
“Downplaying Homosexuality” Never Works — Getting Back to Basics

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

kingandkinggayprinceskiss.jpgAmerica the Decadent? Would previous generations have allowed homosexual propagandists to spread their ungodly message of male-to-male erotic love to young children — in schools — as this children’s picture book, ‘King & King,’ has been used to do?

QUESTION: How do we get back on the offensive in the Culture War battle against homosexual activism and gender confusion? Send your ideas to

Dear AFTAH Readers,

My friend Laurie Higgins below has hit on a microcosm of why our movement is on the brink of an astounding cultural defeat — the triumph of immoral same-sex behavior as a “civil right.” In the last decade, some of our leaders, and many conservatives, chose to “downplay” the very force — homosexualism — that was leading the assault on marriage, normalcy and children in our culture.

About three years ago, I sat in a roomful of evangelical leaders at a major ministry where it was taught that you should not criticize homosexual behavior in advocating against “same-sex marriage.” The “expert” speaker cited poll data and negative audience reaction to the issue being raised.

Read the rest of this article »

McDonald’s Signs onto ‘Gay’ Agenda

Monday, March 31st, 2008

Family restaurant puts executive on board of homosexual chamber

mcdonalds-logo.JPGBy Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily, March 30, 2008

Full story at

Following the link from the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s website leads to a promotional for children’s Happy Meals at the McDonalds website

McDonald’s restaurant’s, famed for the Golden Arches, Ronald McDonald and kids meals, has signed onto a nationwide effort to promote “gay” and “lesbian” business ventures.

The company, which is listed on the website of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce as a “corporate partner and organization ally” for an undisclosed financial contribution, also recently placed one of its executives on the NGLCC board of directors.

Earlier this month, the chamber confirmed that Richard Ellis, vice president of communications of McDonald’s USA, was elected to the special interest chamber board.

“We could not be more delighted with the addition of Richard to the Board,” said NGLCC co-founder Justin Nelson. “Richard brings his extensive experience in communications and public affairs to a dynamic team of leaders.”

Said Ellis: “I’m thrilled to join the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce team and ready to get to work. I share the NGLCC’s passion for business growth and development within the LGBT community and I look forward to playing a role in moving these important initiatives forward.”

Click HERE for the entire WND story, “McDonald’s Sign on to ‘Gay’ Agenda”

Ford Meets Conditions; AFA Suspends Boycott

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

The following was published by American Family Association founder and chairman Donald Wildmon. Congratulations to AFA for holding Ford accountable through determined grassroots action. Ford executives’ willingness to alienate millions upon millions of pro-family consumers to pander to a tiny, vocal homosexual minority was a marketing mishap from the beginning:

Don Wildmon writes:

I have some good news for you! AFA is suspending its two year boycott of Ford Motor Company. The conditions of the original agreement presented in fall 2005 have been met. We reached the conclusion that Ford had met the conditions of the agreement based on monitoring for several months. Individuals are free to purchase Ford vehicles again.

Your support of the boycott played a key role in convincing Ford to cease its significant support of the homosexual agenda. During the 24 months the boycott was in effect, Ford sales dropped an average of 8% per month. The boycott was not entirely responsible for the drop in sales, but it played a very significant role.

A total of 780,365 individuals signed AFA’s Boycott Ford petition.

The original agreement contained four items:

  • Ford would not renew current promotions or create future incentives that give cash donations to homosexual organizations based on the purchase of a vehicle.
  • Ford would not make corporate donations to homosexual organizations that, as part of their activities, engage in political or social campaigns to promote civil unions or same-sex “marriage.”
  • Ford would stop giving cash and vehicle donations or endorsements to homosexual social activities such as Gay Pride parades.
  • Ford would cease all advertising on homosexual Web sites and through homosexual media outlets (magazines, television, radio) in the U.S. with the exception of $100,000 to be used by Volvo. The Volvo ads would be the same ads used in the general media and not aimed at the homosexual community specifically.

