Corporate Promotion

PLaB Tweet: Use HRC Buyers Guide to See which Pro-Homosexual Companies to Avoid

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Every year, the powerful homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign puts out a "Buyer's Guide" to advance its goal of gaining corporate support for the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activist agenda.

Link for homosexual activist group HRC’s 2011 “Buying for Equality” Guide:

Periodically, we’ll post Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera’s “Tweets” or Facebook entries on the AFTAH main page. We’ll clean up the Twitter abbreviations, and occasionally also post responses. Note as well that the most recent Twitter posts will be continuously published and updated on the “Pete’s Tweets” bar at left.  To follow Americans For Truth  LaBarbera on Twitter for frequent updates and quick comments on the pro-homosexuality agenda, go HERE; to see LaBarbera’s Facebook page, go HERE. The following Tweet was posted Feb. 8, 2011 in the morning:

Use this pro-lgbt [lesbian, gay, bi, trans] Human Rights Campaign (HRC) “Buyer’s Guide” to see which corporations are the most sold out to the homosexual agenda:

New HRC Corporate Scorecard Demands Coverage of Transsexual ‘Sex-Change’ Operations

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

Will businesses cave to homosexual lobby group’s brazen demands?

Should American consumers and taxpayers subsidize body-disfiguring "Sex Reassignment Surgeries" for gender-confused individuals? Above is Autumn Sandeen, a man who left his wife and kids to become a transsexual activist. Sandeen's ex-wife told AFTAH that she discovered his perverse cross-dressing desires when she found a dress that wasn't hers in the clothes dryer. Click on photo to enlarge.

Folks, every time I think I’ve seen it all regarding the Homosexual Lobby’s fanatical demands, they come up with something new that dumbfounds me in its astonishing arrogance and chutzpah. Check this out: the anti-Christian, anti-Bible (and yes, anti-God) homosexual lobby group Human Wrongs Rights Campaign (HRC) has added coverage for transsexual sex-change operations to its 2012 Corporate Scorecard criteria. These perverse criteria gauge how compliant major corporations are to HRC’s radical homosexual/bisexual/transsexual agenda. The D.C.-based lobby organzation wants at least $75,000 in “health” coverage for tranny sex-change operations for the corporation to get a perfect rating. 

HRC is led by well-paid secular bigot Joe Solmonese, who also is DEMANDING an apology from the Mormon Church because a church official affirmed Mormon teachings on the sin of homosexuality. HRC’s hugely-funded PAC is deeply involved in elections across the country: you can check out how your Congressman and Senators rated on the homosexual agenda criteria by linking to their Congressional Scorecard. 

The following is an excerpt of what HRC stipulates for its revised 2012 Corporate Scorecard “Criteria 3.0” (yes, they upgrade them periodically, like Microsoft Windows) under “Health Insurance for Transgender Employees and Dependents”). If a corporation agrees to this for 2012 — and all of HRC’s other homosexual/transsexual demands [see this AFTAH article on the current rating criteria] — it gets a 100 percent rating: 

“Where available for employees, the following benefits should all extend to transgender individuals, including for services related to transgender transition (e.g., medically necessary services related to sex reassignment):  

  • Short term medical leave
  • Mental health benefits
  • Pharmaceutical coverage (e.g., for hormone replacement therapies)
  • Coverage for medical visits or laboratory services
  • Coverage for reconstructive surgical procedures related to sex reassignment” 

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Rainbow Cookie Scandal Strikes Indianapolis — Update from AFA-Indiana’s Micah Clark

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

This perverse rendition of the iconic Iwo Jima WWII photo replaces Old Glory with the "gay" rainbow flag, and Marines with shirtless "gay" men. It represents all that's wrong with selfish homosexual activism. American fighting men died to preserve freedom, here and abroad -- not for their fellow citizens to be forced by government and activist courts to subjugate their religious and moral beliefs to the celebration of homosexuality as a newly discovered "civil right."

Folks, this story out of Indianapolis is Elaine Huguenin — the New Mexican Christian photographer fined for not shooting photos at a lesbian “commitment ceremony” — all over again. Arrogant liberals steeped in “gay” ideology think they have the right to FORCE people of faith to help celebrate homosexuality — even with their own private businesses. They don’t — not in a truly free country, anyway. 

The Tyranny of Forced Homosexual Affirmation is wrong and against the principle of God-given liberty that defines America. A Christian cookie-maker shouldn’t be forced to make cookies celebrating homosexuality in violation of his creed not to abet sin — in the same way that a “gay”-activist-owned bakery shouldn’t be forced to make cookies for Americans For Truth or AFA. 

