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Ford (GLOBE)
Thursday, July 10th, 2008

Coca-Cola and Best Buy have been on HRC’s 100-percent Pro-Homosexual Corporations list for two and four years, respectively. Coke’s competitor PepsiCo has been on the HRC list for four years. McDonald’s scores an 85% on the “gay” group’s survey. Click HERE to learn about the HRC’s criteria for ranking companies.
In 2008, the following 195 ‘Fortune 1,000’ corporations received a perfect 100-percent score from the pro-homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign (HRC), in its “2008 Corporate Equality Index.” Click on AFTAH”s story on McDonald’s 85-percent score — to learn about the pro-“gay” criteria for HRC’s “Corporate Equality Index.” The number next to each corporation’s name and headquarters city indicates how many years that company has received a 100% HRC ranking. (First-year 100% corporations are in bold.) Source: HRC’s 2008 Corporate Equality Index.
AAA Northern California, Nevada and Utah San Francisco, CA 3
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. New Albany, OH 2
Accenture Ltd. New York, NY 1
Adobe Systems Inc. San Jose, CA 2
Aetna Inc. Hartford, CT 6
Agilent Technologies Inc. Santa Clara , CA 4
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP Washington, DC 1
Alcatel-Lucent Murray Hill, NJ
Allianz Life Insurance Co. of North America Minneapolis, MN 2
Allstate Corp., The Northbrook, IL 1
Alston & Bird LLP Atlanta, GA 3
American Express Co. New York, NY 4
Ameriprise Financial Inc. Minneapolis, MN 2
AMR Corp. (American Airlines) Fort Worth, TX 6
Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. St. Louis, MO 2
Aon Corp. Chicago, IL 1
Apple Inc. Cupertino, CA 6
Arnold & Porter LLP Washington, DC 2
AT&T Inc. San Antonio, TX 3
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Accenture, American Airlines (GLEAM), American Express, Ameriprise, Apple Computer, AT&T (League), Bain & Co (BGLAD), Bank of America, Best Buy, Boeing, BP America, Capital One Financial, Cargill, Charles Schwab, Chevron, Chubb, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Coors, Corporate Promotion, Corporations, Credit Suisse, Cummins, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Dow Chemical, Eastman Kodak, Ernst & Young (bEYond), Faegre & Benson, Fannie Mae, Foley & Lardner, Ford (GLOBE), General Mills, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hewitt Associates, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, HRC Corporate Equality Index, HSBC, IBM (EAGLE), Intel (GLBTE), JP Morgan Chase, KPMG, Latham & Watkins, Lehman Brothers, Mellon Financial, Merck, Merrill Lynch, MetLife, Mitchell Gold, Morgan Stanley, Motorola, Nationwide, NCR Corp (LEAGUE), News, Nordstrom, Pepsi, Pfizer, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Principal Financial Group, Prudential Financial, Raytheon, Sears, Sprint Nextel, Starbucks, SunTrust Banks, Toyota, US Airways, Volkswagen, Wells Fargo |
Wednesday, March 12th, 2008
The following was published by American Family Association founder and chairman Donald Wildmon. Congratulations to AFA for holding Ford accountable through determined grassroots action. Ford executives’ willingness to alienate millions upon millions of pro-family consumers to pander to a tiny, vocal homosexual minority was a marketing mishap from the beginning:
Don Wildmon writes:
I have some good news for you! AFA is suspending its two year boycott of Ford Motor Company. The conditions of the original agreement presented in fall 2005 have been met. We reached the conclusion that Ford had met the conditions of the agreement based on monitoring for several months. Individuals are free to purchase Ford vehicles again.
Your support of the boycott played a key role in convincing Ford to cease its significant support of the homosexual agenda. During the 24 months the boycott was in effect, Ford sales dropped an average of 8% per month. The boycott was not entirely responsible for the drop in sales, but it played a very significant role.
A total of 780,365 individuals signed AFA’s Boycott Ford petition.