A few minor issues remain, and we will continue to bring these to the attention of Ford. But basically Ford has met the terms of the agreement. We are therefore suspending the boycott.
Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution? Click here to make a donation [to AFA].


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman American Family Association

New Resource: Gagnon Paper Warns that ENDA Will Erode Workplace Liberties

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

kodak-logo.jpg Eastman Kodak Company now gives preferential treatment to homosexual-owned “minority” subcontractors, and proudly gives funds to the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network. (GLSEN sponsored the notorious “Fistgate” workshop in 2000 and promotes homosexuality- and transsexuality-affirming lessons for grade schoolers.) Would Kodak be emboldened under an ENDA law to restrict “anti-gay” discussions or speech among its employees?

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Rob Gagnon, author of The Bible and Homosexual Practice, examines the potential assaults on liberty if the ENDA bill (Employment Nondiscrimination Act, H.R. 3685) becomes law. Gagnon’s paper, “Don’t ENDAnger Your Liberties in the Workplace,” is a must read, as it delves into the potential reactions (and over-reactions) of corporation managers to a federal law that bans “discrimination” based on homosexuality (“sexual orientation”). Check out these scenarios offered by Gagnon:

  • Suppose in the lunchroom or at the water cooler you engage in a conversation about sexual ethics. If a fellow employee extols homosexual bonds and you express your moral reservations about such bonds, you or the company could be liable for an anti-discrimination lawsuit for creating an intimidating atmosphere in the workplace that adversely affects the standing of a person who is vocal about his or her homosexual activity.
  • Let’s say that, in response to “diversity” posters, you post on your cubicle the text of Rom 1:24-27. Or in response to a corporate directive that you participate supportively in a “Coming Out Day” you respectfully decline because you find homosexual practice to be morally offensive. Or in an attempt to get exempted from the email list of the company’s “GLBT” organization (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) you send an email requesting to be removed from the list because you think homosexual practice is immoral. In all these circumstances, you are far more likely to be disciplined or fired, and to have no legal redress, with an “ENDA” in place than without it.
  • As a means of protecting the company against “discrimination” lawsuits, your employer may require you to attend indoctrination seminars that stress that homosexuality is as morally neutral as race or sex; and, moreover, to participate in “coming out” celebrations in the workplace that affirm “sexual diversity.” Your employer may further prohibit, under penalty of termination, any conversation, written communication, or act that calls homosexual practice into question.
  • While homosexual and bisexual persons will have their jobs protected under this act, your job status and advancement will have no such protections if you manifest “discriminatory” words against homosexual behavior. Indeed, not only will your religious convictions not be protected in a secular workplace, but also they will be treated as “bigotry” akin to racism and sexism. Corporations don’t generally hire or promote bigots. It is not good for business.
  • Monitoring of “discriminatory” beliefs toward homosexual and bisexual persons could even extend, at least in the case of white collar employees, outside the workplace. For example, if a school teacher has published in a newspaper a letter that advocates that society not provide legal incentives for homosexual practice, or offers counseling for those seeking to come out of the homosexual life, the courts could rule (as the British Columbia Supreme Court ruled a couple of years ago) that the employer is entitled to take such discriminatory views into consideration in suspending or firing the employee.

Gagnon’s entire paper can be viewed in HTML format HERE or as a PDF document HERE. Also see Americans For Truth’s special report on ENDA, “14 Good Reasons to Oppose H.R. 3685, the ‘ENDA Our Freedom” Bill.”

‘Tolerance Gone Wild’ in San Francisco as Cops Stand By Amidst 2007 Folsom Street Fair’s Public Perversions and Widespread Nudity

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007


All Folsom Street Fair photos by Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; permission to reprint given provided that credit be given to “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality,”; contact us at


By Peter LaBarbera and Allyson Smith, Americans For Truth exclusive

old_man_cowboy_hat_nude.JPG Sfolsomsfbadge2007.jpg Man bares all at Folsom Street Fair (he was wearing sneakers); right, entrance sticker given to attendees (by Christianity-mocking, drag-queen “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”) reproduces blasphemous, sadistic “Last Supper” photo that drew national attention to Folsom.

