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Corporate Promotion
Friday, May 24th, 2013
Wholesome alternatives to homosexuality-affirming Scouts already in the works

- By succumbing to homosexual activist pressure, the Boy Scouts of America has ensured that a mass exodus of boys will flow from its membership ranks. Already, pro-family conservatives have scheduled a planning meeting to form a wholesome alternative to the Scouts.
By Peter LaBarbera
May 23, 2013 was a sad day for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), and another tragic day for an America in decline. The Scouts’ corporate-driven leaders in their folly put sexual morality up for a vote, and when it was all over, the Scouts as we once knew them – a God-fearing, wholesome organization – were finished. Now, truly “morally straight” organizations (to quote the Scout Oath) will rise up to compete with the corrupted BSA, and parents by the hundreds of thousands will migrate with their sons to these trustworthy alternatives.
This was a completely unnecessary capitulation. The equivocating Scouts somehow managed to snatch defeat from their hard-won victory in the Supreme Court in 2000 – which preserved the Scouts’ right to live by their own moral creed. Now they have eviscerated that creed, thus rewarding the very Homosexual Lobby that tormented the BSA since its high court triumph.
Pursuing godliness and virtue is not a democratic exercise but a walk of obedience. Truth is transcendent; it is not decided by polls or votes. (Two men or two women will never truly be “married.”) We all fall short and hence need a Savior, but absolute Truth never changes. God – not man — sets the Standard for proper living. Allowing boys who identify with and, presumably, engage in homosexual behavior is the opposite of virtue — and certainly wasn’t a Scouting value in my father’s and grandfather’s America.
Let’s cut through all the pro-“gay” noise that infests most discussions of this issue. Practicing homosexuality is a destructive lifestyle choice and a sin. It is immoral, against Nature, and changeable – as evidenced by the countless men (like Michael Glatze) and women (like Charlene Cothran) who once proudly considered themselves “gay” but now live in accordance with God’s natural design for their bodies.
Homosexuality is not the basis for healthy self-identity. “Sexual orientation” is an artificial construct because homosexuality is not “who you are,” it’s what you do. And when people make sinful choices bad things happen. (I should add that most homosexuals come from troubled backgrounds, including: dysfunctional parent-child relationships; lack of a father; divorced households; early sexualization; and sexual predator abuse. But these “causes” – while meriting our pity and understanding — do not condone the behavioral choice of embracing a homosexual lifestyle.)
Homosexuality is about as natural, normal and healthy as a tongue piercing. Actually, it’s much riskier: in fact, if this were any other behavior, there would be a full-scale government/corporate mobilization against it (like smoking). Consider these alarming statistics on male homosexuality and HIV from a December 2012 report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
“CDC estimates that MSM represent approximately 4 percent of the male population in the United States but male-to-male sex accounted for more than three-quarters (78 percent) of new HIV infections among men and nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of all new infections in 2010 (29,800).”
No honorable organization would confirm boys and young men in an immoral sexual “identity” associated with such disproportionate, massive health risks. Shame on the Boy Scouts, and on their sponsors – most notably, the Mormon and Catholic Churches — for failing to use their considerable leverage with the BSA to stop this “gay” surrender.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Boy Scouts of America, Causes of homosexuality, Corporate Promotion, News |
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013
 Conservative and Christian companies like Chick-fil-A could win the support and loyalty of countless millions of American consumers by offering to the Boy Scouts of America to make up for any lost donations from pro-homosexual corporations like UPS. Last year, UPS cut its gifts to the Scouts, ironically in the name of pro-homosexual “nondiscrimination.”
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
Press Release
Contact: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
May 21, 2013
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), issued the following statement regarding the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) vote this week on allowing openly homosexual members:
“Americans For Truth calls on Christian and conservative philanthropists and patriotic corporations to step up to the plate and publicly pledge to the Boy Scouts to make up financially for any losses in donations the BSA would face by maintaining its existing ‘Morally Straight’ policy.
“Homosexual activists pressured major corporations like UPS to stop giving to the Scouts – ironically, in the name of ‘nondiscrimination.’ This caused BSA leaders to panic and start abandoning their common-sense policy prohibiting openly homosexual Scouts.
