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AFA: Holiday Inn Dumps ‘Americans For Truth’ Banquet: Is Anti-Christian Discrimination at Play

Wednesday, August 29th, 2007
holiday_inn_select.jpg In case you were wondering why Americans For Truth had to change our banquet date from Oct. 6 to Friday, October 5, here’s the explanation: Holiday Inn Select Hotel in Naperville, Illinois, dropped our reservation due to the possibility of a “gay” protest against us. Here’s the story from American Family Association’s “OneNewsNow.” You can also listen to their story on the OneNewsNow website

Holiday Inn Dumps Christian banquet; Group Says Anti-Christian Discrimination at Play

By Jim Brown,
August 29, 2007


Holiday Inn is being accused of anti-Christian discrimination for refusing to allow a Christian non-profit group to hold its annual banquet at one of its suburban Chicago locations.
Americans for Truth (AFTAH) had reached a verbal agreement with the Holiday Inn Select in Naperville, Illinois, to hold its October 6 banquet at the hotel. AFT had the reservation for several weeks, and both parties had even discussed the menu for the event.      

But when AFT executive director Peter LaBarbera told the banquet coordinator the event might draw a protest from homosexual activists, general manager Dennis Igoe dropped the reservation due to what he called “potential negative publicity to the hotel.” Florida-based Liberty Counsel then sent a letter to Igoe, informing him that his “cancellation of Americans for Truth’s reservation raises serious concerns of unlawful discrimination under the Illinois Human Rights Act which prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation on the basis of religion.”

According to LaBarbera, Igoe’s decision to reject AFT was then ratified by Holiday Inn’s corporate offices. LaBarbera says he cannot imagine the hotel treating homosexual activists in the same manner. He calls this another example of Christians being treated as second-class citizens in U.S. society.

“It seems that there is now a sort of politically correct homosexual ‘heckler’s veto’ that’s forcing or persuading businesses to do things to decent people that they wouldn’t normally do,” he says.

LaBarbera states that it seems like America is becoming a “nation of cowards” due to political correctness.

“When a hotel chain is willing to cancel a Christian group’s event, due to a potential protest by a homosexual activist group, it’s a sad day in America,” says LaBarbera.

He says that although he believes his organization has grounds for a lawsuit, they probably will not because they have “plenty of other things to do,” he states. The AFT banquet will now have to find a new venue for the event, which has been rescheduled for October 5. The banquet will feature speaking appearances by former homosexual Charlotte Cothran and parents’ rights advocate David Parker of Massachusetts.

Mr. Igoe did not return OneNewsNow’s requests for an interview. A Holiday Inn hotel in the Chicago suburb of Crystal Lake recently succeeded in getting a judge to bar the Illinois Minuteman Project from holding a scheduled seminar at the hotel. The hotel cited concerns the anti-illegal immigration group might attract protests that would jeopardize the safety of its employees and customers.
Editor’s Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates

Who Is Amy Andre of ‘Out & Equal’ — Homosexual Group Sponsored by Ford

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

By AFTAH Staff

Amy Andre has a perverted life mission — and her employer

“Out & Equal” recently got a $10,000 boost from Ford


Recall Americans For Truth’s exclusive special report, Out & Costly, on the presentation at last year’s National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s “Creating Change” conference by Amy Andre, Manager of Training and Professional Development for Out & Equal, a group that promotes the acceptance of homosexuality in the corporate world.

American Family Association has alerted concerned citizens across the nation to Ford Motor Company’s sponsorship of Out & Equal — and other homosexual activist activities. Ford recently gave $10,000 to become a sponsor of the 2007 Out and Equal Workplace Summit to be held in Washington, DC, Sept. 27-29, according to AFA.