The original agreement contained four items:
- Ford would not renew current promotions or create future incentives that give cash donations to homosexual organizations based on the purchase of a vehicle.
- Ford would not make corporate donations to homosexual organizations that, as part of their activities, engage in political or social campaigns to promote civil unions or same-sex “marriage.”
- Ford would stop giving cash and vehicle donations or endorsements to homosexual social activities such as Gay Pride parades.
- Ford would cease all advertising on homosexual Web sites and through homosexual media outlets (magazines, television, radio) in the U.S. with the exception of $100,000 to be used by Volvo. The Volvo ads would be the same ads used in the general media and not aimed at the homosexual community specifically.
A few minor issues remain, and we will continue to bring these to the attention of Ford. But basically Ford has met the terms of the agreement. We are therefore suspending the boycott.
Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution? Click here to make a donation [to AFA].
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman American Family Association
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Corporate Promotion, Ford (GLOBE), News |
Wednesday, July 11th, 2007
By AFTAH Staff
Amy Andre has a perverted life mission — and her employer
“Out & Equal” recently got a $10,000 boost from Ford
Recall Americans For Truth’s exclusive special report, Out & Costly, on the presentation at last year’s National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s “Creating Change” conference by Amy Andre, Manager of Training and Professional Development for Out & Equal, a group that promotes the acceptance of homosexuality in the corporate world.
American Family Association has alerted concerned citizens across the nation to Ford Motor Company’s sponsorship of Out & Equal — and other homosexual activist activities. Ford recently gave $10,000 to become a sponsor of the 2007 Out and Equal Workplace Summit to be held in Washington, DC, Sept. 27-29, according to AFA.
You might be interested in understanding the philosophy and politics of this woman who is pressing for radical change in employer-paid benefits — especially if you happen to be a corporate executive or a human resources director dealing with the Out & Equal agenda in your company. Consider whether your employees and customers share Amy Andre’s perspective…
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in E - Praying for the Lost, Ford (GLOBE), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Out & Equal, Sex-Ed Curriculum, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Sunday, March 4th, 2007
From American Family Association’s Jan 23, 2007, Action Alert:
“…Ford helped sponsor one of the most explicit, sickening homosexual scenes ever shown on television.”
Ford was among the advertisers for “Dirt” on the FX channel. AFA has posted a description of the highly offensive scene, which readers may prefer NOT to read…with that warning, if you wish to be further informed, you may click HERE.
Posted in Ford (GLOBE), Television |
Friday, March 2nd, 2007
A followup to AFTAH’s exclusive special report on Out & Equal’s radical agenda…
From the Out & Equal website:
Out & Equal Workplace Advocates is proud to display our ever-increasing list of corporations who support LGBT workplace equality by encouraging and fostering their own employee resource groups (ERGs). With such valuable workplace groups in place, employees in one ERG can turn to leaders in other groups to share resources and establish good workplace practices for LGBT employees. LGBT employees trust their employers are keeping their interests in mind when making key business decisions that affect all employees…
True Out & Equal Workplace Leaders
The following companies have already joined the Out & Equal ERG Registry:
Aetna — Agilent Technologies — Air Products and Chemicals — Alcatel-Lucent — Alliant Energy
Ameriprise Financial — AMR/American Airlines — AOL — AstraZeneca — AT&T
