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Corporate Promotion
Saturday, August 29th, 2009
“We simply want to send a message that it might be easier to discriminate against a small Christian group, but it’s no less acceptable … We don’t want corporate America to continue in its belief that it’s OK to discriminate against unpopular points of view.” — Americans For Truth attorney Jason Craddock
* * *
“For those who support the hotel in this, imagine that the tables were turned. Suppose it was a homosexual group that had been turned down by the hotel because of ‘negative publicity.’ Would you still support the hotel’s right to discriminate in this fashion? Sauce for the goose…”
— Comment by “Springer” posted at Daily Herald article (reprinted below), “Anti-gay group sues Naperville hotel, alleges discrimination”

Anti-Christian Discrimination OK? Imagine the hue and cry that would have erupted had the Holiday Inn Select hotel (left) in Naperville, Ill., canceled a “gay” organization’s scheduled banquet after its leader told the hotel that some Christians might protest the event.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Below are two local articles on AFTAH’s just-filed lawsuit against a Naperville, IL Holiday Inn hotel for canceling our banquet two years ago out of fear of “gay” protests.
We hope you can make it to this year’s AFTAH banquet on Sat., Oct. 24 at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL — featuring culture warrior and former professional heavyweight boxer Matt Barber, who was fired by Allstate Insurance Co., after writing an article against homosexual “marriage” on his own time. Tickets are $50 each. A table of 10 is $500. More information here: http://americansfortruth.com/news/matt-barber-to-keynote-aftah-banquet.html; book your seat now at www.americansfortruth.com/donate.
Also, don’t forget our the dinner-lecture at our Carol Stream office Thursday, Sept. 17 featuring Michael Brown, who is going to talk about how to walk that fine line of reaching out to homosexuals with the Gospel of Christ while resisting the radical “gay” political/cultural agenda. I am really looking forward to this talk. Click HERE for more info. RSVP to aftahangela@gmail.com or americansfortruth@comcast.net. (Donations will be accepted at the event to cover costs.)
Lastly, AFTAH has now crossed the half-way mark in our goal of matching a generous donor’s $20,000 grant. Please help us go all the way with your tax-deductible donation to AFTAH at www.americansfortruth.com/donate or by mailing your gift to: Americans For Truth, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Thank you!
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Christian, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Liberation Network, Gay Protests, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, Holiday Inn Hotels, Hotels & Casinos, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tolerance? |
Monday, May 25th, 2009
Aren’t homosexual advocates proud of their activities?

PERVERT SHAME? The sadistic boys at “International Mr. Leather” (IML) have no problem with welcoming guys who urinate in each other’s mouths for a sexual thrill, or porn videos extolling the horrifying practice of “fisting” and other über-deviant acts — but they are deeply, deeply concerned that a couple of Christians might show up at IML taking pictures to document such depravities. At left, atheist leatherman Joe Jervis hawks an online “UNWANTED” flier designed to alert IML attendees to the possible presence of Peter LaBarbera (Americans For Truth) and Matt Barber (Liberty Counsel). Check out the hateful comments on Jervis’ “Joe.My.God” blog post, and click HERE for the online “Unwanted” photos, and here for the accompanying flier, filled with lies. LaBarbera challenged Jervis on why he is not “proud” about IML’s twisted activities and instead feels the need to hide them from the public, while Barber says he’d only attend IML in a biohazard suit.
TAKE ACTION: call Hilton’s HQ in Los Angeles at 310-278-4321 ; and Hilton Chicago at 312-922-4400 to tell them how you feel about Hilton profiting off of the extreme perversion-fest that is “International Mr. Leather”; the Hilton Chicago closed all its rooms to the public from May 22 to May 25 so IML could take over the hotel as a “private event.” E-mail Hilton’s national headquarters HERE.)