You might be interested in understanding the philosophy and politics of this woman who is pressing for radical change in employer-paid benefits — especially if you happen to be a corporate executive or a human resources director dealing with the Out & Equal agenda in your company. Consider whether your employees and customers share Amy Andre’s perspective…

Read the rest of this article »

‘Partial Victory’ on Wal-Mart: Garner Notes Online ‘Gay’ Book Sales

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

by Donna Garner
June 26, 2007
On Monday morning (6-26-07), I went to the online Wal-Mart bookstore:

I typed in the words “gay and lesbians.”  In the top, lefthand corner, it states, “576 items found for ‘gays and lesbians.’ ”   Wal-Mart still has some cleaning up to do before it can say it is not supporting the gay and lesbian agenda. 
To read more about how to approach Wal-Mart with your concerns, please read Erin Roach’s 1.22.07 article in the Baptist Press ( 
While Wal-Mart appears to be removing its support of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender organizations, we need to ask Wal-Mart to remove these harmful books from its online bookstore because they could easily get into the hands of impressionable teens.  
Donna Garner

Tony Perkins of Family Research Council wrote Monday (June 25):

Liberal Partnerships No Longer in Store for Wal-Mart


For Wal-Mart executives, the most pressing issue hasn’t been price wars but the broader culture war. A year after the company’s failed experiment of endorsing pro-homosexual groups, the retail giant announced that it will no longer donate to “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) organizations.” The news is a significant victory for many in the pro-family movement who took part in a grassroots campaign to oppose Wal-Mart’s liberal partnerships. In 2006, the company known for its Christian roots did a radical about-face, joining the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, sponsoring the “Out & Equal” convention, and selling homosexual-themed products in its retail stores. Wal-Mart’s liberal transformation angered many in its customer base and prompted several groups to boycott the chain altogether. FRC distributed thousands of educational fliers warning customers that Wal-Mart was rolling back family values. In the end, the broad backlash forced the company to revoke its political agenda. Hopefully, this latest decision will signal other companies to rethink their liberal leanings. Many have tested the political waters and found that embracing the Left’s agenda often means sacrificing profits and consumer confidence–a price more retailers are unwilling to pay. For the latest on the homosexual agenda, log on to to read an op-ed today by FRC’s Vice President for Policy, Peter Sprigg, which appeared in USA Today.

Homosexual Legal Bullies’ Latest Target:

Monday, June 4th, 2007

e-harmony-couple.gif Doesn’t and its Christian founder have a fundamental right to promote traditional marriages between a man and a woman — and not cater to unnatural “unions”? Will this and all private American companies be forced to promote the homosexual agenda? Above are happy normal couples brought together by e-Harmony’s online dating service.

TAKE A MINUTE TO SUPPORT and respectfully ask that they support real marriage by not leaving open the possibility of providing “matches” for homosexuals. Write them via their Contact page or call their corporate offices in Pasadena, California, at 626-795-4814 (hit #9 when you get the machine). Their snail-mail address is, P.O. Box 60157, Pasadena, CA 91116.
Also, call or write your U.S. Representative and Senators (202-224-3121; and urge them to oppose H.R. 2015, the “Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), the pro-homosexual/pro-trannsexual employment bill — which will only embolden “gay” harassment lawsuits against tradition-minded companies.

Below is a Reuters news story describing the homosexual activist lobby’s latest attack on the freedom to be moral. There are plenty of places offering “match” services for homosexual couples — just try any (liberal) “City Paper,” where all sorts of disordered unions can be arranged. But no, e-Harmony must bend to the tiny minority of homosexual militants who have no regard for others’ liberties — including your freedom to live out your religious beliefs as you see fit.

We hope, a private business run by a born-again Christian, Dr. Neil Clark Warren, does not cave in to this outrageous demand by lesbian Linda Carlson. (It appears that by keeping open the possibility of including “gay” matches, eHarmony is moving away from Warren’s assertion to ex-homosexual Christian activist Steve Bennett that he would never consider such a thing; also, see Warren’s 2005 NPR interview HERE.)

If eHarmony capitulates, it will only encourage other lawsuits. Who’s next? Christian-owned day care centers? Summer camps run by orthodox Jews? The message coming from the liberal, pro-homosexual activists here is simple: you can have your beliefs in your church or synagogue or home (for now…) but don’t you dare try to live them out in the public square.

