided to come out to her husband, Joe…

“I said, ‘Joe, I think after lots of soul searching and lots of reading and lots of praying I do believe that I’m a lesbian,'” she says. “It was very painful to do.”

But Chris wasn’t alone…

Joe says he was supportive of Chris because he loved her…and because he was also gay! Four years after his divorce, Joe followed Chris’s footsteps…

Chris now has a lesbian partner, Libby, and Joe has a homosexual male partner, Paul, who was also formerly married and who has children. Oprah calls the foursome “One Big, Happy Family.” Her audience applauds, as though there is something to be happy about in this tangled mess.

According to Oprah, they “are now living [their] best life.” According to God, however, they are deluded, deceived – given over to sexual impurity and degrading of their bodies, given up to dishonorable passions, abandoned to a debased, depraved mind (see Romans 1 in the New Testament).

So much for the broken homes, broken hearts – and broken promises before God. Oprah, we ask: where is your compassion for the children whose families are shattered, and the husband who said he cried every day, with anguish over the destruction of his marriage and family that, he said, almost killed him?

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‘Gay Journalists’ Leader Attacks Pro-Family Book, ‘Marketing of Evil’

Friday, September 29th, 2006

Excerpted from ‘Gay Journalist’ Leader Attacks ‘Marketing of Evil’, published Sept 29, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:

The president of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association has come out swinging at “The Marketing of Evil” author David Kupelian, comparing those who oppose homosexuality on religious grounds with “white supremacists and other hate groups.”

In his latest “Message from the national president,” NLGJA’s national president Eric Hegedus discussed “homophobia” in news coverage – and in the process confirmed one of the many controversial assertions Kupelian made in “The Marketing of Evil.”

“In Chapter 1 of my book,” Kupelian said, “I reported how professional broadcast news journalists at a NLGJA event advocated that, when reporting on homosexual issues, journalists shouldn’t even bother to interview people holding to the traditional Judeo-Christian viewpoint. That is, rather than dignify the biblical viewpoint as worthy of inclusion by the press, it should be treated the same way the media treat the Ku Klux Klan.”

marketing-of-evil.jpg “Some people thought I was exaggerating,” said Kupelian. “Well, now the president of the organization is coming out and making it official: According to ‘gay’ members of the establishment press, when reporting on homosexuality journalists should just stop interviewing people like James Dobson or D. James Kennedy or any other traditionalist espousing a biblical perspective.”

Here’s what Hegedus wrote to NLGJA’s membership:

Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…

And in April, Kupelian’s book was at the center of a national controversy when a Christian librarian at Ohio State University was formally investigated for “sexual harassment” just because he recommended the freshmen class be required to read “The Marketing of Evil.” The charges, instigated by two openly homosexual English professors, were dropped under threat of a lawsuit from the Alliance Defense Fund.

This Sunday, Kupelian will talk about “the marketing of homosexuality” on D. James Kennedy’s nationally broadcast television show, “The Coral Ridge Hour.” Kennedy, the world’s most-listened-to Presbyterian minister, is featuring Kupelian and “The Marketing of Evil” throughout September on the Sunday morning show. This week’s will be the last of four shows promoting the controversial best seller.

Oprah Exposes NAMBLA: Homosexual Pedophiles Online

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

One of the questions I have regarding any linkage between homosexuality and pedophilia is why such a disproportionate number of child molestation victims are boys—if (openly) homosexual men comprise such a small percentage of society? We doubt that Oprah Winfrey, who is very pro-“gay,” will pursue the answer to that question, but at least she is exposing the notorious group NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association), which once marched in homosexual “pride” parades in the early days of American “gay liberation.”