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, the sadistic boys at “International Mr. Leather” (IML) have no problem with guys who urinate in each other’s mouths for a sexual thrill (yuck), or porn videos extolling the horrifying practice of “fisting” and other über-deviant acts — but they are deeply, deeply concerned that a couple of Christians might show up to shoot pictures to document the depravities at the annual “leather” perversion-fest.
Yes, some “leathermen” distributed my photo and that of Matt Barber (a Board Member of AFTAH and Liberty Counsel culture warrior) at the notorious IML, which this year was held in the Chicago Hilton & Towers hotel on Michigan Avenue in the Windy City (phone: 312-922-4400).
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Posted in BDSM, Corporate Promotion, Gay Culture, Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Illinois, Leather, News, Pornography, Promiscuity, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |
Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
A profile in corporate cowardice …
‘Gay’ Legal Bullies Rewarded: new homosexual dating website, “Compatible Partners” — which was created as part of a legal settlement after eHarmony founder Neil Clark Warren chose to capitulate to a homosexual activist’s harassment lawsuit in New Jersey. Will eHarmony’s sellout inspire other acts of Christian and corporate cowardice?
Folks, we’ve written before on how eHarmony.com and its founder, Neil Clark Warren, failed the test in defending their (and our) religious liberties when they caved in to a homosexual activist’s harassment lawsuit last year. Now I hope that eHarmony.com pays a price for its capitulation, which hopefully will not spawn other acts of corporate cowardice. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” said abolitionist Wendell Phillips, and creating “civil rights” based on human wrongs (homosexuality and gender confusion) naturally undermines our First Amendment freedoms.
Even lesbian Georgetown law professor Chai Feldblum is honest enough to admit that the battle between “gay rights” and your freedom to act on your moral beliefs is a “zero-sum” game. Of course, Prof. Feldblum thinks homosexual “rights” usually should come out on top. (And speaking of capitulations, what’s up with a “Catholic” school employing a lesbian activist attorney who thinks “rights” based on homo- and transsexuality trump religious freedoms, anyway?)
As a pro-marriage guy who believes that true masculinity is bound up in being a good husband and father — not in sexual conquests and certainly not in homosexuality — I’m all for matchmaking (although my matchmaking attempts for others have been duds so far). I realize that singles are looking for something that works, and eHarmony has been successful in this regard, but I hope that principled single men and women will at least consider using an alternative dating company; here’s one that has remained Christian in focus: www.christiancafe.com.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Corporate Promotion, eHarmony.com, News, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Sunday, February 8th, 2009
We received this correspondence from Bob Knight, an Idaho man who has decided to boycott Holiday Inn hotels after the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington elected not to cancel a deviant sex event called “Winter Wickedness.” We’ll have more tomorrow on the perversion-fest, which went forward on Friday and Saturday night but only under intense media and police scrutiny, after thousands of called poured in to Holiday Inn and InterContinental Hotels Group, which owns the Holiday Inn brand. Thank you to the many AFTAH readers who, like Bob below, took action against this incredibly evil event. Please read these three messages in reverse chronological order; the most recent is at the top; the middle e-mail is IHG’s standard response sent to those who wrote in condemning “Winter Wickedness”:
From: Bob Knight
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 12:49 PM
To: \’+AMER HI [Holiday Inn]-Guest Relations (IHG [InterContinental Hotels Group])\’
Subject: Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington, OH.
Thank you for your reply, and because it is completely unsatisfactory, I will no longer be using Holiday Inn for any of my overnight stay needs. I find it reprehensible that any responsible company or person would allow this type of an event to be held in one of their \”brand\” businesses. As well, I will be forwarding your response, including the original message that I sent to your office, to inform my friends and acquaintances about your lack of concern in regard to this situation.
Thank you,
Bob Knight
[Melba, Idaho]
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Posted in BDSM, Corporate Promotion, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, News, Nonmonogamy, Physical Health, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Pornography, Public Indecency |
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009
Sexual extremism and consensual sexualized violence comes to Middle America; stop this from occurring by calling Holiday Inn today!