They are telling us: retreat into your church closet. All of America — our schools, corporations, and our laws — must now affirm homosexuality.

It’s become all too clear: no special interest group threatens our basic freedoms like the homosexual and gender confusion (“transgender”) lobbies. They are the new legal bullies on the block, and can only be stopped if good people lose their apathy and their fear of being Politically Incorrect — and say “No” to this oppressive, unhealthy agenda. Call (626-795-4814) or write eHarmony today!

May 31, 2007
eHarmony sued in California for excluding gays
By Jill Serjeant

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The popular online dating service eHarmony was sued on Thursday for refusing to offer its services to gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

A lawsuit alleging discrimination based on sexual orientation was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on behalf of Linda Carlson, who was denied access to eHarmony because she is gay.

Lawyers bringing the action said they believed it was the first lawsuit of its kind against eHarmony, which has long rankled the gay community with its failure to offer a “men seeking men” or “women seeking women” option.

They were seeking to make it a class action lawsuit on behalf of gays and lesbians excluded from the dating service.

eHarmony was founded in 2000 by evangelical Christian Dr. Neil Clark Warren and had strong early ties with the influential religious conservative group Focus on the Family.

Read the rest of this article »

International Mr. Leather: Photos Reveal Twisted Perversions at Chicago’s Palmer House Hilton Hotel

Thursday, May 31st, 2007

Truth in labeling from one comic book vender at IML 2006.

Graphic photos below with offensive depictions of real-life homosexual depravities

By Peter LaBarbera


1) MOST IMPORTANT: Contact Hilton Hotels Corporation World Headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, and Hilton CEO Stephen Bollenback (; 310-278-4321) and politely express your dismay that Hilton would allow its good name to be associated with the sadistic sexual perversion-fest known as “International Mr. Leather.” If you feel so led, tell them that you will certainly never stay at the Palmer House Hilton — who would knowing that disgusting homosexual orgies have gone on in their rooms? — and you also will not be staying at other Hilton hotels while this deviant association continues.

I also spoke with a nice Hilton HQ executive, Trina Owens (; 901-374-5041), to whom you can also express your concerns over Hilton promoting perversion. Here’s the full contact information: Hilton World Headquarters, CEO: Stephen Bollenbach: Fax: 310-205-7655; phone 310-278-4321), Brand Performance & Franchise Development, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills , CA 90210; Development Hotline: 800-286-0645; or call 1-800-HILTONS.


Sign reads: “Due to the entire hotel being reserved for a private convention [International Mr. Leather], all hotel facilities are closed to the general public until Tuesday, May 29th. Thank you for your cooperation. The Palmer House Hilton.”

2) Write or call Palmer House Hilton General Manager Peter Lynn (; phone 312-726-7500 (ask for Peter Lynn’s office); ask him how they sterilize their rooms after the perverse IML orgies, and express your outrage that they would profit off this sadism spectacle through 2009. Fax: 312-917-1707; 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago , Illinois , United States 60603.

3) From now on, book your hotel through (hotels that are porn-free), so you can rest easy knowing that you are not rewarding the pornography industry through your stay.

The following are photos — there are others that we could not publish — from the “vendor fair” at International Mr. Leather 2006 and 2007, held on Memorial Day weekend (both years) at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The photos were taken by this writer, walking through the IML vendor fair, which was open to the public:


Man gets tied up in IML 2006.


This man at IML 2006 was bound and gagged and bounced around with bunny ears on from one Palmer House room to another, to satisfy some twisted fetish.


Diaper fetish. The “orientation” of this grown man in a diaper and sucking on a baby pacifier is “infantilism.” He was photographed in the lobby of the Palmer House Hilton at IML 2006.

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CWA: ENDA Would Dismantle First Amendment Liberties

Friday, May 11th, 2007

Press Release, Concerned Women For America (, May 11, 2006  

Washington, DC –– With much fanfare, liberals in Congress — led by openly homosexual congressman Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) — recently introduced H.R. 2015, the ironically-titled “Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007” (ENDA).  According to proponents, this bill merely seeks to insulate people who choose to engage in homosexual behaviors (“sexual orientation”) or who suffer from gender confusion (gender identity) against employment discrimination.  But regrettably this legislation would effectively codify and encourage the very thing it purports to prevent — workplace discrimination. 