“It’s time to end the financial tyranny of morally-compromised corporate liberals. We call on conservatives who have been blessed financially by God to put their money to good use — by neutralizing the Left’s ‘corporate blackmail’ against the beleaguered Scouts.
“The BSA must be saved in spite of its own politically correct leadership. The Scouts are under pressure from large corporate donors and CEOs on their leadership team who themselves have capitulated to the Homosexual Lobby. On Thursday — after national outrage delayed the BSA’s potential pro-homosexual sellout — local Scout Councils from across America will meet in Texas to vote on a ‘compromise’ BSA proposal that would allow openly homosexual Boy Scouts. [See Eagle Scout John Stemberger’s open letter to the BSA delegates urging a “NO” vote.]
“This issue is much bigger than the Scouts. America’s moral foundations are crumbling under the weight of well-financed ‘gay’ pressure groups and a popular culture that displaces ‘reverence’ for God (to quote the Scout Law) with anarchic hedonism. Our boys are vulnerable to well-marketed LGBT cultural advocacy that redefines sexual immorality and deviancy as a ‘civil right.’
“Anyone with a moral backbone understands the dangerous folly of a supposed ‘Morally Straight’ boys organization admitting members who embrace a sexual perversion disproportionately linked to HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases. This is one Pandora’s Box the Scouts must not open.
“Where are the conservative heroes or Christian companies like Chick-fil-A or who will put their money where their beliefs are by bravely stepping forward to fund and save the Scouts?”
Posted in Biblical Truth, Boy Scouts of America, Conservative Leaders, Corporate Promotion, News |
Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
“Insider” pro-homosexual CEOs Stephenson and Turley must step down
 AFTAH and other pro-family groups have urged AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley to resign from the Boy Scouts’ Executive Board due to their reckless pro-homosexual advocacy.
TAKE ACTION: thank the Boy Scouts for not rushing into a reckless, politically correct decision to rescind their wholesome policy against homosexual immorality. But let them know that nothing short of a clear reaffirmation of their longstanding policy against openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts will restore the good reputation of the BSA. E-mail the Scouts at pr@scouting.org.
Folks, today we received word that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has delayed until May a decision on whether to make the radical change of allowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts. The announced delay came after the BSA came under an avalanche of criticism for revealing to the media that the venerable boys organization would likely end its longstanding homosexual exclusion policy — under pressure from “gay” activists and pro-homosexual corporations.
While we at AFTAH welcome this delay, it would have been better if the BSA had simply announced that it was abandoning the misguided idea of opening itself up to homosexuality. But at least we know that the Scouts have gotten the message from the grassroots that allowing homosexuality in the BSA would be disastrous to the organization.
We urge citizens to continue urging the BSA to completely repudiate any policy shift on homosexuality. If the Scouts are to retain the trust of parents nationwide, they must unequivocally reaffirm the current, common-sense policy against homosexuality — which has no place in a wholesome boys organization that professes to teach boys to be “morally straight” and revere God.
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality has very busy defending the idea of keeping the Boy Scouts of America “morally straight.” In the last week, I have done national interviews on the Scouts’ potential capitulation on WVCY America and the Janet Mefferd Show — as well as a half dozen other radio shows. On the WVCY program [listen HERE], a man called in and told how, as a boy, he was molested by his Scoutmaster and “used” sexually again and again. This man was resolutely against changing the Scouts’ existing policy against homosexuality. What a heartbreaking testimony, but what a powerful example of what is at stake in this critical cultural battle.
Internal “gay” advocates must step down
Americans For Truth reiterates its call for the two corporate CEOs who reportedly are the strongest advocates for the pro-“gay” policy change — AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley — to resign from the BSA’s Executive Board immediately. Regrettably, these two advocates of homosexuality have undermined the organization they are supposed to be serving. Through their ongoing pro-LGBT advocacy, they have instigated a massive and unnecessary public controversy that has already damaged the reputation of the Scouts.
“Out and proud” homosexuality may be the current rage in the corporate world, but it is not a Scouting value.