Bain and Company — Bank of America — Barclays Capital — Best Buy — Boeing
Booz Allen Hamilton — BP — Bristol-Myers Squibb — Bryan Cave LLP — BT
Cargill — Caterpillar Inc. — CH2M Hill — Charles Schwab — Chase — Chevron — Chubb
Cingular Wireless — Cisco Systems — Citigroup — Clorox — Coca-Cola — Consolidated Edison
Convergys — Coors — Credit Suisse — CSAA — Cummins — CUNA Mutual Group
DaimlerChrysler — Deloitte — Deutsche Bank — Diamond — Disney — Dow — DuPont
Eastman Kodak Company — Equality Cincinnati — Ernst & Young, LLP
Faegre & Benson, LLP — Fairview Health Services — Finger Lakes LGBT Workplace Alliance
Ford — Freescale
Gap Inc. — GE — GM — Google
Hallmark — Harris — Hewitt — Honeywell — HP — HSBC
IBM — ING — Intel — ITT Space Systems Division
James Madison University — JCPenney — Johnson & Johnson — JPMorgan Chase
Kaiser Permanente — Kimberly-Clark — KPMG LLP — Kraft Foods
Lockheed Martin
McDermott Will & Emery LLP — McDonald’s — McGraw-Hill — Medtronic — Mellon Financial
Merck Merrill Lynch — Microsoft — Morgan Stanley — Motorola
National Nuclear Security Administration, DOE — Nationwide — NCR
New York Life Insurance Co. — Nike, Inc. — Novartis
Owens Corning
PepsiCo — Pershing — Pfizer — Portland General Electric — Pratt & Whitney
PricewaterhouseCoopers — Principal Financial Group — Procter & Gamble — PSEG
Raytheon Company — Reuters
Safeway Inc — Shaw’s Supermarkets — Shell — SODEXHO — Space Coast Advocates’ Network
Starbucks Coffee Company — State Farm Insurance — Sun Microsystems — SUPERVALU
Teamsters — Texas Instruments — Thomson West — Time Warner — Toyota — Tropicana
University of Michigan Health System — University of Rochester — University of Virginia
Verizon — Visa
Wachovia — Waggener Edstrom Worldwide — WalMart — Wells Fargo — Wyeth
Posted in Aetna, Agilent Technologies, Air Products & Chemicals, Alcatel-Lucent (EQUAL), Alliant Energy, American Airlines (GLEAM), Ameriprise, AOL, AstraZeneca, AT&T (League), Bain & Co (BGLAD), Bank of America, Barclays Capital, Best Buy, Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, BP America, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cargill, Caterpillar, CH2M Hill, Charles Schwab, Chevron, Chubb, Cingular, Cisco Systems, Citigroup, Clorox, Coca Cola, Consolidated Edison, Convergys, Coors, Credit Suisse, CSAA, Cummins, CUNA Mutual Group, Daimler Chrysler, Deloitte & Touche, Deutsche Bank, Diamond, Disney (LEAGUE), Dow Chemical, DuPont (LEAGUE), Eastman Kodak, Ernst & Young (bEYond), Faegre & Benson, Fairview Health Services, Ford (GLOBE), Freescale, Gap, General Electric, General Motors, Google, Hallmark, Harris Bank, Hewitt Associates, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, HSBC, IBM (EAGLE), ING, Intel (GLBTE), ITT Space Systems, JC Penney, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, Kaiser Permanente, Kimberly Clark, KPMG, Kraft, Lockheed Martin, McDonald's, McGraw-Hill, Medtronic, Mellon Financial, Merck, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft (GLEAM), Morgan Stanley, Motorola, National Nuclear Security Administration, Nationwide, NCR Corp (LEAGUE), New York Life, News, Nike, Novartis, Out & Equal, Owens Corning, Pepsi, Pershing, Pfizer, Portland General Electric, Pratt & Whitney, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Principal Financial Group, Procter & Gamble (GABLE), PSEG, Raytheon, Reuters, Safeway, Shaw's Supermarkets, Shell, SODEXHO, Starbucks, State Farm, Sun Microsystems, Supervalu, Teamsters, Texas Instruments, Thomson West, Time Warner, Toyota, Tropicana, Universities & Colleges, Verizon, Visa, Wachovia, Waggener Edstrom, Wal-Mart (PRIDE), Wells Fargo, Wyeth, Xerox |
Wednesday, February 28th, 2007
TAKE ACTION — Pass this article forward to the executives at your company and contact your elected officials in Washington, D.C. (Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121) to express opposition to the “ENDA Our Freedom” Bill. (ENDA is the pro-homosexual, pro-“transgender” Employment Non-Discrimination Act.) Also, call President Bush at 202-456-1111 or 456-1414 and ask him to veto any and all pro-homosexual bills that emerge from the Democrat-led Congress.