SAN FRANCISCO — How do you describe the most depraved public event in the most depraved city in America? Well, we’ll let the pictures do the talking — with our strategically-placed black boxes so as not to reward the perverted exhibitionists who invaded the city’s streets Sunday for the “Folsom Street Fair.” The Fair is an annual street party for BDSM enthusiasts (meaning bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism — or domination/submission) held on several blocked-off city streets here, that reportedly draws hundreds of thousands of “leather” practitioners and curious spectators every year. All frontal nudity is blocked below.

child_watches_bathhouse_booth_folsom.JPG At left, a young boy looks on at a booth sponsored by Steamworks, a local bathhouse (in Berkeley) where men go to engage in anonymous sodomies with other men. Organizers warned that Folsom was an event for adults, but parents were allowed to bring their young children. Steamworks also has branches in Chicago, Toronto, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Keep in mind as you look at these documented public acts of perversion that San Francisco police took a very passive, “hands off” role at the Fair — despite the national outrage and unprecedented media attention on Folsom following revelations that organizers used a perverted mockery of Da Vinci’s Last Supper painting as their promotional artwork. (The Last Supper rip-off adorned the small stickers given to every person who paid the $5 to get into Folsom; see photo above.)

Indeed, we watched as police standing on the street or just outside the blocked-off perimeter of Folsom did nothing as men walked by baring their genitals (only the men did this; some women bared their breasts). One extended orgiastic scene we witnessed involving several men (see photo below) took place on crowded Folsom Street as hundreds if not thousands of people walked by — yet police took no action.

We spoke with several policemen and security guards and the consensus was that rampant nudity and public sex are expected every year at Folsom Street (this was the event’s 25th year) and that it is the city’s politicians — from the Mayor on down — who are to blame for allowing it. three_nude_guys_at_folsom.JPG (Mayor Gavin Newsom greeted Folsom Street attendees in a letter published in the Fair’s program, warmly telling them to “have a great day and enjoy this wonderful and exciting event.”) It seemed to us that the police, as law “enforcers,” were put in the very awkward position of overseeing sexual anarchy and general lawlessness, as clearly there was no expectation that laws would be enforced to stop the public sex and nudity — assuming such anti-lewdness laws exist in San Francisco and California.

In addition to the nudity and public sex acts, there were public whippings and spankings. Some were held at booths: the AIDS Emergency Fund was hawking charity spankings for $5 each — and others apparently occurring spontaneously, if you can say that about an act of consensual, “erotic” violence. We witnessed one man whipping his “partner” on a sidewalk, the “whippee’s” back becoming a brighter red with each round of punishment — done out of love, we are told by the sadists.

nancy_pelosi.jpg The annual Folsom Street Fair takes place in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) San Francisco district. Speaking to a local “gay” newspaper through her spokesman, Pelosi refused to condemn the blasphemous Folsom 2007 promotional logo — which mocked Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting by substituting “leather” men and women for Christ and His disciples. Click HERE to view the blasphemous ad, which was reproduced on Folsom’s stickers for paid attendees. 

And we witnessed many “master-slave” “couples,” one leading the other around with a dog collar, of both the homosexual and heterosexual variety. The Folsom Street Fair began as an event mainly for homosexual sadomasochists, but it now attracts many straights, as evidenced by the thousands of women visible at this year’s event.

Gawkers and photo-takers were everywhere at Folsom, adding to the surrealness of the experience. Twice we witnessed people posing for photos with totally nude men, one who had been masturbating at a curb, as if the latter were celebrities. The fair/freak show was truly an exhibitionists’ dream, made possible by San Francisco’s moral and legal laxity.

So pervasive was the public (mostly male) nudity that it seemed the more “modest” homosexuals were the ones wearing only underwear or leather chaps exposing their behind.

folsom-street-fair-2007-101.jpg Man gets flogged at the “Mr-S-Leather” booth in the center of Folsom Street Fair as crowd watches and a man snaps a photo. Note the recipient’s red back.