ENDA would apply to any business with 15 or more employees.  The bill’s language states that, “it shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer…to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to the compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment of the individual, because of such individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.”      

Matt Barber, Policy Director for Cultural Issues with Concerned Women for America (CWA), warned, “This bill would force Christian, Jewish or Muslim business owners to hire people who openly choose to engage in homosexual or cross-dressing behaviors despite a sincerely held religious belief that those behaviors are dangerous, sinful and not in keeping with basic morality.  ENDA would essentially force employers to check their First Amendment protected rights to freedom of religion, speech and association at the workplace door.  It’s absurd!  For instance, female employees would have to endure both systematic sexual harassment and a hostile work environment by being forced to share bathroom facilities with male employees who get their jollies from wearing a dress, high heels and lipstick.     

“Over the years, the homosexual lobby has done a masterful job of co-opting the language of the genuine civil rights movement in their push for special rights.  This bill represents the goose that laid the golden egg for homosexual activist attorneys,” concluded Barber.   

Shari Rendall, CWA’s Director of Legislation and Public Policy, said of ENDA, “This bill would unfairly extend special privileges based upon an individual’s changeable sexual behaviors, rather than focusing on immutable, non-behavior characteristics such as skin color or gender.   Its passage would both overtly discriminate against and muzzle people of faith.  Former Secretary of State Collin Powell put it well when he said, ‘Skin color is a benign, non-behavioral characteristic. Sexual orientation is perhaps the most profound of human behavioral characteristics. Comparison of the two is a convenient but invalid argument.’”  

CWA asks Congress to protect the First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, religion and association for all Americans by voting NO on ENDA. 

Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.

ENDA: The ‘Transgender Bathrooms for Businesses’ Bill

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

H.R. 2015 Would Force a Gender Confusion Revolution on U.S. Businesses

By Peter LaBarbera


For once we agreed with Barney Frank (sort of), at least before he sold out to the “transgender” lobby. 

“There are workplace situations — communal showers, for example — when the demands of the transgender community fly in the face of conventional norms and therefore would not pass in any Congress. I’ve talked with transgender activists and what they want — and what we will be forced to defend — is for people with penises who identify as women to be able to shower with other women.”

Homosexual Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), BEFORE he changed his mind and embraced including “transgenders” in the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA)  

“Technically, you cannot truly change one’s sex. That’s why the procedure is not really called ‘sex change surgery’ but ‘sex reassignment surgery.’ The idea is to alter the physical appearance of a person’s anatomy to approximate as nearly as possible the anatomic arrangement of the other sex.”

Melanie, “Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS), the Nuts & Bolts,” a “Transgender Support Site” 

*          *          *

Employment NonDiscrimination Act (H.R. 2015) Language: 

“EMPLOYER PRACTICES.—It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer—

(1) “to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to the compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment of the individual, because of such individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity; or

(2) “to limit, segregate, or classify the employees or applicants for employment of the employer in any way that would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment or otherwise adversely affect the status of the individual as an employee, because of such individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.”

*          *         *

TAKE ACTION:  Call the Congress (202-224-3121) or use e-mail to urge your Representative and Senators to reject ENDA (H.R. 2015) and the insanity of forcing business across the nation to accommodate and subsidize gender confusion in the name of “civil rights.” Also, call President Bush (202-456-1414) or e-mail him at to urge him to veto the “trans”-affirming ENDA, along with the “Hate Crimes” bill (H.R. 1592) that his aides have indicated will likely be vetoed. 

Fast on the heels of the “Hate Crimes” bill (H.R. 1597, recently passed by the House) is the second of two top homosexual activist priorities: ENDA, the “Employment Nondiscrimination Act,” H.R. 2015, recently introduced by homosexual Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.). Please read at the bottom of this story the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade’s analysis of the “transgender” provision of this radical bill.