[UPDATE: Keep your protest calls coming! We have heard that thousands of calls have poured into the local Holiday Inn hotel in question and also their corporate parent, Intercontinental Hotels Group: 800-621-0555. Also, the leading pro-sadomasochist organization, National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, has denounced our effort (they call us “extremists”!) and is attempting to rally its followers to call Holiday Inn and IHG, urging them not to cancel this disgusting and dangerous event. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org]
The Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington, at 7007 North High Street in Worthington, Ohio is scheduled to host a freakish sadomasochistic perversion-fest called “Winter Wickedness” this Friday and Saturday (Feb. 6-7). TAKE ACTION: 1) call the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington today at 614-436-0700 and urge them to cancel this event for the sake of decency and public health; and 2) call Holiday Inn’s corporate offices (the chain is owned by Intercontinental Hotels Group) by going to their website or by calling their guest relations department at 800-621-0555 ext. 1. Tell them that is wrong to profit off of degrading and dangerous perversions that could present a health hazard to hotel workers or other guests.
By Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth has confirmed that the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington Hotel, at 7007 North High Street in Worthington, Ohio, is hosting a sadomasochistic celebration called (appropriately) “Winter Wickedness” this Friday and Saturday– featuring classes on “gangbang” fantasies and various acts of sadomasochistic perversion and consensual sexualized violence including subjecting fellow participants to hot wax torture, whipping, “cutting” and needles, and being stapled with an electric staple gun.
TAKE ACTION: 1) call the Holiday Inn Columbus-Worthington today at 614-436-0700 and urge them to cancel this event for the sake of decency and public health. Pass this story on to your friends to call; and 2) call Holiday Inn’s corporate offices (the chain is owned by Intercontinental Hotels Group) by going to their website HERE or by calling their guest relations department at 800-621-0555 ext. 1. Tell them that is wrong to profit off of degrading and dangerous perversions that could present a health hazard to hotel workers or other guests.
A page on the “Winter Wickedness” website for “Play Space Rules & Guidelines” includes this, indicating the extreme perversions likely to occur at the hotel:
15) Single tail [whip] play, Wax, Medical, Cutting, Needle play, and FirePlay, must be performed in the designated areas only. Please onsult a PSM [Play Space Monitor] for the appropriate area if you are not sure. Drop clothes, gloves, condoms, sharps containers, tarps, etc., must be used for this sort of play.
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Posted in BDSM, Corporate Promotion, Health & Science, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Pornography |
Friday, January 16th, 2009
HOMOSEXUAL ACTS ARE UNHEALTHY — Man demonstrates “rimming chair” technique for anal-oral sodomy in this covered-up photo taken from the website of the “pig sex” group (Fort Troff) organizing the orgy planned this Saturday night at the Doubletree Hotel Washington — located at 1515 Rhode Island Ave. N.W., in the nation’s capital just blocks from the White House. Call the Doubletree at 202-232-7000 and parent company Hilton’s Corporate Complaint Line at 310-278-4321. Will D.C. Public Health officials and the D.C. Police Department prosecute this obvious public health hazard if Doubletree and Hilton officials allow it to go forward?
Contact: jmattbarber@comcast.net
Lynchburg, VA – Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Alliance Action and Liberty Counsel [and a Board Member of Americans for Truth], released the following statement today in response to news that the Hilton brand Doubletree Hotel near the White House (1515 Rhode Island Ave., NW – 202-232-7000) will be playing host to a homosexual orgy organized by the “Mid-Atlantic Leather Maneuvers” in at least three of its public banquet rooms this inaugural weekend. Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) broke the initial story [CLICK HERE]:
“It’s appalling that the Hilton Doubletree Hotel chain is apparently so beholden to the mighty dollar that it would facilitate – in banquet rooms used by the public – a homosexual orgy boasting some of the most vile sex acts imaginable. Despite initial denials by the hotel manager, I and other sources have verified with the hotel’s “Sales and Catering” and “Reservations” departments that, unbelievably, the hotel is in fact planning to go forward with the ‘gay’ orgy.