After a day of walking through this bizarre and hellish “fair” — with occasional “normalcy breaks” to restore our sanity — what struck us was a sense of “tolerance gone wild” in the City by the Bay. If you can tolerate men having sex in the streets, then you can tolerate just about anything. During one respite, when I (Peter) complained to a San Francisco resident about the public sex and nudity going on at Folsom just a block or two away, he grew cold and said, “To each his own.”

To each his own? “I don’t prefer to have sex in the streets, but if that’s your thing, go for it”? San Francisco is a lesson in the evils of liberal, open-ended “tolerance.” On the one hand, the city’s supervisors and left-wing activists harass and condemn Christian youth who seek to promote virtue and a godly lifestyle to San Francisco teenagers. Then the same city leaders welcome with open arms — and emasculated law enforcement — the most perverted public street festival imaginable, with a strong dose of anti-Christian bigotry to boot.

More important than what Folsom says about sadomasochists — after all, those were proud perverts out on Sunday — is what it says about (mostly straight) social liberals and libertarians. Quick to bash — that is, judge — the “religious right,” they are deathly afraid of criticizing or “judging” anything homosexuality-related, even heinous perversion festivals where human beings are walked around with collars like dogs! How troubled are you that Speaker Pelosi has carefully couched her words so as not to offend those who would reconfigure the Last Supper to include sex toys and deviant “fetishists”?

More photos and incredible scenes we witnessed below:

public_sex_folsom-street-fair-2007.JPG Naked “leathermen” fondle each other in a public sex scene as passers-by stop to watch and take pictures. This scene (see next photo) went on for at least a half hour, as new men would come and join in the mutual masturbation. The smell of marijuana was in the air. And, yes, that is a baby stroller at the left of the photo. It occurred on the street directly in front of Weiss Welding (“since 1930”) at 1237 Folsom Street. At one point the man at left yelled out, “I’m seeing too many cameras and not enough dicks!” “Tolerance” has run amuck in San Francisco. Of course, it’s one-way: the same “Sisters” (see below) who welcomed the sadomasochists into Folsom Sunday protested vehemently against the Christian teen outreach group BattleCry, which held an evangelistic rally in San Francisco last year.

oral_sodomy_3_covered_folsom-street-fair-2007-222.JPG Man performs oral sodomy on another man in the same orgiastic street scene at 1237 Folsom Street above. When there is no law, perversion and lawlessness fill the void. The same principle applies toward sin and godlessness in the spiritual and moral realms. How can such open (and illegal) debauchery be allowed to go on year after year by the city supervisors and the mayor? One policeman said the city takes a laissez-faire approach just for Folsom, once a year, but other long-time San Francisco citizens said that public indecency is tolerated on other “special” days, like Halloween.

folsom-street-fair-2007-125.jpg Hard-core pornography was easy to find, and buy on sale, at Folsom.

female_slave_on_dog_collar_folsom-street-fair-2007.JPG Man leads bare-breasted female slave “partner” around by a dog collar. It appears that in recent years, heterosexual perverts have joined their “gay” brethren at the “fair” in increasing numbers. Talk about a setback for women’s rights … On the flip side, women were also seen leading around their male “slaves” at the twisted “fair” (see photo below).

pony_perversion_folsom-street-fair-2007.JPG folsom-street-fair-2007-086.jpg “They invent ways of doing evil” (Romans 1:30); “pony play” perversion on walking display at Folsom. What kind of movement — and city — celebrates human degradation of this sort? (And where is PETA when you need them?)

folsom-street-fair-2007-337.jpg Miller’s full-page ad in the Folsom Street Fair’s program states: “Miller Brewing Company Proudly Sponsors the 2007 Folsom Street Fair.” That was until they got caught and hit with a boycott by the Catholic League — and now the company is rethinking its marketing strategy. Miller’s booth, above, was centrally located at Folsom.

folsom-street-fair-2007-250.jpg We’ll end this segment with one of the “Sisters” … of Perpetual Indulgence, that is, since they greeted Folsom’s comers and goers. (At least one “Sister” was at every entrance.) The rabidly anti-Catholic and Christianity-mocking group — they’d deny that but trust us on this one — was a major beneficiary of this year’s Folsom Fair. The “order” of male drag queen “nuns” has now spread across America and abroad. This burly “novice” is Sister Mary Margaret MayHam of the “Missionary Order of the Grand Canyon Sisters,” in Arizona. The Sisters’ motto is, appropriately, “Go forth and sin some more!”