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Posted in AT&T (League), Boy Scouts of America, Corporate Promotion, Corrupting Children, Ernst & Young (bEYond), News |
Wednesday, January 30th, 2013
Boy Scouts take “poll” FOR or AGAINST proposed policy allowing homosexuality in BSA
 Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley sits on the Boy Scouts Executive Board and has been a key advocate of ending up the BSA’s common-sense ban on homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts.
TAKE ACTION: Call the Boy Scouts of America and urge them NOT to change their policy against openly homosexual Scoutmasters and Scouts: call 972-580-2400 to vote in their “poll” (also: -2401, -2405, -2239, -2443, -2280 or -2199). Also, call for the resignation of CEOs Jim Turley and Randall Stephenson from the Scout Executive Board. These men are subverting the Scouts’ noble moral code, and thus subverting the BSA as an organization modeling good behavior to boys. See AFTAH analysis on the proposed BSA capitulation on homosexuality HERE.
Folks, Americans For Truth is joining Maryland pro-family advocate Bunny Galladora in calling on the two CEOs pushing for open homosexuality in the Boy Scouts — AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and Ernst & Young CEO James Turley — to resign from the BSA Executive Board. [See AFTAH article on Turley HERE.] As Bunny says, “It seems reasonable to expect that members of the board would be expected to guide the board in a way that reflects the Scouts’ mission and values.”
Meanwhile, incredible as it may seem, the Boy Scouts is taking a “poll” on the proposed policy change It allows for repeat calls from the same phone number, so it cannot be considered accurate or scientific. Still, please call the BSA and tell others to do the same. VOTE in BSA “Poll”: 972-580-2400 (also: -2401, -2405, -2239, -2443, -2280 or -2199).
WCTU statement:
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Maryland (WCTU) is calling for [AT&T CEO] Randall Stephenson and [Ernst & Young CEO] James Turley to step down from the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America. Allowing openly ‘gay’ boys to be members and openly ‘gay’ men to become Boy Scout leaders is in direct opposition to the long-standing moral values of the Boy Scouts of America. It seems reasonable to expect that members of the board would be expected to guide the board in a way that reflects the Scouts’ mission and values.
As mothers, grandmothers, and great-grand mothers of Boy Scouts, the members of the WCTU of Maryland support the current policy of the BSA. We are thankful for the work the BSA has done over the years to prepare our young boys to become the leaders of this country.
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AFTAH will never back down or be intimidated by the intolerant and hateful (and anti-Christian”) “Gay” Lobby. Your gifts help us carry out our critical mission.
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Posted in Boy Scouts of America, Business & Legal Services, Ernst & Young (bEYond), News |
Tuesday, November 20th, 2012
Is UPS encouraging local Scout troops to undermine national policy against homosexuality?

We at AFTAH found this this report by Mission America’s Linda Harvey about her conversation with UPS (United Parcel Service) very eye-opening. After our initial report on UPS “dropping” the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) through its new, more stringent pro-homosexual charitable giving policy, several of our readers wrote to inform us that UPS is telling people that it is NOT dropping the Scouts. I called UPS today and a staffer reiterated some of the same points as Ruiz’s below. And we are seeking clarifications from the BSA on UPS’ claims, which we will pass on to you. You can call the UPS Foundation at 404-828-6374 and the Scouts at 972-580-2000. For additional contact info for UPS and the Scouts, go HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Here is Harvey’s recollection of the conversation:
I called UPS today ( November 15, 2012) and was immediately told that they had not cut funding to the Boy Scouts, but they would connect me to someone who would explain further. I then talked with Joe Ruiz, a manager in the UPS Foundation.
Ruiz said no, they had not cut funding to the Boy Scouts, that the media reports were inaccurate. What they’ve done is changed their discrimination policy and if prospective grantees don’t “check the box” stating that they have a policy prohibiting discrimination on sexual orientation and gender identity, they would not be eligible.