The following was excerpted from On the Web, Pedophiles Extend Their Reach, by Kirk Eichenwald, published Aug 21, 2006, by the New York Times. Mr. Eisenwald was a guest on today’s “Oprah” program, a detailed description of which may be found on her website. I hope you agree with me that the most outrageous element of this story is the pathetically paltry jail sentences these child molestors are receiving. (Personally, I’m open to the idea of castration as a penalty.) Hopefully, with the lobbying efforts of Oprah and thousands of others across the country, that will change. –Peter LaBarbera, AFT

In a chilling article, New York Times reporter Kirk Eichenwald explores the online world of pedophiles:

…Today, pedophiles go online to seek tips for getting near children — at camps, through foster care, at community gatherings and at countless other events. They swap stories about day-to-day encounters with minors. And they make use of technology to help take their arguments to others, like sharing online a printable booklet [“Straight Talk for Boys”] to be distributed to children that extols the benefits of sex with adults.

The community’s online infrastructure is surprisingly elaborate. There are Internet radio stations run by and for pedophiles; a putative charity that raised money to send Eastern European children to a camp where they were apparently visited by pedophiles; and an online jewelry company that markets pendants proclaiming the wearer as being sexually attracted to children, allowing anyone in the know to recognize them.

In this online community, pedophiles view themselves as the vanguard of a nascent movement seeking legalization of child pornography and the loosening of age-of-consent laws. They portray themselves as battling for children’s rights to engage in sex with adults, a fight they liken to the civil rights movement.

Mr Eichenwald reports that chat room visitors might discuss:

  • Sexual attraction and sexual relationships with their own children or their friends,
  • What a man might do to “prepare” an 8 year old girl for full intercourse,
  • Sharing fantasies about intercourse with infants,
  • The need to disguise pedophilia in order to qualify as a foster parent.

Oprah’s program featured a shocked former wife of NAMBLA member and convicted pedophile, “the smiling dentist” Todd Calvin; FBI Agent Robert Hamer, who infiltrated NAMBLA, resulting in eight convictions (including Todd Calvin); and Chris Hansen of Dateline, who works with a group called Perverted Justice to televise pedophile stings on NBC’s “To Catch a Predator” specials. Oprah’s website shows two pendants or charms – jewelry that designates a pedophile.

We encourage you to read about this program online or watch it online!

The Gospel According to McGreevey–Wrong

Monday, September 25th, 2006

Mr. McCullough suggests below that our country has a “new superhero” class of extra-marital fornicators: “Who are they? Men who engage in same-gender sexual activities!” Episcopal bishop (Vickie) Eugene Robinson for example, and, of course, the lastest: Former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey.

Mr. McCullough noticed, as did many puzzled Christians, how many times Jim McGreevey invoked the name of God, stating repeatedly that his open embrace of homosexuality is part of his “path back to godliness.” There could be no greater lie.

  • Jesus Himself said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15)…the same Jesus that affirmed God’s design for marriage (one man, one woman, for life) and condemned both divorce and adultery (Matthew 5 & 19).
  • The apostle John wrote, “If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the Truth…No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or known Him…He who does what is sinful is of the devil…No one who is born of God will continue to sin…”

If Jim McGreevey knew anything about godliness, he would be sorrowful for what he has done, and is still doing, to his wife and children — and even more grieved by what he has done against a Holy God. Instead, he exposes his innocent little daughter to his homosexual lover and introduces his lover to the world as though such a travesty is laudable.

Jude, the brother of Christ, warned that there already were and would continue to be “godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality” and who “follow their own ungodly desires…who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.” He urged believers to beware, to “contend for the faith,” to “snatch others from the fire and save them,” to “show mercy, mixed with fear – hating even the clothing stained with corrupted flesh.”

Therefore, we must speak in opposition to this latest blasphemy: divorce and adultery and homosexual practice are not godliness. We must pray earnestly for Jim McGreevey and others who are living in open defiance of God’s will, calling evil “good.” And we must reach out with genuine love and compassion to those who are confused by homosexual attractions–those whose consciences are yet tender and responsive to Christ’s healing.–Sonja Dalton

The following is excerpted from Why Liberals Love Adultery, by Kevin McCullough, published Sept 24, 2006, by Townhall:

…there’s a new kid on the scene. Having done all he could to ruin the state of New Jersey – a state he took a solemn oath to protect and serve – the new adulterer that liberals all love is Jim McGreevey. Just in the last week alone he’s held hands with Oprah, and shared New Jersey rest area secrets with Matt Lauer.