This is why the homosexual agenda presently is a greater threat to American freedom than Sharia Law, as I said on Facebook. (Homosexual bloggers typically responded with emotional attacks on me and AFTAH rather than deal with the freedom-vs.-“gay rights” issue.) Are men and women across America being forced to deny their Christian beliefs to get an education and even getting fired due to aggressive Muslim activism and pro-Islam “special rights’ laws? No. 

Are Christians from California to Massachusetts being forced to deny their beliefs or face government or corporate punishment for NOT affirming homosexuality? Yes they are — and it’s time for the media to take this civil rights crisis (anti-religious discrimination in the name of a false tolerance) seriously. How gratifying it is to see Indiana citizens getting it — and saying “No!” to “superior rights” for homosexuals. Please support Micah Clark’s and AFA of Indiana’s important work. — Peter LaBarbera, 

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LaBarbera to Ann Coulter: Reconsider Appearance at Event for GOProud — Phony ‘Gay Conservatives’

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Would Ann Coulter speak at an event for “Republicans For Responsible Porn Use,” or “Republicans for Higher Taxes,” or Republicans for Choice (Abortion) -- if such groups took legitimately conservative positions on other issues like gun rights?

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631; e-mail: ; August 10, 2010

CHICAGO — Americans For Truth About Homosexuality President Peter LaBarbera today urged conservative pundit Ann Coulter to reconsider her appearance at “Homocon,” a September event for the homosexual Republican group GOProud

LaBarbera said: 

As a fan of Ann Coulter, it pains me to see her cave in to political correctness and lend credibility to the phony homosexual “conservatives” over at GOProud. Worse, Coulter is sending a dangerous message to young Americans that homosexuality is OK. (It’s actually a sin.) Fully half of GOProud’s top 10 federal priorities center on using the Government to advance homosexuality, including: 

#4 – “Repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’” – Homosexualizing the military is reckless, especially in wartime. GOProud claims to defend “individual liberty,” but what about the privacy rights of normal soldiers who don’t want to bunk and shower with men who lust after other men? Moreover, if DADT is repealed, the military will become a massive government bureaucracy for pro-homosexual “diversity” – subjecting millions of tradition-minded servicemen to Orwellian, same-sex propaganda to enforce its new lavender crusade. (Chaplains: beware.) 

# 7 – “Opposing any anti-gay federal marriage amendment.” Coulter must know that America might be just one Supreme Court justice away from legalizing oxymoronic homosexual “marriage” – which would undermine religious freedom in every state in the nation. A Federal Marriage Amendment could be the only way to stop this Roe v. Wade-like disaster. And since when did state-enforced homosexual “marriage” – with its corrosive effect on liberty and linkage to Homosexuality Promotion in schools — become “conservative”? 

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VIDEO: Boycott McDonald’s for Promoting Youth Homosexuality

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Should Christians take solace in fact that pro-“gay” ad will only run in France and not USA?

Teenage boy in McDonald's-France TV ad pines after another boy in his all-boys school. McDonald's COO Don Thompson says the ad will not run in the USA. But as a Christian he should be concerned that the corporation is promoting sinful, unhealthy sexual lifestyles to young men in any country.

TAKE ACTION: You can write McDonald’s HERE or call 1-800-244-6227; or write: McDonald’s Corporation, Attn: Jim Skinner and Don Thompson, 2111 McDonald’s Dr., Oak Brook, IL 60523.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, perhaps you’ve seen the YouTube of this wicked McDonald’s TV commercial in France, featuring a homosexual teenage boy in love with another member of his all-boys school. (His out-of-touch, hopelessly ‘heterosexist’ father still thinks of his son as a potential lady’s man.) Since I saw the ad a while ago, I have stopped eating at McDonalds — which has had the added bonus of helping to keep my already protruding gut from officially being designated as “super-sized.”  

To a significant degree, McDonald’s with its high-calorie fare has always been in the business of promoting unhealthy lifestyles; now it has added unhealthy sexual lifestyles to the mix. To be sure, McDonald’s does not include promoting wholesomeness and time-tested Judeo-Christian morality among its “core values.” In a contorted defense of the fast food giant’s marketing practices, McDonald’s Chief Operation Officer Don Thompson told the Chicago Tribune in March that the French ad will not  be running in the USA. But the “Come as You Are” commercial has received wide publicity and gotten over two million hits on YouTube, so that’s a small comfort to Americans who have no interest in promoting youth homosexuality when they buy a Big Mac, or a Happy Meal for their young children.