To read about ENDA’s dubious “religious exemption” provision, click HERE.

Veteran observers of the “gay” movement will recall that Frank himself once strongly criticized the idea of including transsexuals in the ENDA bill (see above quote). But like most “progressives,” Frank has seen the light, or maybe he just heard the shouts — from radical “trans” activists who have skillfully adapted militant “gay” tactics to their own misguided cause, including calling their outspoken critics “transphobes.”

Several giant corporations have already settled on pro-“transgender” bathroom and dress policies — probably the same companies who would subject their employees to biased, pro-homosexual “diversity” lectures — but can you imagine inflicting these “transgender” regulations on small and mid-level companies through federal law via ENDA?

This is one of the most perverse applications of “civil rights” to date — and it’s headed straight for your business if you have 15 or more employees. What female employee wants to share the company restroom with a big-boned man claiming to be “transitioning” to “womanhood”? Will companies have to build “transgender male” and “transgender female” restrooms (or “Designated GLBT Restrooms”) to accommodate the various “orientations” and avoid government prosecution?


Churches and religious-oriented groups are quasi-exempt under ENDA but secular businesses owned by Christians or religious Americans are not. ENDA is a “gay” and “trans” lawyer’s dream. What about jobs such as a teacher in which the employer might not want the “transitioning” employee to model his newfound “gender identity” to children? Or service jobs (say a maitre d’) in which the employer may not want the newly “gender variant” employee to be in such a public role?

Imagine a male employee, John, who since he became employed at XYZ Corp., about a decade ago, has used the men’s restroom. Then one day he informs his boss that in a week he will come to work in a dress as “Joanna” and begin his MTF (“male-to-female”) metamorphosis into “womanhood.” (According to widely accepted regulations within the “transgender” world, he must “live” full-time as Joanna, taking female hormones, for a full year before he becomes eligible for “sex-reassignment surgery,” which will turn his healthy sex organ into a makeshift female sex organ. If you have the stomach to read what is actually done to a man’s body in “sex reassignment surgery,” click HERE, but be warned: it’s horrifying stuff. We must pray for these poor souls who are so confused that they would destroy their healthy, God-given bodies to assuage their inner conflict.)

Isn’t it a bit much to expect of normal, female XYZ employees to all of the sudden welcome “Joanna’s” presence in the ladies’ restroom? In fact, as I read the Blade account below, under ENDA’s proposed regulations, John/Joanna would be able to use the female restroom BEFORE his “sex reassignment” surgery. Indeed, the website “e-transgender,” quoting the homosexual/transgender group Human Rights Campaign, advises corporate human resources managers as follows:

“Employers should grant restroom access according to an employee’s full-time gender presentation.”

Read: if John “lives” (identifies) as Joanna full-time, he should be able to use the female restroom. Biologically-born ladies, beware!

What about the privacy rights of John’s female co-workers? Don’t they have the right not to feel personally invaded as they go to the restroom at their job? Will businesses have to put out new bathroom policies and undergo company-wide bathroom-usage training to explain the new policies?


But the situation becomes a crisis when the federal government — aided by politically correct activist judges — forces businesses to advance this Gender Confusion Revolution in the name of “civil rights.”

Is this really an area in which the federal government should even be involved? It’s bad enough that big business is rolling over to the bizarre “T” (Transgender) agenda — with some even subsidizing horrifying “sex-reassignment surgeries” that destroy men’s and women’s healthy bodies. (I once attended a conference for FTM (“female to male”) “transgenders” in which young women proudly showed off their flat chests — the result of “chest surgery” operations in which their healthy breasts were removed to make them look like the “men” they wanted to be.)

Of course, the larger goal here — shared by the “gay” and “transgender” lobbies — is to change your mind and heart regarding gender-confused conduct. The law is merely a tool in their never-ending quest to overturn America’s Judeo-Christian norms regarding family, sex and marriage.

We predict that businesses will deal with this very sad and strange “transgender” issue by building special restrooms and/or shower facilities for their “transgender” or alternatively “gendered” employees — spending countless millions to subsidize mentally disordered, deviant behavior. (Gender Identity Disorder, or GID, is a recognized mental disorder.) This corporate spending would accelerate dramatically should ENDA become law, as businesses would fear lawsuits if they failed to honor “trans” rights.