“It’s simply inexcusable that the Doubletree would place at risk the health of its staff and future guests by facilitating this orgy in rooms where food is served,” continued Barber. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics establish that men who have sex with men suffer infection from various forms of communicable disease, such as Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS, at an astronomical rate. Lower income hotel staff will be tasked – ostensibly under penalty of job loss – with cleaning up the various forms of potentially infectious biological waste left behind.
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Posted in BDSM, Gay Culture, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Hotels & Casinos, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Pornography, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Sodomy |
Friday, November 21st, 2008
See AFTAH story, “eHarmony Sells Out after Homosexual Complaint Files Using New Jersey’s Special Rights Law.” Jan of Crystal Lake, Illinois sent the following letter to eHarmony.com:
From: Jan
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 5:34 PM
To: ncwarren@eharmony.com [Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder, eHarmony.com]
Subject: unbelievable
Dear Mr. Warren:
I was absolutely shocked that you would cave into the homosexual agenda, by offering date-matching for homosexuals on your “Christian” dating website. They have their own dating websites which I understand to be extremely X-rated.
I have several single and widowed friends who use your website. I will be sending an e-mail to them about your caving into EVIL and that they should not use your website — ever again.
Extremely disappointed,
Crystal Lake, IL
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, eHarmony.com, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, November 20th, 2008
Boy Scouts fought same homosexual law, and won in Supreme Court
E-PERVERSION.COM? Born-again Christian Neil Clark Warren and the company he founded, eHarmony.com, have capitulated to a New Jersey “sexual orientation” complaint using the state’s homosexual “rights” law– by expanding its dating service to homosexuals. The Boy Scouts fought the same law rather than cave on their principles. Click HERE for the settlement and HERE for a news release by New Jersey’s Attorney General. TAKE ACTION: write Warren at ncwarren@eharmony.com.
Americans For Truth sent out the following e-letter today to: Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder of the eHarmony online dating company; eHarmony’s management team; and various pro-family groups and leaders (listed at bottom). We refer you to WorldNetDaily’s story, “eHarmony to Match ‘Gays,’” detailing the company’s capitulation to New Jersey following a “discrimination” complaint by a homosexual activist. Some excerpts from the WND story are at bottom. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
TAKE ACTION: Contact Dr. Neil Clark Warren at ncwarren@eharmony.com. An eHarmony contact page and blog for comments can be found HERE (several management e-mails listed bounced back).
Subject: Dr. Warren et al, you sold your soul (or at least eHarmony’s)…
Importance: High
FR: Peter LaBabera, Americans For Truth
TO: Dr. Neil Warren, founder of eHarmony, and eHarmony’s Management:
Dr. Warren et al, you sold your soul (or at least eHarmony’s)…
… It is a shame that you chose not to follow the lead of the Boy Scouts of America by standing up for your legal rights as a moral company that believes in REAL marriage – one that would not promote homosexuality and ungodly, unhealthy relationships. (You will recall that the Scouts, too, were challenged under New Jersey’s “sexual orientation” law, but New Jersey was overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court.) I suppose this means you have now officially joined the list of Companies Promoting Immorality (CPI) – a growing list, indeed. How tragic that eHarmony’s resources – and your good name — will be used to advance the cause of homosexual behavior, a changeable sin.
You could have set an example to Christians and freedom-loving Americans everywhere by fighting on principle for your company’s First Amendment right not to be bullied into submission by a politically correct state bureaucracy. Instead, you capitulated. In addition to hurting the cause of Christianity, you have damaged the cause of freedom and particularly religious freedom in America. It appears that eHarmony is no longer a “match” for Integrity.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Current State Law, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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