Here’s FOX’s Bill O’Reilly segment on the French commercial — note how O’Reilly repeats the old homosexual-activist myth that “gays are ten percent of the population” — followed by more commentary and a McDonald’s-France letter defending it:  

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video   

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AFTAH ‘Truth Academy’ Curriculum and Speakers Schedule Aug. 5-7

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Americans For Truth Academy

Tentative Speakers Schedule

Thursday, August 5 – Saturday, August 7, 2010

Location: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004;

Cost: Adults: $149 for 3-day conference; Single day rate: $50/day; Married couples discount: $199 for full conference; Youth: $99 (scholarships available to attendees ages 14-25)

Contact info/queries/RSVP: E-mail ; phone: 630-717-7631; more background information HERE.

Truth Academy Instructors:

  • Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel ; Board Member, AFTAH
  • Cliff Kincaid, America’s Survival; Accuracy in Media
  • Prof. Robert Gagnon, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, author, The Bible and Homosexual Practice
  • Arthur Goldberg, Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH), author, Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change
  • Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute
  • Robert Knight, Coral Ridge Ministries; author, Radical Rulers: The White House Elites Who Are Pushing America Towards Socialism, keynote presenter
  • Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality
  • Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen, Liberty University School of Law
  • Greg Quinlan, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX); Pro-Family Network
  • Ryan Sorba, Young Conservatives of California



All presentations are 45 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q & A.  There will be a panel discussion and Q & A on Thursday and Friday, and a special evening presentation each of those evenings.

8-9:30 – Light breakfast;  Registration

9:30 – 10:00 – Opening Prayer, Calvin Lindstrom, pastor, Church of Christian Liberty;

Welcoming Remarks, Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality:

“From gay pride to gay tyranny”

10:10 – 11:10 – Prof. Rena Lindevaldsen, Liberty University School of Law:

“History of modern ‘gay’ activism and the courts”

11:20-12:20 – Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel; Board Member, AFTAH:

“Masculine Christianity: a non-defensive approach to the Culture War over homosexuality”

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Tell Corporations: Stop Spending my Consumer Dollars on Promoting Homosexuality and Gender Confusion

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Progressive Insurance and other big corporations now fund and promote immoral “gay pride” parades

Why should you spend your hard-earned consumer dollars on the products of a company like Progressive Insurance that promotes "pride" in immoral homosexual behavior? Progressive lists the various big-city "gay pride" parade dates on its special, pro-homosexual "Faces of Pride" website.

[The following message was sent out to AFTAH e-subscribers May 20, 2010:]

Folks, Jamil Adair of Horizon City, Texas, has given us permission to reprint his excellent letter to Progressive Insurance, which he sent after reading our article, “Progressive Insurance Co. Promotes Homosexuality.” (And Jamil approved the printing of his full address: here is one American who does not cower in fear of homosexual activist bullies.) Click HERE to read Jamil’s letter.

This is how we regain our culture: taking one principled stance at a time, and using our considerable power as consumers to defend morality and truth.  In the last decade or so, the corporate world was essentially ceded to the “gay” lobby without much of a fight — while pro-family advocates were busy opposing the homosexual activist political agenda in Washington, D.C.  Now look at the tragic result: major corporations are using their immense resources to promote sexual immorality and gender confusion throughout society.  And the agenda they are financing wars against Biblical values and directly threatens YOUR religious freedom.

One wonders: what have the Christian employees been doing all these years at companies like Progressive?   Why haven’t more people of faith spoken up in their place of employment — urging their superiors not to waste valuable corporate resources to fund and promote the homosexual and transsexual agenda?  And why aren’t more Christians and moral advocates demanding true corporate “diversity” — which includes respecting those employees who support real (man-woman) marriage and who oppose homosexual practice and gender confusion?

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Texas Man Cancels Progressive Insurance Policy over Promotion of Homosexuality

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Progressive's website boasts of the company's 100-percent ranking on the Human Rights Campaign's rigged pro-homosexual "Corporate Equality Index."

Jamil Adair of Horizon City, Texas, has given us permission to reprint his excellent letter to Progressive Insurance, which he sent after reading our article, “Progressive Insurance Co. Promotes Homosexuality.” Call Progressive at 1-800-PROGRESSIVE (800-776-4737) or fax your own letter to 800-229-1590.  (A Progressive phone/e-mail contact page is HERE.) And go HERE to read up on the homosexual  lobby group Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index” — which is used to pressure corporations like Progressive into ever greater advocacy and financing of the homosexualist agenda.  — Peter LaBarbera,


May 15th, 2010

Mr. Jamil J. Adair
700 Paseo De Suerte Dr.
Horizon City, Texas 79928

Progressive Insurance
Department 0561
Carl Stream, Illinois 60132

(800) 229-1590 FAX [to Progressive Insurance Co.]


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to advise you that I am canceling my automobile insurance policy effective June 1st, 2010. It was brought to my attention that “Progressive Insurance” has adopted a controversial policy of openly endorsing and supporting the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender (GLBT) movement.

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