Call Congress (202-224-3121) or use e-mail to urge your U.S. Representative and Senators to reject ENDA, H.R. 2015. Also, call President Bush (202-456-1414) or e-mail him at and ask him to veto the pro-“trans” ENDA, along with the “Hate Crimes” bill (H.R. 1592) that his aides have already indicated will likely be vetoed.

Read the rest of this article »

VIDEO: Satan’s Talking Points? HRC’s Harry Knox Claims Homosexuality Is ‘Gift from God’ in MSNBC Debate with CWA’s Matt Barber

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

By Peter LaBarbera

“What’s clear from our experience and from science is that being gay or lesbian is an immutable, unchangeable gift from God, one for which I am very grateful. And it would fly in the face of my respect for God to give that gift back. It would simply be unethical and hurtful to our relationship with the Creator to give back gifts that God has given us….” — Homosexual activist Harry Knox of the “gay” lobby group Human Rights Campaign, on MSNBC debate 3-23-07

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness.– Old Testament prophet Isaiah (Is. 5:20)

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

harry_knox_2.jpg Harry Knox promotes Big Lie for HRC

Please take five minutes to watch the fascinating online YouTube video above (click the “play” button on the screen) of a March 23, 2007 MSNBC debate between homosexual activist Harry Knox and pro-family warrior Matt Barber. The first time I watched this, I was flabbergasted at the gall of Knox, Director of the Religion and Faith Program for Human Rights Campaign (HRC, the world’s most powerful homosexual pressure group).

What better example of Hitler’s “Big Lie” technique than to transform homosexuality from an abominable sin and perversion … to a sickness … to a condition … to an inborn “orientation” that is actually a gift from God!

Yeah, that’s it — a wonderful gift that you’d never want to give back! (Strange how so many homosexual men are getting sick and dying in the prime of their life from practicing their supposed heavenly “gift.”)

I think we’ve discovered Satan’s Talking Points on homosexuality in the swank D.C. offices of Human Rights Campaign. HRC strategists understand that to neutralize America’s religious opposition to their destructive agenda, they must co-opt Christianity and the Bible itself.

The notion that homosexual “orientation” is a “gift from God” is the biggest lie in a “gay” arsenal filled with falsehoods — so start looking for that liberal echo chamber we call “the media” to begin giving it wide play.

The MSNBC debate was instigated by Al Mohler’s column (naively ill-timed, in my view) speculating on the possibility of hormone treatments to “fix” homosexuality in the womb if a genetic component to homosexuality were to be discovered.

By the way, Knox’s able opponent on the MSNBC debate, my good friend Matt Barber, is Policy Director for Cultural Issues at Concerned Women for America. Matt is a former professional heavyweight boxer (you can watch one his knockouts online on YouTube HERE) who was fired by the insurance giant Allstate after writing an online article — on his own time — critical of homosexual “marriage.” (Ironically, it was an HRC staffer who spotted Matt’s article and reported him to the Diversity Police at Allstate, leading to his firing. Oh, but I almost forgot: it is those poor, aggrieved homosexuals who are getting fired by the thousands “just for being gay” ….)

Matt is also former Corporate Outreach Director for Americans For Truth. We’re delighted that thanks to Allstate’s intolerance and pro-homosexual corporate agenda, he’s now “in the ring” in Washington, D.C., throwing rhetorical jabs on the side of God and truth.

Our next e-mail will discuss how adult homosexual activists like Knox and Soulforce’s Mel White are corrupting impressionable youth — a spiritual “crime” for which they will one day pay dearly if they don’t repent and turn away from their evil promotion of sexual sin.

Again, here is that YouTube link for the MSNBC debate featuring Harry Knox’s Big Lie about God. And please pray that God will lead the confused and lost Mr. Knox out of homosexuality.

Support Americans for Truth about Homosexuality

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Columbus, OH 43234

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