So I responded that, essentially, UPS has indeed cut funding to the Boy Scouts. Not if they would “check the box,” he said. (It was like talking to a wall). Then, he told me his understanding is that some of the individual Boy Scout groups around the country had indicated they would “check the box,” and so would be eligible. I said, do you mean they are going against the national organization? Well, that would be up to each of them, he said.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Boy Scouts of America, Corporate Promotion, News |
Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
 Pro-homosexual activist and Eagle Scout Zach Wahls — shown her in his website photo being kissed by his two lesbian “moms” — led the successful web campaign to pressure UPS to drop its corporate donations to the Boy Scouts. UPS disingenuously claims that it has not “pulled funding” from the Scouts but is only affirming its own policies of gay “inclusion” and “nondiscrimination.”
TAKE ACTION: 1) Contact UPS (404-828-7123; pr@ups.com) about its new pro-homosexual giving policy that effectively DISCRIMINATES against the Boy Scouts and any faith- or moral-based group that opposes homosexuality. Under the new policy, UPS will no longer donate to the Boy Scouts because the Scouts’ “morally straight” code disallows homosexual Scoutmasters and members. Call UPS: Public Relation Dep’t: 404-828-7123; or Customer Service: 800 -742-5877 (hit “0” for the operator). E-mail UPS’ PR Dep’t at pr@ups.com.
2) THANK THE BOY SCOUTS… for not caving into pressure campaigns by homosexual activists and their allies. You can reach the Boy Scouts online HERE, or call them at 972-580-2000 (8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Central Time).
By Peter LaBarbera, Special AFTAH Report
In the Orwellian world of homosexual activists and their liberal fellow travelers, “diversity and inclusion” have become the buzzwords of politically correct intolerance and active discrimination against faith-based organizations.
One long-suffering “diversity” victim is the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), which will see its sizeable grants from United Parcel Service (UPS) cease under a new UPS giving policy that requires that all grantees ban anti-gay “discrimination.” UPS reportedly gave the BSA more than $150,000 in 2010.
I believe the silent majority of Scouting parents support the Boy Scouts’ policy of disallowing openly homosexual Scoutmasters and members -– first and foremost for the protection of their boys. Most parents simply do not want nor would they knowingly allow their son to go camping or spend time in seclusion with a homosexual Scoutmaster. We agree with the BSA that sexual issues – especially surrounding aberrant sex- and gender identities – do not belong in the Boy Scouts and are an unwanted distraction.
In the wake of a recent court case forcing the BSA to release a portion of its horrifying files of Scoutmasters who sexually molested boys in their care (from 1965-1985), AFTAH has called on the BSA to release its complete “perversion” files, especially all the cases involving predatory homosexual Scoutmasters, for the public to review.
UPS denies targeting Scouts
Even as homosexual activists were celebrating UPS’s pro-“gay” philanthropic announcement, the company was busy insisting that it is not “targeting” or pulling funds from the Boy Scouts — but merely laying out its new giving criteria. Under the criteria, UPS will continue to award six-figure grants to well-funded, powerful homosexual organizations like Human Rights Campaign Fund (which received a $100,000 UPS Foundation gift in February 2012) – but no longer to the beleaguered Scouts.
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Posted in Corporate Promotion, News |
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
“Either resign from the Scouts’ Executive Board or stop undermining the BSA with your pro-homosexual advocacy”

- Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley is seeking to apply his corporation’s pro-homosexual ethos to the Boy Scouts.
TAKE ACTION: 1) Contact the Boy Scouts of America [972-580-2000; 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Central Time] and commend them for not giving in to pro-homosexual activists by retaining their “morally straight” policy against open homosexuality in the Scouts; and 2) Contact Jim Turley through Ernst & Young [Contact Page HERE; or, through their global site HERE], and urge him to stop his campaign to turn the Boy Scouts into a pro-homosexual organization — which would devastate the BSA (see AFTAH letter below).
By Peter LaBarbera
I sent a version of this letter today to Jim Turley, CEO of Ernst & Young, who is reportedly lobbying the Boy Scouts “from within” to change their policy against homosexuality. Turley and Ernst & Young’s progressive, “global,” pro-“gay” values conflict with the Boy Scouts’ wholesome moral values — so naturally he is working to overturn the Scouts’ values! Please read this Townhall column by Chuck Norris taking Turley and his close ally, President Barack Obama, to task for their “gay” advocacy, which now again makes the beleaguered Boy Scouts a major target of aggressive LGBT activists. See this website page by the homosexual pressure group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) for more background on the escalating LGBT lobbying campaign against the Scouts.