Catholic League Calls for Boycott of ‘Arrogant’ Miller Beer for Funding Folsom Street Fair and Anti-Catholic ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

miller_logo_leather.jpg Miller Brewing Company has been catering to the perverted sadistic sex movement for years; here they’ve created a “leather” version of their “Miller Lite” logo for use at largely homosexual “S&M” events.

Americans For Truth alerted the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and its director, Bill Donohue, to the Folsom Street Fair’s annual funding of the anti-Christian and Catholic-mocking ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,’ and the now the Catholic League has launched a boycott of Folsom sponsor Miller Brewing Company.

The following statement was issued Wednesday by Donohue and the Catholic League emphasis added):

September 27, 2007

National Boycott of Miller Begins; over 200 Religious Groups Contacted  

Catholic League president Bill Donohue announced a national boycott of Miller Beer on this morning’s “Fox and Friends.” He explains why today:

Never have we experienced greater corporate arrogance than in this dispute with the Miller Brewing Company. Miller is sponsoring an incredibly outrageous and palpably anti-Christian event in San Francisco: the Folsom Street Fair (see its website at and be prepared to see the shocking photos of what goes on). Be sure to access our website at to see the pictures not only of the fair, but of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an anti-Catholic group that is holding a mock Last Supper dinner tonight in San Francisco. The Sisters is one of the organizations that is receiving funding from this Miller-sponsored event.

“This all started when we learned that Miller was sponsoring an event that featured an obscene ad thrashing the Last Supper. After being pressured, Miller offered a lame statement of regret and said it was pulling its logo from the ad. Not only has it not done so—it is still posted on the website of the street fair—Miller refuses to withdraw its sponsorship. To top it off, when we informed them that some of the money being raised at this festival was being funneled to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, they were unimpressed.

“Accordingly, Miller leaves us with no options: we are calling on more than 200 Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu organizations to join with us in a nationwide boycott of Miller beer. We feel confident that once our religious allies kick in, and once the public sees the photos of an event Miller is proudly supporting, the Milwaukee brewery will come to its senses and pull its sponsorship altogether. If it doesn’t, the only winners will be Anheuser Busch and Coors.”

Contact: Miller spokesman Julian Green at

Catholic League Takes on Miller Brewing Company over Sponsorship of Folsom and its Bigoted ‘Sisters’

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

Americans For Truth alerted the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and its director, Bill Donohue, to the Folsom Street Fair’s annual funding of the anti-Christian and Catholic-mocking ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,’ and the now the Catholic League has launched a boycott of Folsom sponsor Miller Brewing Company.

The following statement was issued Wednesday by Donohue and the Catholic League emphasis added):

It Really Is “Miller Time”: Collision Course between Miller and Christians

September 26, 2007

Yesterday [Tuesday], we contacted the Miller Brewing Company protesting an obscene ad for an event it is sponsoring in San Francisco on September 30; the ad for the Folsom Street Fair depicts a sadomasochistic scene where sex toys are placed on the table of the Last Supper, flanked by half-naked homosexuals. Miller now says, “We understand some individuals may find the imagery offensive and we have asked the organizers to remove our logo from the poster effective immediately.”

Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded this way:

“Miller’s response (some might find mocking the Last Supper offensive?), while limp, would normally have been enough to get us off their back. But we have subsequently learned that some of the monies being raised at this event are being funneled to a notoriously anti-Catholic and misogynist group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (click here). After this development was brought to the attention of Miller, spokesman Julian Green responded that Miller was standing by the event. That’s fine with us. We just hope he knows that it really is ‘Miller Time.’