“I am happy to take the white man’s money and use it to subvert
[everything he stands for].”
— a homosexual activist expresses her willingness to exploit corporations at National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s “Creating Change” conference in Nov 2006
Amy Andre, program manager for Out & Equal, presented a workshop at the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s Creating Change conference, November 8-12, 2006, in Kansas City, Missouri, entitled 15 Steps to an Out & Equal Workplace. (AFTAH’s reporters went undercover at the conference because the Task Force ejects critical observers at its events.)
One key initiative revealed by Andre: the promotion of a “spousal equivalency policy” that would require employers to pay homosexuals a higher salary than married heterosexuals.
These are the steps that homosexual activists are recommending for American corporations (our comments are in bold and italics):
(1) Support and attend the annual Out & Equal “Workplace Summit”
(2) Start an “employee resource group” — This employee group will be used to pressure the company to complete the remaining steps.
(3) Offer domestic partner benefits — O&E supports domestic partner benefits for cohabitating heterosexuals as well as homosexual partners.
(4) Include “sexual orientation” in your company’s EEO policy — Such a policy would prevent the company from “discriminating against” homosexuals or bisexuals.
(5) Include “gender identity and expression” in your company’s EEO policy — This policy would prevent an employer from “discriminating against” a transvestite (cross-dresser) or transsexual (who might be considering a “sex change” operation or might be partially or completely “transitioned”), even if this situation creates a problem with clients. (For example, these policies have been used to ensure that a teacher who cross-dresses or proceeds with a “sex-change” operation cannot be fired. Instead, children are expected to understand and cope with this outrageous situation.)
(6) Include LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] workplace diversity training — “Knowing someone who is LGBT changes attitudes” so O&E recommends having the trainer or another employee “come out” during the session — a manipulative tactic.
(7) Support the LGBT community through corporate giving — Although homosexual activists generally express disdain for corporate America, executives are urged to contribute money to promote the normalization of homosexuality.
(8) Recruit and develop LGBT employees
(9) Market to the LGBT community
(10) Create LGBT-specific advertising
(11) Provide LGBT leadership development opportunities
(12) Develop spousal equivalent policies for LGBT employees — See below — this one is very important.
(13) Include LGBT-owned businesses in your supplier diversity program — O&E recommends the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s certification program. This policy results in business moving from family-oriented companies to pro-homosexual companies. (Case in point: Wal-Mart.)
(14) Promote an LGBT-friendly corporate culture
(15) Share best practices around LGBT workplace issues
Out & Equal convinces companies that homosexuals comprise both a vital source of talent and a uniquely attractive target market segment. Using data from Witeck-Combs, a pro-homosexual firm, O&E suggests that homosexuals comprise 6 to 7 percent of the population. (Their number far exceeds more scientific estimates that put the figure at 1-3 percent.)
Using their inflated numbers, O&E says the 14 to 16 million homosexuals will spend about $640 billion in 2006. They report that homosexuals are twice as likely to be professionals or managers, are early adopters of new technologies, are brand loyal, and have a higher discretionary income. That enticement, along with a little “social justice” guilt, deceives companies into implementing O&E recommended policies.
These policies, however, come with an enormous financial cost.
First, a corporation would incur additional expense to fund “domestic partner” benefits. Most corporations contribute a substantial portion toward the cost of an employee’s personal health care and some toward the cost of coverage for an employee plus spouse or employee plus spouse/children. O&E recommends that an employer make that same contribution for those who are not married — for instance, a live-in boyfriend/girlfriend or a homosexual partner.
Homosexual “Spousal Supremacy”?
Next, Out & Equal’s “spousal equivalency policy” would require the employer to compensate the homosexual employee for the absence of tax exemption on homosexual partner and children health insurance costs. An employee normally makes a contribution, deducted from his paycheck, toward the cost of his health care coverage. For a married man, that expense is paid with pre-tax or tax-exempt dollars. Because there is no federal recognition of “gay marriage,” although a homosexual may receive domestic partner benefits, his contribution is paid with taxable dollars.
