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Corporate Promotion
Monday, August 28th, 2006
Excerpted from City Council Shames Itself Over Pride, by Nicholas Owen, published Aug 2006, in San Diego News Notes:
By Nicholas Owen
…The July 29 parade lasted over three hours and included 185 contingents. Many entries featured scantily clad participants, mostly men, gyrating suggestively to loud, throbbing music. Float titles included “In Dmood for Decadence.” Simulated sex acts were performed in several entries, and many advertised gay bars, pornography vendors, and male prostitution businesses. A rider in the Rentboy.com convertible flashed the devil sign with his hand. Handouts to parade spectators included condoms, sexual lubricant samples, and literature promoting a pornographic web site. Numerous trash receptacles bearing the slogan “Got lube?” (advertising an anal sex lubricant) were placed along the parade route and in the festival venue inside Balboa Park.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a drag queen group in outlandish outfits parodying Catholic women religious, carried an “Asylum of the Tortured Heart” banner, mocking Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At the Gay Pride festival, they provided crowd control and received an award for the “most outrageous contingent.”
A woman who was topless except for pasties walked alongside the parade. A man wearing a body thong covering only his genitals roller-skated by parade watchers in defiance of municipal code which prohibits nudity on public lands and defines it as being “devoid of an opaque covering which covers the genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, perineum, anus or anal region of any person, or any portion of the breast at or below the areola thereof of any female person.”
…Several law enforcement and government agencies participated in the parade or had a booth at the festival, including San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Kolender, the San Diego Fire Department, the Chula Vista Police Department, the Oceanside Police Department, the Harbor Police, and the San Diego Regional Airport Authority.
…[S]ponsors included Hewlett-Packard, Wells Fargo Bank, Cox Communications, Viejas Casino, Sparkletts Water, Starbucks Coffee, Verizon, Sirius Satellite Radio Sempra Energy, iSOLD It, Great American Credit Union, Kaiser Permanente, Travelocity, Yahoo, Smirnoff, Bud Light, Avis Car Rentals, Glaceau Vitamin Water, and the Old Globe Theatre.
…Participating churches and synagogues included All Saints Parish and Saint John the Beloved Cathedral of the Catholic Church of America (not affiliated with the true Catholic Church); Dignity, another group using the Catholic label but not sanctioned by the Catholic Church; Christ Chapel of North Park; Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral; Pilgrim United Church of Christ in Carlsbad; Temple Emanu-El and the Metropolitan Community Church, founded by a homosexual “leatherman.” Participating schools included San Diego State University, UCSD, Cal State University San Marcos, and the San Diego Cooperative Charter School.
Continue reading in San Diego News Notes…
Posted in Anglican/Episcopal, Avis, Candidates & Elected Officials, Catholic, Corporate Promotion, Gay Culture, Hewlett Packard, Metropolitan Community Church, Not with MY Tax money!, NOW, PFLAG, Planned Parenthood, Public Indecency, Sirius Satellite Radio, Starbucks, Travelocity, United Church of Christ-including many Congregational, Universities & Colleges, Verizon, Wells Fargo, Yahoo |
Saturday, August 26th, 2006
Excerpted from Unmarried Couple Want Benefits, Too, by Curt Woodward, published Aug 23, 2006, by Associated Press:
By Curt Woodward
One of the first tests for Washington state’s new gay civil rights law has an intriguing twist: The complaint was filed by a heterosexual woman.
The state’s discrimination watchdogs are investigating the case, which claims unmarried straight people should get the same domestic partner benefits as their gay and lesbian co-workers.
…The complaint, filed last week, is one of four that have spawned full-fledged investigations under the sexual orientation section of Washington’s anti-discrimination law.It was signed by Sandi Scott-Moore, a Redmond-based employee of manufacturer Honeywell International. Scott-Moore claims health insurance coverage for her male partner was denied because the unmarried couple are not of the same gender.
Honeywell spokesman Robert Ferris said the company does provide health benefits for the partners of its gay and lesbian employees and has a zero-tolerance stand on discrimination. But the company disagrees with Scott-Moore, he said in a statement.