Scouts Respond: For their part, the Boy Scouts issued a press release stating, “Contrary to media reports, the Boy Scouts of America has no plans to change its membership policy. The introduction of a resolution does not indicate the organization is “reviewing” a policy or signal a change in direction.” [See full BSA release HERE.]
My letter follows:
Dear James Turley, CEO of Ernst & Young,
I respectfully ask you to pull back from your pro-“gay” lobbying directed at the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and leave this fine organization alone with regard to its longstanding “morally straight” policy against openly homosexual and atheist members and Scoutmasters. You are abusing your role on the Scouts’ Executive Board by publicly advocating that the Scouts change their homosexuality policy. At the very least, your actions are helping to energize other, more militant, activists in their ongoing (and often hateful) campaign against the Scouts. For the sake of the Scouts, it is incumbent upon you to either resign from the Scouts’ Executive Board or stop undermining the BSA with your pro-homosexual advocacy.
For many years now, the Boy Scouts have endured tremendous persecution and harassment at the hands of homosexual activists, including being dragged into a protracted legal battle that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court (which in 2000 upheld the BSA’s freedom to adhere to its own moral code). We ask you to refrain from opening up that wound again in the name of a modern “tolerance” that is shockingly intolerant of Judeo-Christian moral and religious teachings.
You err in assuming that homosexuality is mainly a “civil rights” issue; it is actually a matter of changeable, unhealthy, volitional behavior — and a contentious moral issue. Most parents simply would not be comfortable with the idea of “modeling” that unnatural behavior to their sons through Scouting activities. (It should go without saying that it is not “bigotry” but rather common sense for parents to be wary of sending their sons on camping trips with adult homosexual men.) A pro-homosexual posture by the Scouts (in the name of “non-discrimination”) would drive away many parents and prospective Scouts.
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Posted in Business & Legal Services, Chicago, Corporate Promotion, Corrupting Children, Ernst & Young (bEYond), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Illinois, News |
Thursday, June 21st, 2012
WARNING: Offensive Images Inappropriate for Children
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive
 Out-and-proud gender confusion on display for the kiddos. Drag queen marches in “Philly Pride” parade. Click on all photos to view enlarged.
The following are some photos taken at Philadelphia’s homosexual (“Gay”) Pride Parade and “PrideDay” festival Sunday, June 10, 2012, by this reporter for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). The Philly parade and the festival at Penn’s Landing that followed it were small compared to much larger homosexual “pride” parades and festivals in cities like Chicago and San Francisco — but both events were attended by many young children. I witnessed dozens of children from the very young to teenagers marching in the parade and there were also many observing it from the side streets.
Perhaps even some of AFTAH’s homosexual critics would admit that the scenes depicted below are not appropriate for children. Yet more than ever, in major cities across the country, children are a common sight at “gay pride” parades and festivals — as “proud” homosexual parents bring their children to these libidinous celebrations of sexual sin and gender confusion. [Permission is granted to use any photo provided that credit is given to “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality; www.americansfortruth.org.” Direct questions to: americansfortruth@gmail.com.]
We have blocked the eyes of all the young children shown in our photos; click on photos to view in enlarged format:
 Sadomasochist man in a gown of sorts marches along 7th Street in Philadelphia carrying “Leather Pride” black-and-blue flag. The man to his left is carrying a “Bear Pride” flag. “Bear” is slang for heavier, hairy homosexual men.
Would you even consider taking YOUR children to a parade where behavior like this occurs — and worse, letting them march in it? These go-go boys were grinding against each other on the top of a float:
 Go-go boys grind to the music on a float in the Philly homosexual “Pride” parade. Young children both participated in the same parade and watched it from the side streets.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Adoption & Foster Parenting, Aetna, Corrupting Children, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Extremism, Gay Culture, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Harrah's, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Parenting, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Public Displays, Hotels & Casinos, Insurance, New York Life, News, Public Indecency, State Farm, Walgreens |

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