In the example Ms. Andre used (and she did note that the figures would vary according to each unique circumstance), she estimated that the employer would need to pay a homosexual employee with a partner $3787.20/year extra to compensate for the different tax status; that figure would soar to $7006.32/year for a homosexual with a partner and children. The net effect of this concept would be to pay a homosexual with a “partner” thousands of dollars more than a married heterosexual.
And add to that the cost of employee time spent networking, calling or e-mailing, meeting to focus on their “victim” status, lobbying HR/management, etc.
Executives would do well to examine Eastman Kodak, Ford, and Wal-Mart as case studies and to note the negative effect of capitulating to GLBT demands — on corporate revenue, volume, and stock price.
Or they could simply heed the words of one (white, female) activist in a separate Task Force Creating Change session, who expressed disdain for American corporations and said:
“…I am happy to take the white man’s money
and use it to subvert [everything he stands for].”
Out & Equal’s 2007 Workplace Summit will be held September 27-29 at the Hilton in Washington, D.C. Human Resource executives would do well to take their calculators along.
Posted in Eastman Kodak, Ford (GLOBE), News, Out & Equal, Task Force, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
Thursday, September 21st, 2006
From America’s pro-homosexual giants: 2006, published Sept 20, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
Below is the list of companies scoring a perfect 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2006 Corporate Equality Index, with policies beneficial toward homosexuals:
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Aetna, Alcatel-Lucent (EQUAL), American Airlines (GLEAM), American Express, Anheuser-Busch, Apple Computer, AT&T (League), Bank of America, Bausch & Lomb, Bell South, Best Buy, Boeing, BP America, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Capital One Financial, Cargill, Charles Schwab, Chevron, CIGNA, Cisco Systems, Citigroup, Clorox, CNA, Coca Cola, Consolidated Edison, Coors, Corning, Corporate Promotion, Corporations, Credit Suisse, Cummins, Daimler Chrysler, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Deutsche Bank, Dow Chemical, DuPont (LEAGUE), Eastman Kodak, Eli Lilly, Ernst & Young (bEYond), Estee Lauder, Fannie Mae, Ford (GLOBE), Gap, General Mills, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hewitt Associates, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, HRC Corporate Equality Index, Hyatt, IBM (EAGLE), ING, Intel (GLBTE), Jenner & Block, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, Kaiser Permanente, KPMG, Kraft, Lehman Brothers, Levi Strauss, Lexmark International, Liz Claiborne, Mellon Financial, Merck, Merrill Lynch, MetLife, Microsoft (GLEAM), Mitchell Gold, Morgan Stanley, Motorola, Nationwide, New York Times, News, Nike, Nordstrom, Owens Corning, Pepsi, Pfizer, PG&E, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Prudential Financial, Raytheon, Replacements, SC Johnson, Schering-Plough, Sears, Sempra Energy, Sprint Nextel, Starwood Hotels, Sun Microsystems, SunTrust Banks, US Airways, Viacom, Visa, Volkswagen, Wachovia, Walgreens, Wells Fargo, Whirlpool, Xerox |
Thursday, September 21st, 2006
Excerpted from List of GayFriendly Companies Continues to Grow, published Sept 21, 2006, by Agape Press:
The 2006 Corporate Equality Index’s 138-member list includes perennial representatives like IBM, Levi-Strauss, Nike, and even Ford Motor Company. It measures benefits and protections to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender” employees and customers, including promises against discrimination. The jump from a list of 101 last year to 138 this year is being called a reflection of several culture trends. (See related article on WorldNetDaily)
Peter LaBarbera is president of Americans for Truth, a group that monitors the homosexual agenda throughout American culture. He contends that the campaigns to portray homosexuals and transgenders as a minority — and to represent them as large contributors to corporate America’s bottom line — has been successful…
Continue reading at Agape Press…
Posted in AFT In the News, Ford (GLOBE), HRC, IBM (EAGLE), Levi Strauss, Nike |

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