Continue reading at Seattle PI…
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Corporate Promotion, Corporations, Honeywell |
Friday, August 25th, 2006
By Tony Perkins of Family Research Council:
Wal-Mart has announced an odd new domestic “partnership.” They have teamed up with an outfit called the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Wal-Mart has caved in, obviously, to the pressure tactics such groups apply to large corporations.
This is outrageous. Wal-Mart has made its billions by serving the needs of rural communities throughout America. It has never discriminated against homosexuals who want to purchase their products at low prices. Nor has it discriminated in hiring against homosexuals. But that is not enough. The homosexual lobby demands that Wal-Mart grovel. They demand that Wal-Mart take sides in the great cultural clash over marriage.
Won’t you please join me in opposing this offensive move? You can download and print the accompanying pdf file and drop it off at the Customer Service Desk at your nearest Wal-Mart. You don’t need to confront anyone. Let them know you know what they’re up to-and you don’t appreciate it.
Download the Flyer
Posted in News, NGLCC, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
Friday, August 25th, 2006
By Zack Hudson of New York Blade:
Wal-Mart’s decision to link with the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is expected to open doors to gay-owned business suppliers, but is also bringing backlash from religious groups who call the partnership an “unsavory alliance.”Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of the fundamentalist Americans for Truth, is decrying Wal-Mart’s move, accusing the retail giant of “thumb[ing] its nose” at its “God-fearing Middle American customers.”
“It seems to me that Wal-Mart should reconsider its unsavory alliance with these extremist homosexual activists in today’s heated and polarizing culture war,” he said in a statement posted on the group’s website.
Continue reading at New York Blade…
Posted in AFT In the News, Corporations, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
Friday, August 25th, 2006
Excerpted from Major southern utility to provide domestic partner benefits, published Aug 19, 2006, by the pro-homosexuality 365Gay.com:
Progress Energy, one of the largest electric companies in the country, has agreed to extend full medical and life insurance benefits to the unmarried partners of its employees next year.
In a statement the company said the plan had been under review for three years – ever since a lesbian worker requested benefits for her same-sex partner.
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Corporate Promotion, Corporations |
Thursday, August 24th, 2006
Is Wal-Mart passing the wrong kind of ‘values’ on to its customers? It’s no secret that Walmart Stores, Inc. has been under vicious attack in recent months by leftists and union activists due to its unwavering support of right-to-work policies and its refusal to allow unions to organize in its stores. But now it seems Wal-Mart is additionally hell-bent on alienating its heretofore greatest and most vocal supporters: Conservatives, Christians, and Traditionalists.
Matt Barber, Corporate Outreach Director for Americans for Truth, expressed his disappointment with Wal-Mart today for further capitulating to the powerful homosexual lobby by recently partnering with the “National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce,” an extremely influential homosexual organization steadfastly devoted to furthering the ‘gay’ agenda within corporate America.
Click here to read NGLCC’s announcement for yourself
Contact Wal-Mart by phone at 1-800-WALMART or by e-mail
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Corporate Promotion, Corporations, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, NGLCC, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
Saturday, August 19th, 2006
by J. Matt Barber
Whether you like him or not – Bayou Brat James Carville, notable Democratic Party strategist and Bill Clinton advisor, was appropriately credited for his pivotal role in helping to put the former adulterer-in-chief in the oval office back in 1992. Carville boiled down the theme of the Clinton candidacy to four simple words: “It’s the economy, stupid.” By focusing like a laser beam on the hot button issue of the day (the economy) Carville helped Clinton to co-opt that issue and to make it his own.
The economy is always a major area of concern for most Americans from a fiscal standpoint; however, on the field of battle in today’s culture war, one of the most significant and contentious issues, particularly to people of faith, is the rapid destruction of traditional family values, liberty of conscience, and freedom of speech at the hands of leftist and secularists who condone, promote, and/or participate in dangerous, unhealthy, and traditionally shameful sexual behaviors.
Take it from someone who knows, for those who value the sanctity of marriage, and respect the Biblical model of human sexuality (one-man/one-woman within in the bounds of holy matrimony), it’s not a very safe time to publicly express those values and beliefs…
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Corporations, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News |

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