He’s also invoked God’s name about three hundred times.

And now he says, “it’s all about telling the truth.”

But I’d like to know, “since when?”

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138 Fully Pro-Homosexual Corporations

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

From America’s pro-homosexual giants: 2006, published Sept 20, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
Below is the list of companies scoring a perfect 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2006 Corporate Equality Index, with policies beneficial toward homosexuals:

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Former NJ Governor Committed Homosexual Adultery While Wife Was in Hospital Bearing His Child

Friday, September 15th, 2006

As my good friend Bob Knight of CWA’s Culture and Family Institute noted, the sad story of homosexual adulterer and former New Jersey governor James McGreevey appears to be one of “selfishness on steroids.” It will be fascinating to watch liberals and homosexual activists try to make a hero of this very troubled (and still confused) man. – Peter LaBarbera

Excerpted from McGreevey Gay Details Leaked, published Sept 13, 2006, by Associated Press:

Former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey revealed during an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey that he first bedded the man who would become a central figure in his downfall while his own wife was hospitalized for the birth of their child

McGreevey said the encounter was one of countless lies and betrayals he felt compelled to perpetuate…

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Stoning Homosexuals: Which Is The Real Voice of Hatred?

Friday, September 15th, 2006

By Peter LaBarbera

Christians are called “haters,” “bigots,” “homophobes,” and worse simply for proclaiming God’s Word to homosexuals (for the best defense of Christian orthodoxy on homosexuality, see Rob Gagnon’s brilliant website). As believers, our most fervent hope and prayer is that those tempted to embrace homosexual attractions would recognize that they are not inherently “gay” and find spiritual healing and salvation through the resurrected Christ — an intent which, while offensive to those not inclined to hear, cannot fairly be described as “hatred.”

Many men and women who once considered themselves “gay” or “lesbian” have embraced the path of change and overcome the pull of homosexuality in their lives. See Stephen Bennett’s heartwarming story HERE and Linda Jernigan’s wonderful testimony HERE. Some people have changed through secular therapy (see NARTH’s website), but it seems the more typical story in the United States is people overcoming homosexuality with the help of God through Jesus Christ.

Perhaps the citation below of a radical Islamic book’s prescription for treating homosexuals (dropping them from a building and then stoning them) will shed light on the superiority of Biblical “tough love” (oppose sinful behavior while extending forgiveness through Christ). We at Americans For Truth condemn in no uncertain terms all violence and hatred directed at homosexuals. The same God who rescues people from bondage to any number of sinful inclinations can rescue those who are caught up in homosexuality–and has countless times, despite the vain efforts of fanatical “gay” activists like Wayne Besen who strive to show that “sexual orientation” (an unbiblical construct) is unchangeable.

While contemplating what this Islamic book recommends, consider also the contemptuous and ridiculous statement of Rosie O’Donnell, who said on ABC’s The View on the anniversary of 9/11:

“Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam…”


The following is excerpted from Official OK with Islamic law in Netherlands, published Sept 13, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:

…As WND reported in 2004, [Netherlands’ Justice Minister Piet Hein] Donner hasn’t always been open to every aspect of Muslim culture.

He joined with [Dutch Integration Minister Rita] Verdonk in banning a Muslim book [”The Way of the Muslim”] distributed by the Dutch Lel Tawheed mosque condoning the stoning of homosexuals, female circumcision and the beating of wives.

“Gay people should be thrown head first off high buildings and if not killed on hitting the ground, they should be then stoned to death,” says a book titled “The Way of the Muslim.”

Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…

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