“Tomorrow night, the group that Miller is funding via the festival will hold ‘The Last Supper With the Sisters,’ an event that will ridicule this sacred moment in history. Indeed, on its website it describes this sick stunt as the best way ‘to prepare your mortal flesh for the kinkiest weekend on Earth.’ (Its emphasis.)  On Friday, the Sisters will bring in porn stars to entertain the leather crowd. The big day is on Sunday, or what the Sisters call ‘the biggest and baddest fetish fair fundraiser in the world!’ Pictures from last year’s event (click here) show naked men and women, simulated sex, a huge phallic glass sculpture, etc.

“Apparently, Miller has decided to side with a small band of depraved and bigoted gays against Catholics (25 percent of the population) and Protestants (60 percent of the nation). This is an ethical and marketing fiasco of colossal proportions. I will announce within the next day exactly what our game plan will be. The collision course that Miller wants with Christians is now on.”

FOX News Network Again Sponsors and Recruits at Homosexual Journalists Conference

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Approximately 500 journalists, editors, producers, travel writers, bloggers and other communications workers from homosexual and mainstream media outlets gathered August 30 – September 2 for the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) annual conference.

As at past NLGJA conferences, conservative-leaning Fox News Network was among the sponsors and recruiters.

Titled “Breaking Stories, Breaking Waves,” the convention, held in downtown San Diego’s Westin Horton Plaza hotel, featured a one-day LGBT media summit, six receptions, and more than 50 sessions and workshops ranging from “Covering LGBT Conservatives” (oddly, the Christian-conservative-bashing Wayne Besen was a panelist), to “Will Gays Matter in ’08?” to “Sex Writing for Fun and Profit.”

Attendees included print and broadcast professionals from top U.S. mainstream news agencies such as CNN, Associated Press, ABC/Primetime, NBC, CBS, Fox News Network, Hearst Newspapers, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Bloomberg News, Newsday, the Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, CNBC, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Time Warner/Turner Broadcasting, Washington Post, Hartford Courant, People Magazine, NPR, Clear Channel Communications, Wired Magazine, Cox Enterprises, and USA Today.

Among major homosexual media outlets represented were the Washington Blade, Dallas Voice, San Diego’s Gay and Lesbian Times, GO Magazine, Gay News Watch, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Bay Area Reporter, IN Los Angeles Magazine, Sirius OutQ Radio, CBS News on LOGO, and here! Networks.

Other organizations who sent employees to the convention, according to an attendee directory distributed with the registration package, included Cirque de Soleil; MGM Mirage; USC Annenberg School of Communications; Human Rights Campaign (HRC); Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN); Arizona State University Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication; JetBlue Airways; Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard; several Canadian tourism agencies; Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN); Lambda Legal; Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation; Out and Equal Workplace Advocates; Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Bureau; and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The convention included plenary sessions on the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and immigration issues affecting homosexuals, as well as a general session featuring a conversation with Larry Kramer, founder of the AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT UP), a radical, “in your face” demonstration group that made headlines in December, 1989, for disrupting a Catholic Mass and destroying a consecrated Communion host at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City.

The Canadian Tourism Board was the presenting sponsor for the convention. Other sponsors included JetBlue Airways, CBS News, CNN, ESPN, General Motors, Toyota automobiles, Orbitz, Bloomberg, Coca-Cola,  the Gill Foundation, Sony Pictures and Television, visitBritain, ABC News, Fox News Network, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and the Washington Post.

Among “Career & Community Expo” participants were the Associated Press, Dow Jones, Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation, MGM Mirage, Reuters, Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau, the New York Times, Fox News Network, and NBC Universal.

Other events occurring during the convention included a student projects, a documentary film screening, a “not so silent” auction, 12-step meetings, and a “San Diego Night Out.”

Americans For Truth sent reporter Allyson Smith to the convention for three days, where she attended more than a dozen sessions and raised issues of concern to pro-family advocates — including the biased manner in which “mainstream media” covers homosexuality-related issues. A full report about the sessions that Smith attended will follow in coming days.

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